Originally, Screw-Gum was still skeptical about the information that Black Tower told him.

But when he saw Cube Ren, Screw-Gum was sure.

What Black Tower said was true!

Thinking of this, Screw-Gum could not help but carefully feel the components in his body that were gradually disappearing and merging with himself.

In fact, it was not accidental that he met Cube Ren this time, but he came to see the young god mentioned by Black Tower.

After seeing Cube Ren,

Screw-Gum tried to check and calculate the essence of Cube Ren, but he did not expect to be contaminated by the rules floating around Cube Ren.

He did not blame Cube Ren, because Screw-Gum had already prepared himself before checking.

If Screw-Gum is the king of inorganic life, then Cube Ren is the supreme master of cubes!

How can a king and a master be compared?!

And offending the supreme master will cost you a price!!!

Then, Screw-Gum walked towards Black Tower's office in silence.

No one knew what he was thinking...

At the same time, Fangkuai Ren and Sanyueqi didn't think much about it as they watched Screw Gumu leave.

"Let's go, let's go somewhere else."

Immediately, Fangkuai Ren said to the other people, and took the three girls to play in other places in the space station.

Fangkuai Ren didn't want to care about the purpose of Screw Gumu coming to find him. Why think so much all day?!

They came to play, not to suffer.

Thinking too much will only make you feel physically and mentally exhausted, and even play will not be enjoyable.

Isn't it better to put everything aside and have fun?!!

""Fangkuai Ren, you probably haven't been to the platform yet, how about I take you to the platform of the space station, it should be fun there."

At this time, Xing suddenly suggested.

He also took the initiative to be Fangkuai Ren's guide, and his enthusiasm was completely different from the original Xing.


Fang Kuairen frowned, thought for a moment, and then understood.

"Are you trying to take me to the platform? I don't even want to expose you!"

Then, Fangkuai Ren glanced at Xing and said.

It was not because of anything else, but because Ruan Mei was on the platform.

Xing was so eager to take Fangkuai Ren to the platform, what did she want to do? The meaning is self-evident, right?!

"Let's go, let's go, it's really fun over there, I'm not lying to you."

Hearing this, Xing laughed and said.

But Fangkuai Ren guessed that Xing himself had never been to the platform, and he told him that it was fun over there.

This ability to lie with open eyes is really unique. Sanyueqi and Xi'er looked at Xing with contempt.

However, they really wanted to go with Xing to find Ruan Mei.

"Let's go, find Ruan Mei as soon as possible, and hatch the dragon egg as soon as possible"

"Hehe! I am looking forward to it more and more."

March Seven and Xier said.

They also wanted to see if they could hatch the ender dragon egg.

As for why they had to bring Fangkuai Ren along, it was because everyone saw that Heita and the others had a special attitude towards Fangkuai Ren.

Xing took March Seven and Xier to find Ruan Mei, but Ruan Mei might not help them.

But if they took Fangkuai Ren with them, the success rate would be greatly increased.

Fangkuai Ren wanted to complain that he was really treated as a buff by March Seven and the others, right?!

However, even though he was speechless,

Fangkuai Ren still brought March Seven, Xier and Xing to the platform.

Even if he didn't go to find Ruan Mei, it would be good to come here for a walk. They were just staying on the train.

They came out on this trip to walk around and take a walk.

At the same time, on the platform of the space station,

Ruan Mei was standing on the platform with a plate of pastries in her hand.

She was quietly looking at the starry sky outside the window, as if waiting for someone to visit.

A long time ago, she received a message from the Black Tower, and learned about the square kernel from the Black Tower.

At the same time, Ruan Mei also knew that Xing hoped she could do him a favor.

From what the Black Tower said, it seemed that Xing had obtained an egg of life that was adapting to the rules of this world.

It seemed to be a dragon egg.

Ruan Mei was also very much looking forward to this.

"What would life be like outside this world?……"

She murmured.

Ruan Mei really wanted to see the life that was not in this world, or even in the world that was not on the tree of existence.

The more proficient she was in exploring life, the more she found that people had limits.

Or only by becoming a god could one truly understand the mystery of life.

And what kind of life structure does a god have?!

Ruan Mei was very curious about this.

In the past years, Ruan Mei had seen star gods.

But this was the first time she had met a god that she could get so close to and have enough time to contact.

However, curiosity aside,

Ruan Mei would not subconsciously analyze and resolve the existence of the calculator Cube Ren like Screw Gumu.

This was not to say that Ruan Mei was more cautious than Screw Gumu, but because of the limitations of mechanical life, it would subconsciously collect data around it and then perform calculations.

But Ruan Mei was not a mechanical life, and would not do such a thing.

If she wanted to study and understand God, she would at most analyze and study by collecting information that was scattered around Cube Ren.

Because Ruan Mei knew that the more powerful the life, the more serious the impact on the surrounding ecology.

A powerful god could even affect the world where He was!

Although Fangkuai Ren is a young god, he will not be an exception.

Ruan Mei is very clear-headed.

It is not a wise behavior to spy on a god rashly.

After learning from the Black Tower that Fangkuai Ren and Xing had something to find her,

Ruan Mei also waited directly on the platform.

Quietly waiting for Fangkuai Ren and his arrival.

The cakes in Ruan Mei's hand were naturally prepared for Fangkuai Ren and his friends.

If we only look at her attitude and behavior,

Ruan Mei is undoubtedly very polite and respectful.

However, under this politeness and respect, there is an incomparable madness.

That is enough to make Ruan Mei bet everything on madness!!

From the Black Tower's respect for Fangkuai Ren, to Screw Gumu's exploration of Fangkuai Ren, and Ruan Mei's madness.

These three geniuses, each has his own ideas.

But no matter who it is, they dare not really offend Fangkuai Ren.

After all, even if Fangkuai Ren is a young god, he is still a god!

And the power of God, as those who have met Xing God, they understand and know it best.

No one dared to touch the minefield and really cross the red line. They even tried to stop others from approaching the red line.

"Ruan Mei lives here, right?"

After arriving at the platform, Xing couldn't help but ask Sanyueqi next to her.

She looked at the message on her phone and saw that the location sent by the Black Tower was nearby.

Xing was already impatient and wanted Ruan Mei to help her hatch the Ender Dragon egg.

"Didn't you say you've been here?"

"You said it was fun here, so why haven't you been here before?!"

Hearing this, Fang Kuai Ren mercilessly exposed Xing.

He remembered that Xing wanted to be his guide just now.

"I, that, just because I've been here doesn't mean I know Ruan Mei is here?!"

Xing was choked for a moment, and then she said confidently.

After that, she didn't give Fang Kuai Ren a chance to continue asking, and walked forward first.

However, she was blocked soon.

There seemed to be too many people here!

At a glance, it was full of heads.

Fang Kuai Ren wondered if most of the staff of the entire Black Tower Space Station came here today.

"Wait, don't run too fast!"

Fang Kuai Ren, San Yue Qi and Xi Er hurriedly followed.

They were almost separated by the surging crowd around them.

When Fang Kuai Ren and his friends were trying to squeeze to the front, they also heard the staff around them talking about the screw Gumu. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I heard from the clerk next door that he saw Mr. Screw Gumm here. Is that true?"

"Of course it's true, I saw it with my own eyes"

"I didn't expect Mr. Screw-Gum to visit the space station."

"Where is it? You are so lucky……"

The staff around kept discussing[]

The main topic of the discussion was the visit of ScrewGum to the Black Tower Space Station, and the location where he appeared.

Although ScrewGum came to visit quietly this time, he was still discovered.

After all, this is not something that needs to be hidden.

There are so many people in the Black Tower Space Station that it is not difficult to encounter ScrewGum by chance.

However, this time ScrewGum did not notify in advance before coming.

Most of the staff were a little surprised and surprised by his arrival.

"If I tell them that Screw Gumu came all the way to see me, will these people think I'm crazy?"

Listening to the discussions around him, Fangkuai Ren thought with some amusement.

Soon after, Fangkuai Ren and his people came to the platform after passing through the crowd and met Ruan Mei.

She was like an old friend who had not seen her for a long time, waiting there.

At the first sight of Ruan Mei,

Fangkuai Ren discovered the madness hidden in her eyes.

This woman is very dangerous!

Probably, like Black Tower and Screw Gumu, she has different purposes for herself.

However, Fangkuai Ren doesn't care.

Just like a dragon doesn't care about ants studying the places it has passed. As long as Ruan Mei doesn't have the idea of being an enemy of Fangkuai Ren, or does something that makes him unhappy

"I feel more comfortable with Heita."

After taking a look at Ruan Mei, Fang Kuai Ren couldn't help but mutter.

Although Ruan Mei was very pretty, compared with Heita, Fang Kuai Ren would rather spend more time with Heita.

After all, among all the geniuses at present,

Heita was the only one with the most humanity......

Even though Heita is quite arrogant and has no empathy.

But among these three monster-like beings, Heita is indeed the genius closest to humans.

When the cube man was looking at Ruan Mei,

Ruan Mei also turned around and found the cube man and others.

"Hello, Mr. Fang Kuai Ren"

"I heard that you need my help, and I have been waiting here for a long time."

Ruan Mei said gently.

It must be said that her words and voice seemed to be very confusing.

People fell into it unknowingly and wanted to get close to her.

"Well, we want you to help us see if we can hatch a dragon egg.

Fang Kuai Ren also nodded and said directly

"I am happy to help.

I also want to see some life outside this world."

Ruan Mei smiled slightly, then looked at the star next to her.

""Dear, there is no need for us to introduce ourselves any further, right?"

Ruan Mei said directly.

She was much more casual when facing Xing.

Compared with Fang Kuai Ren, although they also met for the first time, it was not the first time that Ruan Mei got data about Xing from the Black Tower.

And Xing kept asking the Black Tower to help her find Ruan Mei to hatch her dragon eggs.

Although they were not acquaintances, they were better than acquaintances.

Moreover, Xing had encountered Ruan Mei in the simulated universe before.

Sister Ruan Mei was generous.

"She called me dear!!"

Xing was instantly captured by this word dear.

Then, Ruan Mei took out a few cakes and looked at Fang Kuai Ren and the others.

"Mr. Square Ren, and several dear"

"Would you like a piece of cake? I prepared this myself."

As she spoke, she placed the cake in front of Fang Kuai Ren and the others.

The cake was a normal cake, in the shape of a lotus flower, and looked very nice.

In front of Fang Kuai Ren, Ruan Mei would not do anything offensive, out of respect for God!

"Sweet and sticky, tastes good……"

Fang Kuai Ren tasted the cakes Ruan Mei handed over and gave a fair evaluation.

Other than that, there was no big reaction.

Xing, Sanyueqi and Xier were instantly seduced by Ruan Mei's gentle appearance.

"Mmmmm~ Delicious! More than good!"

"Is there any more? Can I have another one?"

"It tastes better than the ones made by Fang Kuai Ren.……"

Xing and Sanyueqi were very surprised by the taste and texture of the pastries, and they tasted them like treasures.

Xier quickly finished one and even wanted another.


Seeing this, Ruan Mei covered her mouth and chuckled, and handed another cake to Xier.

"Thank you, Ruan Mei! You are such a nice person!"

Whether it was Xi'er, Sanyueqi or Xing, they all completely fell in love with Ruan Mei at this moment.

Especially Xing, who took out her handkerchief on her own initiative.

"Here, there seems to be some cake stains on the corners of your mouth, wipe them off."

Xing said.

She was not usually so attentive to others, and it can only be said that Sima Zhao's intentions were self-evident. The

5.3 Fangkuai Ren and Ruan Mei who were present also understood Xing's thoughts, as if they were afraid that Ruan Mei would not give her the opportunity to hatch the dragon egg.

Seeing this, Fangkuai Ren also poked Xing with his elbow speechlessly.

"That's enough! Don't be fooled by bad women."

"This is not a good person!"

Then, Fang Kuai Ren whispered in Xing's ear, with a hint of regret.

However, Xing did not listen at all.

"How come Sister Ruan Mei is not a good person?!"

"She is so gentle and cute."

Xing retorted, looking impressed by Ruan Mei. Looking around, Xi'er and Sanyueqi were in a similar state.

Now, they probably couldn't listen to anything.


Fang Kuai Ren sighed helplessly and covered her face.

She was desperate for Xing who had completely fallen for Ruan Mei.

Sanyueqi and Xi'er might still be saved, as their conditions were not that serious.

As expected, the gentle elder sister was a special attack weapon against Xing!

She was always accurate.

Kafka, Jizi, and now Ruan Mei.

Any one of them could directly deceive Xing.

It was estimated that when Ruan Mei shouted"dear", Xing could no longer escape.

"Seems a little different……"

Immediately, Fang Kuai Ren looked at Ruan Mei in front of him again.

He compared the Ruan Mei at this moment with the one in the plot in his memory.

Fang Kuai Ren could still feel that the one in front of him did not seem to be the girl-like existence in the plot.

In comparison, the one in front of them was more mature and gentle. However, the things hidden under this gentleness were also colder.

"This seems to be the body……"

Fang Kuai Ren thought to himself.

He didn't expect that this time he would see Ruan Mei's true form!

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