"Jizi, we are back. This pioneering mission has been successfully completed. Although we didn't do anything in this mission, we still worked hard."

"Welcome home, everyone." Jizi smiled and handed the freshly brewed coffee to everyone.

"Hey, sister Jizi, I'm not thirsty, so I won't use it for now." Sanyueqi retreated again and again.

"Hey, Sanyue, this is Jizi's good intention, how can you refuse it." Bai Tian walked over and took the coffee from Jizi.

"Humph, you are the one who talks too much."

"Okay, okay, you two stop making trouble. By the way, Bai Tian, ​​a lady who calls herself Ruan Mei sent you a box, and the creature inside seems to be a little restless." Jizi took Bai Tian to a box.

"Hey, Ruan Mei, isn't this the lady from the genius club? What did she send you?"

With the urging of Sanyueqi, Bai Tian opened the box.

As the box slowly opened, a black and white creature appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, what kind of creature is this? It's so cute. Is it a wolf? Or a dog? How come I've never seen this kind of dog before?" Sanyueqi's girlish heart was overflowing.

"Its name is Erha. I asked Ms. Ruan Mei to help me find the species. However, according to Ms. Ruan Mei, this species is still rare in the universe due to some strange reasons."

Bai Tian grabbed my brother's head and looked at it. Ah, this wise look is so pure.

"Wow, is it called Erha? So handsome, um, too cute." Sanyueqi was deeply fascinated by Erha's appearance.

Although my brother's brain is not very good, his appearance is really amazing.

"Awoo awoo awoo..." Surrounded by Sanyueqi and Xing, my brother was very unhappy.

He stretched out his claws to give Sanyueqi a surprise.

"What are you doing?" Bai Tian slapped Erha on the head.

"Hey, Bai Tian, ​​what are you doing? It's been locked in the box for so long, what's wrong with a few barks?" Sanyueqi said dissatisfiedly when he saw Bai Tian bullying Erha.

"That's right." Xing also followed suit.

"Come on, little dog, shake hands." Sanyueqi stretched out his hand to Erha.

"Pa." My brother Ha hit Sanyueqi's hand with a claw. You dare to order me, brother Ha, you don't even pee and look at yourself.

"Woo." Sanyueqi covered his hand and put Erha on the ground.

"What are you doing? He is obviously bullying you, why are you hitting me?"

"Awoo awoo awoo awoo." Brother Ha jumped on the ground a few times, looking at Sanyueqi with a provocative look.

What should I say, it's worthy of my brother Ha, the main character is rebellious.

"Okay, everyone, have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow we will go to the Black Tower Space Station for supplies, and then it's time to set off for the next stop."

"Great, let's make up for the sleep we missed in the past few days."


"There are five people and three costs. Dan Heng, you are one of them."

Dan Heng dreamed of the blade again at night, but unlike the past, this dream seemed a little real, and Dan Heng was awakened from his sleep.

Before he could recover, he heard Pam's scream.

"What's going on?" Dan Heng came to the observation car and saw a shocking scene.

"This is..."

It can be said that nothing in the observation car was spared, including the broken sofa, the uprooted green plants, and Pam who was crying and rolling on the ground.

And the instigator of everything, Erha, was sitting on the ground with an indifferent look on his face.

"Woo woo woo woo, damn Pa, damn Pa, what did you do last night, Pa! Woo woo woo woo, Pam's sofa, Pam's green plants, woo woo woo ah ah ah." Pam rolled around on the ground.

The last time it was so angry was when Aha blew the Starry Sky Train into two sections.

"What's going on?" Bai Tian woke up and found that he was sleeping on a pile of rotten cotton. His sofa was now a garbage dump.

He looked at Pam who was being comforted by everyone, and Erha who was sitting on the ground with an innocent face, and instantly understood everything.

"Didn't I tie the rope last night? How did it open?"

Erha looked at Bai Tian with disdain, and then tied the rope to himself in front of him, and then untied it himself.

"Awoo woo woo woo." Erha looked at everyone in the train group provocatively.

"Woo wow!" Pam looked at Erha's attitude, and the emotions that had just been comforted collapsed instantly.

"This husky, it's not right, it can actually untie the rope by itself!"

"Hey, is this the time to be amazed? Pam is almost mad." Sanyueqi complained about Bai Tian.

"This guy must not stay on the train, otherwise I'm worried about Pam.Pam might die of anger that day." Bai Tian carefully glanced at Pam. Hmm, she was still crying and making a fuss in Xing's arms.

"Aren't we going to reach the Black Tower Station soon? Let's entrust it to Station Master Ester. She has experience, and the Black Tower Station is big enough to withstand its destruction."

(Black Tower: "Thank you!")

"It's the only way."


"What, you want to let me take care of it." Ester was a little surprised.

"By the way, when did the Starry Sky Train get a pet? It obviously didn't have one before."

"Just got it yesterday." Bai Tian replied expressionlessly.

"Yesterday!" Ester was a little confused.

"Shut up!" Sanyueqi pinched the flesh on Bai Tian's waist.

"The space on the Starry Sky Train is too small, not suitable for keeping pets, so I want to give it to you. "Bai Tian continued.

"Besides, it has a lot of energy and is not very friendly to furniture."

"In short, it destroys the house. It messed up the train yesterday and Pam was almost mad at it." March 7 directly told the real reason.

"It doesn't matter if Miss Estelle doesn't want to keep it. We will think of a way."

"Destroy the house? It should be because of poor training. Leave it to me. I will train it well and will definitely not let it destroy the house."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of it." Estelle certainly would not refuse a handsome dog.


Black Tower Lady Single Push Association.

It is a very magical group chat. In this group, you can see many people in the Black Tower Space Station chatting anonymously. Maybe you can also see the Joyful Star God Aha himself who is looking for fun.

Unknown: I have always felt that she has problems.

Mars Robot: Tell me more.

Bill Gewa: Tell me more.

Aha is not Ha: "Tell me more.

Face to face (grandfather):?

Face to face (grandfather): What are you talking about?

Bill Panwa: @Face to face, turn up by yourself.

Mars Robot: Don't interrupt, @Guatian Lizao, speak up.

Guatian Lizao: Forget it, forget it.

Unknown: You are anonymous and you are still talking halfway, do you have any manners?

Aha is not Ha: That's right, speak up, Aha is waiting to see the fun.

Guatian Lizao: It's about the embezzlement of public funds.

Aha is not Ha: Tsk, Aha thought there was some fun, and you are so embarrassed to tell others about this? It's really not fun.

Aha is not Ha: "Isn't that Ester the daughter of Interstellar Peace Company? The embezzlement of public funds is wrong no matter how you think about it. You are right, @名名不具.

名名不具: Ah, why are you asking me? I don't know anything.

瓜田里猹: What are you kidding, how could the daughter of Interstellar Peace Company come to our small broken place? If she is the daughter of Interstellar Peace Company, I am still the guardian envoy.

名名不具: Ah, he is right, if Ester is the daughter of Interstellar Peace Company, how could she come to such a place.

Aha is not Ha: @瓜田里猹, you are kidding, if you are the guardian envoy, Aha also said that the dog raised by Ester is the envoy.


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