Clara kept hesitating between going in and not going in.

She stood at the door of Fangkuairen's hut, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Clara actually wanted to go in and find Fangkuairen.

But before that, she had troubled Fangkuairen for a while in obtaining the materials of the mechanical settlement.

This was a great help to Clara and the entire mechanical settlement.

If it wasn't something particularly necessary, the shy Clara didn't want to bother Fangkuairen again.

But this time it was different, it was Swarro who wanted to see Fangkuairen.

So Clara bit the bullet and came to find Fangkuairen.

But when she arrived at the door, she still didn't know how to open the mouth.

As for why Swarro wanted to find Fangkuairen... it was because after getting the news about Fangkuairen that day,

Swarro had been constantly calculating.

At the beginning, every time Swarro made a calculation, he found a variable and calculated it wrong.

No matter how many times he recalculated, it was the same result.

But Swarro didn't give up. Since the calculation was wrong, he kept calculating.

As the miners continued to go down the mines in the past two days, they brought back more and more information about the cube kernel.

Although Swarovski still made a wrong calculation, he got some very useful data before the calculation error.

Until today, when he recalculated this time,

Swarovski’s calculation results finally did not have any errors.

"If the calculation is correct and the data is accurate, the cube can change Beloberg and Yalilo No. 6 and bring them back to life!!"

After getting this result, Swarovski stopped calculating.

"The calculation is correct! The data is accurate! The calculation is correct……"

He kept repeating this sentence, and a wave of emotion from the robot seemed to be constantly surging.

Although Swarovski had been suppressing himself, making him look no different from usual.

But Clara, who had already become a family with Swarovski, could still see it at a glance.

Swarovski was excited, really excited!

He seemed to be excited that the entire Beloberg could continue to exist!!

At the same time, March Seven and Xing had played enough outside today.

"Dark Lord Hook, let's stop here for today."

"Xing and I will come back some other day to play hide-and-seek with you guys, okay?"

Sanyueqi and Xing said to the three little kids in front of them.

"Well, let's come here tomorrow. Whoever doesn't come is a coward!"

Although Hook didn't have enough fun, he didn't pester March Seven and Star.

"All right"

"Goodbye then, Hook!"

"I told you to call me Lord Dark Hook!"

"Goodbye, Lord Dark Hook……"

After bidding farewell to the dark Lord Hook, March Seven and Star returned to the abandoned mine.

They happened to meet Clara who was still wandering at the door.

"Clara? Why are you here? Who is looking for Fangkuairen?!"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi was a little surprised, and then walked up to ask.

They didn't just play these days, at least they still recognized everyone in the town.

"Yes, yes, Clara is here to see her big brother.

Although Clara was a little hesitant, she still nodded.

"Big brother is very busy every day, Clara doesn't want to bother him anymore"

"But Mr. Swarlow wanted to invite the older brother over, so Clara came again.……"

As she spoke, Clara became more and more embarrassed, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

Her whole face was flushed.

"Then why don't you go in?"

Seeing this, Xing couldn't help but ask

"Clara has troubled her big brother a lot, and this time she doesn't know how to speak……"

Clara replied quietly

"What is this?!"

"Come, I'll take you in!"

Hearing this, Xing patted her chest directly. As she spoke, she took Clara's hand and walked into the house.

The door was closed at the moment.


Then, Xing kicked the door without saying a word.

The door was kicked open.

What came into view was Fangkuairen who was making a stone puppet.

At the same time, the stone puppet was about to be successfully made by himself.

But suddenly, the door was kicked open by Xing.

Fangkuairen's puppet-making process was also interrupted.

This time, the work that was about to succeed was directly declared a failure!

The next moment, after Fangkuairen failed to make the stone puppet.

The cobblestones and pumpkin materials in front of him also turned into a piece of data and disappeared.

"Depend on!"

"If you don't punish him for three days, he will tear off the tiles on the roof!"

Fang Kuai Ren turned his head and looked at Xing angrily.

"Well, what?"

"Suddenly I remembered that there are still some things that have not been dealt with.……"

Just by looking at Fang Kuai Ren's expression, Xing knew she was in trouble.

Something was wrong, and she was ready to run away immediately.

"Want to run?! Too late!"

"If you do something wrong, you must take responsibility!"

Seeing that Xing had already turned around and ran several meters away,

Fang Kuai Ren threw out the rope, put it on Xing's body, and pulled him back.

Then, Xing was pressed on his legs by Fang Kuai Ren.

"I finally succeeded in making the stone puppet!"

"I finally succeeded in making the stone puppet!"

"Just like that!"

"Just gone.……"

Every time Fangkuai Ren shouted, he slapped Xing on the butt.

Snap! Snap! Snap...

The loud sounds could be heard throughout the whole house.

Why did he kick the door at this time?

Now, the stone golem that was about to be successfully made was interrupted.

You know, after the first stone golem is successfully made, it can be directly included in the module.

In that case, when he makes the next stone golem, he won't have to work so hard as this time.

But now, all the efforts just now are in vain.

Everything has to be made from scratch.

Even the materials used to make the stone golem just now have been scrapped.


Xing bit her lip, covered her buttocks, and struggled.

She also knew that she was in the wrong, interrupting Fang Kuai Ren's stone puppet making.

Now, he failed.

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