"Look, dear, you brought back [a moment of freedom], now I can take you to play something more interesting."

Xing took out [a moment of freedom] and handed it to "Sambo".

"It looks like a donut with a bite taken out of it."

"Dear, appearance is not important, let's go, I'll take you to see real happiness."


"It's so funny, look at that group of people, they can't even catch a running pet." Xing came to the golden moment and saw a group of people chasing a running pet.

"Wait, the one being chased seems to be Pam!" Sanyueqi looked carefully, and the dress looked more and more familiar, just like the one she made for Pam before.

"Help, Pam! Help, Pam!" Pam saw Xing and ran towards them desperately.

"Pam, the train captain, don't run away. Let your sister hug you."

"Hehehehe, Pam, Pam, my beloved Pam, hahahaha, you can't escape from my palm..."

"Pam, little cutie, don't be afraid. Come hide in your mother's arms."

Hearing the wolf-like voice of the woman behind her, Pam wished she had two legs.

"Star passengers, March 7 passengers, daytime passengers, save Pam!" Pam looked back and wanted to fly.

"That's Pam! She is being chased by a group of bad women." March 7 ran over quickly and hugged Pam in her arms.

"It's the people from the Star Dome Train, sisters, run away!" Seeing March 7 and the others, these people could only secretly say it was a pity, and then turned and left.

"Woo, those women are so scary!" Pam lay in March 7's arms and finally felt a sense of security.

"Okay, Pam, they've left."

"Thank you, March 7th passenger." Looking closely, there seems to be lip marks on Pam's face.

Being surrounded by a group of young ladies, I dare not imagine how painful it is!

"Pam, do you want to play together? We are just going to that dream store, it is said that it is very interesting there."

"Okay, Pam, Pam will go with you."

"Oh, this is the famous Starry Sky Train conductor Pam, nice to meet you, I am really flattered." To be honest, Pam's appearance hit "Sambo"'s heart hard, she now really wants to see Pam's fun.


"Welcome to the dream store, Dr. Edward is at your service!"

"Hello, Ms. Pioneer, it seems that you have brought some interesting friends."

"Hi, Dr. Edward. I want to take my friends to experience something interesting, you know."

"Believe me, dear, you will like that dream very much." Old "Sambo" knows Xing's obsession with the trash can very well.

"Let me explain to you, this is a service for senior customers in our store: you can give me the dreams you have experienced recently, supplemented by relevant emotional prototypes, and you can make personalized dream bubbles that can be experienced repeatedly."

"Any dreams are fine? For example, those dreams that you still want to see after waking up?" Xing looked very interested.

"Yes, Ms. Xing, but only dreams below 12+ are accepted here."

"Really? That's a pity."

"Hey, Xing, what dreams above 12+ do you have that you still want to see!" Sanyueqi complained.


"Trust me, dear, you will like that dream very much."

"Come on, sister." Old "Sambo" handed the memory bubble to Xing.

Xing had experience using the memory bubble before, and this time she entered the dream very smoothly.

Dreaming in a dream, dreaming in a dream, it's a wonderful feeling.

"Wait, why is this dream full of trash cans?" Liuying looked at old "Sambo" suspiciously.

"Dreams are nothing strange, and, isn't this what she wants to see?"

Indeed, Xing looked at the trash cans all over the street and wanted to rush up immediately.


"Satana... the king of garbage..., and the one throwing bombs everywhere, isn't that you, Sambo? Are you really not afraid of getting beaten like this?" March Seven looked at Sambo suspiciously, she now felt that there was something wrong with Sambo.

"Oh, Miss March Seven, look, isn't she having fun?"

"Wait a minute, this is too ridiculous." Liuying still couldn't accept such abstract art.

Star Wars Trash Can, who came up with this plot?

"Oh, I still want to see the final ending, but it's a pity that it was interrupted. How about it, dear." Old "Sambo" looked regretful.

"Liuying, don't you like trash cans?"Xing made up his mind to ask this question.

"How could you possibly like a trash can! Would anyone like that thing?"

"Hahaha, you're right, how could anyone possibly like a trash can?" Xing continued Liuying's words, but said goodbye to the trash can sadly in his heart.

"Goodbye, trash can, don't contact me again in the future, I'm afraid that Liuying's wife will misunderstand."

"What a pity, you're just a little bit away from seeing the truth of your beautiful dream, goodbye, I hope you can find out the truth sooner."

"Dear, don't be fooled by the tempting fluorescence, if you fall into the hands of that kind of guy, I will be very, very disappointed."

"Also, Bai Tian, ​​Lezi God asked me to bring you a message." Old "Sambo" leaned over to Bai Tian's ear and said to him.

"You are very powerful, but in this farce, you can only protect yourself, not others, really, I'm not kidding. No matter how strong you are, you are not a star god after all..."

"Also, the god of fun said that if you figure it out, go find him, he will be waiting for you in the tavern."

"Goodbye, my friends."

"Strange, Sambo is saying something strange. It feels like a riddle man." March Seven hates those who don't make their words clear. With her brain, she can't understand it at all.

"Where is Pam? She was here just now."

"It just took a memory bubble to the side, look, it's there." March Seven pointed at Pam.

At this time, Pam seemed to have something flashing in her eyes, like tears, but before March Seven could see clearly, it covered its eyes with its big ears, as if it was afraid that March Seven would find out that it was sad.

"Woo woo woo, damn Pam! Pam thought of some bad memories. "

It seems that Pam has a deep memory of what Akivli and Aha did for her.

But then again, Akivli and Aha both have the last name A, so they are brothers, right? (Just kidding)

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