"Yes, who are you?" Asuka asked, her hand quietly moving to the weapon beside her.

"I'm here to help you!" the man said, his tone calm: "I know you are tracking down the Red Umbrella Organization, and I have some information to provide you!"

The members of the special operations team looked at each other, wondering whether they should believe this stranger.

"Sorry, we don't know you. If we want to cooperate, let's forget it!"

Lu Li refused without thinking.

The man smiled slightly, turned and left.

Later, in the violent storm, the special operations team struggled to move forward. Their clothes were blown by the wind and their bodies were soaked by the rain.

In the dark night, lightning flashed across the sky from time to time, illuminating their path forward, as if guiding their direction.

"We have to find a shelter to escape the wind and rain!" Misato Katsuragi shouted, her voice almost drowned by the wind~.

Lu Li nodded and looked around, looking for a suitable hiding place.

Suddenly, he discovered an abandoned hut in the distance. Although it looked dilapidated, it could still be used as a temporary shelter.

"Over there!" Lu Li shouted loudly, and then led everyone towards the hut quickly.

They stepped into the hut and found that it was in a dilapidated state, with pieces of broken furniture and some stains scattered on the ground.

Misato Katsuragi pulled a piece of shabby cloth and tried to hang it on the window to block the wind and rain, while Asuka was searching for anything that could be used to light a fire.

"This place seems to be a bit old!" Misato Katsuragi said softly, and she planned to take a rest here while waiting for the storm to pass.

Lu Li looked around the room and found a dusty table with a notebook on it.

He walked over, gently dusted off the dust on it, and opened the notebook, which contained some vague words.

"What is this?" Asuka walked over curiously, and she was also interested in the contents of the notebook.

Lu Li frowned and studied the contents of the notebook carefully.

"It seems like this is someone's diary, but the writing is so blurry that I can only make out some fragments!"

"Maybe there are clues about the Red Umbrella Organization!" Misato Katsuragi said. She knew that the information came from various channels.


"Let's take a short break and wait for the weather to improve before we move on!" Lu Li suggested. He thought it would be a good choice to rest in this abandoned hut for a while.

The special operations team then found a quiet corner in the hut and began to rest. At the same time, they continued to study the notebook in their hands, hoping to find more useful clues.

Inside the hut, time seemed to become slow and heavy, as if in stark contrast to the violent storm outside.

Lu Li studied the notebook in his hand intently, trying to decipher the blurry words in it, while everyone else found a comfortable place to rest in the hut.

Asuka sat aside, her eyes focused and agile, holding a dead branch in her hand, and kept drawing abstract symbols on the ground, as if she was thinking about something.

Misato Katsuragi was sitting in the other corner. She took out an old diary and began to read through it.

"Lu Li, have you discovered anything?" Misato Katsuragi asked curiously. She hoped that Lu Li could find some useful clues. .

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