"Otto..." A familiar yet strange voice sounded behind him, and this voice hit Otto's soul. The smile that he had just made fun of Walter froze on his face in an instant. He didn't expect that this day would come so soon and catch him off guard.

"Karen..." Otto turned around with difficulty, his eyes fell on the figure that had haunted him and obsessed him for five hundred years. At this moment, she stood behind him like a dreamlike reunion.

He had seen too much fun, but he didn't expect that one day, fun would finally come to him. He bet that the fun god Aha who liked to watch the fun must be hiding in a corner and laughing.

Otto stared at Karen closely. Although the years passed, she still looked as beautiful and charming as she was five hundred years ago...

It was because of his deep love for her that he pursued the so-called "truth" at all costs during these long five hundred years, but unknowingly his hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. Now, he has become a veritable executioner.

Karen also stared at Otto quietly, with complex emotions in her eyes. She knew clearly that Otto had done many excessive things to save herself.

Facing this man covered in sin, she didn't know how to deal with herself. The contradictions and struggles in her heart made her fall into endless silence.

The two stood face to face with their heads down, and no one had the courage to break the silence first.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk? This is not right? Ah Ha spent so much effort, where is the fun? Where is the fun?" Ah Ha and Bai Tian stared at Otto and Karen in the dark, but the development of things was a little wrong.

How is this different from the situation on Walter's side? Ah Ha just saw a lot of fun on Walter's side, hahahahaha, lobster head telegraph, Ah Ha's favorite episode.

"But what's going on with these two people? We haven't seen each other for such a long time, shouldn't we have a lot to say? Talk! Aha is still waiting."

"Are you talking? Why aren't you talking?" Aha was anxious for both Otto and the others. He was ready to have fun, why aren't you talking?

"Karen." Otto was the first to speak and break the silence. This was not a solution.

"Why are you here?" Although Otto probably knew the answer, he still had to find a topic, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Otto's super high IQ had completely lost its effect when facing Karen. His mind was blank now, and he didn't know what to say at all. Perhaps people with high IQs would be like this when facing someone they like.

"I don't know either, but there was a voice in my head telling me that I could see you here, so I came." Karen raised her head and looked at Otto, and her eyes made Otto dare not look directly at her.

"I'm sorry for what happened before, if an apology can make you forgive me." Otto has let it go. Even if Kallen no longer likes him, he will still save Kallen. This is not just because of love, but more like a belief, Otto Apokalis's belief in the saint.

"I don't know. After knowing what you did, I really want to slap you hard, but I can't do it. I really can't do it... Anyone has the right to hit you, or even kill you, but I am the only one who doesn't have the right."

Kallen squatted down and hugged herself, curling herself up into a ball. Although she had prepared before coming, she couldn't say anything when she really faced Otto.

"Kallen..." Otto squatted down and hugged Kallen, holding Kallen tightly in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Kallen, but if it happens again, I will still make this choice. I'm sorry... Please forgive my willfulness. Let me be selfish for once. Anyone can die, including Otto Apokalis, but only Saint Kallen cannot die."

This is Otto's obsession. He fooled his friends, fooled his loved ones, fooled the world and the rules above it, just to give the only real [her] a second life. Even if he paid a high price, he would never regret it.

Now the ending is very beautiful. Kallen has a second life, and he is still alive, but the sins on his hands can never be erased.

"That's it? That's it? Ah Ha feels like he didn't see anything. Not only that, he also ate a meal of dog food for no reason!" Ah Ha stared at Bai Tian with wide eyes. This is completely different from what they expected before!

"Or... you go add more fuel to the fire? Anyway, you are the best at this kind of thing! "Bai Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at Aha with a smile.


Aha looked at Bai Tian, ​​then at Otto, and then quickly shook his head.

"I don't want to provoke this lunatic. It's not fun at all."

However, just when Otto and Kallen were being affectionate with each other, Xu Kong Wan Zang suddenly appeared in front of them without any warning, instantly breaking the quiet atmosphere around them.

"There is a sequel!" Seeing this, Aha and Bai Tian looked at each other and hurriedly found a place to hide. They didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that they would make a sound accidentally and miss something.

Seeing other people coming, Kallen quickly broke away from Otto's arms.

"Xu Kong Wan Zang!" Otto looked at Xu Kong Wan Zang with murderous intent, without any concealment.

"It's over! "When Void Manzang saw Karen's look, and then looked at Otto's expression..., he felt cold in his heart.

Or he should find a grave for himself as soon as possible, otherwise he would have nowhere to bury himself.

Just now, he was watching Walter's fun with Otto, but now he has become the fun.

"Otto, I said I didn't mean it, do you believe me?" Void Manzang looked at Otto pitifully, um, using Otto's look.

"Get out!"

"Okay." Void Manzang got up and left quickly.

"Kallen, I..." Otto looked at Karen, it was all the fault of that damn Void Manzang, damn it!

"I'm fine, the past is over, but I will supervise you well in the future." Karen looked at Otto seriously.

"Okay." Otto smiled, he would supervise him well in the future, doesn't this mean he would stay by his side in the future.

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