"Where’s the head?"

"A'an took it to the toilet"

"Wow... why did he start whipping the corpse?"

"Who knows?……"

Huang Mei shook her head:"Did I learn this from you?"

"Me? How can I have such influence to make him learn from me?"

Huang Xi pointed at his face:"Stop joking."

Huang Xi lowered his head and looked at the headless corpse on the ground again, and recalled carefully that he really did not have such a habit.

I don't know where Huang An learned it from.

They never dreamed that Huang An was shocked by some magical existence.

When Huang An walked out, everyone was standing around the corpse, and their eyes were fixed on him.

"What are you looking at?"

Huang An frowned:"The next target"


"Overall, it went pretty smoothly."

Huang Luo's voice relaxed a little:"I thought something unexpected would happen."

"There are not so many unexpected things in the world."

Huang Mei chuckled:"Ordinary is the norm."

"Is this what we call a bland life?"

Huang Luo's voice was somewhat helpless.

"Well... for ordinary people, it's not."

Huang Mei smiled and said,"How should I put it? I just feel it and let it go.……"

Before she finished her words, Huang An, who was walking in front, turned around and hit the corner.

The speed and force of the action were so fast that Huang Mei's thoughts seemed to be interrupted.

In the blink of an eye, Huang An had disappeared around the corner.

Huang Zhou rushed forward in two steps.

There was a person lying on the ground at the corner.

His throat was strangely deformed and had been broken by Huang An. He couldn't breathe at all.

He covered his throat and could only make a hoarse sound.

"You're too fast.……"

"Subconscious action."

Huang said indifferently

"What's going on with them? Are they dispersing and fighting on their own?"

"I don't know."

Huang An grabbed the man's hair and lifted his head up. He looked like an Asian, no, Japanese.

He seemed to realize what Huang An wanted to do, and struggled desperately, hitting Huang An's back with his knee.

But it didn't cause much damage to Huang An, because Huang Zhou grabbed his feet and relieved most of the force.

The muscles on his neck were too tight, and the dagger felt sluggish and blocked.

Once again, the human body is not a water pump, and it won't spray high like a faucet.

But there will indeed be small columns of blood oozing out.

So Huang An and Huang Zhou were considerate enough to turn the man over. It

's quite pitiful when you think about it. A person was pressed to the ground like a pig to be slaughtered, and his throat was cut by being pulled by the hair.

"Don't you think we look like that drug lord in Southeast Asia?"

Huang Mei chuckled.


Huang An wiped the blood from the knife on the clothes of the corpse and wiped it clean before putting it away.

"Let's deal with it."

Huang An took two steps back and watched Huang Zhou and Huang Ren carefully lift the body and disappear into another corner not far away. There was nothing missing here, except for trash cans and various meaningless corners. I don't know why they were designed. Maybe it was just to make the residents here feel annoyed and move to a better place.


"It went surprisingly smoothly... Was it this quick and smooth for the first time to work with RD?"

In the dim room, Huang Mei raised her long legs, looked at Huang An, and asked


Huang An responded without even looking back at her. He might not be able to go back tonight.

He had to think about what takeout to order for Jing Liu tomorrow morning.

"Cold-hearted man, you will lose your sister sooner or later."

Huang An took out the dagger and gently placed it on the table. Huang Mei swallowed and turned to look at Huang Luo:"Right, Luo, it went smoothly this time."

"Well, because the problem is so big this time, RD certainly won't leave most of the things to us. They handle it faster and better. Plus, the last cooperation went terribly wrong, RD thinks it's hard for us to completely trust them now, so they didn't give us more work."

Huang Luo nodded:"But don't think about going back tonight."

"Next, I just have to sit here and wait for the next instruction."

Huang Zhou stretched lazily:"I haven't even had a good sleep and I have to work non-stop. Even a donkey wouldn't dare to work like this."

"I really get up earlier than the chickens and sleep later than the chickens."

Huang Xi yawned:"Come to think of it, I can understand getting up earlier than the chickens, but what does it mean to sleep later than the chickens? The chickens have returned to their nests very early, right?"

"It's not an animal chicken."

Huang Yi glanced at him and said lightly

"Ah! Isn't it an animal chicken?"

Huang Mei's eyes widened.

"What else do you think?"

Huang Yi shrugged:"I didn't understand it at first, it was Huang Ming who said it."

"He never thinks of anything serious all day."

Huang Zhou chuckled.

Huang Ren crossed his arms and said nothing. Huang An was looking through the takeaway food over there, and there was no movement.

"I said, when did Huang An start playing with his cell phone?"

"There are such things as mobile phones in the world, it would be strange if you don't play with them."

Huang Mei rubbed her neck:"It's so slow.……"

"I'm going to sleep for a while, don't call me."

Huang Zhou was lying on the table, mumbling incoherently.

Huang An finally put down his phone.

Why are there so many kinds of takeout... His eyes were dazzled by it. It was Jingliu's birthday later, and he had promised to go out for dinner with her...

Why would he drag his feet in killing someone?

The people around him were already accustomed to Huang An's expressionless face, and no one tried to see if he was in turmoil.

"Sorry to waste your time."

Chen Zhiqing walked in with a group of people:"We need to discuss various issues in the mission process, and also, where are the targets you have dealt with hidden."

This is a residential area, they don't want a garbage collector to happily open several garbage bins one morning.

As a result, he found several completely broken cotton machines.

The impact of that would be more than just a heart attack.


This was definitely a scene that would drive anyone crazy.

The burning sky was reflected in her red eyes.

The mountains were burning and falling, turning into burning meteorites, smashing the buildings she was familiar with.

The scarlet evil star was like the eyes of a demon, staring at everyone on the ground.

The neighbors she knew, the uncles and aunts who were usually so kind to her and praised her beauty, were lying on the ground screaming and struggling.

The dazzling golden branches drilled out of their bodies, taking away their last bit of sanity.

Then, in her horrified eyes, they stood up again and turned into monsters without human sanity.

"Liuer... run!……"

She turned her head and saw her father lying not far from her, trembling all over.

He growled and struggled, resisting the pain that was like cramps and marrow pulling out.

She wanted to run away, but her body was already unable to move. She could feel the power that could make her mind shatter rushing to her body. She was like a bug caught in the hands of a human, struggling desperately, but ultimately unable to escape the consequences of her body exploding.

She looked at the Cloud Cavalry who was staggering towards her, watching him grab her with his hands that were almost covered with dazzling golden leaves, and throw her away.

"Stay alive……"

The Cloud Rider fell to the ground, and the golden branch finally wrapped around his face.

The wife killed the child, and the husband killed the wife.

Not only the demon body was mad, but everyone was mad.

She felt a pair of big hands pushing her forward again. She couldn't even move, and could only watch her body move forward.

"To become stronger...……"

The man's face was distorted.

She remembered him.

This was the businessman who had stopped briefly in front of her house. She had once handed her dinner to the hungry man, but she herself had to spend the night hungry.

"You must... avenge us, Jingliu."

The man staggered, dragged her, and at the last moment when he lost his mind, he threw her forward with force.

This was the transfer of a life.

Why... She looked at the scene in horror, her tears had long dried up - she could no longer shed a single tear.

Why did her life become like this in an instant?

"Ah Liu...remember us……"

"Liu'er...you have to become stronger...you have to go out……"

Those corrupted hands pushed her body, which was lying on the ground, and placed their last hope on her.

She just stared in the direction of home, her eyes full of fear.

She didn't even know when a baby was stuffed into her arms.

The baby was crying in her arms, but she couldn't lift a finger to comfort her.


She heard a terrifying roar, and her red eyes reflected the intersecting and colliding figures in the sky.

Suddenly... Suddenly...



"That’s two kids!"

"Ming Qu! No! It's too late!"

"Those are two fucking children!"

At the moment when the power in her body was about to explode, she heard footsteps.

The footsteps gradually changed from solid to empty.

She was lifted up weakly by the last pair of big hands.

The hands were so weak that they were almost falling apart even though they were only holding two children. But the hands were as solid as iron, and they lifted up the last hope of Cangcheng.

She only remembered to hold the baby tightly in her arms, but another pair of stronger hands grabbed her from behind and dragged her to the hard wooden board.

The man who pushed her to the other side of life gave up boarding the ship at the last moment and fell behind.

The golden branches poured out from the gap in his armor, and he was shaking on the ground.

The big hands pounded the edge of the boat, and she trembled all over - she finally came to her senses

"Time is running out……"

"Mingqu is still down there!"

"I said there is no time! This is the last time the general buys for us……"

She heard a dull cry:"Evacuate immediately!"

She saw the golden power, like a demon star hanging in the sky, attacking her sight.

""The attack of the Order of Plenty! Dodge! Dodge!"

She heard panicked roars, accompanied by the violent shaking of the ship.

The Ship of Life dodged, but the ship tilted suddenly.

She leaned back subconsciously, but the baby in her arms quickly rolled down and rushed towards the burning Cangcheng.

That was……

"Take good care of my child... Liu'er, please, I'll leave him to you, his name is Jingming... You must keep him alive……"

She screamed, roared and rolled down, raising her hand to try to grab the tender little hand.

The flying wooden planks scratched across her body, leaving bloody marks on her fair skin. She was about to catch it.

A glimmer of hope finally flashed in her red eyes.

But the child retracted his hand as if he was joking with her, and scratched his chest with both hands with a giggle.

The young figure fell straight down from a high altitude.

She felt as if something in her head suddenly broke, and the shock made her lose her mind.

She screamed and jumped off the edge, but was tightly clamped around her waist by a strong big hand.

The golden power passed before her eyes, completely engulfing the child's figure.

Drops of blood splattered in her eyes.

She was dragged onto the boat again.

When she looked back, she saw the weapon that shocked her eyes.

It was a long sword inserted into Yunqi's waist.

She pulled it out suddenly and rushed towards the interlaced golden light in the distance again.




She roared and struggled, but she was no match for the several pairs of strong hands around her.

They pinned her to the ground and snatched the sword from her hand.

She just roared that name until her tender throat could no longer make a sound, until the tears that burst out of her eyes were evaporated by the hatred that surged into the sky, until the scarlet corners of her eyes were squeezed into her own eyes by the rage that burned the sky.

Until... her happiest life and memories, along with her home, were buried in that scarlet evil star.

Suddenly... suddenly...


I will kill you... and everything related to you... destroy it all.

Everything in front of her eyes suddenly turned into a broken mirror, and the dark light of the moon fell, and she saw the woman kneeling opposite her.

It was herself, she recognized her

"Kill you... I must……"

"Kill you!"

The woman turned her head suddenly, and her scarlet but lifeless eyes completely devoured her.

The moment the woman pounced on her, the biting cold from nowhere swallowed her up first.

She could no longer breathe.



Jingliu opened her eyes and sat up suddenly.

She panted in panic, as if she was recalling the hell just now. She held the sheets tightly with both hands.

This dream had tortured her for hundreds of years.

"I told you not to sleep on the sofa."

Jing Liu turned around and saw Huang An, who was closing the window.

"I almost didn't notice you. You'll catch a cold if you sleep here."

Huang An frowned:"Did you have a nightmare?"

Jing Liu looked up at him, was silent for a few seconds, and shook his head:"No,"

"Why are you crying if you didn't have a nightmare?"

Huang An pointed at her face again.

Jing Liu was stunned and raised his hand to touch his cheek.

The tears that had not yet dried stained her fingers.

"I don't know, maybe I remembered my best friend."


Huang An didn't intend to expose her clumsy lie, and raised his hand to put the paper bag in front of her on the table in front of her:"Why are you sleeping here?"

"I read a book and waited for you to come back because you didn't call to say you wouldn't come back."

Jingliu raised his hand to wipe his face and stood up:"I'll go wash up first."

Huang An didn't stop her. He watched her walk into the house and turned around to tidy up the messed up sofa. He did n't even cover himself with a quilt when he slept.

Jingliu came out with a clean face. Except for a little redness in the corners of his eyes, there was no trace of what happened just now.

"I had a long meeting and didn't have a chance to call you."

Huang An opened the paper bag and said,"Next time, just go to bed by yourself and don't wait for me."

"I have this habit."

A long time ago, when Daddy and Mommy were not at home, she would wait alone in the house, looking at the ceiling and waiting for them to come back.

She was used to waiting.

Jing Liu did not intend to explain too much, he sat down and picked up the things in front of him.

"There's not much to eat at this time, just steamed buns and porridge."

Huang An took off his clothes and said,"You eat it."

"Don’t you want to eat?"

"Wash up before eating."

Jingliu sniffed and smelled a faint smell of blood:"Are you injured?"


Huang An looked back at her and said,"You two's sense of smell is almost at a new level."

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