"Don't laugh!"

This time, Hill was even more embarrassed and ashamed.

She stared at Fang Kuai Ren, her face flushed, as if she was going to fight him to the death.

""No, no."

Although the smile on the square man's face stopped, the smile in his eyes could not be hidden.

Not to mention, Xi'er is really cute like this.

"Forget it, let me tell you something serious.

Then, Xier suppressed her shame and anger and said


Hearing this, Fang Kuai Ren also became serious.

"Is what you just said true?"

Xier lowered her voice and confirmed with Fangkuai Ren.

"Of course it's true. Is there anything you want to buy in the upper area?"

Fang Kuai Ren nodded. He understood what Xier meant.

"It's not me."

Xier denied, and then gave Fangkuairen a look.

Fangkuairen understood immediately.

"Sambo, I have something to take care of."

"We'll set off when we're ready. See you later."

Then, Fangkuairen said hello to Sangbo and left with Xier.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here.……"

After saying goodbye to Sambo, the two came to Natasha's clinic

"Natasha usually asks us to use the earth marrow to exchange some things with people in the upper area."

"But those materials seem to be under control. Even if they can be exchanged, the quantity is very small.……"

The two chatted briefly on the way.

Fang Kuai Ren roughly understood what Xier meant.

After arriving at Natasha's clinic, Xier told her about Fang Kuai Ren's condition.

"Square kernel, huh?"

"Hello, I heard about you from Oleg."

Natasha took the initiative to come forward and get to know Fang Kuairen.

"If you can really help me purchase the supplies I need, that would be great!"

Then, Natasha said happily.

"I will help within my ability."

Fang Kuai Ren didn't say too much, just said he would try his best.

He had a good impression of Natasha.

Moreover, others might not know Natasha's identity, but Fang Kuai Ren knew that she was the actual boss of the entire Earth Fire.

If he had a good relationship with Natasha, it would be much easier to borrow the power of the Earth Fire in the future.

"Thank you very much."

"This is the list of supplies I need."

Natasha said, and directly listed a list of supplies and handed it to Fang Kuai Ren.

At the same time, there was a letter under the list of supplies.

"This is……"

Fang Kuai Ren took the letter in his hand and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Before he could ask, Natasha gave him the answer directly.

"This letter is to my parents, the directors of the Belloberg Hospital."

"I would like you to pass it on to them for me, and they can also help find all the supplies here."

Natasha explained.

""Oh, I see."

Fang Kuai Ren nodded.

After receiving the list of supplies, he couldn't help but check the various supplies on it.

Most of the items on the list were various medicines, among which the most in demand were painkillers.

"You may not know that the medical conditions in the lower classes are limited and many diseases are actually untreatable."

"Therefore, most of the time, miners have to bear the pain on their own."

"At this time, painkillers are very important."

Natasha seemed to see Fang Kuairen's doubts and explained.


Hearing this, Fang Kuai Ren could not help but be silent for a moment, then nodded in understanding.

He could only say that he felt a sense of silence for the people in the lower district.

"If there is nothing else……"

"Wait a minute."

Just when Fang Kuai Ren was about to say goodbye and leave, Natasha suddenly called him back.

"Anything else?"

""Can you come with me?"

Natasha said, and took Fangkuairen to an intensive care unit.

At this time, there were not many patients in the intensive care unit.

It was simple. In the lower area where there was a shortage of medical care and medicine, once a patient entered the intensive care unit, it basically meant that he had no chance of being saved.

Therefore, the intensive care unit was empty most of the time.

At the same time, Xier watched Natasha take Fangkuairen away.

"What are they doing?"

Although she was a little confused, she didn't pay too much attention and didn't follow them.

I guess Natasha was looking for Fang Kuairen for something.

"Come, I'll help you, be careful……"

While waiting, Xier also took the initiative to help the nurses in the clinic and take care of the wounded around them.

At the same time, in the intensive care unit,

Natasha took out a small purse from behind her, which contained a bag full of Winter City shields.

"I have another favor to ask of you."

"I would like to ask you to help me find out about my brother Wah after you get to the upper district."

Natasha said with a bit of earnestness in her eyes.

Before this, she had actually asked Sangbo to help find him.

Unfortunately, she had not found any news about her brother until now.

She now placed her hope on Fang Kuai Ren, hoping that he could find out.

After all, Fang Kuai Ren was originally from the upper district, and he should know more about the situation there.


Cube Man frowned slightly. Where can he find it?

Although he was from the upper district in name, he had never lived in Beloberg for even a day.

After crossing over, he had been staying in the snowfield.

He really didn't know as much about Beloberg as Sambo.

Natasha seemed to see the hesitation in Cube Man's eyes.

"Even if you can't find it, it doesn't matter. These are the fees for your help in moving the supplies."

Then, she said very sincerely.

However, Fang Kuai Ren still didn't take it.

Instead, he pushed the bag of Winter City Shield back to Natasha and didn't accept it.

"I'd better wait until I get some relevant information before asking for it."

Then, Fangkuairen shook his head and explained.

It was not easy for Natasha to save so many Winter City shields.

Many times, the miners in the lower areas had no money to treat their illnesses. Some even lost their livelihoods after being injured, let alone spending money on medical treatment.

Faced with such a situation, Natasha would not ignore it.

Therefore, Natasha paid for their medical treatment most of the time.

As a result, Natasha herself was not rich.

She didn't know how long it would take to save up such a small bag of Winter City shields.

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