Yu Huang saw it, but he didn't want to talk to the crazy representative of the Destruction Legion.

"It seems that I don't need to show mercy!"

As the rail gun fell, Huang Quan tightly grasped the sword of nothingness, and the infinite power of nothingness burst out when she drew the sword.

Countless desperate pasts appeared in her memory again at the same time.

Her hair turned white at the moment of drawing the sword, and her purple eyes turned into scarlet blood pupils.

The moment the sword was drawn, the time around seemed to be still.

The flying sand and gravel also stopped on Huang Quan's empty timeline.

Even the three envoys didn't realize that time had stopped flowing.

The whole space pulled the blade like a black hole: "Flow, the past sword light."

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the moment the sword was swung reflected the moment of death of the three envoys.

Yu Huang's smiling little face just now was directly cut in half by Huang Quan's sword.

The Destruction Envoys Xing Xiao and Schneider were stunned for a few seconds: "What happened?"

That knife did not stop.

It was like surpassing the speed of light, and it slashed towards the fleet where the Destruction Legion was.

Death was in an instant, until the slash of nothingness hit the scorching sun, and the slash of nothingness stopped.


Nearly one million Destruction warships exploded like brilliant fireworks.

Huang Quan did not show mercy as before, because they had touched her bottom line.

Kill them all, and no one would threaten Cheng Yu.

"Damn it! Schneider, you fucking said it was just a stronger Envoy."

"This knife directly destroyed my million-strong fleet!"

Xing Xiao slapped Schneider in the face, and a tooth fell out.

Schneider endured his anger and continued to fool the two Envoys: "Maybe this is just her strongest attack."

He couldn't provoke these two, because he needed to use them to complete the final performance.

If he failed, his career would end here.

He needed to use these two camps as cannon fodder to constantly test Huang Quan's true strength.

"Damn it!"

Yu Huang's body, which was cut apart, healed and stuck together again.

If it were any other envoy, he would surely die.

But he was Feng Rao, immortal and indestructible, and no envoy could kill him.

But, for the first time, his eyes exuded fear.

Huang Quan's sword of nothingness, the power of nothingness directly devoured Feng Rao's healing ability.

There was no way to offset it, as long as he was chopped into pieces, he would never be able to be reborn again.


A miserable scream came from the outer space.

The three turned their heads to look at the dark sun, and Huang Quan's sword chopped the sun into a huge bottomless black hole with mass collapse.

The fleet closest to the sun could not escape the gravity of the black hole and was directly sucked in and involved.

"You can't defeat me."

"Everyone, go back now, everything is still in time."

Huang Quan stood on the desert ground of the "commanders", looking at them with an attitude of suppressing the past.

If Cheng Yu hadn't been on this planet, she could have smashed the entire fleet of the Legion of Destruction into pieces with this one strike.

This is a warning of the power gap, and it is also Huang Quan who doesn't want to fight against so many unfavorable factors.

But under Schneider's instigation, he just thought that Huang Quan was already at the end of her strength.

"So, who's going to try it?"

Yu Huang, who was hit by a shadow in his heart, asked the two.

Schneider tried to shirk, and Xing Xiao was eager to try Huang Quan's strength.

Maybe Huang Quan really used all his strength in this strike. If so, he can kill Huang Quan alone.

"My lord, let me do it!"

A goat-headed man with red nether fire emanating from his goat's head was eager to try in front of the three envoys.

"Who are you?" Xing Xiao was puzzled.

"I am the Grand Duke of Hellfire Afrit of the Annihilation Gang, and the most loyal subordinate of the benefactor." The Grand Duke of Hellfire introduced himself solemnly, hoping to get the recognition of the Lord of Destruction.

Xing Xiao replied coldly: "I don't know you, just go ahead!"

The Grand Duke of Hellfire remained silent. He had to use his actions to get the recognition of the Destruction Legion and Xing Xiao.

Although he destroyed his own planet with his own hands, he has never been recognized by the Destruction Star God. Some people even joked that he was not as good as a child smashing a vase.

Because the fate of destruction is to practice destruction thoroughly.

The Grand Duke of Hellfire carried a trace of selfish desire, and the Annihilation Gang he led burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of evil.

This has completely violated the fate of destruction and will never be recognized by the Star God.

"Okay, sir, I won't let you down."

As he said that, he led his millions of elite men to rush to the central battlefield of Huangquan.

Huangquan looked at the millions of remnants of the Annihilation Gang and the Grand Duke of Hellfire rushing to the battlefield.field.

He still spoke coldly: "Leave now, no need to cause casualties."

"Miss Huang Quan, you should use your full strength, right?"

"I know about the self-destructors. Once the power of nothingness is used, there will be a period of time when it will refute itself."

"Now, can't you swing that knife again?"

Underworld Fire Grand Duke explained seriously.

He knew about the self-destructors. Every time they used their power, they would be backfired by nothingness and fall into a lost state.

Huang Quan used the power of nothingness on such a large scale, and the backlash time was probably still adapting.

In other words, she couldn't burst out the power of nothingness, and now was the best time to kill her.

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