No one knows when this thing was born.

In the universe, the pale eyes opened in the void and darkness, and swept to somewhere in the distance.

In the laughter that resounded through the universe, the eyes closed again.

The universe was flowing, never revealing its sorrow and joy.

The smiling mask slowly turned to the front.

The golden nebula condensed

"Hey Hey……"

He seemed to have seen something extraordinary, and he laughed in surprise and joy.


In the haze, he opened his eyes.

He seemed to be standing on top of something, and could only feel that he was extremely tall, towering above the universe.

He looked around, and saw only the cold universe and all living things.

His heart had long been cold, and he had no feelings for these things.

Then he saw her in the haze.

He saw his own moon.

She was in a huge ship protected by light, moving forward in the sea of stars.

"that is……"

He raised his hand.

It was your... home... the moon... what... what was it...

He shook his head irritably and heard the sound of something breaking. Then came the extremely clear laughter, tearing through the darkness and ruthlessness of the universe.


In the dark universe, the golden color around him shrank.

He didn't know what this feeling was, that strange and empty feeling filled his body.

He saw the golden light bloom again.

The terrifying light almost swallowed up the darkness of the universe, like the scorching sun shining on the universe.

He saw a paleness appearing on the other side of countless stars, like a pair of eyes.

The terrifying pressure rushed towards him, as if to swallow him.

Huang An stretched out his hand and seemed to grasp something.

Then there was the touch of something shattering, but it did not hurt him.

The pale shattered and disappeared without a trace.

He still exists.

Huang An can feel it.

A clear laugh came into his ears, and he just saw the black shadows surrounding him.

The mask passed in front of his eyes.

Huang An raised his hand and pinched it.

He seemed to think of something again, and stretched out his hand to throw it out

"Who are you?"

"Hahahaha! Who are you! Who am I?"

The black shadow laughed and clapped, the mask returned to its place, and danced in the air


Huang An still recognized Him.

This mask was too recognizable. His mind was confused just now, and he couldn't think clearly.

Countless concepts flooded into his mind in an instant, making it difficult for him to remember the identity of the masked black shadow in front of him.

Now that he had sorted it out, he remembered that he had seen this black shadow before.

""Hahaha! Ah Ha has been recognized!"

Ah Ha laughed and clapped his hands.

When he clapped, the masks he was holding floated in the air.



"Eh...when did this extra information come out?"


""Master Taibu, please take a look at this information."

The man frowned and presented the information to Yue Gua:"I don't think I've ever seen this information before."

As the current Taibu of Luofu, Yue Gua knows everything in the database.

"When did this information come out?"

Yue Gua frowned, spread out the information, and looked at it carefully.

"Chaos Lord……"

Yue Gua read it carefully twice, then raised his head and asked:"Who among you wrote this?"


The man shook his head, looking a little embarrassed:"This is something that suddenly appeared in the Star God database.……"

"A star god that has not yet been recorded?"


The man nodded:"Master Taibu... this……"

"Submit this information privately to the General"

"The Sword Master and the other five officials……"

"Not needed for the time being."

Yue Gua shook his head:"Go, do it now."

These things are not the turn of the other five departments to interfere, especially when they are not confirmed.

It is not too late to submit them to the other five departments after they are confirmed.

As for the Luofu Sword Master...

She has always been cold and indifferent to these things. It is useless to hand it over to her.

Teng Xiao may be able to make a reasonable judgment.


Yue Gua frowned.

Is it related to the light that affected the entire fairy boat in the morning?

It happened this morning.

The terrifying golden light paralyzed most of the instruments in the fairy boat, and the terrifying golden light lasted for a long time before it dissipated..

Yue Gua closed her eyes, and her eyes shone with light. She would tell a divination for herself first, and then see if she could observe the newborn Star God.

Chaos Star God... sounds like a Star God with a broad destiny.

But wouldn't this concept of destiny have some overlap with nothingness?

Or... even broader than nothingness... unlikely.

Yue Gua rubbed her brows.

She originally thought she was an amazing fortune teller, but when she really stood out and sat in the position of Luofu Taibu to comprehend the fate of the immortal boat, and even the existence of the Star God level......She found that her talent was still not enough.

As for the traces and whereabouts of the Star God, she could only barely observe the traces of Emperor Gong Siming - that is, Emperor Gong Siming took the initiative to show up.

The last time she went to Yuque Xianzhou, the Taibu of Yuque had told her a divination.

The divination showed that one day in the future, a true genius would take over the position of Taibu.

This is the so-called future.

To be honest, Yue Gua didn't believe it.

Although she was not the type of great genius...but at least she was a cut above the other diviners in Xianzhou.

Yue Gua sighed, turned around and sat down.

New Star God.

With the current strength of Xianzhou...I don't actually want any new Star God to be born in the universe.

Because there is no way to determine what title the born Star God will eventually be given.

If it was Siming, it would be the best...Heavenly Lord doesn't matter.

If it was the Ancestor of Misfortune...

Yue Gua narrowed her eyes, thinking of the golden light that paralyzed the facilities of Xianzhou in the morning.

That kind of power was even more terrifying than the power described when Emperor Gong Siming was born.

Yue Gua folded her arms, and her eyes emitted a dazzling light.

She was predicting.

Even if she could only see a little bit, it would be good.……


After removing the mask beside him, Huang An keenly felt another kind of spying.

The weak and powerless spying felt like the tickling of cow hair to him.

But he didn't like it very much.

Of course, he had just arrived here, and he hadn't even sorted out the huge amount of information on himself, so he didn't want to cause trouble for the time being.

So he turned his head, and his golden vertical pupils were like the scorching sun in the sky, looking in the direction where the spying feeling came from.

The spying feeling disappeared instantly.

So weak...

Huang An rubbed his eyebrows and sat on the meteorite fragments floating in the universe, closing his eyes and thinking about something.

Aha stood aside and watched him.

Compared to the Star God... it's more like a concept...

After Akivli fell, there has been no such fun for a long time.

Huang An opened his eyes again.

He couldn't remember how he got on the path of the Star God.

He seemed to be formed by something.

Compared to the Star God, he is more like a concept.

So that's it...

In the previous powerful pressure, the terrifying laziness and swallowing feeling was nothingness.

Who did that weak spying feeling come from?

"What's your name?"

He turned his head.

The Joyful Star God, Aha, was looking at him, his mask fluttering.

He lowered his head, and after a moment, shook his head:"I don't have a name."

"No name! The Star God has no name!"

Ah Ha laughed again:"How interesting!"

He already has a new life...why should he use secret codes to remember the dark past.

Ah Ha moved closer:"You are different from Ah Ha, and different from all of them!"

"You look like Destruction! And like Tongxie... eh, not really."

Ahha's laughter showed no sign of stopping.

Until the star god in front of him stood up from the star and walked away.

Ahha moved his feet and followed behind him.

Huang An ignored him.

Then he stopped, and Ahha also stopped.

The two star gods looked into the distance at the same time.

It was a figure with a dark body and a faint purple hue.

He walked in the starry sky, accompanied by an ethereal whisper.

"" The end!"

Ah Ha shouted loudly:"The end!"

The Last King had no intention of paying attention to him.

Or rather, the Last King ignored everyone.

Ah Ha chuckled.

The Last King walked straight towards Huang An.

Huang An raised his hand, and the golden aura gathered in his palm.

Finally, Ah Ha reached out and held it.

"You can't fight gods."

Ah Ha smiled and held Huang An's wrist:"This is the habit of the end."

Huang An put his hand down.

The last king passed by Huang An.


He murmured, and although he walked step by step, he disappeared into the other side of the starry sky in a few seconds.

"Where are you going? What should Aha call you?"

Aha jumped in front of Huang An.

Huang An looked at Aha's feet.

Aha just jumped, and the stars below shattered instantly.��

Aha is still smiling

"I'm going to Luofu Fairy Boat."

Huang said indifferently:"You don't have to call me"


Aha laughed, and when He laughed it was as if He was calling His own name.

"Do you know where the fairy boat is?"

"I don't know."

Huang An shook his head honestly.

"Come with Ah Ha, Ah Ha knows where the Immortal Boat is.

Ah Ha smiled and turned to lead the way.


The fairy boat can be seen from a long distance

"The taste of pharmacist……"

Ah Ha looked around and said,"The pharmacist once appeared."


Huang An looked around.

There was nothing but the towering fairy boat.

"This is not Luofu, the one behind is."

Ah Ha pointed to the huge ship behind and said,"There is still a breath of destruction."


Huang An looked up.

Just outside Luofu, a woman with long blue hair was standing in the void.

After a moment, she seemed to notice something and looked in the direction of Huang An and Aha.


Ah Ha laughed,"Little Envoy of Destruction."

Before Huang An could ask anything, the blue-haired woman looked as if she was facing a great enemy and instantly disappeared into the starry sky.

"You run fast."

Ah Ha's mask tilted:"Do you want to go into Luofu?"


Huang An nodded and stretched out his hand to grasp it.

The terrifying power.

He needed to restrain it.

The memory of the Chaos Star God quickly awakened in his mind, and he sensed the knowledge of the Star God.

He just stretched out his hand and drew it in the direction of Luo Fu, and a huge hole appeared in front of him.

Huang An walked in without paying any attention to Aha behind him.

Aha naturally would not let this new Star God go, and He also followed Huang An.



Huang An originally thought that this place would be like an ancient place with a little more high technology, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

"This thing looks like a container?"

""Well... I guess so."

Ah Ha smiled.

It was indeed fun, this new star god.

It was worth it for him to follow Zhong Mo for so long.

Huang An touched his hair.

His hair almost dragged to the ground.

His long white hair……


Ah Ha seemed to have thought of something and laughed:"You and Destruction really look alike."

Huang An still ignored him and turned his head to walk away.

He wanted to appreciate the scenery of Luofu.

And by the way, see how Jing Liu was doing here.

"You're like this?"

Huang An turned and looked at Ah Ha.

Ah Ha was now the size of an ordinary person, but still looked the same.

The people on Xianzhou would probably be scared to death if they saw this.

"Hmm... let Aha think about it."

The smiley mask shook twice, and a black light covered Aha's body.

The black light dissipated.

A black-haired man appeared.

" looks quite different."

Ah Ha stroked his chin and smiled:"Let's go to Luofu to have a look.""


Huang An turned around and walked away.

Luofu was divided into many caves, and it was not difficult to find Jingliu. It would be a joke if the two star gods couldn't even find her.

But to be honest, Huang An didn't plan to take this variable with him to find Jingliu.

Aha was too dangerous.

"Come to Luofu for a trip, and the person you are looking for will not leave the fairy boat."

Ah Ha grabbed Huang An's wrist and said seriously:"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Huang An turned his head and looked at him:"Then what do you say we should do?"

"I heard that Luofu is going to hold a Baiye Conference soon.

Ah Ha grinned and said,"Let's go and join in the fun.""

"Not interested in"


Aha shook his head:"You have."

Huang An sighed:"Then go."

He is a star god. Even if Jing Liu leaves the immortal boat, he can find her in an instant.

Aha, this star god... He can do anything that is fun.

Even if it means destroying the immortal boat.

So Huang An does not plan to take him to find Jing Liu.

"So, where did you hear about the Baiye Conference?"

Huang An looked at Ah Ha.

"Just now, didn't you hear about it?"

Ah Ha tilted his head:"It's at the headquarters of some industrial manufacturing company... Let's go, it's said to start soon."

Huang An nodded and said nothing.



Ying Xing rubbed his brows tiredly.

He had just appeased several close friends, especially the Lord Sword Master and Lord Dragon Lord who were holding swords and were about to go to the Industrial Manufacturing Department to ask for an explanation.

Looking at the inferior and defective materials in front of him, Ying Xing frowned.

This was a blatant challenge.

Ying Xing picked up the materials and looked through them carefully.

The position of Baiye... he must get it.

For his family, for his friends...

Ying Xing took a deep breath, sat on the chair, and studied the materials carefully.

Forging is not a simple process, especially the forging of the position of Baiye. Ying Xing had to be cautious.

First use the test materials to forge and see how far you can go. After repeating it several times, you can really use it on the materials of the Baiye Conference.

"Ying Xing, I'm just a swordsman... I don't know much, I can only find this bag of materials."

"Ying Xing Ying Xing, please take a look at these. I have traveled to more than ten planets to find these forging materials. Please try and see if you can use them!"

"These are given to you for study. They are the collection of the Dragon Masters."

"Ying Xing, you can use these... I don't know anything else, come on!"

For them...

Ying Xing took a deep breath, suppressed the sleepiness in his heart, and raised the pen in his hand.

Ying Xing, you are not allowed to give up.

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