"Damn it, Huang Quan, are you having fun in Pinoconi?" A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, who are you?" Black Swan seemed a little confused, but the man on the other end of the phone seemed to be looking for Huang Quan, and seemed to have a grudge against Huang Quan.

"Huang Quan, don't play dumb, just wait. Although I don't know what you are and what you are planning..."

"But my bullet will find you soon - before that, you'd better find a coffin shop in Pinoconi and ask the boss to leave a good quality one for you. It's a fake, it's a fake, when can the synesthesia beacon be repaired!" The man's voice on the other end of the phone was a little exasperated.

"Fake? Huang Quan is not a patrol ranger after all." Black Swan had roughly understood what happened at this time, but now Huang Quan has become the envoy of [Existence]. Is this patrol ranger her opponent? Black Swan expressed doubts. After all, before Huang Quan became the [Existence] Commander, the dance he and she had... was simply his nightmare.

"What the hell, it's the wrong number again! Let me see... Um... No, it's not wrong! You're not Huang Quan? Then who are you?"

"I'm the Rememberer of Liuguang Yiting." Black Swan suddenly became interested in the man on the other end of the phone. He should be the patrol ranger whose identity was impersonated by Huang Quan. Unexpectedly, he also came here.

"Wow! Not bad, I like this kind of tough guy. Are you the bodyguard of that fake? Or someone else? Forget it, it doesn't matter. I'll also save a bullet for you, so clean your head and wait."

"I'm sorry, I'm not in the same group with that Huang Quan." Black Swan didn't want to fight this patrol ranger.

"Oh..., hahahahaha, okay! I didn't expect it to be a friendly army. He's a little bit precious. It seems that I'm really lucky." The man on the other end of the phone sounded a little surprised.

"Huang Quan, she is not a fate walker of [Patrol] at all. The identity of the Patrol Ranger she used should be borrowed from you. What a pity, she no longer needs your identity now."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it! Weren't you happy when you pretended to be my identity? Do you think you can escape without using my identity now? I will find her, and by then, my bullets will definitely catch up with her."

The man on the other end of the phone was furious. Damn it, if you want to use it, use it, if you don't want to use it, throw it away. What do you think of my identity!

"Yizhe, I'll be at Pinocchio soon, Yizhe, go buy a bottle of [Asdena White Oak], warm it up, and toast you a glass."


"Damn it, that damn Huang Quan, I will find her, damn it, wait for me." Botio threw the phone on the table angrily and said angrily.

"Oh, it seems you found her. I hope you can succeed in revenge." A blond man closed the book in his hand and looked at Botio.

"Hey, Xukong Wanzang, you are so precious. If you take my spaceship, don't say anything sarcastic to me here." Botio looked at Xukong Wanzang with dissatisfaction.

"Oh, hahaha, sorry, but the way you talk..., sorry, I shouldn't laugh at you." Xukong Wanzang saw that Botio had already taken out the gun, so he controlled his mouth.

"He is precious, I don't want to talk like this. If my synesthesia beacon hadn't been changed, I would have let you taste my power." Botio looked at Xukong Wanzang dangerously. What was wrong with his brain at that time that he let this guy take a ride on the ship?

"But you, why did you go to Pinoconi? Oh, by the way, I remember that you were also an unknown guest before, and you seemed to be thrown out. He was so precious. You are not going to take revenge, are you? Hahaha!" Potio patted Xukong Wanzang's shoulder, and the two looked very close.

"No, I'm just looking for someone." Xukong Wanzang put down the book in his hand and pulled Potio's hand on his shoulder aside.

"Looking for someone? Damn it, our goals are similar. You are also going to take revenge!"

"Revenge? I dare not." Until now, Xukong Wanzang's heart was turbulent when he thought of that man. Damn it, his current situation is completely due to that guy. He has been with that guy for so long that he has been marinated and completely become his shape.

Moreover, that guy threw himself aside after rushing through the tree! Xukong Wanzang took out the mirror and looked at Otto's mean faceHe was so angry that his teeth were itching.

"Don't dare? What else do you dare not do? I'm a little curious about who you are looking for." Potio didn't know much about this mysterious Xukong Wanzang, but he felt that Xukong Wanzang's strength should not be weak. He was really curious about the person who could scare him.

"When you meet him, you will understand. That guy is a lunatic, um..., he should not be now."

"Mad man? I've seen a lot of him, meow." The way Potio spoke was a little funny.

"Meow! When can I fix this synesthesia beacon!" Potio was very angry now. "

"Meow? Hahahahahaha...! Sorry, I didn't mean to offend. "

"You are still laughing! He is a treasure, I will fight you!" Potio pounced on him and pressed Xukong Wanzang under him.

"Oh my god, drive the boat carefully, don't hit it! I'm so awesome! You tm be gentle...! "

"With automatic driving, don't worry. Today I'm going to let you taste my power. He's a treasure."


"Patrolman, it seems that the real master has finally appeared, but it's a pity that he came too late. But it doesn't matter. I'm still very curious. When [Patrol] and [Existence] confront each other, which side will be better? "

At this moment, in front of Black Swan was a bottle of [Asdena White Oak] wine that was already warm. She narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a hint of expectation, as if she was full of interest in the upcoming Patrolman.

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