“Lord Hook in the dark has arrived!”

Seeing Hu Kezhen leave Chu Yu’s side and stand in front of Ulysses.

Inside the wall cover.

Li Fanqin, who followed, couldn’t help but widen his eyes and stare at Chu Yu suspiciously.

How so?

Isn’t letting such a young child pass is no different from sending him to death?

As a great guardian, you should protect these people, right.

Li Fanqin, who couldn’t bear it, thought for a while, and quickly spoke: “Lord Guardian, isn’t there something wrong with this, after all, the offender is a rich envoy, and his strength is still very strong, so that this child named Hook will undoubtedly send him to death to meet the enemy?” ”

Her words made Su Xiang and the others next to her agree very much.

On the contrary, Chu Yu turned his head with a smile when he heard this: “Li Duwei, with me here, they won’t have any accidents.” ”

Li Fanqin pursed his lips.

Having seen Chu Yu make a move before, she also knew that this great guardian was not simple.

But she couldn’t be sure whether the other party had a rich order.

Even if there were, fighting and protecting were not the same thing at all.

Perhaps in solo combat, Lord Guardian can kill Ulysses, but if he fights while protecting Hook, can he really use his full strength?

Isn’t that too much to do?

Think about it.

Li Fanqin worriedly set his gaze on the little man who walked out of the barrier.

Saw the other party send a little girl.

Ulysses laughed presumptuously at this.

“Hahaha, do you know who you are facing?”

Saying that, he casually aimed at Yongdongling on the right rear, and a dark green beam shot straight over.

The next moment.


The entire Fiery Winter Ridge was reduced to powder and collapsed.

See this scenario.

“What?” Natasha’s eyes widened: “Destroy Eternal Winter Ridge with one blow?” No, I’m going out and bringing Hook and them back. ”

Although Lord Guardian said that he was at ease with him.

But seeing the enemy’s attack, how could Natasha be at ease?

Xi’er’s face was not very good-looking, but she still stretched out her hand and pulled out Natasha: “Wait first, we have to believe Lord Guardian, he will definitely not let Hook have an accident, you also know that Lord Guardian spoils Hook more than anyone, how can you watch Hook have an accident?” ”

“But…” said Natasha and stopped, taking a deep breath to force herself to calm down.

Constantly comforting herself in her heart, Xi’er was right.

Jepard looked solemnly at Li Fanqin and asked, “Li Duwei, does Xian Zhou know who that enemy is?” ”

Li Fanqin stared at Ulysses and replied with a wry smile: “The order of the Rich Star God Medicine Master, Ulysses.” ”

“Ling?” Xi’er frowned and repeated.

Arilo-VI, which has been in decline for 700 years, has forgotten what the envoy represents.

Li Fanqin took a deep breath and explained again: “An existence directly given power by the star god is called an envoy, and generally speaking, even the weakest envoy can make a planet miserable. ”


Hearing Li Fanqin’s introduction, Xi’er and the others’ faces became even more ugly.

I never expected that such a powerful enemy would come this time.

And seeing the end of Yongdongling, Hook, who was standing in front of Ulysses, couldn’t help but take two steps back in fear.

But immediately said with a hard mouth: “Hook is not afraid of you!” Lord Guardian said he would protect me! ”

“Him? Hahaha. Ulysses mocked: “He was obviously afraid and hid behind to let you come out and die.” ”

Hearing this, a look of anger appeared on Hook’s face: “Lord Guardian is not such a person!” I must let you know how powerful the cave machine is! ”


She put the mechanical arm that was placed beside Chu Yu, which was larger than her, on her right hand.

The small body swung a huge weapon and smashed at Ulysses.

Seeing this, the smile on Ulysses’ face became even more playful, and he was just about to raise his hand casually to block the attack.


A time projectile condensed in Chu Yu’s hand and casually catapulted it on his body.

Ulysses’ time was frozen, and he stood in place with a playful smile.

The next moment.


The iron fist of justice slammed into his face.

Only then did Ulysses raise his arm slowly.


Inside the barrier.

Seeing Hook’s attack successfully hit Ulysses.

Everyone was stunned.

Especially Li Fanqin, the whole person is as dumb as a wooden chicken.

After pondering for a long time, she spit out a sentence from her mouth that she thought best reflected her mood: “The emperor is on top, am I blinded?” ”

That little girl actually hit the Abundance Order?

Although it didn’t have any effect, it hit Ling Envoy’s face firmly!

Even if Ulysses underestimated the enemy, he was also an envoy, and his strength stood in the existence of the first sequence.

If you change to yourself, I am afraid that it will be difficult to hit the other party with all your strength.

And yet the little girl did it?

Her attack doesn’t look special!

How the hell did it hit?

Li Fanqin looked dazed.

Su Xiang also widened his eyes to learn the words of his senior sister: “The emperor bow is on top…”

And the inhabitants of Beloberg are no better.

Jepard’s gaze turned back and forth on Li Suxiang and Ulysses, looking like he wanted to say nothing.

After hesitating for a moment, he still asked, “Li Duwei, in terms of general rationality, if Ling Envoy is really as terrifying as you say, he should not be hit by Hook, right?” ”

Jeppard really can’t compare Ulysses to those planet-destroying emissaries.

After all.

If he really had that kind of strength, how could he be hit by Hook’s kid?

For this question, Li Fanqin had mixed tastes in his heart, and he didn’t know how to answer it at all.

And under the hole machine.

Why is Ulysses not stunned?

The attack of this dustman gave him a strong sense of discord.

One second, the robotic arm was still in the air, but the next moment it hit itself in the face.

And during this period, I didn’t see any traces of the attack at all!

Because the opponent’s attack is too fast?

This must not be possible.

If her attack couldn’t even react to herself, then this blow was enough to knock herself out.

But now, I don’t even feel anything.

This sense of discord is more like being deprived of two seconds of your own time!

It could also be… Nothingness?

The ability of that star god can also make himself “forget” time.

Is there a void emissary in the crowd?

Thinking about it, Ulysses looked coldly at the crowd inside the barrier, trying to find the void messenger hidden inside.

His movements are obscured by the cave machine.

Hook couldn’t see his demeanor.

I only knew that I had successfully hit the other party, so I pinched my waist and said, “Hmph, now I know how powerful the cave machine is, right?” ”

Without hearing a reply, Hook raised his hand and scratched his head in amazement, muttering in confusion as he withdrew the cave machine: “Did I knock him unconscious?” ”

When the view was unobstructed, Ulysses was seen looking at the crowd in the distance.

Hook stomped his foot angrily.

“Hmph, actually ignoring me, Hook is angry!”

With that, she held the hole machine high again and hit it at the same angle.


Ulysses returned his gaze and looked at Hook with an angry eyebrow: “Little ghost, you don’t have to step in!” ”

“Hmph.” Hook pouted, completely ignoring what the other party said, and the hole machine fell again.

“You look for death!” Ulysses smiled angrily, and aimed his left index finger at the cave machine, condensing a dark green beam.

Do not wait for attacks.

The next moment.


The hole machine hit him in the nose again.

Ulysses’ eyes widened.

Hit twice by an ant with the same attack?!

Are you kidding?

Being hit twice in a row by Hook was undoubtedly a huge shame for Ulysses.

Endless anger allowed the green tendons to spread to his entire face.

The violent gaze swept over the crowd: “Dare to interfere with me, dare not stand up!” ”

Hear this.

Su Xiang and the other cloud cavalry soldiers and the residents of Beloberg all looked at each other with confused faces.


Bronia reacted.

“So Hook was able to hit that messenger because someone helped?”

After realizing this.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Chu Yu.

If anyone here can do such a thing, it is only Lord Guardian, right?

Li Fanqin looked at Chu Yu after realizing it, and his eyes were even more shocked.

I thought wrong! This Great Guardian will only be stronger than expected!

How much better than Ulysses to help a child hit the envoy without the other party noticing?

No wonder General Shenze forged an alliance with Arililo-VI.

It is estimated that Lord General should have thought of this possibility!

“It seems that I really want to have a good relationship with the residents here.” Li Fanqin thought silently.

And the sight of the masses will naturally be detected by Ulysses.

Follow their gaze to Chu Yu.

Ulysses’ expression became even more gloomy.

“I thought wrong, but I didn’t expect it to be you.”

Holding great power, but letting a little girl come out and humiliate herself?

You look down on me so much?!

Very good!

“No matter who you really are, I will let you watch these three ants die!”

Say it.

Ulysses waved his wings and blew out the Hook in front of him, and then flew into the air and stretched out his right hand.

Dark green clouds floated up from the palm and covered the entire sky in an instant.

Everyone couldn’t help but look up.

From a distance, bees condensed in the sky.

Bowing his stomach, the stinger shining with silver light aimed at the ground.

Li Fanqin solemnly spoke: “Be careful, this move is the hive of the Abundance Order, after being stabbed, it will die within two seconds!” ”

Those cloud cavalry soldiers seemed to have seen the power of this move a long time ago, and hurriedly retreated.

Xi’er and the others also looked solemn.

“I’ll go get Hook and them back.”


The words did not fall.


Countless silver needles fell from the sky.

Those silver needles aimed at Xi’er and the others fell on the protective shield, stopped in unison, and weakly slipped along the edge of the protective shield.

However, most of the stingers all flew towards the four of Chu Yu at an extremely fast speed.

The dense silver needles that were like a rainstorm made everyone who saw it feel numb.

Can this amount really be avoided?


The next moment.

Whether it was the reinforcements of the Immortal Boat Alliance, the residents of Beloborg, or Ulysses, they all looked at Chu Yu and what happened around them dumbfounded.

It is clear that they are standing defenseless in the outside world.

But those silver needles seemed to have long eyes, and they politely avoided the four people.

They all passed by Chu Yu and them.

The most outrageous is Hooke’s side.

A silver needle passed through the tiger skin hat on her head.

Although it didn’t hurt her.

But it made the tiger hat crooked, covering Hooke’s eyes.

“Ah! I can’t see! ”

Hook adjusted his hat in a panic as he ran around looking for rock masses.

There is no difference between running under such an intensive offensive and looking for death.


Still not a single silver needle shot at her.

The corner of Li Fanqin’s mouth twitched when he saw this nonsense picture.

“None of this hits? What the hell is going on here?! ”

How lucky are you to survive a hail of bullets?

When is this some nonsensical movie, or some novel?

That being said.

If only one person is not hit, forget it.

But all four were safe.

Isn’t this even more exaggerated than yesterday’s war of annihilation?

Li Fanqin suddenly thought of what Chu Yu said at the beginning: “His attack will never hit you. ”

Could it be that because of this, the four of them will be unscathed?

If that’s the case, it doesn’t explain Lord Guardian’s ability at all.

And in mid-air, Ulysses saw what was happening below, and his expression became even more gloomy.


How could this not hit?

If defended by that ruler, Ulysses would have accepted it.

But the other party obviously didn’t do anything, and this large-scale attack still didn’t have any effect!

Although I don’t know exactly what’s going on.

But surely the damn man is still looking down on himself!

His inaction shows that he thinks he can’t hurt those three little brats!


Ulysses gritted his teeth and stared at Chu Yu.

He couldn’t remember the last time he was so atmospheric.

He only knew that he had to teach that ruler below a profound lesson!

Do you think I can’t hurt your people?


I’ll destroy your week directly!

Thinking of this, Ulysses raised his hands.

A huge black ink-colored gas bomb condensed.

There are disturbing energy fluctuations circulating within it.

See here.

Li Fanqin’s face turned white.

He shouted in horror: “This is Ulysses’ trick, [Death Annihilation], after falling to the ground, the qi of death can cover an entire planet, instantly taking the lives of all living beings. ”

“Abundance gives life and takes it.”

“The blazing wall of amber can’t stop the Qi of Death at all! Everyone hurry back to Belloberg on the fairy boat, can walk one by one! ”

The voice fell.

Li Fanqin, Su Xiang, and the other Yun cavalry quickly retreated.

When he saw that none of the residents of Beloberg left, Li Fanqin couldn’t help but urge: “Go!” What are you waiting for? ”

Bronia turned her head to look at Li Fanqin and spoke with a firm expression: “Lord Guardian will definitely be able to stop this move.” ”

“I know you all trust Lord Guardian, but this can’t be a thing!” Li Fanqin hurriedly said, “That’s Ling Envoy’s attack!” When he decided to launch, no one could stop it! ”

“No, you’re wrong.” Jepard stared in Chu Yu’s direction and said, “Lord Guardian has still had a leisurely look until now. ”

Li Fanqin looked at Chu Yu in amazement.

Then I saw him move.

The middle finger of the index finger of the right hand rushed into the sky, placed it between his eyes, and said softly: “Too void sword qi.” ”


Things changed for a while.

Above the sky, a giant sword that covered the sky and covered the pattern appeared.

Its size covered the firmament, depriving the entire Arileo-VI of sunlight.

Ulysses subconsciously looked up.

Seeing the giant sword that was enough to catch up with half a planet, his pupils shrank.

“What is it?!”

For the first time, panic flashed in his eyes.

Hit by such an attack, he simply won’t survive!

In order to survive, Ulysses fled without thinking.

But the giant sword seemed to lock the space, making it difficult for him to move.

“How so? I would have died on this planet! ”

After the roar.

Under everyone’s stunned gaze, the greatsword pressed against Ulysses.

In an instant, he turned into ashes and dissipated in heaven and earth.

After doing all this, Chu Yu lifted the Tai Void Sword Qi.

Looking up at the sky that seemed to be pierced, he raised his eyebrows: “Well, this sword technique is indeed very handsome.” ”

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