"Micro Moon"


"Well, long time no see, Ah An."

The door opened, and Huang Zhou's smiling face appeared. Huang Mei clapped her hands.

She had just checked the corridor and her hands were covered with dust.

Huang An moved away from her:"Go wash your hands."

"This is the only time I can say one more word."

Huang Mei muttered, pushing Huang Zhou away with her arm:"Go wash your hands."

"Look, I washed them clean."

Huang Zhou showed his clean hands to Huang An:"I've been hungry all day, let me see what's delicious?"

"Spare ribs."

Huang An handed the bag to Huang Zhou, changed his shoes outside and walked into the house.

"Hey... I remember you don’t eat meat, right?"

Huang Zhou lifted the bag in his hand and said,"By the way... why is that?"

"Because I have eaten human flesh."

Huang An looked back at Huang Zhou.

His eyes were like the depths of the abyss, which could only make people feel fear.

Huang Zhou was startled.

"Sorry, it was just a joke."

Huang An turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

He also had to wash his hands.

Huang Zhou took a deep breath:"So you can joke too"

"Well, because at least I am a human being."

Huang An rarely said such a thing.

Huang Zhou raised his eyebrows and did not say anything else.

"Hey, Huang An, do you want to wash your hands too?"



Huang Mei smiled and said,"What should I do? The ribs you made are so delicious, but it's a pity that I need to keep in shape."

"You've maintained your figure for nearly twenty years."

"Well, girls should work hard for their looks... Oh, if a beautiful girl like me loses her figure, it would be a nightmare for boys all over the world. So, for the sake of your dreams, I have to keep in shape."

Huang Mei raised her hand and poked Huang An's shoulder:"Do you understand my sister's good intentions?"

Huang An glanced at her.

Huang Mei smiled:"Is there someone at home?"

Huang An didn't say anything, but just glanced at her again.

"I noticed it when I was carrying it."

Huang Mei smiled and said,"It's not long from your house to my house. These high-end residential areas are gathered together, and there is a box between them. How could the whole bag be warmed up in such a short time? And the ribs have obviously been eaten. The soup and oil are floating unevenly. Obviously, they are not newly made. And they have been kept in the insulated box for a while after being eaten, right? You don't eat meat, right? You don't eat meat so you don't know this knowledge?"

Huang An was a little helpless.

He doesn't even cook meat. He only knows how to cook it because he needed it for the mission before.

To be honest... If you can cook, you can roughly figure out the cooking process when facing dishes you have never cooked...

For him, who only occasionally eats two pieces of boiled chicken breast to maintain the necessary functions of the human body... You can also see that he really doesn't understand this matter after others have eaten it.

"Hmm...how is it? The beautiful girl is as careful as a hair, shocking man! Hahahahahaha!"

"I ate it."


Huang Mei took a step back suddenly:"When did you start eating meat?"

"I have always eaten meat."

Huang An glanced at her again, then turned to stare at the mirror in front of him.

Across the mirror, the abyss stared at him from afar.

"No, no, no, isn't that necessary to maintain body functions?"With the intensity of their training and the danger of their missions, their bodies will collapse sooner or later if they don't eat meat.

It can be said that Huang An's body is different from that of ordinary people. He only eats chicken breast occasionally, which has no taste at all.

But there is something wrong with him eating meat.

"You go out first……"

Huang Mei looked a little unhappy.

Huang An looked at her and said,"Just kidding, Huang Yu came to my house for dinner before."

"You let him into your house?"

Huang Mei's face changed, and she opened her eyes wide in shock.


Well , he gave me a small gift.

"Do you mind if I dig a little deeper?"


"Do you have a dog?"

"Breaking the law?"

Huang frowned.

"Of course it's not against the law."

Huang Mei shook her head:"Can I go and take a look?"


Huang said indifferently:"Wash your hands and go eat quickly."

"Don’t you want to eat?"


"Hey...I haven't even had dinner with Huang Yu a few times."

"You will have a chance."

Huang An glanced at her.

"What are you two doing in the bathroom? Why don't you come out? Washing hands starts with growing your hands."

Huang Zhou urged impatiently,"I really haven't eaten for two days. My family is starving." Huang An clapped his hands, exchanged a glance with Huang Mei, and walked out of the bathroom.

Huang An had no intention of eating, but walked to the huge French window and looked at the scene outside.

"Ah An! You don't want to eat?"

"He has already eaten, and you know he doesn't eat meat."

Huang Mei said helplessly, and walked to the other side of the table and sat down.

"Hey! Is this meal made just for me?"


Huang Mei mocked Huang Zhou mercilessly:"Have you checked the room thoroughly?"

"Well, I checked it a long time ago. Fortunately, you didn't leave any toys in the room."

"Sister doesn't do that."

Huang Mei chuckled and picked up a piece of cabbage and stuffed it into her mouth.

"You don't eat meat either."

"Well, beautiful girls need to keep in shape."

Huang Mei smiled and said,"I'll leave these ribs to you."

"Then I will be disrespectful to refuse it."

Huang Zhou laughed three times and ate heartily.

Huang An stood in front of the French window, looking at the passers-by below.

In a place like this, people were in such a hurry that few people had time to look back for the beautiful scenery beside them.

"Are you so hungry?"


You did n't go to my place.���The food in the room:"I really have no interest in those foods. When I saw the target, you really didn't see it, a walking elastic ball, is that a person?"

Huang Mei raised her eyebrows:"Is it that exaggerated?"

"It's super scary."

Huang Zhou sighed:"The role I played seemed to be her male lover. The big hand touched my face and I almost vomited the overnight meal."

"Okay, stop talking, and don’t make me spit out what I just ate."

Huang Mei shrank her neck in a way that was difficult to accept:"Come to think of it, is Huang Xi going to come back too?"

"Well, I heard that he made quite a stir in the underground this time."

"RD gave the order, right?"

"Of course, otherwise how could it be so peaceful now? They just said that many people died in the fight, and it was over."

Huang Zhou smiled and said,"The gangs there are not very developed, and guns are rare... Well, Huang Xi made quite a fuss this time, and most of them disappeared."

"Well, that sounds miserable."

"It's pretty miserable."

Huang Zhou curled his lips and said,"Remember there was a Tengtian Gang over there before, and you had a mission that required you to contact them to get intelligence?"

"Oh, the one who wanted to touch my leg."

Huang Mei raised her eyebrows and said,"I chopped off his hand."

"Well, the whole family was made into puppets by Huang Xi, and I heard that they haven't been taken down yet."

"Wow... that's really tragic."

Huang Mei chuckled:"This madman"

"Huang Xi, Huang Zhan, Huang Xiao... these three crazy people."

Huang Zhou put the bone on the paper beside him and said,"After I saw that photo, I suddenly felt that Huang Zhan and Huang Xiao were not half as perverted as Huang Xi."

"You should be thankful that Huang Yu is not such a pervert."

Huang Mei covered her mouth and chuckled.

"that's true……"

Huang Zhou chuckled and nodded.

If Huang Yu was like that, he would have become a Frankenstein monster after so many surgeries.

"Hey! Ah An! Do you want to go out for a walk later?"

"I won't go."

Huang An stood in front of the French window with his arms folded, not even turning his head.

【What do you do when I'm not at home?】

【Touching Xiaobai, looking at the sea, thinking about things, and... um... waiting for you to come back?】

【Nothing else?】


She should at least be able to watch TV now, right? She is a completely different person from me.

"Ah An! Your birthday is coming soon, right? Sister, would you please go out for dinner?"


Huang An shook his head:"But thank you"

"What did he say?"

Hou Mei's eyes widened and she looked at Huang Zhou.

"It seems like thank you……"

"Does he really understand what these two words mean?"

"Well...if you say it out loud, you must understand it, right?"

"Ah An, please go out with me in a couple of days."

Huang Mei put down her bowl and chopsticks, looked at Huang An's back and said,"Let's go see Ah Yue."

Huang An was silent for a moment, then nodded,"Okay."

"How long has it been since you last visited her?"



Huang Mei leaned back and said,"Although she betrayed me...it's true that I still feel lonely without her by my side."

"So...what kind of person is Huang Yue?"

Huang Zhou crossed his arms in confusion:"Why would you go to see her if she betrayed the organization?"

"Hmm...what kind of person is she?"

Huang Mei chuckled:"She is a very cute girl"

"Eh... sounds like a very nostalgic person, so why did she betray him?"

Huang Zhou blinked.

"Who knows."

Huang Mei looked aside, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Huang Yue betrayed the organization a few days after everyone celebrated Huang An's birthday.

No one knew why Huang Yue betrayed, they just received an order

【Huang Yue betrayed the organization, kill her.

They were all very confused at the time. No matter how hard they thought, they couldn't figure out why Huang Yue suddenly betrayed the organization.

But perhaps they were not so surprised-because they all knew that Huang Yue was different from these affiliated garbage.

In the end, Huang Yue died at the hands of Huang Yu and Huang An.

No... to be precise, she died at the hands of Huang An. During that time, the Huangtian organization was in turmoil.

In the end, Huang Ming, who had always been gentle and kind, climbed up step by step and became the new Huang Ming.

It is said that he slaughtered the entire family of the old Huang Ming... but they didn't care.

The old Huang Ming raised them... no, it should be said that they raised them.

They have no feelings for the old Huang Ming.

Until now, the only thing they can't figure out about the turmoil at the time is still why Huang Yue betrayed.

They don't care why Huang Ming did that-because not everyone is like them, with no memory of their past.

Then the Huangtian organization grew step by step and recruited more people.

They crawled out of hell and became what they are now

"It's all in the past."

Huang Mei looked at Huang An's back and whispered softly.

It's all in the past.


When Huang An opened the door, the sound of the news was still ringing in the house.

Long white hair was scattered on the sofa, and Jing Liu curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Xiao Bai didn't know when she rolled to the ground and curled up into a small ball of hair, sleeping soundly.

Jing Liu curled herself into a small ball, and the long white hair almost wrapped her.

Huang An frowned and closed the door gently.

He thought his movements were gentle enough, but the moment the door was closed tightly, Jing Liu woke up.

"Well... you're back."

Jing Liu sat up quickly.

Her hair was a little messy, and her face looked a little dazed, obviously she didn't sleep well.

"Go back to the room and sleep."

Huang An said, walked to the French window on the side, opened the window, walked to the side and pulled up Xiao Bai from the ground:"It's easy to catch a cold here because of the ventilation."

Although the climate in Lian City is a little hotter, but... on such a high floor, the wind is not small.

Huang An looked at the little ball of fur in his hand again.

As for Xiao Bai... he is still young, and it is really difficult to let Xiao Bai learn how to use the toilet.

Especially since it is a toilet, Huang An can only customize a special pet toilet for it and throw it in another room - but Xiao Bai still didn't learn how to use it.

For the time being, I still use pet diapers.

This diaper has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it is thick and will not leak. Even if you poop inside, the outside is still dry and clean.

But the disadvantage is... if you wrap it for too long, it is easy to get skin diseases and need to change it frequently.

But Xiao Bai doesn't eat much, and he doesn't poop much, so peeing is relatively easy to deal with.

Huang An carried the struggling little ball of fur to the bathroom

"Hurry up and learn to go to the toilet at a fixed place."

Huang An said to Xiao Bai


What does Xiaobai know? He is just a little fur ball.

"Well... let me help you……"

Huang An turned his head slightly.

Jing Liu was standing behind him:"I'm the one who holds it all day anyway."

It was a bit embarrassing to say, no wonder Huang An didn't like it.

He had never held the dog, he had never touched its fur, but he still had to do all the work, such as cleaning the poop, changing diapers, combing the fur, bathing and blow-drying.

Jing Liu did do it, but since that time, he was afraid that he would get skin disease if he didn't blow the fur clean, so he turned on the hair dryer too high and almost burned the fur, Huang An never let her take charge of Xiao Bai's hygiene again.

"Just take care of your hygiene."

Huang An only left her with this sentence.

"No need."

Huang An paused, then said:"If you have time, train it to go to the toilet at a fixed place. I will find someone to come... and install a toilet specially for it in this room."

Xiaobai is not as silly and cute as before - before, it had to lift its short legs to pee, but after trying so many times and falling so many times, it changed to peeing with its hind legs bent. Huang

An now feels that this is very necessary.

In a few days, he will also dismantle the house in the same community as Huang Mei to install a dog toilet.

As the saying goes, just in case.

Anyway, this room is not needed, it is completely built-in, and it can be used directly by Xiaobai.

As the saying goes, it is empty anyway.

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