Crack! Crack! Crack...

Not long after Fang Kuai Ren and the others left, Yan Qing, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, reacted again.

The sound of ice breaking continued to emanate from his body, and cracks appeared on the surface covered by ice.

Fortunately, Yan Qing was a fate walker with ice attributes, and he had a high resistance to ice and cold.

Therefore, he was not frozen by San Yue Qi for long. He thawed in a short while and broke through the ice directly.

"I was careless! I let them escape!"

Yan Qing said with full fighting spirit, looking at the direction where Fang Kuai Ren and his friends left.

Even though he was just beaten by Fang Kuai Ren and his friends with one hand, and was even easily frozen by San Yue Qi's Six-phase Ice,

Yan Qing did not retreat at all.

He was still thinking about catching all these wanted criminals and then relieve General Jing Yuan of his worries.

Immediately, Yan Qing took out a few spare flying swords from behind him.

Although these flying swords were not as good as his original ones, they were not bad.

Then, Yan Qing jumped directly onto the flying sword, and then drove the flying sword and continued to chase in the direction where Fang Kuai Ren and his friends left.

Fang Kuai Ren and his friends did not walk very fast, and it could even be said that they were taking a leisurely walk, enjoying the scenery along the way.

Therefore, they did not leave too far.

Soon, Yan Qing drove the flying sword to catch up.

Seeing this, Kafka's figure also paused slightly, and then turned to look behind her.

"He seems to be catching up again?"

"Do you want me to prepare a surprise for him?!"

Kafka smiled and pointed to the back.

It can be expected that the surprise Kafka mentioned is definitely not fun, and it is estimated that it will leave an unforgettable impression on Yan Qing.

Hearing this, Fang Kuairen and the others covered their faces in pain.

Sometimes, being disturbed by such a naughty child is really a headache.

"Yan Qing is a kid who never gives up. He is so persistent!"

Seeing this, even Walter couldn't help but stand up and say

"Indeed, and he didn't seem to hold back at all."

"I guess they don't know about our cooperation with Jingyuan."

Dan Heng nodded and analyzed.

Others have almost guessed this.

"What should we do now?! Should we teach him a lesson?!"

"What if he still doesn't know when to advance or retreat?" 28

March Seven couldn't help but say, feeling a little distressed

"I would just knock him out, dig a hole and bury him, and that's it."

Xing couldn't help but suggest it.

Seeing how eager she was to try, she probably wanted to do this a long time ago.

"Correct answer!"

Xi'er on the side echoed.

Hearing this, the others couldn't help but turn their eyes to Fang Kuai Ren.

His face was almost written with the words:"Did you teach this?!"

Kafka once again doubted whether sending Xing to the train was the right choice.

"This has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing this, Fang Kuai Ren's mouth twitched.

So now all the dirty water related to Xing is thrown on him?!

"Father, let Yingxi throw him into the space opened up by the power of the Ender."

Yingxi couldn't help but suggest that she wanted Yanqing to enjoy the same treatment as the dragon masters of the Chiming Clan.


This time, Fang Kuai Ren hesitated for a moment and did not directly refuse or agree.

Qing Que saw that the situation was not good. She could sense that Fang Kuai Ren and the others were getting angry.

"Calm down, everyone calm down first!"

"In fact, Yan Qing shouldn't be like this on weekdays. His reaction now is a little abnormal."

Then, Qingque said quickly.

If Fangkuairen and the others really beat Yan Qing, the sword master of the immortal boat, half crippled, then she can't get away from it.

While they were talking, Yan Qing had already caught up with them on his sword.

His figure quickly enlarged in the sight of Fangkuairen and the others.

"Don't try to escape!"

"This is Luofu Fairy Boat, you can't escape!"

Yan Qing said as he waved his hand forward, controlling the flying swords behind him. Except for the one under his feet, all of them attacked Fang Kuai Ren and the others.

Good fellow, this time he didn't even have time to buffer, he just attacked directly.

Moreover, he aimed directly at the vital points of Fang Kuai Ren and the others, without holding back, even more ruthless than before!

"It's over!"

Seeing this, Qingque couldn't help but have a bad premonition.

Despite his previous explanation, facing Yan Qing's provocative behavior,

I'm afraid anyone would be angry, right?!

Immediately, Qingque turned his head and saw that

Fangkuairen and the others' faces quickly turned black.

Each of them had a sullen face, staring at the flying sword flying towards them.

Even the train crew who thought they had a good temper were a little angry at this moment.

"I just let him go once, but he did it again this time!"

Seeing this, San Yue Qi said very dissatisfiedly.

She had just used the Six Phases Ice to freeze Yan Qing, but she still held back.

This time, she didn't plan to hold back again.

As for the other people in the train group, they had almost the same idea.

Qing Que was still a member of the Immortal Boat after all, and she couldn't help but look at Yan Qing with some worry.

Then, she also took a step forward and stood up.

""Let me deal with him this time!"

Qingque said.

Immediately, the flying swords pointed at other people also flew towards Qingque.


Seeing this, Qingque was also a little unhappy.

How could Yan Qing be so cruel to her own people in the fairy boat?!

However, facing the flying swords, she was not panicked at all.

Qingque rubbed her hands and threw out a few Emperor Heng Qiong Jade, and then smashed them at the flying swords.

Just like Fu Xuan adjusted the trajectory of the bullet with his bare hands before,

Qingque only took a glance and easily calculated the flight trajectory of the flying sword.

The pieces of Emperor Heng Qiong Jade she threw out happened to block the flying swords in their flight.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Then, the flying swords... The sword also collided with the Di Heng Qiong Yu.

The seemingly ordinary Di Heng Qiong Yu actually smashed the flying sword directly.

All the flying swords flew out uncontrollably, and then smashed heavily into the ground.

Buzz buzz - immediately, all the flying swords buzzed twice after being inserted into the ground, and then there was no reaction at all. It was like a car that suddenly stalled, without any movement. No matter how hard Yan Qing tried to control it, the flying swords on the ground did not react at all. It seemed... it was smashed again. The quality of these things produced by the Industrial Manufacturing Company seems to be not very good.

"How is it possible?!"

Seeing this, Yan Qing's face changed.

He didn't expect that Qingque could knock his flying sword away so easily.

Qingque didn't even use much force, but Yan Qing had already lost his reliance on attacking.

At this moment, he began to realize that he had underestimated the strength of Fang Kuairen and others.

No, to be precise, he overestimated his own strength.

He thought he was the youngest sword master in Luofu Xianzhou and a high-level destiny walker.

In any case, he could easily catch these wanted criminals in front of him, right?!

But now, Yan Qing found that he was wrong, and he was a little wrong.

However, he realized now that it was obviously too late.

After Qingque's Diheng Qiongyu smashed those flying swords,

Xing had quietly touched behind Yan Qing.


The next moment, Xing also took out his baseball bat and hit Yan Qing on the back of his head. and smashed it down.


Along with the severe pain from the back of his head, (for exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yan Qing's eyes began to spin.

Then, he fell forward uncontrollably, and then fell face first to the ground, lying flat on his face.

Xing, on the other hand, made a handsome bat-twisting move and put away her baseball bat.

Looking at her skilled appearance, it seemed that she was becoming more and more skilled at hitting people from behind.

Seeing this, Walter secretly made up his mind.

After returning to the train, he must make sure that Xing and Fangkuairen had less contact.

Otherwise, who knows what Xing will become in the future! After

Yan Qing fainted on the ground, he did not faint directly, and he was still vaguely conscious.

Soon after, he also heard the footsteps of Fangkuairen and others coming towards him.

"How about it?! Should we bury her?!"

"As long as the place where it is buried is hidden, I believe Jing Yuan will not know that it was us who did it."

Xing said eagerly.

At some point, a shovel appeared in her hand.

"You should be quiet and stop making trouble."

This time, even Walter was speechless.

"I really don't know what Jing Yuan's little apprentice is doing here.

Does he really have no idea of his own strength?!"

Sanyueqi couldn't help but complain.

She originally wanted to go up and attack Yan Qing, but Xing got there first.

"I don't know, maybe Jing Yuan doesn't know either, maybe Huanlong came here to make trouble for us?!"

Fang Kuai Ren shook his head, and then thought of Huanlong.

"Adding to the trouble? Him?!"

"Even so, at least someone stronger should come."

Hearing this, Xi'er expressed her disbelief.

Yan Qing's strength was indeed not good enough, and even she felt that she could beat Yan Qing.

"That's right, even Bai Lu is not sure, why would someone who can beat him come here?!"

Xing nodded and couldn't help but agree

"Huh? You can't even beat Bai Lu? That shouldn't be the case."

San Yue Qi looked at Yan Qing with some surprise, and then looked at Bai Lu.

No matter what, Yan Qing is also a high-level destiny walker, right?!

And Bai Lu is only a mid-level destiny walker now.

No matter how strong Bai Lu is, or how weak Yan Qing is, it is impossible for him to be so weak that his combat power will leap over a major stage, right?!

"This is true. If you don't believe it, you can ask Qingque."

"Let her tell you who has a higher chance of winning between Bailu and Yanqing in a fight.

Fangkuai Ren pouted at Qingque and said with a smile:

"Really? Bai Lu is so powerful?!"

After hearing this, Qing Que looked at Bai Lu curiously.

Then he really took out his divination props, closed his eyes lightly, and started divination right there.

After a while, Qing Que opened his eyes again, with a strange look on his face.

"How is it? How is it?"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi asked with some expectation.

Yanqing, who was lying on the ground, also moved his ears slightly, trying to find an answer in a daze.

"The result of divination tells me that Bai Lu has a higher chance of winning."

Qingque said in a deep voice

"Am I that powerful?!"

Hearing this, even Bai Lu couldn't help but feel a little surprised.


At the same time, Yan Qing on the ground was shocked after hearing this.

"Am I so weak?!"

At this moment, Yan Qing fell into deep self-doubt, and his Tao heart was already damaged.

Immediately, he couldn't stop spitting out a mouthful of blood, and then fainted completely.

Just now, he listened to the conversation between Sanyueqi and Fangkuairen, almost every sentence was a critical hit.

It directly broke Yan Qing's psychological defense line.

At this moment, he realized how worthless his title as the head of the Immortal Boat Sword was.

The point is, the divination result of Qingque directly dealt a heavy blow to Yan Qing.

This also became the last straw that completely broke his defense.

And then... Then Yan Qing, who learned the news, was directly suffocated and injured internally.

"Hey?! Why is he vomiting blood? Bailu, come and have a look."

Seeing Yan Qing vomiting blood, Qingque was also slightly startled, and then hurriedly called Bailu over.

The others all glanced at Xing, as if blaming Xing for being too ruthless just now.

Look, didn't he beat him up and make him vomit blood again?!

Little did they know that Yan Qing suffered internal injuries this time.

While Bailu was helping Yan Qing check his injuries, Sanyueqi also came up directly.

"Fangkuairen, Fangkuairen, why can't Yanqing beat Bailu?

This shouldn't be the case?!"

Then, Sanyueqi grabbed Fangkuairen's arm and asked

"Who gave you the illusion that Bai Lu would be weak?!"

Hearing this, Fang Kuai Ren couldn't help but ask back

"Have you forgotten that the other half of the Dragon Lord's power is in Bai Lu?"

After a pause, Fang Kuai Ren said speechlessly

"Oh~ It seems so."

After hearing this, Sanyueqi suddenly realized, then touched her head and smiled awkwardly.

She had just been paying attention to the difference in strength between the two people, and did not pay attention to the external factors on them.

Just like Sanyueqi, she also has a sealed power in her body, but under normal circumstances, she will not use it.

As for the Dragon Lord Power in Bailu, even if she has the Dragon Lord Power that focuses on healing, if it really breaks out, the strength is also very strong.

It's just that the Dragon Lord Power in Bailu is currently suppressed.

"Strange... He vomited so much blood just now, it doesn't seem to be caused by being hit on the head."

"Instead, it seems to be generated from the inside out, out of thin air.……"

After a careful inspection, Bai Lu came to the following conclusion:

"I have helped him stabilize his injury now, so there shouldn't be any major problems later on."

Then, Bai Lu continued

"Look, I didn't hit you because of me.……"

Hearing this, Xing also gained confidence and retorted

"Okay, no more wasting time."

""Let's deal with him, and then we'll go find the judges of the Ten Kings Division."

At this time, Fang Kuai suddenly said so.

It was getting late now.

According to Jing Yuan, the judges of the Ten Kings Division he sent to support should have arrived nearby.

Immediately, Fang Kuai Ren took out a rope from his backpack.

He walked forward with the rope and tied Yan Qing tightly.

Then, Fang Kuai Ren hung Yan Qing, whose hands and feet were tied, directly on a tree next to him.

"That shouldn't be a problem."

"Let's go."

Then, Fang Kuai Ren and the others turned around and left to find the judges of the Ten Kings Division.

Not long after Fang Kuai Ren and the others left, Yan Qing, who was hanging on the tree, gradually woke up.


When he realized that he was hung on the tree, he fell into silence.

"Am I really that weak?"

"Can't even beat Bai Lu?!"

Thinking of this, Yan Qing began to doubt his life again, his eyes dim.

"No, it's impossible, I'm not that weak!"

Then, the yellow-green flames in his eyes flickered and became bright again.

Immediately, Yan Qing began to struggle in mid-air, trying to break free from the rope.

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