【The Patrol Star God Lan originally came from the Immortal Boat Alliance. A large part of the legendary story is the story before he became a god. Of course, this also partially established the position of the top military force of the Immortal Boat Yaoqing.

After all, the Yaoqing Immortal Boat is in the outer channel, and the main focus is on war.

What kind of death squads, what kind of expeditions everywhere.

Therefore, the dialect of Yaoqing is"great victory".

Lan eventually became the Patrol Star God.

Most people have seen the portrait of the Patrol Star God. He appeared in the form of a centaur. The front half is similar to a centaur, and the back half is more like a wheel.

As for what creature the Medicine Master was upgraded from, it is still unknown. His portrait is a six-armed beauty.

Hehehehe, beauty, Shashaha, beauty, hehehe.

Of course, based on his portrait and divinity, many people say that his prototype is the Medicine Buddha, and they are very similar in many ways.

Of course, what I care most about is the female appearance and male body.

Don't be like this.

There can be handsome men, and there can be charming and beautiful women.

Don't be neutral.

Of course, this is nonsense. It is too narrow-minded to use these things to plan the star gods.

Medicine Buddha is just a guess. It may be set based on his appearance, but the female appearance and male body is a bit nonsense. It is all speculation (because some people hate this now).

Maybe someone really likes this?

The relationship between Medicine Buddha and Lan is very complicated.

Why is it complicated?

Because so far, we still don’t know the specific way of blessing by the star gods.

There are currently two star gods with written blessing methods.——"There is the star god of destruction, Nanook, and the star god of preservation, Klipper.

Klipper only looked at each other, and the protagonist awakened the power of preservation.

Nanook was even more thorough. In the simulated universe, he killed Akivali, played by the protagonist, with one glance.

Of course, there is a guess from here that maybe Nanook is a very simple and pure star god. He will not communicate, and even star gods will give destruction.

Many people say that the Lord of Extinction accepted the will of Nanook.

In fact, I don’t think so.

Star gods rarely communicate with humans. I personally checked and combined with my own speculation, the ones who communicate more frequently with believers are the hunting star god Lan and the cosmic god of fun - Aha.

Some friends may ask, isn’t the pharmacist the same?

My inclination is no.

Because the pharmacist is a star god who responds to requests.

Responding to requests and communicating eagerly with believers are not the same. thing.

His willingness to grant requests has reached a pathological level, which is also a kind of confinement.

For example, if you ask Him for the power of an emissary, He will give it to you, but He doesn't care about the follow-up.

For example, I asked the pharmacist for his attention, hoping that He would give me a dagger so that I could defend myself.

The pharmacist would give me a dagger with a blade so sharp that my fingers would break if I touched it, but the handle was in His hand - that is, if I still wanted the dagger, I would have to bear the consequences of breaking my fingers.

This is not the pharmacist's deliberate mischief - His way of fulfilling requests is single.

Ask for a dagger, and I will give you a dagger.

Ask for power, and I will give you power.

Of course, maybe it's the limitation of the worldview, or maybe it's the excessive desire for power - we still don't know why no one has done anything about [ [Pharmacist] I have made a prayer that can be fulfilled without any consequences. This may be related to the deeper nature of the pharmacist, and we don’t know why yet.

For example, I asked for a dagger, and I hope you can give me a dagger, and at the same time protect my body from any damage.

Such a prayer, of course, even how believers pray to the star gods is still unknown, so we will not discuss it.

As for Aha - most of it comes from the speculation of the text. A star god who can mix with his believers, I think with Aha's character, he might think this is fun.

I have gone off topic.

There is a description of the patrolling star god Lan, who wanders endlessly between the worlds, eradicating the undead evils that have poisoned his home. It is also described in the simulated universe that Lan is extremely fast and His normal actions and appearance cannot be observed.

In the previous discussion I mentioned in the article that most of the believers' behavior has nothing to do with the Star God.

The most typical example in the universe is the Fengrao people.

It is still unknown what the Medicine Master's attitude is, but the Fengrao people have nothing to prove that they are related to the Medicine Master except that they have the power of the Medicine Master-because even if the people on the Immortal Boat pray, the Medicine Master will still give power.

Fengrao people are what we often say are typical fans who corrupt the image of idols.

Of course, the somewhat evil power of the Medicine Master does have a significant effect.

At present, my guess is that it is probably related to the origin of the Medicine Master, or perhaps the most superficial-the Medicine Master is a Star God, and even if a little bit of the power of the Star God is given to humans, they can make them fate walkers far beyond ordinary humans-for details, please refer to the scum players who are arrogant like a female ghost after receiving the blessing of abundance in the simulated universe.

The Medicine Master's destiny is too broad and powerful. It would be strange if his power was given to ordinary people without any consequences.

In short, I only have these two guesses.

Fengrao people burned, killed and looted-don't you think it is very similar to what we call pagans? Exercising selfish desires in the name of a god.

For example, some"Buddhists".

I don't intend to say that the pharmacist is innocent, because it is easy to be backstabbed, but everything that has been shown so far, these burning, killing and looting really have nothing to do with the pharmacist.

Of course, I am talking about most of them, such as the Lord of Extinction.

That group of BYD does not need the will of the Star God. After all, their Star God has only one will, destruction.

Destroying anything is fine. Nanook does not care about the messengers and believers under his seat. His logic is - if they die, they will be replaced.

For example, Zhu Luo died at the hands of the Patrol Ranger, and Xing Xiao took over directly, and Zhu Luo died just like that.

Nanook did not react.

In contrast, the grudge between the Patrol Ranger and the original doctor was retaliated by the original doctor, and Lan did not react.

The Star God does not care about the fate of his believers. What is uncertain at present is whether Aha cares - maybe he does not care, but if protecting his believers can make him see the existence of some fun, he will not be stingy.

Including Lan, Lan and his believers are at two extremes.

Some hated him, such as Dan Shu, her good friend and only spiritual support, who did not die under the enemy's sword, but died under the aftermath of the attack of the god she believed in for half her life.

Fang Hu Xian Zhou is still protected at the back of the channel to recover her strength.

Even Yu Kong, she may hate him, but she knows that the star gods are different from humans, so she still maintains her rationality.

Lan doesn't care what the believers think. He just helps when he finds it - shoot an arrow.

The Xian Zhou Alliance is just speculating on Lan's intentions.

Then, let's talk about the part that has been debated.

The grudge between Lan and the pharmacist.

Because it is not clear whether the blessing of the star god requires moving, such as running outside the place to take a look.

If that's the case, the pharmacist is really a great philanthropist in the universe, and he must be exhausted.

If it's not necessary, I don't think Lan will be able to find the pharmacist with a simple move.

Fast speed is Lan's ability, a kind of talent of Lan. The wider the destiny, the stronger the star god, but it doesn't mean that the wider the destiny, the faster the star god runs.

Lan may not be able to beat the pharmacist, but the pharmacist will not attack him.

I think this may be one of the reasons why some people don't like Lan at present - it sounds a bit like being aggressive, people won't fight you, so you chase them and fight.

But the fate of the star gods is their code of conduct. Not to mention that the pharmacist will not attack, if the pharmacist really wants to kill Lan, Lan probably won't be afraid.

Integrating these speculations, adding my own thoughts and some documents in the Collapse Iron, I think - Lan is more like a corrector for the pharmacist.

Because it is never mentioned in the text that Lan is hunting the pharmacist, he is clearing out those undead evil things.

Everyone, look at Jianmu.

What is not known at present is whether the star gods will understand each other.

The fruit of Jianmu gave immortality to the immortal boat people, and Lan probably knew this, so he did not completely destroy Jianmu.

His hunting may be for the abundant evil things.

So it is a kind of corrector for the pharmacist.

The pharmacist created immortality, but it has a power that the mortal body cannot contain - just like cancer cells, it is evolving humans, but humans cannot withstand that kind of evolution.

Lan ran over to correct the mistake - shot an arrow.


A planet was gone.

It was quite unfair.

But apart from the grudge between the pharmacist and Lan mentioned by the Xianzhou people and the foreigners, no one else, including the description of Lan by the Black Tower, has ever admitted that there is any grudge between Lan and the pharmacist - or���I think Black Tower is too important. After all, she is one of the few envoys I have come into contact with.

Many people think that Lan's concept of destiny is narrow because he only has revenge and hunting, but I think that Lan's destiny is narrow because his revenge is more like correcting mistakes, and the object of revenge is not big enough, so it leads to narrowness.……】


Huang An threw his phone aside.

It was really tiring to look at it.

He didn't go there to understand the Star God, but just wanted to see the concept of destiny. It happened that the last time he saw this person analyzing the story between Jing Liu and the others, his analysis seemed very reasonable, so he took a closer look this time.

It can't be said that it doesn't make sense, but it's a bit boring.

After all, he doesn't play games, so he's not very interested in these things.

He doesn't want to know about these things.

What Star God, what Lan... It has nothing to do with him.

Huang An turned over, lay on the bed, and rubbed his eyes. He has been looking at his phone for too long recently.

He sat up from the bed, put his arms together slightly, and imitated the posture of swinging the sword just now.

He rarely uses a sword because there are guns in this era.

Only occasionally there will be such tasks.

Killers are very troublesome. Rich families need to be secretive, and those who provoke enemies must be killed miserably. There are all kinds of requirements. If you give enough, of course you will do it.

Of course, now that the Huangtian organization has grown stronger and has RD on his head, Huang Ming will not indulge so many people's problems.

This will allow the Huangtian organization to survive longer.

Not bad.

Of course, he practiced sword not just for the mission.

Jingliu is already sitting there, what else is there for him not to believe?

What if one day a madman with the same strength as Jingliu but completely different personality from Jingliu travels through time and space, and only knows how to burn, kill and rob.

What if he encounters him, he will have no choice but to die.

There is nothing unrealistic about it. Jingliu is already sitting there, what kind of reality can he talk about.

So, if used well, they are all skills to survive.

Moreover, some of the sword's force-generating methods can still be used on some longer daggers.

Sure enough...

Huang An blinked.

It feels not smooth to swing like this, and my arms feel stiff.

My back is also too tense and I am exhausted.

Hmm... is that what you mean?

Huang An frowned, took a deep breath, picked up the Zhili Sword beside him and walked out.

Jingliu was sitting on the sofa, with Xiaobai sleeping soundly in his arms.

Huang An handed the Zhili Sword to her:"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Jingliu nodded and put away the Zhili Sword.

"It likes you very much"

"It's OK."

Jing Liu looked down at Xiao Bai in his arms and said,"Maybe it's because its owner doesn't pay much attention to it."


Huang An looked at Xiao Bai and for the first time ever reached out and touched its head. It felt really good.

But Huang An just touched it once and turned away.

"You really don't like pets."

Jing Liu smoothed down the hair that had stood up from being touched by Huang An, and said softly

"It's not that I don't like it"

"If you ever come across a pet that can't be killed by a gun and can live a long life, please bring it to me.���I have only met you before."

He keenly heard the sound of the sword scraping against the sofa.

"The sofa is seven thousand yuan.

He heard the sound of the sword being received into the destiny space again.

"Don't think of yourself."

Huang An turned his head and glanced at her:"Of course, if you want, I don't mind. In the end, I made a profit."

He said this expressionlessly and without any emotion in his voice, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Mirror Flow:……

"At least you can take a joke."

"I always joke around."

Huang An shrugged:"And I really don't mind, I did make money."

Jing Liu gritted his teeth.

Why is he not a rich evil creature.

This man is too irritating...

So I am the ancestor of longevity, plague and disaster *Xianzhou swear words*.

Jing Liu rubbed his eyebrows.

No one had ever joked with her like this before.

Jing Liu lifted Xiao Bai's collar by the back of the neck and put it aside, then stood up:"Do you want to cook?"

"No, clean up."

Huang An shook his head and said,"Let's finish cleaning up before eating."

"But won’t there be smoke again after cooking?"

"There aren't many, just accumulate them and clean them up later."

Huang An shook his head:"Dismantle and clean them regularly. Cleaning too often is not good for the range hood."

It was the first time that Jing Liu saw the whole picture of the kitchen.

"Where is the place to light a fire?"

Jingliu looked around.

"Electromagnetic heating."

Huang An pointed to the power panel next to him.

There is no gas in the community here, so this is the way to cook.

Of course, there are also disadvantages.

The heating is slow, and Huang An doesn't like this high-tech.

But for safety reasons, there is nothing he can do.

It is said that there is less smoke, but in fact it is not much less than gas ignition.

"Don't stay here, it's dirty."

Huang An glanced at Jing Liu and said,"Go and comfort Xiao Bai."

Jing Liu blinked and said,"I think I should help too.""

"You taught me swordplay, which was the biggest favor you could do me. Now I need you to do me an even bigger favor."

"What help?"

"Don't let the dog run around, it not only sheds hair, but also tears down furniture, you have to stop it."

Huang An turned around and put his hands on Jing Liu's shoulders:"Go, warrior."

He pushed Jing Liu out of the kitchen and turned around to close the kitchen door.

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