Of course, as the exclusive maid of Cube Ren,

Bronya can only help with housework at most.

Or serve tea and water.

Those who think wrongly should face the wall.

Before, when Bronya was still a captive, Cube Ren provided her with good food and drink. He even felt embarrassed to provide for the little girl.

After a long period of contact,

Bronya also found that Cube Ren and the people in the train group were not bad.

In addition, she also gradually realized how miserable the lower district was now.

Later, for some unknown reason,

Bronya became Cube Ren's"maid".

And took the initiative to undertake the tasks that a maid should do.

One day, in a mine in the abandoned mining area

"Another day of little gain……"

Fang Kuairen looked at his backpack and felt a little desperate.

More than half a month had passed, and he only had more than four sets of iron blocks in his backpack.

And this was the result of his continuous mining day and night.

It can only be said that the power of one person is too limited.

If he continues to dig at this rate, he doesn't know when he will be able to dig.

You know, if you want to make the giant iron golem he had imagined before, you have to prepare at least several hundred sets of iron blocks.

And now, he has only collected less than 1%.

Just like the few modules that he has partially unlocked, at present, it is just a hope.

"Fang Kuai Ren, you dig like this all day long, it's tiring to watch"

"How about we come and help you?"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi, who was watching from the side, offered to come up and help.

"No, I can do it myself."

"You just need to cheer for me from the side."

Fangkuai Ren waved his hand and directly rejected Sanyueqi.

It's not that he didn't want Sanyueqi to help with the work. It 's just that even if Sanyueqi helped, it would be useless.

After all, Fangkuai Ren is a cube man.

He has a special physique, but Sanyueqi and the others can't.

They can't use the pickaxe on the ground to dig out the ready-made materials like Fangkuai Ren.

Fangkuai Ren also thought about using achievement points to materialize the stone pickaxe he made, not to mention how many achievement points would be wasted by doing so.

He found that the wooden draft after materialization became a prop in reality and could not be used.

To be precise, it can't help him dig materials like the stone pickaxe in the MC world.

Moreover, the stone pickaxe after materialization is still very heavy.

At the very least, it is difficult for ordinary people to lift it.

So, Fangkuai Ren directly passed this idea.

"Oh~ It's boring to watch like this all day without being able to work"

"Just let me play for a while."

Sanyueqi didn't take Fangkuairen's dissuasion to heart and continued to come over.

They were bored like this every day, and they were also very bored.

"All right then."

In response, Fangkuai Ren had no choice but to nod his head.

Then he threw the pickaxe in his hand to Sanyueqi.

Anyway, there would be no result if he gave it a try, so he would just take a break.

But Sanyueqi had different ideas.

She had seen Fangkuai Ren holding this pickaxe before, and a pit would be made when he knocked on the ground, and there were a lot of materials.

Sanyueqi was itching to try it out, and she had wanted to give it a try for a long time.

Now, she finally had the chance.

Then, Sanyueqi took the golden pickaxe in the MC world and walked to the place where Fangkuai Ren was digging just now.

Seeing this, Xing and Bronya cast curious eyes.

"Watch me!"

The next moment, March 7th used a pickaxe to dig down.


The wall of the mine in front of him was broken, and a pit appeared, with some materials.

This situation was no different from when Fangkuairen mined before.


This time, it was Fangkuairen's turn to be stunned.

What's going on?!

Why can March Seven use his pickaxe?!

It turns out that it still has the effect of the mc world?!

Could it be that the conflict between the rules of the mc world and the real world no longer exists?!

No, it shouldn't be...

For a moment, Fangkuairen couldn't help but fall into silence.

After a moment, he suddenly realized that he had overlooked a very important thing.

That is his own erosion!

His erosion can erode the surrounding environment.

Fangkuairen has been in the abandoned mining area for so long that the surrounding environment has long been eroded by him.

Now, it is estimated that it has been assimilated into the mc world.

Therefore, when March Seven uses his golden pickaxe, that pickaxe will produce the same effect.

If it is changed to a place that has not been eroded, the result will be different.

"Bronya, Star"

"You guys try to see if you can mine?"

Then, Fangkuai Ren called Xing and Bronya.

He threw a stone pickaxe to them.

It didn't need to be too good. He just needed to do an experiment.

"Okay, I'll try it!"

"You are such a weird person. You just didn't let us mine."

Although Bronya and Xing were a little surprised, they didn't refuse.

Immediately, the two of them also started to mine like March Seven.

Bang! Bang!

The next moment, the stone picks in Bronya and Xing's hands also produced the same effect.

As expected, the props made by oneself can indeed be used by others! However

, the premise is that they can be used in the area that has been eroded by oneself.

""Haha... cool!"

For a moment, excitement surged into Fang Kuairen's heart. He was so happy.

He had accidentally discovered the true effect of erosion.

It was just like accidentally discovering a game bug. He was excited no matter how he thought about it!

"Fangkuairen, your pickaxe is pretty good.���Used"

"Can you sell this to me?"

At this moment, Sanyueqi was fiddling with the golden pickaxe in his hand and couldn't help asking.

"This one is not for sale!"

Fangkuai Ren answered directly.

Like the iron golem,

Fangkuai Ren, as the maker of these pickaxes, has absolute control over them.

Although Sanyueqi and Xing are using them very smoothly now, as long as Fangkuai Ren has a thought, the pickaxes in their hands will lose their effectiveness.

Then they will become ordinary tools and they will not be able to continue mining.

In this way, Fangkuai Ren will not be afraid of others using his pickaxes to mess around. So

, a bold idea began to emerge in Fangkuai Ren's mind.

"Can I make some pickaxes and let others help me mine?……"

Fangkuai Ren thought to himself.

He is in urgent need of a batch of high-quality parus, oh no, it's a mining slave!

Well... that's not right, to be precise, it's miners.

With these miners to help him mine, he can solve the problem of the scarcity of iron blocks.

In addition, Fangkuai Ren can also free up his hands.

At that time, he can study the puppetry of mustard with peace of mind.

After all, this puppetry is still a bit difficult to learn.

What energy, runes, and structure, as well as the internal structure of the puppet, etc., all need to be understood and learned one by one.

With Fangkuai Ren's current level of puppetry, it is estimated that he can only make a clay puppet for fun.

Iron golems are standard products and are not included in them.

Don't wait until the materials are gathered by then, because with your own level of puppetry, you can't make that big guy.

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