Belloberg, a city built in ice and snow, represents the will of the city builders and protects the people invaded by the severe cold.

With depleted resources and isolated from the outside world, Belloberg's future is doomed to destruction, and the arrival of the pioneers has brought new vitality to the city...

"It seems that March Seven and the others have arrived in Belloberg, and I should also go to meet the great guardian Cocolia."

"Another outsider." Brother Jie had a headache as he watched Bai Tian strolling in the wind and snow.

"Is this one in the same group as the previous ones? They don't look like each other."

"Hi, hello, Mr. Jeppard."

"Do you know me?"

"Of course, to collect debts, you must know the news in advance."

"Debt collection?" Jeppard was a little confused.

"Nothing, can I see the Great Guardian? But I don't think she wants to see me."

"Okay, I'll report it, please wait a moment."


"Great Guardian, there's another outsider outside the door who wants to see you."

"Another one? Is he with the previous ones?"

"I don't know, but that person said he came to collect a debt."

"Collection?" Cocolia suddenly thought of something.

"Let him in."

"Yes." Jeppard took Bai Tian into Klipperburg.

This is Klipperburg, the center of power in Beloberg, which looks a bit old.

"Klipperburg is a building left by the city builders thousands of years ago, and it witnessed the history of Beloberg." Cocolia went out to greet Bai Tian.

"Hello, respected Great Guardian." Bai Tian bowed politely.

"Hello, outsider."

"I am Bai Tian, ​​and I am here on behalf of the Interstellar Peace Company."

"I am Cocolia Rand, the guardian of Beloberg and the messenger of the Interstellar Peace Company. Please explain your purpose."

"My purpose? I remember I have made it very clear."

"The debt owed by the city builders should be repaid." Bai Tian entered the hall of Krippo, sat down in Cocolia's seat very familiarly, and poured a glass of water on the table.

"Don't tell me you don't know what debt is. Let me remind you that the Interstellar Peace Company has a debt of 700 years ago." Bai Tian looked out the door and a duck was eavesdropping.

"I'm sorry, sir, this debt is too old. Can we check the information?" Cocolia certainly knew about the debt, but she also knew that Beloberg now could not afford to pay it back, and could only delay it as long as possible.

Moreover, the Interstellar Peace Company is a large organization spanning the galaxy, and Beloberg can't afford to provoke such an enemy.

"Okay, Miss Cocolia, of course, there is no need to worry about the debt, but I am new here, can you arrange a guide for me to take me to appreciate the scenery of Beloberg."

"Of course, Mr. Bai Tian, ​​but it is late, please allow me to arrange a hotel reception for you."

Bai Tian followed the waiter and left, and Xing He, who had been silent just now, suddenly contacted Cocolia.

"Cocolia, don't anger the man who called himself Bai Tian just now, and try to satisfy him if he has any requests."

"Is he strong? I can feel that you are afraid."

Xing He was silent for a while.

"Cocolia, for our plan, for the great new world, I will not deceive you..."

"Of course I understand. Don't worry. I have my own way."


"Let me introduce myself. I am the intelligence officer of the Silver Mane Iron Guard and the temporary guide of the Beloberg Historical Tour, Pelageya Sergeyevna. Just call me Pera."

"Pela~sister~sister~." The children seem to like Pera very much.

"Pela~sister~sister~." Listen to this voice. There is no doubt that our star core spirits are starting to make trouble again.

"Please don't imitate children's speech as if nothing has happened." Pera rolled her eyes at Xing.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Tian rushed over and grabbed Xing.

"What do you mean by imitating children's speech? She is just a child. Do you know how much psychological shadow this kind of words will have on a child?"

Xing looked at Bai Tian and was obviously a little surprised, but she still cooperated with Bai Tian's performance, although Bai Tian was indeed right. Xing was really a child who had just been born not long ago.

"Yes, how can you assume my age? I just grew up a little faster. In fact, I am not even a month old yet, sob."

Pella: "..."

"Miss Silver Mane Iron Guard, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the two of themThere is something wrong with his brain. "March Seven ran over and pulled them away with one hand each.

"What are you two doing? Don't ruin the image of Wumingke outside!"

"And you, Bai Tian, ​​you went there, and you didn't act with us this time. Do you know that we were deceived by a man with blue hair? March Seven was obviously very angry after being deceived by Lao Sangbo.

"Nothing, just went to discuss a business."

"Business, what business did you discuss in Beloberg?" March Seven asked in confusion.

"That's a big business worth hundreds of billions." Bai Tian thought for a while and replied.

"The interest that has rolled over for hundreds of years should be more than hundreds of billions."

"Eh~, forget it, I won't ask you anymore. Are you going to act with us next? Let's play pillow fight together tonight." March Seven said excitedly.

"March, we still have a mission. And, at that time, we were in Klipperburg..."

"Stop, stop, stop! I know what you are going to say."

"March, you talked too much at that time. March, you shouldn't reveal our purpose to people you don't trust. March, we don't know what the situation is on this planet yet."

"But look, isn't the result good now? We have received VIP treatment, a super~luxurious hotel, and full support from local forces! It seems that this pioneering mission is also going smoothly!"

"Hahaha, it's going smoothly, of course it's going smoothly, then I wish you guys a good dream tonight." Bai Tian suddenly laughed.

"Stop, stop, stop, what are you laughing at, is what I said wrong? The lady of the Great Guardian obviously looks very gentle, but I think she is a little weird." March Seven said with some doubt.

"I bet you definitely didn't read the mission intelligence this time."

"There is also Dan Heng." March Seven said confidently.

"Okay, go and have some rest. I wish you a good dream tonight. After all, tomorrow you have to... No, nothing."

"Hey, Bai Tian, ​​why are you like a riddle man? Don't speak half of your words, okay?"

"Oh, sorry, March, I just thought of something funny."

"Hey~, goodbye, you should go back and have some rest as well." March Seven waved goodbye to Bai Tian.

"Goodbye, I hope you won't be too surprised tomorrow." Bai Tian walked to a corner behind him and waved to knock out a middle-aged man.

"Good night to you too, but you should forget these things when you wake up tomorrow morning."

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