"[Nothingness], here I come! Did you miss me?" Ahha came to Nothingness with a bunch of small cakes in his arms. He was trying to get close to Nothingness.

"Aha, here are some delicious snacks. Do you want to try them?" Ahha held up his small cakes and tried to attract Nothingness's attention.

O_o: "......". Nothingness didn't even want to look up at Ahha.

"If you don't say anything, Ahha will take it as your consent." Ahha came to Nothingness with a smile, took out a few small cakes, and prepared to break open Nothingness's mouth and throw them in.

Nothingness didn't resist. He didn't even want to move now. Damn Ahha, he could do whatever he wanted...

"Hahahahaha, Nothingness, taste it well. You won't be disappointed." Ahha smiled and broke open Nothingness's mouth, then picked up a few cakes and threw them in.

Nothingness didn't resist, but just let Ahaba's small cakes be thrown into his mouth. Anyway, he wouldn't chew them.

The moment the small cake was thrown into his mouth, it was instantly assimilated by the void and then merged into the void.

The taste of the small cake continued to explode in IX's mouth, and the horrible taste instantly paralyzed IX's taste buds.


Ahha, this kid wants to murder him!

The void seemed to feel the greatest malice since he became a god, this taste, this taste! IX tried to spit out the cake, but the cake had been completely assimilated by the void...

"Aha!" IX looked at Ahha with resentment, and he was ready to take action now.

"Bye, void, Ahha is still sending delicious food to the other star gods, hahahaha, it seems that you like it very much, I hope they will like it too." Ahha would not give IX the opportunity to hit him. When he saw the void eating the cake, he had already slipped away. When IX looked at him, he was about to slip out of this place.

IX: (▼皿▼#)!

"It ran away! Damn [Joy]! You wait!"



A serious voice came from the radio of Pinoconi:

"Attention, tourists! Now an important notice is urgently inserted: Recently, a mysterious black cookie appeared in the Pinoconi area. Its origin and ingredients are still unclear, but after preliminary investigation, this cookie may pose a potential risk. Therefore, we strongly recommend that all tourists, if you encounter this black cookie during your travels, please be vigilant and do not try to eat it!"

"For the sake of your safety, please restrain your thoughts. The desire to taste. We are fully investigating this matter and will release more relevant information as soon as possible. At the same time, if anyone has eaten this kind of biscuit by mistake, please go to a nearby hospital immediately and tell the medical staff the truth so that they can receive timely treatment. "

"Thank you for the cooperation and support of all tourists and friends! I hope everyone can pass this message to each other to ensure everyone's travel safety. Once again, please do not eat black biscuits from unknown sources. "


"Otto, how many of these biscuits are there? Why are there pinoconi everywhere now?" "Looking at Otto and Walter lying powerlessly in the bar during the day, what happened to you two?"

"Not many..." Otto paused for a while and spoke slowly.

"You know the basin the size of a washbasin, there is a basin of chocolate flavor, a basin of strawberry flavor, and yes, there is also a basin of milk flavor."

"When Karen made it, either she added less water or less flour, so there was a basin of each flavor, but I don't know how all of them ended up in the hands of those people in the [Joy] Tavern. "

As for why, Otto certainly knew, but could he tell it? When he and Bai Tian were delivering things together before, he just delivered them all. He knew long ago that when these people knew the taste of this cookie, they would definitely let all the people in Pinocchio taste it. They couldn't suffer alone, right? Anyway, no one would die...

When Otto thought of this, a smile of success appeared on his pale face.

"Hahahahaha, now he is really getting more and more despicable."

"Puff!" Bai Tian picked up the wine in front of Otto and took a sip. The familiar taste, the Dreaming Bar was also conquered by that thing!

"Hahahaha!" Otto knew that this guy would definitely take a sip.


"Friend, do you want something exciting? And it's not addictive, and the cost performance is very high." A man in a black coat stopped a tourist.

"Exciting? PinocchioWhat else is exciting that I haven't experienced? Wait, it won't be addictive, it won't be that thing, right? "The tourist was confused. You also have this thing. If you are caught, you will be shot.

"Don't worry, it's not that thing, but you won't be disappointed. This feeling will definitely make you unforgettable for life. It's exciting." The man took out a small black biscuit from his pocket. Well, it was the biscuit mentioned on the radio.

There are many bar members like him who spread biscuits outside. Many people have been tricked, but basically everyone has a tacit understanding and didn't say it after being tricked.

"Hiss....... Black biscuits!" The tourist looked at the man in the black coat with a shocked face. You can get this thing! Awesome!

The tourist has been curious about this thing for a long time. His friends who have eaten this next to him always smile when they mention this thing, which makes him particularly curious. And now he is still in a dream, and nothing will happen. What is he afraid of?

"Want to try it? This is a good thing. After eating it, you will feel like you are going to heaven. That feeling~, ah..., wonderful!" The man's eyes are full of yearning, but the tourist feels that he is not yearning for this cookie.

"Let me try it. How much is it?" The tourist is a little impatient now. He also wants to try it and then show off in front of his friends.

"Don't worry, it's free. This is not a business." The man smiled at the tourist and handed the cookie to him.

The tourist took the cookie and put it in his mouth impatiently.

Well, the man in the black coat did not lie. It is indeed unforgettable.

Now the tourist has been sent back to reality by Pinocchio's protection mechanism, but at this time in reality, he is still foaming at the mouth, feeling that he is about to go to heaven, like flying.

"One seat in the hospital!" The man smiled knowingly and cheated another one, hahahahahaha!

If the boss cooperates with the hospital, he will probably make a lot of money. The man suddenly had such an idea.

There are so many fools in Pinocchio! Looking for the next victim......

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