"Destruction Envoy, Abundance Envoy, and Preservation Envoy."

"How did these three camps get together to play mahjong!"

Cheng Yu's scalp tingled.

He had never seen any of these Envoys, but he had seen a lot of information about their evil deeds.

Among them, Xing Xiao, the Destruction Envoy, was not like Huanlong, who disintegrated the interior of the planet.

He had his own pioneer destruction corps, and liked to use war to baptize the galaxies with living beings, and use primitive barbarity to achieve his own destruction.

Abundance was similar, but the only force they were hostile to was Xianzhou.

But after seeing Schneider's face, he probably guessed something.

Company, probably came for him.

"What are they doing here?"

Huang Quan's playful expression became unusually serious.

The two stood in front of the three Envoys, and the situation on the battlefield was directly opened.

"You are not here to play mahjong with us, are you? Is it necessary to bring tens of millions of fleets to surround me alone?"

Cheng Yu frowned slightly. With the appearance of three emissaries, things will definitely not be that simple.

Beep beep--

While the few people were still negotiating, Ruan Mei sent a message.

{Ruan Mei: Be careful, the company has launched an arrest of Huang Quan and you. }

{Ruan Mei: I have already sought support, please wait, don't fight with them. }

{Ruan Mei: Wait for me, Cheng Yu, don't...}

Before she finished speaking, the signal of the mobile phone was directly blocked by some kind of interference from the source of the signal.

"Catch the two of us?"

Cheng Yu thought that he had the life equation, which was indeed a great temptation for them.


It is not necessary to launch such a battle, even the two notorious camps of destruction and abundance are invited together.


He looked at Huang Quan with a clenched fist.

He understood.

Their hunting was not just for him, but also for Huang Quan.

In order to confirm his thoughts, he questioned Schneider: "The company sent you to catch us?"

He thought the company was so dark, but he didn't expect them to be so inhumane.

The company has always been neutral towards abundance and destruction, but if they were colluding, the company would not do so.

"I guessed half right, but a large part of it is just my personal desire."

Schneider's old face squeezed out a few crow's feet.

Seeing Huang Quan's face that didn't take people seriously, the anger in his heart could not calm down for a long time.

Now, he, who has been hit hard in his career, has obtained the company's permission to arrest Huang Quan.

The company is openly planning to arrest Huang Quan as a wanted criminal, but in fact he is just a scapegoat for the company's top management.

"Mr. Schneider, do you know what camps the two people standing next to you belong to?"

"A world-destroying Destruction Corps, and a hostile camp of the Immortal Boat, the Fengrao Buli Fleet."

"The company should not allow you to do this. You have been promoted to a senior position, don't you know what you are facing?"

"And is this your will to survive?"

Faced with this situation, Cheng Yu could only not fight for the time being.

If he died, all the advantages he had just won would be gone.

Then, if he could fool these hostile camps away, he would do so.

When the envoys fight, mortals suffer.

Even if Huang Quan is strong, the influence of the envoys is enough to make him drink a pot.

"Protect? Do you think I will slowly accompany those weak civilizations to develop like those diamond strategic departments?"

"Destroy the eliminated civilizations, and let the new civilization continue its own civilization system. This is my will to protect."

"The board of directors actually knows what I have done. In order to catch you, they chose me to deal with this matter."

"And everyone here is my subordinate. I sent all those who are not mine back. In addition, my employees are implanted with brain chip technology. Once there is a rebellion, their brains will explode."

"Plus, the galaxy you are in is a dead star. There is no civilization system for thousands of light years. It is best to deal with you here."

"Of course, surrender is the best, Miss Huang Quan. I don't think you can defeat a few of us. At most, you are a little stronger than the envoy."

He showed his cards and didn't pretend.

Now his ambition is extremely strong. It is a foregone conclusion that he will defeat the two of them.

There is no negotiation. Either suppress by force or surrender.

There are only two choices left for him.

As for Huang Quan, Schneider also disdained him and made corresponding preparations.

In addition to the five cornerstones given to him by the company, he also had a new weapon developed and a hand in destruction and abundance.

Without exception, whether Huang Quan died or not was already a big deal to them.It doesn't matter, as long as the whole body is preserved.

"Mr. Schneider, thank you for cooperating with us Fengrao."

"If you hadn't provided technical support for us to make activated planets, it would not have been easy to capture the Cangcheng Immortal Boat."

"You also know what our needs are. I want to use her blood and weapons to create a world-destroying weapon to fight against the Immortal Boat. Only then will I choose to continue to cooperate with you."

"The attack plan for Fang Hu's Immortal Boat has begun to be prepared. I can plan to use this weapon to establish my Fengrao believers."

The man with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks standing by Schneider smiled funny and funny.

His face resembles a wild monkey, but it is not. It's just that the hair and strange appearance on his body make some people feel nauseous.

But it doesn't prevent this from being an unshakable elite race among the Fengrao people, even comparable to the outstanding Fengrao people such as the Fengrao Wing Makers.

"Okay, we'll split it up after the event."

Schneider agreed.

Because he had no choice, in order to avoid Huang Quan making unnecessary moves to cause losses to the company.

The reason why the company invited him was because his methods were too bad and he could find a way to reduce the company's losses.

Using the two envoys as cannon fodder to test Huang Quan's true strength was one of Schneider and some of the senior executives' plans.

It would be best if Huang Quan was obtained effortlessly, and both sides would suffer losses. Schneider could reap the benefits.

If Huang Quan was too strong, he would be the first to run away.

But if Huang Quan was weak, he would not lose anything. One-third of his blood would be enough for the company to do research.

So, this was a deal that would not lose money.

The company's collusion with Destruction and Abundance was seen by the board of directors.

There were many disputes among them, and some people were very satisfied with Schneider's approach, with more support than opposition.

The procurement department and the development department, including the strategic department Diamond, had no authority to watch this battle.

All relevant news was blocked, and only the board of directors was qualified to watch. They could only wait for Schneider's news to arrive.

"Yes, recently the news of the extinction lord Zhu Luo disappeared without a trace."

"But I am too lazy to care about these. I need her blood to create a monster army to practice destruction."

"Mr. Schneider, I have to add a chip. Her knife makes me feel uneasy, so I want her blood and the knife."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the greedy tone of destruction made Schneider breathless.

It was just because he was interested in Huang Quan's blood, and Huang Quan's Zhao Dao was also his target.

When Huang Quan drew her sword, her power suddenly increased.

This made the company guess whether Huang Quan's power came from the Zhao Dao itself.

"Okay, I promise you! But you have to get it yourself first."

Schneider gritted his teeth and agreed. He did not expect to reach a cooperation.

At the same time, he was sentenced to death. Huang Quan's power was not something that one person could touch.

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