While Fu Xuan was negotiating with Qing Que who had hurried over, he was unaware that in addition to the Star Core Hunter, there were some people on the Immortal Boat who were watching their actions.

To be precise, they were watching Dan Heng and Ying Xi from Fang Kuai Ren

's group. In a cave dedicated to the Chi Ming Clan, several elderly Chi Ming Clan elders gathered together to watch the scene in front of them.

"The sinner is back!"

"No, he has returned with the other half of the Dragon Lord power of our Chiming Clan!"

"That sinner actually had the nerve to come back?!"

"Humph! He brought back the other half of the Dragon Lord's power and returned it to our Chiming Clan, which can be considered as making up for his mistake.……"

They stared coldly at Dan Heng and Ying Xi who was playing with Bai Lu in the picture.

Don't underestimate these old guys, they are all dragon masters who have survived from before the Yin Yue Rebellion to the present.

And they can naturally see that

Ying Xi carries the other half of the Dragon Lord Power belonging to their Chi Ming Clan.

Dan Heng has now lost that half of the Dragon Lord Power.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the power Ying Xi possesses is completely different from the power inherited by their Chi Ming Clan.

Originally, these dragon masters were restricted by Jing Yuan and could not experiment on Bai Lu at will, which made them hate it.

Therefore, these dragon masters can only put Bai Lu in the Dan Ding Division and let the Medicine King Secrets conduct secret research.

It's a pity that the progress is slow, but these dragon masters can't hold on for too long.

After all, these dragon masters are old monsters who have lived since before the Yin Yue Rebellion.

Generally speaking, the life span of the Chi Clan is only about 10 years at most.

It can be said responsibly that these dragon masters are now half a foot in the coffin.

Now, most of them are just struggling to hold on.

But they don't want to fade away, they want to continue to be immortal.

And the secret method of dragon transformation just gives them another hope of survival.

"It turns out that the Dragon Lord power in that sinner can be transferred to other people through the secret method of dragon transformation."

"In this way, can we also obtain the power of Dragon Lord?!"

"This is great. Since the power of the Dragon Lord can be divided into two, it can naturally be divided into four or eight."

"If so, please bless my Vajra clan to prosper forever.……"

Several dragon masters looked at each other and became excited.

The thought that the power of the Dragon Lord that Bai Lu and Ying Xi possessed could be transferred to them made these dragon masters feel uneasy for a long time.

Although they said that they would help the Chi Ming clan to prosper, they only thought about themselves.

No one really cared about the future of the Chi Ming clan.

These old guys who had half a foot in the coffin only wanted to use the secret method of dragon transformation to make themselves immortal.

As for the future of the Chi Ming clan? What does it have to do with them?!

Do you believe what they say?!

All dragon masters just want to become immortal, eternal, immortal, and immortal.

The appearance of Ying Xi gave them hope to study the secret method of dragon transformation.

Bai Lu was related to Bai Heng of the Five Heroes on the Cloud, and

Jing Yuan had been protecting Bai Lu in secret.

Therefore, the research of these dragon masters has been hindered.

Although the secret teachings of the King of Medicine are helping them to study in secret, it is unknown whether the progress can be completed completely after they fade away.!

However, if the research object is replaced by Yingxi, there should be no problem, right?!

After all, Yingxi has no relationship with Jingyuan.

But they seem to have forgotten that in the universe, only when you are strong can you do what you want.

The train group is not as weak as imagined.

"This time, we are bringing back the Dragon Lord power from the Chiming Clan. Even Jing Yuan can't interfere."

"If Jing Yuan dares to interfere in this matter, then he will be meddling too much."

"Jing Yuan is only a general of the Immortal Boat after all, not a general of our Chi Ming Clan."

"As long as we obtain the power of the Dragon Lord, it will be enough to create a general that belongs to our Chiming Clan."

Thinking of this, several dragon masters snorted coldly.

Their words were full of dissatisfaction with General Jing Yuan.

These dragon masters also want to become Dragon Lords and share the power of Dragon Lord.

So this time, they are ready to attack Ying Xi, who has the power of Dragon Lord.

If Jing Yuan dares to intervene at that time, then these dragon masters of the Chiming Clan will not be vegetarians!

It is possible that the Chiming Clan will have to attack Jing Yuan!

As for whether they can do this, these old guys have no doubts about it.

This is the confidence of this group of dragon masters!

As dragon masters, they certainly have considerable control over the Chiming Clan. They can even control and force people in the Chiming Clan to undergo forced rebirth!

For example Just like the Yin Yue Jun Dan Feng, they were the ones who forced Yin Yue Jun to fade away.

They may not be as strong as Jing Yuan in terms of military strength, but the dragon masters who control the power of the entire Chi Ming clan are enough to compete with Jing Yuan in politics.

As for the other people in the train group, they are not within the consideration of these old guys.

They don't think that the Chi Ming clan with ancient heritage can't deal with a few nameless guests?!

Although they really can't deal with them.

But the old guys have been dazzled by the power of the Dragon Lord, and all the dragon masters can't see other things.

How can they pay attention to the strength of Fang Kuai Ren and others?!

For these dragon masters, the only thing they need to pay attention to is whether Jing Yuan will intervene in this matter.


"Huanxi! You���Come see me!"

Several dragon masters were talking, and one of them knocked on the table, and then called a maid from the Chiming tribe - Huanxi!

This was the maid Huanxi who had been with Bai Lu before.

However, because Jing Yuan threw Bai Lu to the train crew, saying that he was helping the train crew to capture Kafka, he actually asked the train crew to take care of her.

And Huanxi also returned to the Chiming tribe because of this.

"Elders, what do you want to tell me?"

Huanxi walked into the place where the dragon masters were, and then asked respectfully.

In the Chiming Clan, the current Dragon Lord is still a child, and these dragon masters are the ones who stand at the pinnacle of power.

Even if General Jingyuan came to the Chiming Clan, what he said might not be as effective as what these dragon masters said.

"Huanxi, Bailu made a friend of a different race as her sister"

"She is still young, and does not understand that those who are not of my race must have different hearts."

"Go and invite Yingxi over.

We need to test her to see if she has any bad intentions towards Bailu."

The dragon master said calmly, his words were all for the good of the Chiming Clan and Bailu.

In fact, they asked Huanxi to invite Yingxi, and they also had some good intentions.

Because Huanxi often stayed by Bailu's side.

After she went over, she could relax the vigilance of Bailu and the other people in the train team to the greatest extent.

If it is not necessary, these dragon masters do not want to cause unnecessary conflicts and attract the attention of General Jingyuan for the time being.

"Yes, Huanxi understands."

Hearing this, Huanxi nodded and agreed.

She only needed to follow the instructions of the dragon masters.

Just as Huanxi was about to leave, another older dragon master called her back.

"Remember, you only need to invite Ying Xi, who inherited the power of Dragon Lord, and forget about the others."

"Also, bring Bai Lu back!"

Then, he coldly warned Huanxi.

As a dragon master who is the descendant of immortals, he somehow exuded a strong sense of decay, and there was a faint yellow-green flame in his eyes.

"Yes! Huanxi understands!"

Hearing this, Huanxi paused slightly, but still agreed.

Then, she turned around and left to carry out the arrangements of the dragon masters. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because of the suppression of Jianmu by the Chiming Clan, and the contributions accumulated over the generations.

These merits allow the Chiming Clan to have considerable autonomy in the Xianzhou.

Even their internal affairs cannot be interfered with by the generals, otherwise they will be questioned by other dragon masters.

On the train team side.

After Fangkuai Ren and the others had another negotiation with Fu Xuan,

Fu Xuan turned around and left.

She was going back to activate the Qiongguan Formation, and then make preparations before interrogating Kafka.

Taibu Si left only Qingque alone, following the train team, as well as Tingyun, Bailu, Kafka and others.

Then, the Fangkuai people also came to Buyehou.

Speaking of���, since leaving Zhishengweiyuan, the train crew has been chasing Kafka.

After so much trouble, they are all tired. (cdab)

They plan to take a short rest here at Buyehou, and then go see Jingyuan

"Magic! Why does it feel like this team is getting bigger and bigger?"

Seeing that the team had one more person, Fang Kuai Ren couldn't help but sigh.

"I have to ask you this!"

"That's right, half of the credit belongs to you."

After hearing this, Sanyueqi and Xi'er glanced at Fangkuairen in silence.[]

You know, Yingxi and Xier both have the most direct relationship with Fangkuai Ren.

And Tingyun and Bailu are also assistants that Fangkuai Ren designated from Jingyuan.

Of course, in addition to Fangkuai Ren, Xing also contributed a lot.

If she hadn't insisted on keeping Kafka with her and not handing her over to Fu Xuan,

Kafka might have been taken away by the people of Taibusi.

Later, Qingque would not have come with them.

And the fake Tingyun also found Mengming directly at this moment.

"Welcome to Buyehou, eh~ Tingyun?!"

Seeing Tingyun, Meng Ming was slightly delighted and wanted to say hello to Tingyun.

"Bring me some tea!"

However, Tingyun didn't seem to want to pay attention to her, and just said lightly

"Oh~ How many guests are there? What kind of tea would you like to drink?"

Although Meng Ming was a little confused, she still said it according to the procedure. Although she looked small, she spoke like a little adult, which made her feel strange.

"Ten people, each of you have a cup of Happy Fairy Tea!"

Tingyun said directly.

She ordered a cup for Fangkuairen and the others, including herself. Even Kafka had a share.

After getting the tea,

Tingyun came to Fangkuairen and the others with a few cups of Happy Fairy Tea.

"I'm sure you all are thirsty, my benefactors?"

"Please take a good rest here."

Tingyun bowed slightly and said

"Oh~ OK."

Fang Kuai Ren and the others didn't think anything of it at the time.

But Meng Ming, the owner of the Nevernight Shop, looked at the scene with some surprise.

"What happened to Tingyun? Why is she ignoring me?!"

Meng Ming couldn't help wondering in her heart.

She always felt that Tingyun's attitude towards her was strange, as if she suddenly didn't recognize her.

In addition, didn't Tingyun promise to bring her some new tea leaves?

But where is the tea leaves now?

Could she have forgotten?

Thinking of this, Meng Ming wanted to go up to Tingyun and ask directly.

However, Meng Ming was soon interrupted by the new guest.

"Shopkeeper! Do you have Flaming Tea here?"

"Welcome to Nevernight, there are some!"

"Bring me a drink……"

Then, Meng Ming hurried to entertain the new guests.

As for Tingyun's matter, she temporarily put it aside.

However, Meng Ming still kept this doubt in her heart. She would definitely ask Tingyun about this matter later.

She couldn't just throw away the new tea leaves!

On the train team.

While others were drinking tea,

Fang Kuai Ren found a corner in Buyehou and sat down alone.

"Will there be something new this time?……"

Fangkuairen rubbed his hands and started his own experiment.

He had a hunch that this time he should be able to create something new and interesting.

The next moment, Fangkuairen gently raised his fingertips.

Then a faint yellow-green spark appeared on his fingertips.

This is the Suiyang Spark, which Fangkuairen picked up from Huanlong. Did he really think that he had been approaching Huanlong secretly before in order to take advantage of Huanlong?!

Although, that was also one of the purposes.

However, Fangkuairen's main purpose was still for this Suiyang Spark.

When he stroked Tingyun's tail before, he wore gloves.

Well... to be precise, it was a pair of gloves enchanted with kindness and plunder.

After Fangkuairen's contact and cover-up, even Huanlong herself did not realize that she had lost a little spark.

There was no way, after all, such a little spark was too small compared to her whole body, and it was difficult to detect at all.

It was like a cell suddenly disappeared from an ordinary person, who would care about that little thing?!

However, although this amount of Suiyang Star Fire was small, it was enough.

If it was not enough, there would be many opportunities to contact Huanlong later, and at most I could just take a little more.

Then, Fang Kuai Ren continued to take out a little Yaopo.

"Hmm... add a little more Dragon Lord power……"

Then, Fangkuai Ren summoned a little bit of Dragon Lord Power to join in.

The Dragon Lord Power was what she asked for from Ying Xi, and it was the easiest to get of the three materials.

Like the Suiyang Starfire, the Dragon Lord Power that Fangkuai Ren got from Ying Xi was not much.

Just a little bit, and it would not have any effect on Ying Xi herself.

Then, Fangkuai Ren placed the three materials in his palms one by one, and also helped to let the three materials slowly merge together.

The next moment, the three originally different materials slowly began to merge into each other after contacting each other.

It probably took only a few blinks of an eye. After a while, a weak, pure white light spot appeared in Fangkuai Ren's hand.

""Hey~ What is this?!"

Seeing the pure white light in his hand, Fangkuai Ren couldn't help wondering.

In fact, even he himself couldn't confirm what new thing he had researched.

Before starting the research, Fangkuai Ren just had a hunch that he would come up with something new, so he did it.

As for what he would research and what kind of shadow he would have, he didn't think too much about it.

"The system has no response……"

Fang Kuai Ren held the white light in his hand and moved it closer to him.

Nothing happened, and the system did not explain to him what it was doing.

It was because there were too few things.���, the system didn't detect it.

Or is this thing beyond the system's limits, a brand new thing?

Even the system is surprised?

Fang Kuai Ren is also a little unsure.

Or is this thing just a semi-finished product, not yet completed?

It should be because it is just a semi-finished product..

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