Jing Yuan was thinking when the door was pushed open. Yuan

Ming still had one hand around Jing Liu's waist, and Jing Liu was still around his neck, his face flushed.

The two of them froze at the same time as they looked at the grand scene in the room.

"Uh... it's a bit embarrassing but……"

Bai Heng laughed dryly:"Happy birthday?"

"Well, thank you."

After a few seconds of silence, Jingliu replied.

Today, Jingliu can handle such situations without blushing or panting.

"The couple has such a good relationship that they can't help themselves."

Yuanming smiled and said,"Okay, everyone, don't hide anything. Bring out any good things and gifts for me to see."

"You are really rude."

Ah Ha curled his lips:"These are all prepared for Jing Liu, nothing is prepared for you."

Yuan Ming smiled:"I don't believe it."

Ah Ha curled his lips, raised his hand and put the small box on the table:"Although I don't know why the Star God also has a birthday, I wish you two a happy birthday... Speaking of this kind of thing, isn't it best to wish separately?"

"Since you have said it all, that's it."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"What is this?"

"I took the trouble to make this for myself, and even took a trip from Beloberg to a fairy ship to find a craftsman to make it for me."

Ah Ha chuckled,"Open it and take a look."

"Come on, Ah Liu."

Yuanming smiled softly at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu blinked, walked forward and opened the box.

There were eight dolls neatly arranged in two rows.

"Wow... this is so exquisite."

Jingyuan blinked:"Can I see it?"

Yuanming touched his head:"Of course."

Jingyuan smiled and took out a doll.

This happened to be Yuanming's

"Hey... why is the face of my master's puppet so weird, but this one is so delicate?……"

Jing Yuan blinked:"It feels exactly like Master."

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows, moved closer to Jing Yuan and took a closer look. He seemed to have thought of something and looked at Ah Ha.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Ah Ha looked impatient and crossed his arms:"It's taken you half a day, are you going to let that craftsman do it for you?"

"Ah Ha, you made this yourself?!"

Jing Liu blinked and looked at Ah Ha in surprise.

"Why are you two so surprised?……"

Ah Ha rubbed his brows and said,"I need to reflect on what impression I left on you."

"Hey, that's true."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"I just didn't expect that the great God of Joy would personally take care of the birthday of our poor couple."


Ah Ha curled her lips.

When she arrived at the Immortal Boat, the craftsman had not yet finished the design of the previous order.

So Ah Ha used some tricks to get the carving method from him and bought some raw materials.

Then he sat cross-legged in the universe and carved it out bit by bit.

This was the process.

If those masked fools saw that their star god was actually sitting in the universe and carefully carving a few small dolls, their jaws would probably drop to the ground.

"In general, thank you very much.

Yuanming smiled at Ah Ha.

"Thank you, Aha."

Jingliu also smiled at Aha.

Aha propped up his face:"It's all a small matter."

She seemed a little embarrassed?

"I prepared this, it is very suitable for the scenery of Beloberg... Hey, I started preparing this a long time ago, one for each of you two, refer to the last cake."

Bai Heng took out a long box:"Open it and take a look."

Bai Heng was obviously very satisfied with the gift he prepared.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows, looked at Yuan Ming, and opened the box.

There were two scarves in the box.

The upper one was a little small, with a few kittens embroidered on it.

"Ah...aren’t these the kittens on Ying Xing’s birthday cake?"

"Yes, the image of the frost platform was added.

Bai Heng chuckled and said,"Eight, not one less.""

"The one on top is yours, and the bigger one below is Yuanming's."

Bai Heng chuckled:"How is it? Doesn't it suit the weather in Beloberg?"


Jingliu tilted his head.

"Well, this is what I’m giving you."

Jing Yuan gave a wicked smile and took out two gift boxes:"By the way, do you two have couple outfits?"

"That's right."

Yuanming nodded:"There is indeed one"


Jing Yuan patted his head and said,"So this is considered... an outer garment?"

"Let’s open it after dinner."

Jing Yuan smiled.

"Eh? Didn't you stay out this morning?"

Bai Heng tilted his head.


Jing Yuan scratched his head.

"I brought it."

Ah Ha leaned back in his chair.

"Aha, you remind me of a story I knew long ago on another planet."

"what story?"

"Santa Claus."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"During the holidays, he packs gifts into a big bag and gives them to others."


Aha chuckled and said,"How can there be such a person ?""

"Well... isn't that you?"


Ah Ha's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Dan Feng beside him:"Where are the things you have been preparing for most of the day?"

"Well, I was a little hesitant about these two. I just thought of them when Jing Yuan said it."

Dan Feng touched his nose and looked at Yuan Ming:"I remember... Yuan Ming was quite resistant to earrings."

"……You didn't prepare an earring for me, did you?"

"No, the earrings are for Jingliu."

Dan Feng shook his head:"Aren't Jingliu's earrings unilateral?"

"Well... Jing Yuan gave it to me."

Jing Liu touched his ear.

This earring is still clipped to the ear.

After all, the body of the Xianzhou people is so

"This one is for hanging on the ear."

Dan Feng pushed the small box to Jing Liu:"The other one is a pendant, the pattern is matching."

Ying Xing chuckled���Voice:"Happy birthday, I also made a cake"

"Can you also bake cakes?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course."

Ying Xing was full of pride, and took out the huge double-layer cake from behind:"This is it"

"Not bad, Ying Xing."

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows and bent down to examine the cake carefully.

The faces of the eight of them were roughly drawn on it with cream.

"Of course, I did it seriously."

"I can tell at first glance that you did it. You drew Bai Heng so well."


Bai Heng smiled foolishly:"I was supervising from the side."

"I told you so."

Jingliu curled his lips and turned to look at Yuanming:"You are also on it."

"Then I have another question, isn’t it a bit too much for Ying Shuangtai to eat from this cake?"

Ah Ha stroked his chin and pointed to the piece of cake with Ying Shuangtai’s face imprinted on it:"Who will share this piece?"


Bai Heng stuck out his tongue.

If the son can't eat it, then of course the mother will do it.


They were celebrating their birthday happily over there, which was completely different from the style here.

Ah... not much different

"They really came here for vacation.……"

San Yue Qi curled his lips and said:"I can't find anyone no matter how hard I look."

"I understand."

Xing nodded:"Speaking of which, things are almost done now, right?"

A lot of big things happened to Beloberg these days.

To repay the money, Beloberg is definitely not able to repay it now, so Topa proposed another suggestion, or choice.

That is to bring Beloberg under the company and make it a planet under the jurisdiction of the company. The mineral resources will be developed by the company. In exchange, this account will be wiped out and Bronya can continue to be her great guardian.

But Bronya disagreed.

Because the company's style of doing things is obvious to the entire universe, sending Beloberg under the company is equivalent to sending the people of Beloberg into a huge chain of contempt.

Things like the upper class discriminating against the lower class will happen again, and even intensify.

The people sent by the company will not have a good attitude towards the refugees of Beloberg.

Bronya rejected the second option given by Topa without a second thought.

The company meant that if they wanted to extend the debt, they had to have a guarantor.

But Beloberg, who had been in debt for more than 800 years, had his credit automatically deducted from the company - the company didn't care whether Beloberg had encountered a star core or a cold wave during the 800 years when he was out of contact.

The debt is calculated directly by the company's system, and if it is overdue, the credit will be deducted.

Now Beloberg does not have the credit to guarantee the fee and repay it in the long term.

For this matter, March Seven and Xing also went along.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Seele, who has always been the most radical, did not express any opinion on this matter.

She gave up her choice

"Bronya will make her own choice. I believe in her. I just need to trust her.���Original words.

But it was these words that seemed to give Bronya strength.

Of course, the trust of her companions alone was not enough to solve the sky-high debt.

In the end, it was Himeko who stepped forward and acted as Beloberg's guarantor in the name of the Star Train.

The Star Train traveled in the universe and had helped the company solve many problems. As a guarantor, it could still do this.

"I really didn't expect Ji Zi to show up."

Sanyueqi scratched his head and said,"I thought she didn't care about these things.……"

Xing didn't say anything, just looking at the nearby Klipper Castle.

Toppa should still be discussing something with Bronya inside.

To be honest, Toppa surprised her a little.

At least in terms of his current style of doing things, Toppa's actions are measured, but there is still some shadow of the company's tyranny.

But this time, Toppa seemed to understand Bronya's thoughts...

What kind of person is she?……


The cream and water were poured directly onto Aha's face.

"That... I wanted to wash it for you."

Dan Feng coughed twice:"But the cake flew over to a very coincidental location.……"

Ah Ha wiped his face and gritted his teeth:"Dan Feng……"

Although she had a vague feeling that the cake would not be eaten in its entirety, she did not expect it to start so quickly.

She rushed over, put one hand around Dan Feng's neck, grabbed a piece of cream in her hand and smeared it on Dan Feng's face.


Please urge me to update, give me rewards, and give me good reviews.

In addition, I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, so I may have to take a day off.

Please understand.

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