Xing had guessed one thing correctly.

Sanyueqi came here specifically to take pictures, but she disappeared after a while.

She was left alone to meet Gui Naifen.

"No bite lighter……"

Xing looked at Gui Naifen's jade bracelet note, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

They agreed to meet at Jinren Lane.

When Xing found her, Gui Naifen was leaning on the railing next to the port of Jinren Lane.

Gui Naifen had long orange-red hair, and her golden eyes flashed with a hint of cunning.

To be honest, Gui Naifen was very beautiful, and her appearance was the kind of aggressive beauty, not gentle.

Xing couldn't help but wonder, if Gui Naifen hadn't come to Xianzhou, what would she look like now...

I don't know what Xing would react if she knew one day that Gui Naifen was a terrorist in the past.

""Hey! Family!"

Gui Naifen quickly noticed Xing and waved at her.

A tall beauty with gray hair, Gui Naifen remembered this description clearly.

"Family, you don't know that you are very famous in Jinren Lane.���Everyone knows you.

Gui Naifen smiled.

"Where's Su Chang?"

Xing looked around.

"Shang Shang has something else to do, so it’s just the two of us now."

Gui Naifen chuckled,"Come, let me show you a video first so you can understand the whole story."

Xing raised her eyebrows.

Gui Naifen showed Xing the adventure video she and Su Shang had live-streamed a few days ago.

【Family members, like, follow, and repost! Give little Guizi some courage! 】

Then the process became more chaotic. No one knew what the two of them saw. They both screamed, Gui Naifen hid behind Su Shang, and Su Shang was even more straightforward. She rolled her eyes and fainted.


Xing blinked, her face still expressionless:"Is there really a ghost?"

"There really is a ghost!"

Gui Naifen screamed,"Shang Shang was frightened to death!"

But... I believe that neither Xing nor Gui Naifen expected that Su Shang, as a member of the Cloud Cavalry, would be so timid.

"But then again, you don't want to go here again, do you?"

Xing tilted her head.

"Family, look."

Gui Naifen chuckled twice:"This Suiyuan has been uneasy recently, ghosts often appear, and some people claim to have seen a tall female ghost with gray hair! Aren't you interested?"

"……Not interested."

Xing shook her head.

She was not too scared, after all, she believed in breaking all laws with one force.

What ghosts and gods, who wouldn't scream if she hit them with a baseball bat?

Ah... No, there are really gods here.

There are two star gods on the fairy boat now.

Xing rubbed his eyebrows and finally agreed to Gui Naifen's request.

As the saying goes - since you are here,



Perhaps it was because of the effect created by Gui Naifen's live broadcast, or perhaps this place was really not peaceful, but walking here, I felt icy cold, cold winds, and inexplicable miserable howling all the time.

It was like walking on the road to the underworld, lifeless.

Xing swallowed and looked around.

What on earth is this...

Xing wanted to move forward, but Gui Naifen raised his hand and grabbed him:"Hey, family, those in front are the underworld messengers of the Ten Kings Division... Let's take a detour, follow me, I don't want to be caught by the Ten Kings Division"

"Why did the Ten Kings Department appear here?"

Xing frowned. She didn't know much about the Ten Kings Department.

The Ten Kings Department has always been relatively mysterious in Luofu's mechanism. It is independent of the Six Departments and is also in charge of some of Luofu's affairs.

There are many things in it that are connected with ghosts and the underworld, but Xing doesn't know that deeply.

"So I told you that you still don't believe it, there really is a ghost here, and the Ten Kings came here to investigate this matter."

Guifen lowered her voice and said,"It's not easy to be caught by the Ten Kings, let's take a detour."

Gui Naifen lowered her body and took Xing to another road next to her.


"Jingyuan, have you felt the negative energy permeating recently?"

Ah Ha looked at Jingyuan and frowned slightly:"I always feel that Luofu has become a little colder for no reason."

"Because of Suiyuan."

Jing Yuan chuckled


Ah Ha glanced at Jing Yuan

"Well, it was the battle site between the previous General Teng Xiao and Dayui Yang Liaoyuan."

"The Great Sui Yang Liaoyuan?"

Bai Heng propped up his face and said:"Is there an order to make it powerful?"


Jing Yuan shook his head:"Liaoyuan was defeated by General Teng Xiao and split into countless pieces, which were sealed in the Creation Furnace of the Industrial Development Department. Later, the Creation Furnace was broken because of the revival of Jianmu, and these Sui Yang ran to Suiyuan."

"If you need help, just ask.

Yuanming took a sip of the tea in his cup and said softly.

"Master, I am also a hunting envoy after all, I can still handle this matter."

Jing Yuan chuckled:"It's just that I have no interest in this matter. To solve this matter, I need a breakthrough person."

"The person who breaks the deadlock?"


Jing Yuan chuckled and said,"There are such people in the universe, who are warm-hearted and kind, and have helped Luo Fu a lot."

" use this special force too often."

"Am I hallucinating? How can I hear Fu Qing's voice in the back garden of Shen Ce Mansion?"

Jing Yuan blinked.

"You are not hallucinating, this little girl wants to find us two to complete the information of the Star God."

Yuanming shook his head:"So she was in the Shen Ce Mansion early in the morning." Jingyuan glanced back and saw Fu Xuan standing there, looking at him with his arms folded.

"Fu Qing, since you are here, why are you standing there instead of sitting down?"

Jing Yuan chuckled and patted the seat next to him:"Come, sit next to me."

Fu Xuan did not refuse, walked over, nodded to the people around the table, and then sat down next to Jing Yuan.

"All the questions that need to be asked have been asked. Let's just treat it as a simple gathering and eat something before leaving."

Yuanming chuckled, and did not give Fu Xuan any room to refuse.

There is nothing wrong with having a meal.

Fu Xuan nodded, not shy, took the chopsticks handed by Jingyuan and picked up a piece of fried milk.

"Fu Qing, I highly recommend the braised beef, it goes really well with wine."

Jing Yuan raised his glass:"With some more wine, it will surely be a wonderful time."

"General, please forgive me for being blunt. You have many things to do in Luofu, and drinking too much is likely to……"

"Fu Qing, I still want to remind you that people can't always live by such a rigid rule, otherwise they will die sooner or later."

Jing Yuan smiled and said,"It's harmless to try it occasionally."

Fu Xuan was silent for a while and pushed her cup forward.

Jing Yuan was also moderate and only poured her a small half cup.

Fu Xuan picked up the cup and took a sip.

She was silent with a strange expression.

After a long time, she stuck out her tongue and took a deep breath:"What kind of wine is this? Why is it so spicy?……"

"Well, this wine is good."

Jing Yuan chuckled.


Fu Xuan's alcohol tolerance was not ordinary. He was exhausted after drinking half a cup.

She lay on the table, muttering:"It's a mistake... This Lord……"

"Fu Qing has worked hard, so it's not a bad idea to take a break."

Jing Yuan chuckled.

"Speaking of which, Jing Yuan."

Jing Liu glanced at Fu Xuan and said,"She should be unconscious now, right?"

"Master... your question is very dangerous."

"I just want to ask you, is Yue Gua still alive now?"

"……Maybe he has entered the reincarnation."

Jing Yuan shook his head.

"Have you fallen into the devil?……"

Jingliu sighed.


Jing Yuan shook his head:"Yue Gua Taibu persisted for a long time... Speaking of the past, it was a navigation crisis faced by Luofu."

"If they continued to follow the fixed route, they would most likely run into the Fengrao coalition. Yue Gua Taibu predicted that crisis and helped Luofu avoid that risk."

"That divination was very strenuous and exhausting, and the high intensity of divination made Yue Gua Taibu exhausted both physically and mentally.

Jing Yuan sighed,"It was that time that she predicted her own death."

"I don't know what Yue Gua Taibu was thinking at the time. Her body should be recuperated and it was not suitable for her to contact the Dayan Qiongguan Formation again. However, Yue Gua Taibu believed that Luofu could not do without her as a Taibu now, and she was eager to know the exact time of her death."

Jing Yuan's eyes darkened a little:"As a result, Yue Gua Taibu was attacked by the Dayan Qiongguan Formation, her Dharma Eye was broken, and she almost fell into the devil's Yin, and was directly sent to the Ten Kings Division."

"……I see."

Jingliu frowned.

The future... the future predicted by divination, there is no definite time.

So did this prophecy accurately predict Yue Gua's death, or... did this prophecy lead to Yue Gua's death?……

"The Luofu Immortal Boat was in danger during that time. There were vacancies. Chi Sidu was too old to handle the high-intensity work of the Tianbo Division. The Taibu of the Taibu Division entered the Ten Kings Division. The Chiming Clan... you all know what happened."

"During that time, the Taibusi of Yuque Xianzhou provided Luofu with a lot of information, and the Yaoqing Xianzhou was also there to escort them. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce trained by Tianchi Siduo was indeed reliable, which saved Luofu from disaster."

Jing Yuan shook his head and turned to look at the pink-haired girl next to him:"Fu Qing came from Yuque Xianzhou. Her family should not have agreed at first. After all, Fu Qing was young and had great talent. She was able to pay homage to the Heavenly Monarch of Bianzhi at a young age. At that time, Luofu was not peaceful, just like a weak old man."

"I don't know the specific reason why Fu Qing came to Luofu, but since she became the Grand Diviner, Luofu has quickly recovered... I am still very grateful to her."

Jing Yuan looked at Fu Xuan for a long time before he reached out and gently touched her head:"It's time to let her have a good rest... Fu Qing has enough talent and vision, but... if she wants to become a general... she still has a long way to go."

"Not everyone can be a general.

Yuanming chuckled and said,"Your talent is outstanding enough."

"I will be grateful for your guidance."

Jing Yuan smiled and said,"Fu Qing still needs some growth in his character."

Jing Yuan moved away the big hand that was stroking Fu Xuan's head.

"Take a rest,

Master Taibu."

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