In the end, no one could have imagined that in order to change the possible future, the Chaos Star God specially recruited four emissaries.

"There's no need for that expression, right?"

Yuanming looked at Ying Xing, who looked confused, and curled his lips.

"Is the impact big?"

Yuanming looked at Jingliu again.

"Yes, it's very big."

Jingliu nodded:"Creating a Commander is not difficult for you at all, right?"


Yuanming nodded.

The more prosperous the fate of the Star God, the more so.

To him, creating a Commander was not worth caring about at all, just like drawing a drop of water from the ocean.

For him, it was not even a waste. If this power was not given by him personally, he might not even know that he had an extra Commander.

"To the Star God, the power of the Order Envoy is not even comparable to that of a speck of dust, it is just an ant."

Jing Liu whispered:"But a powerful Order Envoy is enough to make the Fate Walkers and ordinary people face a catastrophe, or even destroy the Immortal Boat, and that doesn't even require the Order Envoy to use all his strength."

"Moreover, the position of Lingshi cannot be pursued. It does not mean that if we work hard, we will eventually become Lingshi. No, 99% of the people in this universe will not get the attention of the Star Gods even if they work hard until death, and finally die on the road of pursuing power."

Jingliu touched Yuanming's long hair and said softly:"But for the Star Gods, it is just a matter of a glance. This is why many people hate the Star Gods, and hate that they can give things that mortals can never get in their lifetime based on their own likes and dislikes. In the final analysis, it is also because of jealousy."


Yuanming stroked his chin.

He really couldn't understand

"Maybe I didn't consider your thoughts... Sorry."

Yuan Ming looked at Jing Liu

"Ah... that's not what I meant."

Lord Jian Shou realized the ambiguity in his words and shook his head:"I was just talking about this matter, don't mind it, I only mentioned it because it came up.……"

Jing Liu patted his head in regret and said,"You thought I didn't say anything.……"

Looking at her, Yuanming smiled softly:"I know, I just said this because I suddenly mentioned this matter and I was worried that you might be unhappy."

"That won't happen."

Ying Xing shook his head:"I just feel a little confused all of a sudden, it's like I was directly made the chief engineer of the Industrial Manufacturing Department.……"

"Oh... I can understand it now."

Several people walked forward.

There was a lot of noise.

The Cloud Cavalry formed a neat line and stood in front of the martial arts stage.

"How could the Sword Master Conference be held here?"

Jing Liu frowned.


Jingliu turned his head.

The silver-haired man came over with a smile:"I knew you would hear the news here."

"Teng Xiao."

Jing Liu turned his gaze to the ring again:"What's going on?"

"You will know after listening."

Teng Xiao chuckled and turned his gaze to Yuan Ming:"This is……"

"Our friend."

Bai Heng chuckled:"Don't block it, let me take a good look at what the challenger looks like."

Teng Xiao smiled and didn't continue to dwell on Yuanming's identity:"It is said that he miscalculated the stars and came too early. The Sword Master Conference would not be so hasty. He set up a ring here and planned to seek an official position."


Ying Xing smiled softly:"What a wild idea!"

"Well, that's not the case."

Teng Xiao smiled and said,"Looking at that, he does have some ability."

The man on the stage was burly and strong.

"He is not a good swordsman."

Jingliu got the answer after only a glance.

For such a person, it would be more appropriate to use a blunt weapon.

This person probably knew that he was not suitable for competing for the position of the sword master, so he chose this way.

He said that he came too early, but in fact he just gave up.

Showing off his military strength and seeking an official position is Moo's greatest pursuit.

"Heroes and heroes! My name is Moo! I came here to participate in the Sword Master Conference, but I miscalculated the time! I came too early! I don't have any more aspirations! I don't dream of competing with the Sword Master!"

Moo clasped his hands together and said in a loud voice:"I know that if I compete with you here, if a life-threatening dispute occurs, I will definitely not be able to get away with it! So let's compete with the iron man made of the fine iron here to see who can cause greater damage to the iron man!"

"If I, Mooa, finally stand out, I will also dare to ask General Luofu for a position!"

Teng Xiao leaned back in his chair nonchalantly, with a smile on his face:"Come on."

He didn't seem to take Mooa seriously at all.

""Comrades! Who will go first?"

Moo raised his lips, turned around and raised his fist to the Cloud Cavalry Army below the stage.

Yuanming had a premonition.

In such a scene, the Star God who did not do his job would definitely not be absent.

"Good! Good! The Cloud Cavalry, go ahead! Don't let him look down on us!"

Okay, this is Ah Ha's voice.

Yuanming looked in the direction of the voice and saw Ah Ha hiding in the crowd, watching the fun and making noise.

However, his noise did mobilize the crowd around him.

Jingliu glanced at Ah Ha, then looked at Yuanming:"Isn't that him?"……"

"Well, happy aha."

Yuanming nodded:"Do you need me to take him away?"

"No need, if Lord Changle wants to watch, let him watch.

Jing Liu shook his head:"But this Moo is too high, it's too embarrassing to step down."

"Well, Ah Ha didn't do this to embarrass the Cloud Cavalry.

Yuan Ming smiled.

Although all living beings have the right to be happy,

Ah Ha himself is quite happy to find fun in other people's embarrassment.

"Don't be shy, whoever wants to try, it's okay to try."

Teng Xiao didn't force it. He knew that the ordinary Cloud Cavalry couldn't even leave a mark on that fine iron man. Jing Liu

's eyes swept over.

Jing Yuan was hiding in the crowd.

He hated doing this kind of thing.

It would not help him at all. If he didn't leave a mark on the iron man, he would lose face.

Jing Liu didn't intend to force him.

Such a scene was meaningless.

"I'll do it!"

A cloud cavalry soldier came up to the stage, holding a long sword and gathering strength for a long time. With a low roar, the long sword cut through the air and hit the iron man with a roar that broke the wind.

But there was no trace left on the iron man.

""Hahahaha! Brother! You still need to practice!"

Moo laughed.

The Cloud Cavalry felt embarrassed, put away his sword, turned around and walked off the stage.

"Otherwise, why don't you go up and give him a little Star God shock."

Bai Heng turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Yuanming.

"It's meaningless."

Yuanming shook his head.

While Moo was shouting, a captain of the Cloud Cavalry looked around and saw that everyone had retreated because of the embarrassing result of the Cloud Cavalry just now. The barbarian warrior on the stage was shouting again.

He drew out his long sword and stood on the stage with just one leap.

His cold eyes swept over Moo:"I'll do it." He bowed slightly, like a tiger or leopard aiming at its prey.

Without a low shout, the silent murderous intent rushed out with the violent sword intent.


The friction between the iron tools made a sharp hissing sound.

The captain put away his sword, leaving a deep mark on the iron man.

Moo clapped his hands in embarrassment.

After all, he had shouted so loudly just now, and the captain's sword made some of the Cloud Cavalry Army unwilling to pay attention to him.

He seemed like a jumping clown.

But Moo was more confident in his own strength.

He coughed twice:"The Cloud Cavalry Army is indeed capable. Now it's my turn."

The captain didn't even look at him, turned around and slowly walked off the stage.

When the cheers from the audience gradually faded, a huge blunt sword appeared in Moo's hand.

Moo was tall, but the blunt sword almost reached his chest.

""I'm sorry for showing off!"

He shouted in a low voice and waved his hand.

The sharp humming sound of the twisted fine iron accompanied by a tearing sound, Moo's body twisted on the ring, stirring up a huge cloud of dust.

When the dust dissipated, the iron man, who seemed to leave no trace at all, had twisted into a sphere.

Moo stood aside, took a long breath, and his expression was quite proud.

Teng Xiao sat there, still smiling, as if everything was within his expectations.

"Good, really good martial arts."

Teng Xiao chuckled:"Tell me, what do you want?"

"Don't be in a hurry."

Moo seemed a little proud:"I came to Luofu this time to witness the ability of Wuxian Feiguang."

"Wuxian Feiguang!"

After Moo said that, he started shouting,"Is Wuxian Feiguang here?"

"There are always people who feel proud after playing in the Novice Village, and it would be great if they could get a job."

Bai Heng smiled helplessly and looked at Jing Liu:"Do you want to go?"

Jing Liu's eyes were indifferent, as if everything that happened on the stage just now had never happened to her.

Moo was still shouting, and when the crowd began to look around, Jing Liu ran away.

It was only a moment.

She didn't even cross the crowd.

Jing Liu stood on the stage for a few seconds, and Moo found that there was another person on the stage.

"Who is this……"

It's ridiculous.

He said he came here to witness Wuxian Feiguang's ability, but he never saw Wuxian Feiguang himself.

"My sword, whoever wants to see it, can see it."

Jing Liu said lightly, and the sword flashed with darkness that swallowed the light.

She just drew her sword.

At that moment, it seemed that time was shattered.

It was a crisp and long-lasting sword sound, just like a hunting light arrow meteor, which lingered for a long time.

It was an extremely ordinary sword, swinging the sword, and putting it away.

But the space around the ring suddenly stagnated.

Yuanming turned his head.

The white-haired woman had already put away the sword and stood beside him, expressionless.

The Moo on the stage and the audience below the stage all maintained a dull expression.

After a while, time finally slowly flowed.


The ring shattered and collapsed. Before Moo could react, he sat down in the ruins.

His face was horrified, as if he had seen something horrible. He sat in the ruins like a sturdy madman.

The huge blunt sword had turned to ashes, like dust that had witnessed the sun's brilliant golden light and willingly turned into the sun's dust ring.

"Then, the winner is decided."

Teng Xiao sneered:"Send this warrior to Dan Ding Division to see if there is anything wrong."

He stood up and stretched.

Teng Xiao turned his head and glanced.

The sword master was not very interested in these things, and it was because she was the sword master that she came to take a look.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to see Jing Liu in such a scene.

If he hadn't sent someone to spread the news that it was a sword master meeting, it is estimated that the sword master would still be practicing sword at home.

That Moo'a is not strong enough in mind and has a bad character. Is he seeking an official position in Luofu?

Then this Moo'a will definitely become a hole for money and power. It is not suitable for him, a general, to take action personally.

Jing Liu has to show up in person to show the Luofu Xianzhou Sword. The level of the sword master can shock those eyes in the dark with bad intentions, and make this sword master who rarely shows his swordsmanship in front of others more convincing and praised.

Alas... is it easy for him to be a general.

Teng Xiao sighed, got up and left.

The clown's farce is over.

So what's next...

Teng Xiao chuckled.

Undercurrents are surging behind Luofu, and he has to face not only the evil creatures of Shouwen Huozu.

There are also believers of Jinmie Huozu.

Luofu faces challenges every moment.

How many ants can be fished out this time...

There is no emotion in Teng Xiao's eyes.

Especially... Luofu will soon reach that time.


After this so-called"Sword Master Conference", it is obvious that Luofu has become busy.

Especially the five people around him.

As Baiye, Yingxing has to hone his craftsmanship skills while teaching some newcomers.

As Dragon Lord, Danfeng has actually been very busy.

Jingyuan has to spend more time every day practicing swordsmanship, tactics, array sword techniques and other weapons.

Jingliu teaches Jingyuan swordsmanship in the morning, supervises the swordsmanship training of the Yunqi Army, and also takes time to train himself.

Now Jingliu's task has also been added with patrolling.

Bai Heng is the most idle one.

She does have training programs, but they are not as heavy as those four.

It feels like a storm is about to come...

Yuanming pondered.

"Ah... so boring."

Bai Heng lay on the table, his fox ears drooping:"They are all out... there are only two of us left"

"Bai Heng."

Yuanming raised his teacup and took a sip:"Don't you have your own things to do?"


Bai Heng shook his head:"Archery training, driving the Star Raft, there is nothing else I need to do."

"I always feel that time has suddenly become tight."

"Well, that's for sure."

Bai Heng nodded and looked at the door behind him:"War may be coming."

"Is that so?"

Yuan Ming nodded.

He was not worried at all.

What could go wrong with four Chaos Orders?

"Yaoqing has always been the one fighting, and now Luofu is probably going to start too, so we can’t just sit there doing nothing." Bai Heng stroked his chin,"I guess it’s because there’s Fengraomin territory near Luofu’s waterway, or maybe something went wrong with Yaoqing."

"Yaoqing Immortal it very powerful?"

"Well, generally speaking, the level of the Yaoqing Xianzhou Yunqi Army is indeed much higher than that of Luofu."

Bai Heng nodded honestly:"After all, Emperor Gong Siming became famous in Yaoqing before, and the Yaoqing people are very proud of this, so they have always followed Emperor Gong Siming's military force and rushed to the front in battles."

Of course, this will also cause great damage to the Yaoqing Xianzhou.

But the Yaoqing Xianzhou is more focused on military force, so the army will never lack resources.

Fanghu Xianzhou took a rest and took a closed-door strategy, almost disconnecting from the outside world, which was equivalent to the alliance losing a fairy ship. Most of the war resources originally provided to Fanghu were received by Yaoqing.

In addition, the marshal is also in Yaoqing now.


"There are not many peaceful days left.……"

Bai Heng stretched and said,"Enjoy it."

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