+Huang Xi is not afraid of Huang An.

Face to face they can communicate normally, but when they are connected remotely, it seems that Huang Xi and Huang An are very cautious when talking.

"Speaking of Huang Xi, why did you keep silent when Huang An said something to you during the headset communication?"

Huang Zhou asked in confusion,"Isn't it normal when we're face to face?"

"When we are face to face, I can tell whether he is angry or not, but I can't tell when he is connected through the headset."

Huang Xi's voice came out:"Listen to my Huang Zhou, don't provoke him, it will be good for your life."


Checking the time, Huang An took out his phone to order takeout for Jing Liu.

Speaking of which, when should he go to choose a phone for her?

Her ID card will probably be issued soon, and Huang An thought it would be a good opportunity to get her a phone card.

For dinner, there was a bowl of fatty beef and whole-wing rice, a plate of stir-fried kale, and a bottle of room-temperature green tea.

The advantage of this restaurant is that the meat is large, but the rice is not that much, and the main thing is that the stir-fried kale is very delicious.

Although Huang An has never eaten it before - this was a takeout he randomly ordered for Jing Liu when he was recovering from his injuries. Jing Liu ate it all up, so he ordered it again.

He didn't expect Jing Liu's rabbit stomach to be able to finish it.

Huang An stood up and walked towards the inner room.

After a few seconds, Huang Mei was thrown out.

"Dog man, not a gentleman at all……"

Huang Mei rubbed her neck and muttered

"Finished packing your equipment?"

"After I finished cleaning up, I thought I would stay inside for a while, but Huang An threw me out."

"Hahaha, you deserve it."

Huang Zhou has been asking for a beating for a long time.

Huang Mei clenched her fist:"Want to try how sexy my Glock-18 is today?"

"Forget it……"

Huang Zhou coughed twice and said,"Come on, how many items did you bring?"

"Including the dagger, there are four pieces in total."

Huang Mei touched her clothes and said,"Today I also used a piece of equipment that has been dusty for a long time."


"Ruger MK4."

Feng Mei chuckled and said,"My old friend."

"Will it work?"

Huang Zhou was a little depressed:"I haven't used it yet."

"Of course, this is the first pistol that we came into contact with at the beginning."

Huang Mei nodded:"Huang An must have it too"



Huang Mei nodded:"But...what did he do?"



"Phoenix Dark?"

"Can you use TV?"

"Got it, I'm teaching Xiaobai to go to the toilet at a fixed point...but I don't know when he wants to go to the toilet"

"Isn't there a training manual over there? Take a good look, maybe it's there."

Huang An rubbed his brows and said,"Oh, yes, that's not what I wanted to say. I called to tell you that I ordered takeout for you. Please check it out."

"Yeah, thank you."

"It's okay."

Huang An hung up the phone.


It seems that he has to check it himself to teach the dog to go to the toilet at a fixed place.

Maybe an inducer is needed.

But I heard from the staff of the pet store that it is okay not to use inducers, just to persuade and encourage...

Can dogs understand these words? But the staff also said that puppies learn very quickly and it is easier...

Very good, there is less than an hour to work hard. Now our comrade Huang An is still thinking about how to help the big white hair at home train the little white hair to go to the toilet at a fixed place.


"Ah An, the military is here, they will come out when they are done."

Huang An swiped his phone and clicked on an application on a black page.


【[Cancel connection]

There are only two cursors on it.

This is what Huangluo is researching.

Huangluo's tasks are relatively heavy. Unless it is a task that does not require carrying electronic equipment, Huangluo needs to act as an observer.

Once the killers die in the mission, or the mobile phone is about to leak secrets, the phone will automatically format and destroy all data.

Of course, there are no pornographic films or the like in their mobile phones.

Although they will delete the chat history, there will still be such a program to prevent the other party from also possessing advanced electronic technology and checking the conversations and secret files of the organization's personnel.

Of course, according to Huangluo, this also has the function of remotely controlling the explosion of the mobile phone... I don't know if it is true.

Huang An put the phone away, pushed open the door and walked out.

There are six more people in the room.

Huang Xi, Huang Ren and Huang Yi are all here.

The other three are from the military.

"Hello, I am Chen Zhiqing, who is in charge of the handover.

The leading man looked about 30 years old and was fully equipped. Perhaps to show his sincerity, he took off his bulletproof helmet.

"Just in case, your mobile phones and other equipment will be kept with me. If the virus is found, evacuate immediately. In addition."

Chen Zhiqing pointed at the two people behind him.

Huang An looked down and saw that behind Chen Zhiqing, a huge box was mostly blocked by his legs. It was difficult to see clearly from Huang An's angle.

"Here are your equipment. After the mission is completed, come back here and we will start the final cleanup."

Chen Zhiqing's eyes were bright:"I have heard about the accident that happened in the last operation, but this time please trust us. We are not Huangtian or the military. This time we are all Xiaguo."

Chen Zhiqing nodded:"You can turn off your mobile phones and put them here. We will be here to guard."

"Where are the exact locations of those twenty-two people?"

"We still don't know the exact location of the entire area behind us, because we don't know what they look like yet. Due to the electronic blockade, all the surveillance inside has been destroyed. In the last picture, we didn't capture any trace of the enemy. In other words, now both the enemy and we are blind, but we have the advantage in numbers."

"It's not just the 22 people. This is a very wide area. Most of the enemies who sneaked in should be here. As for the other groups, we have already separated a team to deal with them. If the interrogation intelligence is correct, the enemy should not know the location of the other accomplices. Of course, we should consider the worst case scenario."

Chen Zhiqing stretched out his finger and tapped the table:"We have blocked all the surrounding streets, including the rooftops."

"It's a bit ridiculous."

Huang Zhou shrugged:"What about the foreigners in this area?"

Chen Zhiqing's face was slightly cold:"This is a crisis for all Xia people. We have confirmed the security personnel in this area with the power of the country according to the confirmed date of ID card, green card or visa application, and then evacuated them. Any non-friendly personnel you see in this area tonight will be regarded as a target."

"The signal in this area has been completely cut off. The only way to communicate is through the micro-earphones of our special channel."

Chen Zhiqing nodded slightly:"The rest is up to you."

"To confirm your identity, you need to wear this.

Chen Zhiqing took out six badges from his chest pocket.

But it was pitch black and it was impossible to see clearly at night.

"The equipment we are equipped with can identify this badge, but it is difficult to detect with the naked eye. This is necessary equipment to distinguish between enemy and friendly targets."

Chen Zhiqing said:"Please pay attention, don't take off the badge. Once a target who is confirmed not to be wearing a badge appears in an open area, the sniper will directly kill it."

"Wow even……"

Huang Xi looked at the badge in his hand and said,"It means that I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go."

"What about us?"

Huang Mei spread her hands:"How can we confirm each other's identities?"

"Uh... can't you recognize them by face?"

Chen Zhiqing blinked and pointed at his own face.

Phoenix Mei was a little helpless.

In their line of work... although they can remember the appearance, they rarely recognize people by face.

After all, they themselves are using human skin masks.

"Haha, just kidding. I know you are cautious. Here are the equipment we provide. It can also prevent any missed enemies from remembering your appearance."

Chen Zhiqing turned around and opened the box behind him.

He took out six human skin masks from it, and then took out a large black bag. It was bulging with something inside.

"The eyes of this human skin mask have special identification instruments, but they only respond to the signals from the badge and do not have the function of heat sensing."

Chen Zhiqing pushed the human skin mask forward and said,"You can try it. The operation will start in twenty minutes."

"This bag contains……"

"It sounds nice, but I actually want you to take the risk."

Huang Luo's voice covered Chen Zhiqing's words, with a bit of coldness:"Because I'm afraid that the other party will destroy the virus and it will easily spread, um... are you confident?"

No one answered.

Between life and death, it's just a common occurrence.

Huang An put on the human skin mask.

The identification instrument was like wearing a mask without a degree.���Glasses, except that the badge can show a red spot in that instrument, it doesn't affect anything else


It was completely dark.

There was surprisingly no other sound here.

But the lights in the residential buildings were still on, as if those people had not been evacuated yet.

"Confirm equipment"

"No problem."

Huang An nodded.

"I have established fire support, and there is no one around you."


"Try not to spread out, Huang An covers the front, and Huang Ren covers the back."

Huang Luo's voice sounded in the headset.

"Just have a normal chat, don't be so tense"

"The main reason is that I am a little reluctant to be used as an experimental subject."

Huang Zhou muttered, and patted Huang Mei's shoulder:"It's so quiet tonight."

His voice was very loud.


Huang Mei quickly understood what he meant:"There is no disco here... Why are you coming here?"

"I heard there is a delicious barbecue restaurant here."

Huang Yi's voice.

Huang Yi's voice is actually very similar to Huang Yu's, gentle and soft, and sounds like a good-tempered person.

Of course, it is only limited to the sound.

"There are not many people here, Ah Mei, be careful, a black man may pop out from somewhere and be taken away by you."

Huang Xi's smiling voice was mixed with some shrill noises.

His throat was injured, and his voice was also affected.

""Get lost!"

Huang Mei cursed, and a group of people laughed and said, not at all like they were here to kill people.

Instead, they looked like a group of young people who were looking for fun.

""In front, about a hundred meters apart, there are two people."

Huang Luo's voice sounded.

The laughter behind them still didn't stop, but they all heard it.

Huang An raised his head.

There were two people standing behind the street lamp in front, smoking.


Slow down, I'm observing the surrounding environment.

"The person on the left is black. He is probably holding something in his right pocket. Be careful. No observers are around."

"Don't miss the distance"

"I'm watching."

Huang Luo lowered his voice a little:"Huang An, with you as the center, there are two people on the rooftop at 11 o'clock, a sniper and an observer. I can't deal with both of them at the same time. Their cover range just covers the two people under the street light. Maybe they have discovered you."


Huang An replied in a low voice:"What about the military?"

"I'm in contact."

There was silence on the other end of the Huangluo line.

Huang An continued to move forward.

Although they were already walking very slowly, the distance of more than a hundred meters was not very far.

"Hey, isn't that someone?"

"Oh, there is also a cotton machine."

"Be polite, Ah Xi.

"We have contacted you. We will cooperate with you according to your action schedule, but I don't have an observer, so I can't observe your actions. I need you to give me a hint."

"Got it."

Huang An put his hands in his pockets and walked forward.

The two men had obviously noticed them and waved towards them.

"We thought there was no one."


The accent of Japanese speaking Chinese is different from that of Europeans speaking Chinese.

Europeans speaking Chinese sounds a bit awkward

"Ah, hello."

Huang An raised his head and squeezed the human skin mask hard, looking a little shy:"Great, I thought there was no one here."

The black man was watching from the side without saying a word.

"Wow, this guy is really tall."

"Ah... he is... a Japanese."

To be honest, this Japanese man's Chinese is actually quite good, and his voice sounds like a dialect

""The Great Wall."

Huang An muttered quickly.

The Japanese man opposite seemed a little confused.

He only learned two sentences of Chinese, and before he could open his mouth to lead these people to the alley behind him, the man opposite suddenly said something he couldn't understand.



Without any warning, Huang An and Huang Zhou attacked at the same time.

The Japanese man didn't dodge, but the big black man had been watching their movements, and he reacted.

But it was useless.

He took two steps back suddenly as if he was pushed by someone, and looked down at his chest with some confusion.

The blood hadn't flowed out yet.

Huang An would not let the blood flow out.

He raised his hand and pulled the trigger at the big black man's head.

A stream of blood gushed out.

The black man fell slowly, with a torn gunshot wound on his throat.

"The sniper has been dealt with."

Huang Luo's voice came:"This is a really good signal."

"Well, it seems that the three of us are quite synchronized."

Huang Mei chuckled and said,"Huang Zhou, you have regressed."

"This cotton machine reacts a bit quickly."

Huang Zhou curled his lips and said,"I was afraid of missing the target, so I shot at the chest."

"Check the body and dispose of it. Phoenix Blade and Phoenix Wing, go check the alley."


Huang Ren and Huang Yi put their hands in their pockets, turned around and walked into the alley.

Huang An squatted down and first took out the things in the pockets of the black man's body.

He had his hands in his pockets since just now.

An M9 pistol with a short silencer.

Huang An removed the magazine, unloaded the bullet and checked.

There was a bullet in the chamber.

There was no problem with the number of bullets in the magazine, and it should not have been fired until now.

Generally speaking, two or three bullets are less when loading bullets.

Huang An installed the magazine and handed it to Huang Xi on the side:"Put it away."

"All right."

Huang Xi laughed and put away the gun:"Can I keep it all for myself?"

"Don't tell me."

Huang An stood up and raised the black man's arm:"Huang Zhou, give me a hand, don't get blood on yourself"


Huang Zhou smiled, and together with Huang An, they lifted the body and walked towards the alley.

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