With the disappearance of rumors, the matter of Esta has come to an end. However, because of this guy Aha, the fact that Esta is the eldest daughter of the Interstellar Peace Company has spread in the space station, causing Esta a lot of trouble, but these have nothing to do with the people in the train group.

At this time, Xingzheng and Bai Tian are preparing to test the simulated universe in the territory of the Black Tower.

"This should be the person that the Black Tower often talks about." In addition to the Black Tower, there is also an elegant mechanical nobleman who appeared in the Black Tower's office.

"Hey, guess."

"Haha, a very unexpected reaction. I am very curious about what it feels like to coexist with a star core? I hope there will be enough time for us to understand each other and the answer to this question."

"But there seem to be two star cores in your body. They just stay in your body quietly. It's a very interesting idea. Is it nothingness? This seal is very clever."

"Black Tower, you can seriously consider the suggestion I made to you." Screw Gumu looked very serious.

"Okay, Screw Gumm, I don't agree. I don't know what you're thinking, but don't even think about shutting down the simulated universe."

"Heita, think about it, how many surprises has this project given you? Think again, how many disappointments has it given you?"

"Screw Gumm, this is the first time I feel that you are just a piece of cold iron." Heita left without looking back.

"Sorry, both of you, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"This matter started with me. I unilaterally proposed to Heita to terminate the academic cooperation. Please don't get me wrong, I have no opinion on her and this project. The simulated universe is a grand experiment, and Heita is also a genius."

"But unfortunately, I have a disagreement with Ms. Heita.

"The emotions of organic life are like tides. I didn't see the direction of the moon. Even a genius like Heita can't break free from the shackles of emotions. Let Heita be alone for a while, release the fluctuations of emotions, and it will also be beneficial to our subsequent discussions."

"Is that you in the photo behind? "Xing pointed to the golden photo of Screw Cobalt behind him and asked.

"People always like to use some artistic photos to spread. Although this will beautify the image of the person in the photo, it lacks some authenticity. But it is obvious that the person in the photo is indeed me."

Xing looked at Screw Cobalt in shock.

"I was just joking. You don't have to answer so seriously."

"Thank you for your humor. It's good for the tense atmosphere." Screw Cobalt was not angry and was still polite.

"By the way, Screw Cobalt, have you heard of the strange item [Punk Lord Spirit]?" Bai Tian, ​​who was playing badly on the side, suddenly spoke.

"Search: Bonfire in the depths of the dense forest, lonely stone sword pointing to the stars - [Punk Lord Spirit]? That is not an ordinary strange item, my friend."

"Punk Lord, it is a planet built of data and characters, where the boundary between reality and illusion is as blurred as its day and night. ”

“And the [Ether Cassette] is a chip used by Punklord hackers to edit reality, recording their way of understanding and rewriting the world. [Punklord Spirit] is one of the legends.”

“Ms. Black Tower is not here. If you want to test the simulated universe, maybe I can do it for you and provide some answers.”

“Of course, you can also wait for Ms. Black Tower to calm down before entering the simulated universe.”

“Let’s go.”

“Okay, Ms. Star, let’s go. Does Mr. Bai Tian want to come with us?” Screw Cobalt turned to look at Bai Tian.

“You guys start first. I’ll wait for Black Tower.”

“Ms. Star, I will use a different method to send you into the simulated universe. It may be different from your usual physical sensation, which will help us achieve our goal faster.”


“Why, didn’t you follow Screw Cobalt? Why are you still in my office? "Heita walked into the office with small steps.

"You are back. How are you? Have you finished your temper? Will the rejuvenation technology also return the rebellious period? You are like a rebellious child now."

"You! Forget it, do whatever you want, just don't bother me."

"Heita, stop acting. Silver Wolf has followed them into the simulated universe. But having said that, your acting skills are really good. You are worthy of being an old witch who has lived for who knows how many years."

"Do you really think I am acting with Screw Cobalt?" Heita looked at Bai Tian seriously.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you. I still have to find a way to teach that hacker girl a lesson. Who told her to keep staring at my territory?Let's find her interstellar network account. I hope she won't cry and make a fuss then."

"Then I'll go and witness how this star core hunter cries and makes a fuss."

"Go ahead, go ahead, just don't bother me here." Heita waved his hand, as if to drive away a fly.

"By the way, Heita, help me locate her position, I'll go and tie her up."

"Got it, got it."


"So, the quarrel between you and Heita just now was all acting? The purpose was to lure me out?" Silver Wolf was fighting with Screw Cobalt at this time.

"Correction: Such quarrels happen between Heita and me from time to time. It's not appropriate to say it's a performance."

Xing: "So, I was kept in the dark from the beginning!"

"That's right, there are five people, three of them are acting, Xing, you are not one of them." Bai Tian slowly walked out of the corner.

"It's you! The person who took my game console, where is my game console? Give it back to me quickly. "Silver Wolf looked at this familiar figure, and the fire in his heart instantly ignited.

"Game console?" Xing took out a game console that Silver Wolf felt familiar from his pocket.

"Is this yours? I was wondering why it smelled like a beautiful girl. I thought it was my body. Now I like it more." Xing kissed the game console and took it back.

"You!" Silver Wolf was a little crazy. Whose genes did this guy inherit? Is there such a perverted person among the star core hunters? How did Kafka teach her?

"Forget it, anyway, my goal has been achieved. It's worth talking to you to delay time."

"This is the ether cassette, screw cobalt, it seems that I won this time, please let me have fun, okay?"

"A replica, completed when I was talking just now. ”

“Screw Cobalt, I am very curious about what methods you and Black Tower will use to stop me this time. Can I see your true strength this time?” Silver Wolf was absolutely sure of victory at this time, and she was completely unaware that her game accounts were being banned one by one.

“Sorry, Miss Silver Wolf, I want to point out that the cartridge in your hand is just a copy.”

“Correction: Not only the one in your hand, but also the one stored here, the real wonder was moved away at the beginning of the plan.”

“Conclusion: You can share this data freely, and I will not stop you.”

“Screw Cobalt, you are really boring, but if so, I may come to Black Tower Space Station again.”

“Then it has nothing to do with me.”

“Forget it, let’s just treat it as a draw this time.”

“By the way, it’s daytime, right? Be careful not to let me meet you again, otherwise, hehehe.”

“Miss Silver Wolf, can I think you are threatening me?”

“Just think so. "

"By the way, Miss Silver Wolf, before I came here, Black Tower was locating and querying your interstellar network account. There are 76 accounts in total, which is a very auspicious number. The conversation just now is not only you delaying time, but we are also delaying time for Black Tower."

"It has been so long. With the efficiency of Ms. Black Tower, Silver Wolf, you can expect how many of your game accounts are left." Bai Tian suddenly had some bad taste.

"What, wait, how can this be!" Silver Wolf immediately exited the simulated universe after hearing the news, and seemed to want to rescue a few accounts.

"Exited, really anxious." Screw Cobalt had no joy of victory at all.

"Hehehe, she is anxious, she is anxious."


"Humph, a great victory, now you know how powerful Ms. Black Tower is." Black Tower seemed to be in a good mood after banning the account.

"All the game accounts of the little girl have been frozen, 76, not one left, and now the little girl is probably crying while holding the computer. ”

“Bai Tian, ​​what were you doing?” Xing saw Bai Tian calling someone.

“Ms. Heita’s efficiency in banning accounts is indeed good, but I don’t think it’s safe.”

“So, I just contacted the company and deleted all the data of Yinlang’s 76 game accounts, leaving only a backup with me. Now even if she gets her account back, she can’t get her game records back.”

“If she wants, I’ll let her beg me. I believe it must be interesting to see Yinlang crying bitterly.”

“Wow, you’re too mean, but I like it. When the time comes, take a video and send it to me. I also want to see Yinlang crying bitterly and making a fuss. Hehehe, it must be very interesting.” That’s right, Xing is still the same Xing, just acting as a human being occasionally.

“Heita, how about the coordinates?"It's like this, have you got it? If you haven't got it yet, I will doubt the authenticity of your genius."

"Okay, okay, I'll send it to you, but how are you going to tie her up?

"Just wait and see." Bai Tian located the coordinates given by the black tower, and then used the power of nothingness to prepare for transmission.


"It's gone, it's all gone, there's really nothing left... It's too much, too much!" Silver Wolf looked like he had no desire to live, and his voice was a little tearful.

"Okay, Silver Wolf, stop crying and making a fuss, you're not a child anymore."

"I'm not crying and making a fuss." Silver Wolf's tears had already begun to well up in her eyes, but her dignity as a star core hunter made her hold them back.

"Yes, yes, then what are you going to do next? Find a nearby company branch to hack into and get the account back?"

"Well, one or two is fine, but this time we played a little too hard and basically all of them were killed. I don't think the branch can do it. I have to go to Pierpoint." Silver Wolf began to miss his game console. The game console is gone, and now the account is gone.

"Well, strange, who sent me the message?"

"Oh, let me see." Kafka read it out curiously.

Riding a motorcycle can't keep your driver's license,

Being a hacker can't keep your account.

Horizontal banner: crying and making a fuss.

"Damn it, damn it, it's this day again, I'm so angry, don't let me catch him, otherwise..."

"Okay, Silver Wolf, be more mature."

"Got it, Kafka, I'm leaving first."

"Well, goodbye, Silver Wolf."

As soon as Silver Wolf separated from Kafka, a ball of black energy flashed by, rolled up Silver Wolf and disappeared.

"Well, Silver Wolf's movements were very fast this time." Kafka did not doubt anything.

"Strange, what's going on, how did I suddenly arrive at the Black Tower Space Station." Silver Wolf rubbed his butt and stood up.

"Hello, little wolf." Bai Tian appeared in front of Silver Wolf at some point.

"It's you!"

"What do you want to do!" Looking at this guy, Silver Wolf wanted to go up and give him two punches.

"And us." Black Tower, Star, and Screw Cobble were right behind Silver Wolf.

"Oh, it's over, it's a bit difficult to run this time." Silver Wolf was ready to give up struggling and wait for Kafka to save him.

"Miss Silver Wolf, aren't you going to struggle again? You still have about a one in ten thousand chance of escaping." Screw Cobble gave Silver Wolf a glimmer of hope.

"Forget it, I won't run away, do whatever you want."

"Humph, Silver Wolf, I finally caught you. Star, I'll leave it to you, do whatever you want." Black Tower pulled Screw Cobble away.

"Leave it to me, hehehe, then I won't be polite." Xing rubbed his hands and looked at Yinlang expectantly.

Took out a rope and tied up Yinlang.

"What do you want to do! No! Kafka, help! Wuuwuwu........."

"What are you doing? I ask you what you are doing!" Seeing Xing sitting in front of him, taking out the game console that once belonged to him, logging into his account, and playing his own character, Yinlang went crazy.

"Silver Wolf, your character configuration is wrong, you should match the team like this."

"Shut up!" Anxious, Yinlang was anxious.

"This level is not played like this, stop it, get out of the way! Dodge, dodge, did you press the dodge button? I can play better than you with my feet." Seeing Xing's boring operation, Yinlang wanted to snatch the game console and play it himself.

"Silver Wolf, you are annoying." Xing took out a ball of tissue and stuffed Yinlang's mouth. "

"Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu...! "

After a while.

Silver Wolf's clothes were messy, his hair was messy, and his eyes were staring at the ceiling.

"Torture, absolutely torture!"

Kafka, what kind of daughter did you give birth to!

"Xing, that's enough, leave the rest to me." Bai Tian took the paper ball out of Silver Wolf's mouth and untied her rope.

"Little Wolf, I wonder if you want to go to Pierpoint to restore your banned account."

"How do you know? Well, it's not hard to guess, but even if you know, those people in the company can't protect me." Speaking of his professional knowledge, Silver Wolf regained his confidence. Please remember how arrogant Silver Wolf was at this time.

"Of course, I know that the company can't resist the invasion of the genius hacker Miss Silver Wolf, but with those people in the company, it is still very easy to completely clear the game records of some banned game accounts."

"You dare!" Silver Wolf was stunned. She didn't expect this person to do it so decisively.

"It's a pity, Little Wolf. "

"You you you..." Silver Wolf's nose felt sore at this moment, and he felt endless regret.The feeling of resentment surged in her heart instantly. She was emotionally broken by the teasing of Heita and the others, and ashamed and angry by the teasing of Xing. She bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying, but tears still flowed from her eyes.

"Do you know how long it took me to get those game props? Do you know that I stayed up at three in the middle of the night to get those equipment? Do you know how tired I am to work hard every day without even eating?"

"Woo woo woo woo, how can you do this, give me back my account." Silver Wolf's emotions had completely collapsed at this time, and he pounced on Bai Tian, ​​crying and making a fuss, while hitting his chest with his little fist.

"No way, I really cried, little wolf, why are you like a child whose favorite toy was destroyed."

"However, little wolf, I still have a backup of your game records here. If you want it, you have to promise me one thing."

"Humph." Silver Wolf wiped his tears with his sleeves, and his emotions calmed down a little, but his nose was still twitching.

"What do you want to do?"

"We'll talk about it later." Bai Tian threw the record to Yin Lang.

"Hey, be careful."

"By the way, Yin Lang, here you go." Bai Tian threw something to Yin Lang.

"This is a limited edition game console that Interstellar Peace Company has not yet published. How did you get it? I've wanted it for a long time. No, why did you give it to me? What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just consider it my compensation to you."

"Humph." Yin Lang smiled slightly.

"I forgive you."

"Wait, it seems to be Kafka's call."

"Silver Wolf, why are you in the Black Tower Space Station? Are you crying?"

"That one over there is Bai Tian, ​​the variable. Did he bully you?"

"Without Kafka, I'm not crying."

"Really? Silver Wolf, give him the phone."

"Bai Tian, ​​it seems that my Silver Wolf is very unhappy with you."

"By the way, there is also the matter of destroying my coat."

"No, Kafka, how can you hold a grudge more than me? You still remember the last incident."

"Wait." Bai Tian spoke.

"Ms. Kafka, you don't want Xing to get into trouble, do you?"

Xing: "?"

"How did it happen to me?"

"You are companions. I don't think you will hurt her. This trick won't work on me."

"But I can make her drunk like a puff." Bai Tian didn't care about her face at all.


"You, you, Bai Tian, ​​you are so perverted! Even more perverted than me!" Xing pointed at Bai Tian, ​​with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Filled into puffs? What does that mean, is he going to treat Xing to puffs?" Silver Wolf was a little silly at this time.

Bai Tian looked at Silver Wolf with a weird look on his face.

Silver Wolf, Silver Wolf, how can you be so innocent, so innocent that it's a little cute.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Forget it, I won't settle accounts with you this time." Kafka only then noticed that her own Silver Wolf was so silly and cute.

"Elio remembers you now. After all, because of you, Elio has revised many completed scripts. You have increased her workload."

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