"Oh, what the hell is this?" Qingque looked at the cards in her hand with a worried face. She, the founder of Diheng Qiongyu, always had bad luck when playing cards.

"Hahahaha, I'm lucky this time, Qingque, I'm sure to win this time!" A man looked at the cards in his hand with ecstasy. They had lost to Qingque, and finally got a good hand. They had to win it back.

"Humph, my cards are not bad either. Who will win or lose is still uncertain." A woman rubbed the cards in her hand vigorously, as if the cards would be better this way.


"Hahahaha, it's a tie."

"How is it possible!" Several people looked at Qingque's cards with disbelief. How could she win again! Damn it, it's obvious that as long as it's a little later, their cards can also...

"Hahaha, everyone, this Emperor Heng Qiong Yu is not a game that relies on luck. There are many things to learn here. Otherwise, how can it be said that it is a game from a distant fairy boat? It is not something that can be mastered in a few days."

"That's right. This Emperor Heng Qiong Yu is indeed unpredictable and interesting. It is much more interesting than those chess and card games of the Interstellar Peace Company." The man nodded in agreement. He was now completely fascinated by Emperor Heng Qiong Yu.

"Come on, Miss Qingque, if you lose, you will accept the money." The man took out his mobile phone and prepared to transfer the money to Qingque.

"Forget it, it's just a small game. Gambling hurts your body." Qingque waved her hands repeatedly to refuse. It was not that she didn't want to accept it, but that these people simply didn't take money seriously. They gave her hundreds of thousands of credit points each after losing a round, which scared her.

"How can that be? If I don't pay after losing the bet, where will my face be? If people get the news, they will think I can't afford to play. It's just a few hundred thousand credit points. Just consider it as our tuition."

The man didn't take these hundreds of thousands of credit points seriously. After all, the average net worth of tourists who can come to Pinocchio is 3.584,680,988 credit points. He is one of those people above the average line, so he doesn't need this little money.

"Well, that's right." After transferring the money to Qingque's account, the man nodded with satisfaction.

"It's getting late. I have things to do tomorrow. I'll go back to sleep today. This Diheng Qiongyu will be left to you. If you still want to play, please continue." Qingque looked at the time. She had been playing for several days before she remembered that she was on a business trip. She couldn't play until late at night.

"It's really not early. Miss Qingque, see you tomorrow." The man did not stop Qingque from leaving. After all, if Qingque was there, they couldn't win a single game. Although playing with Qingque did improve their skills, it was not a good feeling to lose alone. Let's find a few noobs to fight.

"Go find someone else, let's play again. I don't believe that we can't win a single game." The man went to pull people.


"Oh my, millions of credit points, this is much faster than making money at work." Qingque looked at the balance in her mobile phone and couldn't help sighing. She had worked at Taibusi for so many years, but this was the first time she saw so much money. If she worked hard for a few days, she could lie down completely.

Then she would open a card hall, get up every day, play cards, eat, play cards, sleep, and then get up and play cards. Well, this life is simply wonderful, isn't it better than being a general......

Although I came to Pinoconi on a business trip with General Jingyuan, General Jingyuan has not told me what to do specifically until now. I have been playing for several days. I haven't heard the nagging of the old lady for a long time. I am still a little uncomfortable.

"Qingque, are you there?" Jingyuan appeared next to Qingque without knowing when.

"General, you finally came to see me." Qingque has become accustomed to the absence of General Jingyuan.

"How do you feel? Are you happy playing in Pinoconi these days?" Jingyuan smiled and looked at Qingque. He was busy these days.

"Not bad, does the general come to me for any task this time?" Qingque looked at Jingyuan. He felt embarrassed after playing for several days at public expense.

"Bai Tian, ​​you should be familiar with this person."

"Bai Tian? Yes, he is quite familiar with the Di Heng Qiong Yu technique. Why did the general mention him?" Qing Que was a little curious. She remembered that Bai Tian seemed to be from the Starry Sky Train. By the way, the Starry Sky Train should be in Pinoconi now, so Bai Tian should also be here. However, she was busy playing cards these days and didn't see him.

"I'll give you a task. You should lurk around him for a while. You can figure out the method yourself. Also, don't contact him during this period of time.It's up to me." Jing Yuan gave Qing Que a strange task.

"I promise to complete the task." Qing Que patted her chest and promised. Although she didn't know what General Jing Yuan meant, the task had been arranged, so she just sat there. Moreover, during the day, this was a rare tough guy who could compete with her in Di Heng Qiong Yu. She had been looking forward to the duel with him for a long time.

"Goodbye, Qing Que."

"Goodbye, General."


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