Dream Bar......

"Hey, Gallaher, what brings you here? Who are these people behind you......?" A mature older sister was wiping the wine glass, the one that Xing liked, but unfortunately, she already had a firefly.

"Old friends, are you free now? Mr. Shu." The decadent uncle Gallaher was half dead and lying in front of the counter.

"Old friends? What other old friends can you have? Hey, don't dirty my table, I just cleaned it."

"Friends from the Starry Sky Train, where are your cocktail ingredients? Let me show you my skills. I'm old, and if I don't get rehabilitated, I'm afraid I'll even forget the skills of eating in the past."

"It's just under the counter, but you have to find the special ingredients yourself."

"Hey, Xing, she and Sister Xiluwa are the same, but I don't know if she can rock and roll."

"This is her." Xing answered affirmatively.

"Shiluwa? Who is that? Introduce her to me." Shu Weng was obviously very interested in Shiluwa, who they said was a rocker and looked very similar to him.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask her." Bai Tian took out his phone and prepared to contact Shiluwa. Don't ask why dreams can be connected to reality. Just ask the omnipotent star god.

Pure Love God of War: @Shiluwa, are you free now?

Shiluwa: Yes, what's wrong?

Pure Love God of War: Do you want to come to the dream to play? By the way, there is a big sister who looks like you here.

Shiluwa: Dream? It sounds interesting. How to get there?

Pure Love God of War: Close your eyes.

Shiluwa: Well, then what?

Pure Love God of War: Open your eyes again.

Shiluwa just opened her eyes and came to a strange place. In front of her, she saw a person who looked very similar to her. Not only did they look alike, but their temperament was also similar.

"Is this Miss Xiluwa? Hello, I'm Shu Weng."

"Hello, Bai Tian, ​​how did I get here? It's so magical, I came here in a blink of an eye?"


Xiluwa: "Has he always been like this? He deserves a beating."

"Wow, he really changed! It's the real Miss Xiluwa, so magical!" Sanyueqi surrounded Xiluwa, looking left and right.

"Bai Tian, ​​now I kind of believe that what you said before about being a [existing] star god is true." Sanyueqi looked at Bai Tian with admiration.

"Really? It's broken!" Xing seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Then it will be true that all people with the destiny of [existence] will not be able to transform into the starry sky in the future! Don't do such things!"

"But then again, I now realize that most of the bad things in Pinoconi are because the company and the family are fighting for the place of Pinoconi and the legacy of the watchmaker."

"If I occupy Pinoconi, won't all these bad things be solved? It's reasonable for me, a star god, to grab a territory."

"Besides, [harmony] Xipei can't beat me anyway. As for [protection] Krippo, if this old man Tumu can leave His wall for a step because of this, I lose."

"It seems to make sense." Sanyueqi nodded blankly to show his agreement.

"I agree. If you take down Pinoconi, I can get it for free in Pinoconi in the future." Xingju agreed with both hands.

"It's a pity that now we just lack a reason to act. We are civilized people and can't rob by force." Bai Tian expressed great regret for not having a reason.

"Reasons, let me think, what were the reasons I used when I was a bishop before?" Otto was thinking, which was a professional match.

"Uh." Ji Zi wanted to interrupt the discussion of several people, but seeing that they were discussing so intensely, it seemed inappropriate to interrupt them.

"Hey, I am a family member. Is it appropriate for you to discuss these things here? Don't you need to avoid it?" Shu Weng watched the people in front of him conspiring loudly.

"Is this the Star God of [Existence] who was promoted before? Could it be that the Star God of [Joy] pretended to be him?" Shu Weng expressed great doubt, after all, there are many masked fools in Pinoconi now.

Otto was interrupted in his thinking and glanced at Shu Weng.

"Do you want to silence us?"

"Uncle Otto, there is no need!" Sanyueqi spoke quickly.

"Wait, let me make a detailed plan. We are already overwhelming in strength, but we are civilized people. We must occupy Pinocchio legitimately and not let other forces find a reason to criticize us... This is not difficult."

"Yes, that's the reason. It just so happens that we were attacked in the memory domain before, so we use this as a reason and add a few details..."

Otto took Bai Tian's words seriously and was preparing a plan to occupy Pinocchio.'s plan.

Bai Tian also took it seriously. He was now investigating all the defensive forces of Pinoconi, preparing to occupy the entire Pinoconi as quickly as possible when the time came, [Existence] blitz [Harmony].

"Uh, what a dramatic scene, but after all, it is a star god. Is Pinoconi really going to change its owner today?" Shu Weng looked at several people with a twitch in the corner of his mouth. In just this moment, he was more stimulated than she had ever been in her life.

"Miss Shu Weng, let's go aside and don't disturb them." Xi Luwa's face was also full of black lines. Didn't you say that she was here to play? Why is he going to rebel while talking? He won't treat her as an accomplice.

"Forget it, these people will probably have to discuss for a while, let's go find some ingredients for cocktails." Ji Zi looked at Walter and Dan Heng.

"Fortunately, there are still a few normal people on the train."

"Shu Weng! No wonder you opened a shabby bar in this godforsaken place. You actually want to rebel! You are trying to start a rebellion, and you have accomplices!" A surprised voice broke Otto and Bai Tian's thoughts, which made them both very unhappy.

"Come back with me, I can consider not exposing you."

"Come on, I'll prepare a plan and send it to you later." Otto glanced at Bai Tian and continued to think about his plan. He hasn't done these for a long time, and he missed it a little.

"Okay, leave it to me." Bai Tian conjured up a rope and a rotten paper ball.

He tied Emily up tightly and stuffed her mouth.

"Woo woo woo woo!" (Shu Weng, save me!)

But unfortunately, Shu Weng was discussing rock music with Xi Luwa at this time and didn't hear her screams at all.

"Walter, they can't be serious, right?"

"It should be." Walter covered his head. He shouldn't have let Otto get on the train.

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