Chapter 541 New Experiment

"We already have some information about the Red Umbrella Organization, but their size and power are far beyond our imagination!" Lu Li frowned. He knew that to deal with such a powerful enemy, a more thorough plan was needed.

"We must find their weaknesses and then concentrate our firepower to attack them!" Asuka's voice was firm and decisive, and her eyes shone with determination.

"340" Katsuragi Misato was thinking silently on the sidelines. She knew that in this battle, every ten decisions might be related to the life and death of countless people.

Lu Li, Asuka and Misato Katsuragi compiled the intelligence they collected into reports, and then walked towards the headquarters building.

Entering the building, they saw that the senior officials of the headquarters were already seated, waiting for their reports with solemn faces.

Lu Li handed the document in his hand to the person in charge, and then began to describe their findings.

"Based on our investigation and analysis, we found that the Red Umbrella Organization is carrying out a plan!" Lu Li's voice was calm and firm: "This plan involves biochemical engineering, and they are developing a new type of biological weapon!"

"Biological weapons?" A senior executive in the conference room said with a gloomy face: "This is too dangerous!"

"Yes, once this kind of biological weapon is mastered by the Red Umbrella Organization, it will bring immeasurable disaster!" Asuka continued: "We must take action to stop their conspiracy!"

Misato Katsuragi added: “In addition to biochemical engineering, we also found some information related to high technology.

The Red Umbrella Organization may have technological capabilities beyond our imagination!”

The atmosphere in the conference room became more and more solemn, and the senior officials fell into deep thought.

They know that in the face of such a powerful and mysterious enemy, any rash action may bring disastrous consequences.

"We must formulate a detailed action plan!" A senior executive finally said: "We cannot sit idly by and let the Red Umbrella Organization continue to act recklessly!"

Lu Li, Asuka and Misato Katsuragi expressed their opinions in the meeting [discussing strategies for dealing with the Red Umbrella Organization.

They are determined to go all out and protect world peace and security at all costs.

The meeting lasted several hours and finally reached a consensus.

They will form a special operations team to conduct an in-depth investigation into the secret base of the Red Umbrella Organization, striving to destroy this organization that threatens the world as soon as possible...

When leaving the conference room, Lu Li, Asuka and Misato Katsuragi were filled with confidence and determination.

They know that the road ahead is full of difficulties and dangers, but they are willing to fight to the end for world peace.

After finishing in the conference room, Lu Li, Asuka and Misato Katsuragi immediately returned to their work area and began to prepare the action plan of the special operations team.

They summarized all the collected intelligence and conducted systematic analysis in order to better understand the activities and whereabouts of the Red Umbrella organization.

"According to the latest intelligence, we have identified a secret base of the Red Umbrella Organization!" Lu Li turned on his computer and projected a confidential document onto the screen. 4.1: "This is an underground laboratory located underground in the city. It is said that they are The main place for conducting biochemical experiments!”

Asuka frowned and studied the information on the screen seriously.

"This underground laboratory has multiple security measures, and we need to be fully prepared before entering!" She said: "Their technical strength is beyond imagination, and we must deal with it carefully!"


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