After the twelve ice-blue flying swords were transformed into power and retracted into the mirror fluid, Yuanming stood up and said,"Thank you for your hard work."

"I'm going to take a shower."

Jingliu nodded and turned to go into the house.


Yuanming stopped her and said,"There are two things. One thing I want to discuss with you, and the other thing I need your cooperation."

Yuanming always spoke concisely and directly to the point. Jingliu stopped and turned around:"What is it?"

"Let's do the second thing first."

Yuanming walked in front of Jingliu and said,"It will be a little painful, just bear with it."


Jing Liu hadn't reacted yet. A sudden flash of golden light in front of her plunged her into darkness in an instant.

She opened her eyes and saw a golden sea of stars everywhere.


Jingliu looked around.

But all around him were golden streams of light and a sea of stars.

Even the pair of golden eyes he saw last time were not visible.


""Where are you?"

Jingliu shouted.

There was no answer.

The golden stars flowed, warm and soft.

No one responded to her.

She was trapped in the endless golden color, but her heart was full of loneliness.

Where is Yuanming?

"Bai Heng?"

"Ying Xing?"

"Dan Feng?"

"Jing Yuan?"

She called her best friend's name, but still no one responded.

She knew it was Yuan Ming's work, but she couldn't help but feel lonely and painful.


She gradually couldn't control her thoughts. It was a feeling of being controlled.

Demonic Yin Body...

She saw her twisted limbs, and her originally white arms were covered with dark leather.



She was shocked to hear her own hoarse and low voice.

Then the golden light in front of her eyes began to spread.

She saw Ying Xing.

Ying Xing had his back to her, with long black hair fluttering.

Jing Liu did not think about why Ying Xing's hair turned black. In such an environment, she did not have the ability to think about it.

She just recognized Ying Xing's back.

"Ying Xing!"

She ran over.

Ying Xing turned his head, and his scarlet eyes came into her sight.

"Ying Xing……"

Her steps gradually stopped.

Ying Xing's gentle face began to break, until it was covered with cracks.

Finally, Ying Xing opened his mouth, and his sharp teeth were like a sign of death.

He rushed over

"Ying Xing……"

Jingliu's eyes widened.

Before she could react, Yingxing shattered in front of her.

The hand she stretched out to block was cut by the fragments, but no blood flowed out.

There seemed to be more golden branches in front of her, blocking her sight.

Jingliu was upset.

Then she saw Bai Heng.

Bai Heng stood in the distance with his back to her, and his back did not change at all.

Jingliu breathed a sigh of relief.

Her thoughts were disrupted, and she could only see the white figure in front of her.

She raised a stiff smile, raised her leg and was about to walk over.

But before she could walk over, Bai Heng's figure began to shatter like a star pulled by a black hole and turned into ashes.


Jing Liu panted rapidly, subconsciously retreating, and almost fell to the ground.

It shouldn't be like this...


The scene in front of him was like a broken crystal, changing.

Then it was Dan Feng.

He was pierced through the body by countless iron chains, bound and kneeling on the cold stone.

His whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and in some places the wounds could already reveal the white bones.

""Dan Feng!"

She yelled, waving her sword and rushing forward to cut off the chains.

But the chains seemed to have life and entangled her in turn.

Legs, feet, arms, palms, those chains seemed to want to crush her.

No matter how she struggled, the chains became tighter and tighter.

Severe pain attacked her limbs and bones.

She didn't see Jing Yuan.

That's good...

She closed her eyes.

At least there was one that was fine.

Something seemed to be trying to break through the skin and get out of the bones.

Jing Liu roared in pain, but his limbs were entangled by the chains and he couldn't even struggle.

Then the thing finally got out.

She saw it.

The six-armed star god was staring at her.

The golden branches as bright as life pierced out of her body, but cruelly foreshadowed the arrival of death.

She began to tremble, just like the demon star she saw nearly a thousand years ago.

The god of life sat among the stars, and there seemed to be a joke in his eyes, as if he was watching an ant.

Jing Liu suddenly felt powerless.

The vigor of life and the fear of death came in contradiction.


Then, a roar like the explosion of stars sounded from afar. Jingliu's ears buzzed and she could no longer hear any sound.

She looked confusedly in the direction of the sound.

The golden eyes opened from the other side of the sea of stars.

The stars gradually turned golden.

The body of the God of Life was gradually crushed, but he still kept smiling.

Until he disappeared without a trace.

Jingliu looked down. He only saw that the darkness on his body quickly faded away, and the golden branch dissipated.

"Mirror Flow."

A soft and low voice came into her ears:"Wake up."

She opened her eyes.


"Did it scare you?"

Jingliu found himself sitting on a stone bench, with Yuanming squatting in front of him:"Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Jingliu shook his head blankly, only to feel that his body had become much lighter for no reason.

"what have you done?"

"I have eliminated the abundant power in your body."

Yuanming said softly,"You are now immortal, and there is no longer any danger of the demonic body."

Her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't sort out her thoughts.

During the days when Yuanming came, her worldview seemed to have been completely turned upside down.

The demonic body that had troubled her for nearly a thousand years.

Just gone like that?

Jingliu rubbed his head.

The pain just now seemed to be just an illusion.

Oh, it was indeed just an illusion.

"It’s time to wake up."

Yuanming didn’t rush Jingliu to say anything:"Go take a shower?"


Jingliu stood up and staggered into the room.

It was really hard to accept for a moment.

Yuanming looked at her back and gently closed his eyes.

Just at that moment, he felt the breath of the end.

The end revealed the future to Jingliu through the illusion.

Yuanming also saw what the future would look like.

But that couldn't happen.

The future can be corrected in another way.

It is entirely possible.


The warm water splashed on her body, and her moon-white skin was washed by the water, reflecting the lights.

She was completely buried in the water, looking at the edge of the tub, blowing gently.

Bubbles appeared on the water surface one after another.

After soaking in the water for a long time, Jingliu finally adapted to everything now.

Yuanming can remove the curse of the demon body.

But she understood.

She had no right to ask Yuanming to remove the curse of other immortal boat people.

This should not be easy for Yuanming, right?

Even if it was easy, she couldn't do it...

How could the side effects obtained because of her greed be handed over to others to solve...

Jingliu sighed, shook her head, and buried herself in the water.

After removing the hidden danger of the demon body, her body was now too light.

Psychologically light.

There was no depression in her heart.

In fact, the demon body was not only actively fallen into by the immortal species.

The power of the curse would accumulate the pain and sad memories in the hearts of the immortal species, so that they would not forget so quickly-so that the immortal species would fall into the demon body when that time node arrived.

The immortals who are alone will feel lonely, the death of their parents will be painful, the departure of their friends will be painful.

There will also be the pain of friends leaving one after another.

Even if they live in peace, they will face all kinds of sorrow and pain.

This is inevitable for the immortals.

Could it be that she wants all the immortals to believe in the Chaos Star God?

Jingliu shook her head and stood up from the bathtub.

She turned over, and the power of destiny instantly evaporated the water drops on her body.

Jingliu put on her clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

"Sometimes I am confused."

Yuanming sat in the living room drinking tea, Xiaobai was lying at his feet:"Why do you still wear this after taking a bath?"


Jingliu said softly, sitting opposite Yuanming and pushing the teacup to him:"I want some too"


Yuanming smiled and poured tea for Jingliu:"Is this tea better than Blue Star's tea?"

"Want to hear the truth?"

"I don't want to think about it now."

Yuanming nodded:"But it is indeed delicious."

"This must be delicious."

Jingliu looked at the unpacked tea leaves on the table:"This is the Dragon Lord special tea that the Chiming tribe gave to Danfeng. Danfeng gave me most of it."

Yingxing is not used to drinking tea, Jingyuan doesn't like drinking tea.

Baiheng... Baiheng basically doesn't drink tea. The fox people have very sensitive senses. Baiheng always says that tea is bitter and strong.

Of course, Jingliu didn't say anything.

This tea leaf has another opening that can be closed at any time, because this tea leaf will harden and taste worse after contact with the air.

But Yuanming tore it open directly.

……Let him be, as long as he is happy.

Jing Liu glanced at Yuanming.

Yuanming held his hand.���Holding a teacup in one hand, Jing Liu teased Xiao Bai with a stick he had picked up from somewhere.

Xiao Bai jumped under the table.

This boy has grown a lot taller now, and he doesn't look like a little fur ball when they first met.

He has passed the dog's puberty and is not as uncoordinated as he was at the beginning.

Bai Heng always said that Xiao Bai looked uncoordinated at that time, but Jing Liu never noticed it.

To some extent, except for his appearance and body structure, Jing Liu has nothing to do with women in any way.



"Is Changle Tianjun still on the immortal boat?"


Yuanming sensed it and could still feel the terrifying power of fate.

Even if he just sensed it, he could still hear the laughter in his ears.

"Ah Ha seems to be very idle.

Yuan Ming said softly:"He really has nothing to do."

"I'm actually curious"

"What are you curious about?"

"I'm curious why you suddenly turned into a star god."

"Didn't I explain this to you before?"

"But it’s not thorough."

Jing Liu scratched his head:"It feels… too sudden?"

"Well... let's put it this way."

Yuanming tilted his head, pondered for a moment, and said softly:"Strictly speaking, I can't be considered a star god, I can also be considered the fate of chaos itself."

"Chaos fate itself?"

"Well, but most of them are no different from star gods."

Yuanming whispered:"So Ah Ha found me, Ah Ha found me not because of you, but because he could feel my difference."

So Jing Liu didn't see Ah Ha even once in his dream.

When Ah Ha saw him, his first sentence was"What are you?"

That's what Ah Ha meant. He noticed his gaze

"So that's it……"

Jing Liu stroked his chin:"But... who brought me to the Immortal Boat?"

"This...maybe it was Aha, maybe it wasn't."

Yuanming said this as if he hadn't said anything:"I haven't asked him yet."

To be honest, from here on, he only wanted to find Jingliu, and completely forgot to ask Aha if this matter had anything to do with him.

It couldn't be that Xunlie Lan did it.

"I can also be considered a concept, but as a concept of destiny and as a hazy star god body, I first need to understand the concept of chaos, just like the star god is the existence that has gone the furthest in destiny, the star god must first understand the concept of destiny."

"For example, destruction, the hatred and pursuit of hunting, the healing of life through abundance, and Ahab's understanding of joy. To embark on a destiny, one must first understand it, and then practice it."

"Of course, if one does not understand destiny, but just walks into it, then he will ultimately be nothing more than a traveler of destiny."

Yuanming said calmly,"Do you understand this?"


Jingliu nodded:"I can almost understand"

"But I am the concept of destiny itself, and as a star god, if I want to awaken such power, I must personally understand the original meaning of chaos, or even create its concept. Chaos destiny contains too much, chaos of thoughts, chaos of behavior, and it is everywhere, so I created projection, which is Phoenix Darkness."

"So in that world, I am rational and cannot resonate with other concepts of destiny. I have to accommodate and contain the concept of chaos, so I cannot be too emotional, or even indifferent."

"As for why I was on Blue Star… probably because I happened to drift there at that time."

Yuanming shook his head:"So there is no way for a destiny walker to be born on Blue Star, because Blue Star is firmly wrapped in the chaotic destiny and absorbs it."

"Ah...if you leave now, will the people of Blue Star be able to awaken to their destiny?"

"Probably not, because no star god would pay attention to that place."

Yuanming shook his head:"It has been there for who knows how many years without the power of destiny. The people there have formed their own system and are no longer adapted to the power of destiny."

"For example, the hatred in it could not arouse the response of the hunting destiny, let alone attract the attention of Lan."

Yuanming said softly:"Because they are not accustomed to the power of destiny and have been isolated from destiny for too long, they cannot respond to destiny.""

It's like being hungry for a long time, but you are not hungry anymore?

Yuanming didn't know how to describe it. The relationship between the power of destiny and humans is really hard to compare.

"Just like the bodies of the immortal boat people would reject foreign objects, if the blue star people wanted to awaken their destiny, the conditions were extremely harsh."

"For example, if a person wants to awaken the hunting destiny, he needs to have a close relationship with all the people in the country, and then another country will destroy his country and slaughter all the people, leaving only him. That person may get the response of the hunting destiny."

Jingliu frowned:"This is too harsh"

"Well, it is very demanding, even to the point of requiring that person to be emotionally close to Lan."

Yuanming nodded:"This may be the self-protection mechanism of my concept of destiny, which completely cuts off the possibility of the Blue Star people awakening the power of destiny."

Jingliu shrugged:"Perhaps this is also a good thing for Blue Star, cutting off the possibility of them being affected by the contradictions of the Star God."

For example, Fengrao and Xunlie.

What if Fengrao noticed it and gave a blessing, and Xunlie Lan shot an arrow at it.

Hey... then there will be real world peace

"Then, your first thing is solved.……"



"Thank you……"

Jingliu lowered her head.

She didn't know what to say, or in her opinion, it was not appropriate to say thank you.

Because a thank you was not enough to thank Yuanming for his help.

On the contrary, she wanted to use a thank you to offset Yuanming's life-saving grace.

But Jingliu really couldn't think of how she could help Yuanming.

Chaos Star God...what could she do to help him?

"There is no need to say thank you to me."

Yuanming looked at Jingliu and said softly,"Jingliu, you have helped me a lot, which you yourself cannot even realize... so don't say thank you to me."

The moon does not need to say thank you to those who enjoy her light.

She only needs to exist.

"Is it...?"

Jingliu touched his earlobe, not knowing what to say.

"Then, the second thing."

Yuanming propped up his chin and said,"What do you think is the possibility of me recruiting Yingxing and the others as my messengers?"

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