With an aggressive tone, Cheng Yu suppressed Feicui: "You know her ability. If we really fight, your company may not be able to beat her."

"So domineering!"

Feicui's body trembled. This was the first time she had seen such a fierce man.

He didn't treat her as a human being at all, as if he had awakened some strange habit. She had to shift her perspective to other places to avoid embarrassment.

"Okay, I promise you!"

"Your choice is correct. Believe me, there is absolutely no problem."

"But I have a question. What happened between you and Huang Quan?"

"Uh... You can understand it as three-timing. Huang Quan came thousands of miles to pursue her husband. Anyway, my identity cannot be made public. She is very affectionate."

"You are really a scumbag."

"Whatever you say, anyway, if I die, your company will also lose a level."

"Okay, then you tell me what to do. If I don't get enough benefits, I will never compromise."

"Okay, can we cooperate? I can use other research results in exchange for your help."

"Well, it depends on what you can come up with for me to lie for you."


The two chatted for a long time, and finally Feicui chose to compromise first and had to fall to Cheng Yu, the beastly scumbag.

She didn't want Huang Quan, the time bomb, to explode inside the Star Company.

The company has its own trump card, and Huang Quan has its own strength. It is not necessarily that both sides can get benefits if they fight.

These are not important. The main thing is that Cheng Yu's temptation is good enough for her to lie for Cheng Yu.


Ruan Mei looked at the two mysterious people in surprise.

The two pretended not to know, and Feicui took the initiative to say: "Ms. Huang Quan, I do have news about him."

"Tell me!"

Huang Quan asked anxiously.

"For clues about him, go to my assistant Xiao Cheng!"

"He knows the whereabouts of your man."

Feicui recommended Cheng Yu to Huang Quan.

And this is also the content of the cooperation deal between Cheng Yu and Feicui, and Cheng Yu also satisfied Feicui's greedy and dissatisfied little mouth.


Huang Quan glanced at Cheng Yu wearing a mask in front of him.

A little suspicious, but not much.

Instead of treating him as Cheng Yu, she smiled gratefully and said, "Miss Feicui, please help me."

"What about us?" Ruan Mei, who was ignored, asked, ""

Feicui gave her own answer, "Your man has contacted me. He said that he will contact you at least tomorrow."

"Thank you!"

After the three women got the answers they wanted, they were so happy.

Cheng Yu also thought of his own countermeasures.

And the plan is called luring the tiger away from the mountain.

Guarantee to protect the two heroines and protect his own safety.

Risking his own death, he took the initiative to walk in front of Huang Quan, trying to suppress his startled heartbeat: "Miss Huang Quan, let's talk alone!"


Huang Quan, eager to get news from Cheng Yu, followed him to a remote pavilion.

"Are you looking for him?"

He threw all his selfies to Huang Quan, so that she could fully believe in herself and let go of her doubts about him.

"It's him! Yes, it's him!" Huang Quan's tone was slightly excited, and her speech became incoherent: "Where is he?"

"I can tell you his whereabouts, but I have to negotiate a condition with you!"

"Tell me, as long as you find him, I can accept any condition within my tolerance."

"I want your blood!"


Huang Quan agreed without hesitation.

Cheng Yu smiled triumphantly and took out a needle to start drawing blood.


Huang Quan stopped the action, and Cheng Yu almost knelt down and begged his wife to spare his life.

"Excuse me, what I want to say is, does he have his own woman now?"

During the conversation, her tone suddenly became cold, and the power of nothingness in her body seemed to explode.

"No, no, how could there be!"

Cheng Yu lied to himself, and once again pulled the end of his death to a farther distance.

Huang Quan's "hand-tear scumbag" expression was the same as he thought. Huang Quan's eyes could not tolerate any woman staying by his side.

"It's good that there is none!"

Huang Quan put away his power of nothingness.

The sweet smile on his lips could not help but rise: "After fifty years, he still loves me!"

Talking to himself, intoxicated in the illusory fantasy.

But in Cheng Yu's ears, Cheng Yu's heartbeat was abnormally agitated: "What a terrible Huang Quan."

"Your heart is beating very fast!"

Huang Quan stared straight into the pupils under Cheng Yu's mask.

There was an inexplicable familiarityXigan guided her to reach out and take off his mask: "Is it you?"

Cheng Yu immediately pushed her away: "Sorry, I'm a fictional historian, I can't mess around."

Huang Quan apologized and said: "Really? Sorry, I didn't know you were a fictional historian, I just thought your eyes looked like an acquaintance."

She also knew something about fictional historians.

Once a historian goes against his destiny, the price he brings will be death.

"By the way, if he really has someone he likes, what will you do?"

Out of worry, Cheng Yu chose to test Huang Quan's psychological defenses.

If Huang Quan is willing to accept Kakawaqiu and Ruan Mei, he will choose to expose his identity and take good care of Huang Quan's life.

"Split it in half! Split it vertically!"

Huang Quan answered straightforwardly.

She can't tolerate any woman in her eyes, and her inner world does not allow the setting of a harem.

"Well, what if it's his beloved? Can you give them a chance?"

Cheng Yu tried to make a dying struggle.

But Huang Quan sneered and wiped out Cheng Yu's beautiful fantasy: "Do you think it's possible to let a woman stay for fifty years, and then he lives sweetly with other women?"

Cheng Yu: "This........."

Huang Quan: "If he has women, I will kill them with my own hands in front of him."

Cheng Yu: "............"

He understood, completely understood.

Huang Quan has now completely turned evil, and it is too late for him to persuade him now.

He guessed right, not meeting Huang Quan is the most correct choice.

Only by going back to the past and redeeming again can Huang Quan regain his sanity as much as possible.

Huang Quan no longer has the ending of the harem in her eyes, only the route of the single female protagonist that she has been thinking about.

"Then draw blood!"

Cheng Yu did not hesitate at all, took out a special needle and inserted it into her delicate arm to start drawing Huang Quan's blood.

Huang Quan was silent, watching him draw a tube of black and red blood quietly.

"This is really powerful!"

The irritable blood of nothingness boiled back and forth in the syringe.

He already knew how strong Huang Quan was now.

"So, where is he?"

After Cheng Yu got Huang Quan's blood, she should also find out his whereabouts with Cheng Yu.


Cheng Yu's eyes turned in turn, and he hesitated for a few seconds.

He lied to the end and continued to deceive, saying: "I will take him to this place tomorrow. Is this condition okay?"

However, this is impossible to happen.

After getting Huang Quan's blood, he naturally had to run away.

As for what happened three days later, he could only find a suitable reason to deceive Huang Quan and quietly leave this planet.

After researching the potion, he would leave here with Ruan Mei and Kakawa Qiu tomorrow.

Although he let Huang Quan down a little, he had no choice but to do so.

"Thank you!"

"After tomorrow, I will wait for him here."

Huang Quan expressed his gratitude and then turned and left.

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