As the sun set, everyone accompanied Chadwick on this last journey.

"Dr. Chadwick, he is a true scientist, not just because of his achievements. He is tired and it is time for him to rest. We should not feel sad because of his departure. Moreover, Ms. Heita, Dr. Chadwick's things will be passed on by you."

Screw Cobalt looked at Heita. He understood why Chadwick trusted Heita. This lady he met for the first time always had a special temperament. She was a trustworthy partner, although sometimes she would make a little temper.

"Huh, Chadwick, it's really infuriating... It's just an ordinary person with only a few decades of life, but he can achieve such a jaw-dropping achievement." For Heita, just a few decades may be the life of Chadwick and ordinary people, but for her, it may be just the time to do a scientific research project.

"You seem to admire Dr. Chadwick."

"Appreciate? A little, but to be honest..., I am a little envious, and a little...jealous. What this person has researched in just a few decades is no worse than what I have spent a longer time to come up with." Heita put her hands on her waist. She was amazed that Chadwick had researched so many things in just a few decades, and she seemed puzzled that Chadwick trusted her so much.

"Ms. Heita, I can understand that the rationality of organic life is really elusive. But the impulse of organic life often contains magnificent and romantic poetry-it shocked me."

As an intelligent life, although Screw Cobalt has extremely high intelligence, it also corresponds to that he can only think about problems rationally. He can't understand these emotional things, but he is very shocked.

"Humph, this is the shortcoming of your intelligent life, just like you often argue with me, you can't understand these things." Heita expressed his dissatisfaction with Screw Cobalt's frequent arguments with her over some small issues.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Heita. But those questions..."

"Stop, stop, I don't want to argue with you about this now." Heita was unhappy. Here he comes again. Screw Cobalt is good in every way, but this aspect is really annoying, a piece of absolutely rational cold iron...

"Chadwick's last few words, he asked me to tell you." Heita rolled his eyes, couldn't he say it himself?


"Originally, the matter was settled. From the moment [Imaginary Pulse] came into being, any corner of the universe was destined to be wary of the threat from it. I can't turn back time, but I can at least do one thing..."

"Give the knowledge and technology I have mastered to people who are worthy of trust, and lay the foundation for establishing a deterrence system that can check and balance the power of the company."

"My life has come to an end. But from this moment on, I want to become a sword, always hanging over the heads of hegemony and evil."

"Of course, there is a better way now." Heita looked at daylight.

"This is for you."

"【Existence】Star God, I beg you to deny the existence of "【Imaginary Collapse Pulse】, just as if it has never appeared..."

"Hmph, Calderon Chadwick, you are still thinking about this matter when you are dying? You really are..."

"I can deny the existence of "【Imaginary Collapse Pulse】, but Black Tower, I want to hear your opinion, after all, this technology is yours now."

Bai Tian looked at Black Tower. Although He knew the answer long ago, if Black Tower would be greedy for this thing, Chadwick would not give her his knowledge.

"I have no objection. Dr. Chadwick's other things are much more important to me than this so-called "Imaginary Collapse Pulse". I will be happy to get rid of it." Black Tower did not have any other ideas. On the contrary, this thing might make the company focus on her. If it is gone, it is gone.

"Okay, since you have no objection, then I will deny the existence of "Imaginary Collapse Pulse". ”

“It didn’t exist in the past, it doesn’t exist now, it won’t exist in the future, it never existed…” The negation of [existence] has made [imaginary collapse pulse] completely non-existent, even in the future…

Even Black Tower and Screw Cobalt, as well as those who knew about this matter in the universe, they didn’t realize that something was missing in their minds, because &@`#LK ([imaginary collapse pulse]) has never existed…

In the eyes of Black Tower and Screw Cobalt, they came here just to rescue Dr. Chadwick and send himOK, but &+`IBZb? ([Imaginary Collapse Pulse]) has disappeared in this story.

"May you find eternal peace in that forest, Doctor." Black Tower and Screw Cobalt said their final goodbyes. Now they are ready to go back. She still has some research on Dr. Chadwick's other knowledge.

"Don't you want to stay for a few days? After all, the Harmony Ceremony will be held in the next few days." Xing still wanted Black Tower and the others to stay for a few days.

"Harmony Ceremony? Isn't the family gone? What is it still being held?" Black Tower was a little confused. Who was holding this Harmony Ceremony.

"The family is gone, but I am still here. I see that the Harmony Ceremony of the family is almost ready, so I thought I would just take it and use it directly. Isn't it enough to modify it?"

"Haha, you really like to recycle waste. Forget it. Since it's your invitation, let's stay for a few days. Also, send me a copy of your data to introduce a new star god to the simulated universe." Black Tower still couldn't forget her simulated universe.

"The Harmonious Music Festival, well, this name is not really appropriate now, what should we name it?"

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