After hearing Huang Quan's tragic story, Kakawaqiu and Ruan Mei couldn't help but sympathize with her.

He could make a woman lonely and wandering for fifty years to find him.

What a sincere heart, this man deserves to be put into the pig cage.

Even Ruan Mei, who is obsessed with Cheng Yu, understands Huang Quan's obsessive love.

Her love for Cheng Yu can also reach this level.

"If he leaves me before me, I will definitely go crazy."

Ruan Mei murmured affectionately.

Her beloved family has left her, and only the only love left in this world.

She loves Cheng Yu, far more than she likes to study academics.

If Cheng Yu really has an accident, she may completely collapse, or she may be buried with him.

Cheng Yu is gone, the meaning of her existence is gone, and there is no need to stay in this world and waste air.

Time is a punishment for her, she doesn't want to live in such torment.

"Wow, sister Huang Quan, it's so tragic. Fifty years just went by like this. (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)"

"How could this man be so bad! He dumped you even though he was already married."

After hearing Huang Quan's whole story, the affectionate Kakawa Qiu's tears fell for Huang Quan.

"It's a pity that he's dead!"

Huang Quan's words made the two of them dizzy.

"What? If he's dead, then you find him..."

Ruan Mei frowned slightly. The reversal of the matter was a bit too much for her to react.

What's the point of looking for the person you love if he's dead?

Kakawaqiu's head was buzzing after hearing this, and Huang Quan's words made people think that she was a mentally ill person: "He died ⚆_⚆?"

"I know you may not believe it, I have experienced two lives with him."

"In these two lives, he died in front of me. Every death was a painful torment for me."

Huang Quan was also willing to tell the story of Cheng Yu and her to the two of them.

Maybe it was because they found like-minded friends. It didn't matter to say these things, anyway, the person they liked was not the same.

"Could he have the ability to resurrect?"

Ruan Mei felt a little unbelievable, but Huang Quan's expression was not joking at all.

"I guess so. In these two lives, I found a lot of clues."

"The characteristic of his resurrection is that he looks exactly the same, even his facial features and voice are exactly the same, and so are his height and appearance."

Huang Quan continued.

"Could it be some kind of coincidence? There are many people who are the same in this world."

Ruan Mei firmly believes this.

Because the concept of resurrection, even the Star God may not be able to do it.

This process involves many problems that violate the theory. As a life scientist, she may not be able to do this.

"No, the memories of the two lives are combined together, plus this life, he told me personally, and even sent me an email a few days ago."

"This also proves one thing, he is resurrected, and he also knows my only email address, which also confirms his resurrection theory."

As he said, Huang Quan showed the email to the two of them.

Only the selfie of Cheng Yu was not unfolded for the two to see.

"Wow! This is too amazing, there really are people who have been resurrected for several lives!"

Kakawa Qiu's beautiful eyes were full of surprise, but she didn't see any details in the email.

But Ruan Mei still had some doubts in her heart: "Since he contacted you, why didn't he contact you directly?"

Huang Quan paused and said his guess: "Maybe he is very shy! Or, he is hiding a mistress!"


"What's the matter, why did he sneeze a few times in the middle of the day."

Cheng Yu shuddered.

Under the scorching sun, it seemed as if a biting cold wind was blowing on his body.

He didn't understand what happened today, and it seemed that something bad was about to happen.

"I wonder how they are?"

Cheng Yu looked worried.

Grandma Ruan, and Ruan Mei, including Kakawa Qiu who was staying at home.

Although he would be back in half a year, he would try to make a quick decision and find Huang Quan to cheat her blood.

At present, the only way to save Ruan Mei is to rely on Huang Quan.

Other self-destructors can also do it, but Cheng Yu just wants to take a shortcut.

Risk being ruined by Huang Quan and get what he wants.

Just cheat her blood, and his antidote has been almost prepared, except for her blood.

And in this life, he tried not to have any connection with Huang Quan.

Huang Quan is now an extremely high-risk heroine, and all he needs to save Huang Quan is to simulate it again.

"Hello, please help me make an appointment for Feicui to meet."

Walking to the service desk of the headquarters, Cheng Yu took out the privilege card given to him by Diamond and handed it to the front desk staff.

The advantage of this card is that it has the ability to have some privileges of diamond supervisors in the Star Company.

The privilege is only that it is convenient to travel and meet some high-level people who can't be seen.

And what Cheng Yu thought of was Feicui.

This woman is very cunning, and she is also a thorough businessman. She is also one of the leaders of the ten people in Shixin.

The reason why Cheng Yu chose to find her is also very simple. Her business ability is super extensive. Using her ability to find Huangquan is theoretically the fastest.

As long as the price given to her is high enough, she can meet any requirements.

And according to this time period, Feicui's current age is not much different from his, so it is not impossible to negotiate.

"Wait a minute."

The male waiter then left for a while.

Cheng Yu waited silently.

Until half an hour later, the staff at the front desk said respectfully: "Miss Feicui is a little busy now. If it is really urgent, just find her at this address."

"If it's not urgent, you can make an appointment here tomorrow."

The staff then handed the specific address of Feicui to Cheng Yu and let him make his own choice.

"Thank you!"

Cheng Yu nodded, and after getting the address of Feicui, he hesitated and chose to go to the location of Feicui.

When he turned around and left, Ruan Mei and Huang Quan also came to the headquarters together.

Coincidentally, Cheng Yu, who only wanted to find Feicui, lowered his head and looked at the map on his mobile phone.

The city here is so complicated that he needs to analyze it carefully to find the place he wants.

In addition, he was wearing a mask and strange clothes, and the three people who were less than half a meter away passed by him without finding anything unusual.

The most outrageous thing is that the four people didn't say a word at the moment of passing by, and they passed by each other again by coincidence.

If they said a word, I'm afraid they would have entered the finale.

Until Cheng Yu walked away, Ruan Mei said: "This is the headquarters of Star Company! You can find him here"

This is not the first time Ruan Mei has come to this place.

Her mother used to visit this place when she attended the scientific research conference, so the diamond supervisor also gave Ruan Mei an exclusive privilege card for easy entry and exit.

"Is that so? Can we find him?"

Huang Quan took the initiative to walk to the front desk and took out the email address on his mobile phone: "Please help me check the specific location of the owner of this email."

"This..." The male waiter shook his head: "I'm sorry, this is the privacy and security of the guests, I'm sorry I can't do it."

This is the fact. No matter how unethical the Star Company is, it will not sell the privacy of customers.

Even if he is a front desk staff, he understands this truth.

This is not only related to the credibility of the customer, but also to the interests of the company.

Unless... you have to pay more.

"Miss Huang Quan, you can't find the person you want this way."

Even Ruan Mei knew that Huang Quan's approach was not feasible.

Huang Quan still refused to give up, because she only knew this clue.

No matter what the cost, Cheng Yu must dig three feet into the ground to find him.

"Then what can Miss Ruan Mei do?"

For Huang Quan, who was unfamiliar with the place, she could only pin her hope of finding Cheng Yu on Ruan Mei.

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