While the three members of the train crew were still discussing in the house,

Fangkuai Ren had already come back after a stroll outside.

However, after he came back, he did not enter the room.

Instead, he got a stone outside the house and stayed outside.

As for Sangbo, after he went out with Fangkuai Ren, he disappeared again.

Fangkuai Ren didn't know where he went.

According to Fangkuai Ren's estimation, Sangbo should have returned along the original route to look for his wallet, right?

And during the time that Fangkuai Ren was sitting outside the house, he was not completely idle.

He took out the book he had caught in the fountain.

"《Belloberg's Basic Textbook of Mechanical Power》……"

Fang Kuai Ren glanced at the title of the book, then flipped open the book.

The moment he opened the book, countless messages began to appear on Fang Kuai Ren's system.

【Ding! The Industrial Age module is unlocking! Unlock progress 0.1%! 】

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Industrial Age Module... good stuff!"

"���After fully unlocking this module, can I also give myself a quantum suit or something in the future?"

Fangkuai Ren couldn't help but look forward to it.

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked forward to the time when he would wear a quantum suit in the future and then appear in a domineering manner.

Of course, this is just one of them!

The Industrial Age module is definitely not just as simple as helping him build a quantum suit.

By then, with the help of this module, he might be able to build and arm a mechanical army, which is not impossible!

By then, he can wave his hand and the army will go wherever it wants!

That feeling, just thinking about it is great!

However, for now, the unlocking progress of the Industrial Age module is too little.

Although it can be unlocked by reading books, it only adds 0.1% of the unlocking progress each time, which is really too little.

Just like the module of Mysterious Island, it sounds pretty cool, but before it is fully unlocked, it is just a bunch of data.

I can only say that the future is promising.

"Oh~ It seems that I have to plan my reading time more carefully in the future.……"

Thinking of this, Fangkuairen suddenly felt a dull pain in his liver.

There was no sign of unlocking the Mysterious Island module yet, and now he had to work on the Industrial Age module.

The key is that each time he unlocked only a little bit of progress.

What's the point of sending away beggars?!

He didn't know when he would have to wait to completely unlock these two modules.


Soon after, Sanyueqi and the others came out.

They saw Fangkuairen sitting on a stone reading a book.

"Have you finished discussing it?"

"So how did you guys discuss it?"

Seeing this, Fang Kuai Ren put down the book in his hand and asked curiously

"Well... we haven't come to any conclusion yet."

Hearing this, Sanyueqi said a little embarrassedly.

Instead, they were hoping that Fangkuairen could give them some information.

"According to the current situation, we can only continue to search for clues in the lower area."

Dan Heng said coldly, his eyes stayed on Fangkuai Ren.

He seemed to want to find something from Fangkuai Ren.

The three people in the train group wanted to go back to the upper area, but they were still wanted.

If they went back to the upper area, it would be like a sheep walking into the tiger's mouth.

There was no other way to continue looking for clues about the star core in the lower area.

As for Xing, he also looked at Fangkuai Ren with great curiosity, but his eyes were more focused on the iron lump behind him - the iron golem.

"What is this?"

Out of curiosity, Xing walked closer to observe.

The moment she saw the iron golem, she was attracted by this strange-looking big guy.


Then, Xing even knocked on it twice.

"This big guy is actually solid!"

Xing felt the silent sound after hitting the iron golem and couldn't help but exclaimed.

How heavy is such a big guy?!

It's heavy, but how does it work?!!

Fangkuai Ren seemed to see that Xing was very interested in his iron golem.

"How is it? Not bad, right? This is the iron golem I made."

Then, Fangkuai Ren proudly introduced it to Xing.

"You made this?"

"It feels great!"

Now, Xing became even more curious about the Iron Golem.

"Can you still make this kind of iron golem?"

"Can you give me one?"

Xing blinked and then asked

"Of course, I won't take your iron golem for nothing."

"I can exchange the light cone with you."

After a pause, Xing added:

"Light cone……"

Hearing this, Fang Kuai Ren repeated softly:


"Fangkuairen, you are also a destiny walker, right?"

"Although I feel your ability is a bit strange, using the light cone should still be of some help to you."

Xing nodded and said.

She had just boarded the Star Dome Train for a short time, and she didn't have anything valuable on her.

The only thing that was still valuable was probably the light cones on her.

After all, Xing participated in the Black Tower's experiment.

So, she had quite a few light cones made by the Black Tower.

Although those five-star light cones couldn't be exchanged, there were still four-star and three-star ones!

After all, not all of the light cones in the Black Tower were five-star, there were also quite a few four-star and three-star ones.

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