
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it..." Hanabi was stamping the floor with an angry look on her face.

We were playing a game, so who would not give any clues? Did she guess wrong? That person during the day was going to imprison her in Pinocchio's dream, and then when she couldn't stand the loneliness and collapsed, he would come out to humiliate her severely?

Or he was going to imprison her here, and then at night, when it was quiet, he would humiliate her severely... this way... and then that way..."

Wu~ Don't do this kind of thing. Master Hanabi doesn't want to be that loser. Hanabi thought of her miserable life in the future and felt a little regretful in her heart. Wuuuuuuuuuu... Even if this is the case, she, Master Hanabi, will be on top.

"Wu ... "Hanabi touched her face. She was still in disguise. She was not using her original appearance. No one in Pinocchio would recognize her. She thought she was discovered. Of course, if she wanted to flip the table during the day, she would have to give up resistance and lie on the bed with her butt sticking out...

"Uh, I just thought of a very funny thing." The man's eyes drifted to the sky. It's over. Why couldn't he hold back? The bonus is gone...

"What's funny?" Hanabi looked at the man in front of her and finally found something wrong.

"My brother's wife gave birth." The man pointed to the man on the side. Brother, help me carry it for a while.

"Your wife gave birth?" Hanabi looked at the man on the side.

"Ah? Ah! Yes, yes, my wife gave birth, I'm so happy." The man looked at his brother on the side and laughed.

"His wife gave birth, why are you laughing? "Hanabi looked at the first man.

"Uh..., because the child is mine?" The man thought for a while and answered.

"Fuck! The brother on the side looked at him, his face full of shock.

"You tmd, I'll fight you, the two wrestled together."

"Hmm~," Hanabi looked at the two suspiciously. Although he watched a good show, he still didn't find any clues.

"Let's go to the tavern." Hanabi decided to go to the base camp of joy to see what he should find there.


"Leaving." The man looked at the brother on the side with a bruised face.

"You are so cruel, fuck, do you have a wife?"

"Eh, it seems not!"


Hurry up, brothers, get ready, Hanabi will be here soon.

At this time, the actors in the tavern were all in a hurry to return to their positions, just like usual...

"Hmm~?" Hanabi walked into the tavern. Although it was the same as usual, why did it look more and more strange?

"Hey, do you feel that something is wrong today?" Hanabi looked at her colleagues.

"Strange? What's strange? It's always been like this, okay?" One person answered impatiently, without even looking up at Hanabi.

These guys' acting skills are even more outrageous than those of professional actors. They don't look like they are acting at all, or maybe they are not acting at all.

"By the way, who are you? New here? Why haven't I seen you before?" One person looked up and looked at Hanabi in confusion, pretending to be quite like him.

"Yes, I am the new here." Hanabi didn't want to reveal her identity in front of these people. She couldn't trust these guys.

Hanabi found her seat and prepared to sit down.

"Bah! Newcomer, get out of the way, who do you think you are? This seat belongs to Master Hanabi, do you deserve to sit there?" A member of the tavern pulled Hanabi and threw her aside.

"Damn it! (▼皿▼#)"

"I won't bother with you today." Hanabi poked this person hard in her heart.

"Hmph, the newcomers nowadays are not sensible at all. They don't know how to respect their seniors. Can't they even serve tea and water?" A tavern member knocked on the empty cup in front of him, and glanced at Hua Huo unintentionally.

"Damn it! I'll bear it, you kid wait, I'll remember you." Hua Huo was furious in his heart.

After Hua Huo picked up the cup and poured him a glass of water, he looked at his mean face and wanted to splash it on his face.

"Please enjoy." Hua Huo endured it.

"And me."

"Yes, yes, and ours, you newcomer, you are really ignorant."


A group of people looked at Hua Huo with cups in their hands, all waiting for her to pour water.

It was a rare opportunity to tease Hua Huo, so they were all very excited.

Hua Huo looked at the group of people waiting for her to pour water, and she felt angry.

She took a deep breath and tried to keep herself calm. Then she looked at them with a smile, "Seniors, I'm a little busy now, can you wait for me?"

The members of the tavern were immediately dissatisfied when they heard it. "Hey, newcomer, don't think you can disrespect the seniors just because you have some skills. Hurry up and pour us water!" One of the guys shouted loudly, watching the fun without minding the big deal.

Hua Huo clenched her fists, you guys wait for me, I will remember you all, you will be in trouble in the future.


Now, the audience outside are watching this live broadcast very curiously, not because they want to watch it, but now all electronic devices will jump directly to this thing as long as they are turned on, and they can't be turned off. The power of the star god is unimaginable.

But they are also very curious whether this happy little girl can find it. A person with a happy fate was tricked by a companion with a happy fate. This matter really attracted people's attention.


"Have you arranged it?" Bai Tian looked at Otto and Walter. Their mission was to prevent Hanabi from discovering the truth. Of course, for the fairness of the game, those tavern members would provide some information to Hanabi. Of course, the truth of the information depended on the conscience of those people who had fun.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem." Otto was not so angry after knowing that it was Hanabi who touched Kallen. Anyway, he was used to it. The girl named Yaezakura was much more excessive than Hanabi. He was just playing this game with Bai Tian now.


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