Klipper, the star god of preservation, is one of the oldest star gods in the known universe. Whenever his giant hammer falls slowly, the Amber Calendar will enter a new era. The richest interstellar peace company in the universe deeply believes in the way of preservation. If you accidentally provoke him, believe me, his big hammer can not only build walls.

But now, the civil engineer who is silently building the wall suddenly feels deep malice.

"Hehehehe." Aha brought the sleeping Bai Tian sneakily to a giant wall emitting yellow light in the universe.

"Let Aha have some fun." Aha looked at Bai Tian, ​​then smiled, grabbed Bai Tian and threw him at the wall.

"Bang!" A big hole was smashed in the crystal yellow wall, just like when Akivali was still alive.

"Oh yeah, Aha scored full marks for this ball." Aha danced with joy.

"Damn, what's going on!" Bai Tian opened his eyes and roared.

"Who is it!!!" An ancient, angry voice came over.

"Slip away." Ah Ha slipped away in an instant.

"Well, what's going on." Bai Tian looked up and saw a figure holding a huge hammer looking at him.

"Hi, hello." Bai Tian greeted awkwardly but politely.

"Bang." The old man of civil engineering hit Bai Tian with a hammer, and the huge hammer hit Bai Tian's body hard. At the same time, the Amber Age entered a new era, which was unexpectedly short.

Under the hammer of the old man of civil engineering, Bai Tian was forced to fly in the direction of Ah Ha's escape.

The guardian star god looked in the direction of Ah Ha's escape, but finally did not chase him, because He had more important things to do.

That is "building a wall!"


"Ahahaha, it's so fun, hahahaha." Ah Ha laughed as he walked.

"Bang!" Bai Tian flew over and smashed Aha hard.

"Ouch, who dared to sneak attack Aha." Aha covered his head and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, it's you, long time no see, Aha missed you a little." Aha looked at Bai Tian who was unhappy and smiled awkwardly.

"I ******, you ******, Aha I..." Bai Tian flew towards Aha and attacked Aha crazily.

"Ouch, what are you doing, I am the Joyful Star God who has lived for countless Amber Ages, if you hit me again, I will fight back."


"Huh." Bai Tian took a long breath.


"Wuwuwuwu, damn it, Aha was bullied by others, it's so embarrassing." Aha's mask was taken off by Bai Tian, ​​and a piece of his hair was pulled bald, lying next to him and severely condemning Bai Tian.

Bai Tian ignored Ah Ha's condemnation and found a meteorite to lie on. He hadn't slept enough.

"Damn it, you ignored Ah Ha again. Ah Ha won't play with you anymore." Seeing that there was no fun, Ah Ha turned around and pretended to leave angrily.

"Humph, Ah Ha is really leaving."

"I'm really leaving."

"I'm really leaving." Seeing that Bai Tian didn't respond, Ah Ha turned around and looked.

"Damn it, I fell asleep again. Nothingness is really boring."

"Well," Ah Ha looked into the distance, as if he thought of something.

"Hehehe, if there is a variable on the original trajectory, it will definitely be fun. The future will change, and the ending will be full of variables. That's the only way to have fun."


At this time, the atmosphere on the Starry Sky Train was still so peaceful, no different from before.

"Everyone sit tight, be careful not to fall. The train is ready to start the jump, March, be careful, it will still hurt if you fall." Lao Yang is still so reliable.

"Don't worry, Uncle Yang, I won't fall this time." Sanyueqi was full of energy and took a horse stance on the train.

"Ouch, it hurts." As expected, Sanyueqi fell to the ground again. As the train jump ended, Sanyueqi, who fell to the ground again, climbed up.

"Conductor, can you give me a glass of juice? Thank you."

"Please wait for a moment, passenger Sanyueqi."

"A-choo, oooo~, why do I have a bad feeling." The pink entangled fate spirit rubbed his nose.

"Please rest assured, passenger Sanyueqi, there will be no unexpected Pa this time." Pam walked to Sanyueqi with the freshly squeezed juice.

"Thank you, Pam." Sanyueqi took the juice and drank it all, and did not forget to wipe his mouth with his sleeve.

"But I just feel a little uneasy. The last time I felt this way was when I was wanted with Danheng. You don't know..., Ouch. " Before March Seven finished speaking, he fell off the sofa.

"Um~~, what's going on?" March Seven struggled to get up from the ground while rubbing his buttocks.

"Oh no, the train is out of control." Pam screamed.

"Strange, how could the train move for no reason, it really hurts me to death."

"Hahaha." Aha was controlling the Starry Sky Train and hitting Bai Tian hard.

"Hit him to death! Hit him to death! Hit him to death!" Aha raised his hand and shouted excitedly.

"Bang!" The train hit Bai Tian hard.

"Hahaha, it's so fun." Aha stopped controlling the train.

"Conductor, what's going on!" March Seven screamed.

"Damn, Pam seems to have hit someone!" Pam grabbed her ear and shouted.

"Help! "Ji Zi saw that the train had returned to normal, and hurriedly brought Bai Tian back to the train for rescue.

"It's over, Sister Ji Zi, he seems to be motionless, we won't be arrested, right?" San Yue Qi covered his mouth and looked at the motionless Bai Tian in panic.

"Woo woo woo woo, Pam hit someone to death." Pam's ears drooped down.

"Conductor, don't be excited, he's fine." Lao Yang checked.

"His vital signs are very stable, as if he just fell asleep. It's incredible that he was hit by the high-speed train without any external injuries."

"No! Lao Bai, you died so tragically! Who on earth could have done such a cruel thing to you!" A man broke into the train at some point and lay in front of Bai Tian crying and making a fuss.

"Lao Bai!!!"

"Lao Bai!!!" "Aha cried heartbreakingly, as if his father had died.

"Sir..., he just fell into a coma, you don't have to be so sad." Lao Yang was ready to comfort Aha's emotions first.

"Nonsense, he is obviously dead, Lao Bai!!!"

"How is this possible." Lao Yang found that Bai Tian, ​​who was fine just now, suddenly lost his vital signs.

"You tell me what to do, Lao Bai is my beloved relative, brother!"

"Sir, what compensation do you want?" Lao Yang found that the man in front of him who was shouting was definitely a person with a happy fate, and he might even be a happy messenger.

"Pay money!" Aha suddenly stopped crying.

"Ah, what? Pay money?" San Yueqi was a little confused,

"This person is not a liar."

"Ah! Why! Lao Bai, ah ah ah ah...". Aha screamed again.

"Sir, how much compensation do you want? "Ji Zi, the navigator, stood up. No matter what, it was their fault for hitting someone.

"Three hundred million credit points." Ah Ha held up three fingers.

"How much?" San Yue Qi couldn't believe it.

"You can't come up with so much money even if you sell us."

"Then thirty million is fine."

"Hey, your price bottom line is too flexible." San Yue Qi complained.

"Okay." Ji Zi gave a positive answer.

"Sister Ji Zi, you have to think it over. If we pay so much money, we won't have to eat dirt in the future."

"I agree too." Lao Yang glanced at Ah Ha, and then gave a positive answer. It's better to avoid some trouble as much as possible. People in Huanyue Destiny are difficult to deal with, and thirty million credit points are not many.

"Okay, since Sister Ji Zi and Uncle Yang agree, then I agree too."

"I agree." Teacher Dan Heng was still very frugal with words.

"Then Pam agreed too. ”

“Hehehe, well, give me the money.” Ah Ha looked at his phone and happily collected the credit points.

“Wait, it’s you, Pam remembered you, you’re the guy who blew up the train in two.” Pam looked at Ah Ha and found him more and more familiar, and suddenly he remembered some bad memories.

“Ah, I was recognized, did you forget to change your image? Forget it, bye then.”

“By the way, I’ll give this guy to you, bye.” Ah Ha didn’t forget to sell Bai Tian before he left.

“Damn it, damn it!” Pam stamped her feet in anger.

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