When Jingliu and Yuanming found Jingyuan, he was squatting under the shade of a tree reading a military book.

Suddenly, a pair of boots appeared in his sight. Jingyuan rolled up the military book and raised his head:"Master?"

"How was the training?"

Jingliu asked

"It's pretty good."

Jing Yuan nodded with a smile:"I couldn't bear to use the formation knife that Ying Xing gave me, so I used ordinary weapons and even broke one of them.……"

"The way you exert your strength is wrong."

Jingliu rarely praised him, and Jingyuan was used to it.

"I'm looking for you today because of Yunshang Wuxiao's matter."

"The Five Warriors on the Cloud?"

Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows.


"Of course I want to participate!"

Jing Liu felt Jing Yuan's eyes light up:"Master! Yunshang Wuxiao! I must participate!"

"It will be dangerous."

Jingliu said softly.

"I am the Cloud Cavalry! These things are all in my heart!"

Jing Yuan patted his chest.

Jing Yuan also felt a sense of urgency.

Ying Xing also became Bai Ye.

Now he has no achievements, except for this brain that has been praised but has not played a practical role so far.


Jing Yuan stared into Jing Liu's eyes and said,"I must go."

Jing Yuan stood up.

He was very tall now, much taller than Jing Liu when he stood up.

Jing Liu had to look up at him.


Jing Liu raised his lips and said,"Then, let's talk about the second thing."


Jing Yuan blinked:"What's the matter?"

He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's been a long time since we last sparred."

Jing Liu drew out the Zhili Sword and said softly,"Let me see the results of your training."

"No! Master, Master... I just finished practicing the formation sword."

Jing Yuan waved his hand quickly.

"This is what a strong person needs, to push himself to the limit."

Jingliu said, pacing slowly forward.

"No... Look... I don't even have a sword that I can use.……"

Before Jing Yuan finished speaking, a golden aura flashed and a long sword fell into Jing Yuan's hand.

"Now I have it. This sword can change its weight and sharpness according to your strength."

Yuanming crossed his arms.

He is the Chaos Star God, how could he let you be without a sword?

Ignoring Jingyuan's accusing and resentful eyes, Yuanming looked at Jingliu:"Is it possible for me to make one for you too?"

"No need.

Jing Liu shook her head and tightened her grip on the sword.

She had a very good sword.

"Let's get started."

Yuanming smiled and sat down, clapping his hands:"I'm waiting to see, come on."

Jingyuan raised his sword with a stiff upper lip.

It's a masterpiece made by the Star God.


Even a clay man can still have some temper, and Jing Yuan is no exception.

It is useless to practice without anger.

But obviously, it is not very useful to burst out with anger.

Yuanming looked at the long sword stuck in the tree and gradually dissipated, and curled his lips.

Jing Yuan sat on the ground panting


Jingliu nodded.

Does this mean he is satisfied?

Jingyuan looked relieved.

"Take a break."

Jing Liu turned around and said,"We two have other things to do, you can continue reading."

"Yes, Master, take care."

Jing Yuan smiled, and only stood up and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jing Liu and Yuan Ming walking away.


"By the way, I will go to Zhuming in two days.

Jingliu turned to look at Yuanming and said softly

"I'll go with you."

Yuanming chuckled:"What are you going to do?"

"Go see my master."

Jing Liu murmured:"Barely... considered a master."

A woman who influenced her life, but she never really called her master

"Your master?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows:"Do you need to bring anything?"

"She's dead."

Jing Liu shook his head.

"Ah... sorry."

Yuanming paused and apologized softly.

"No need to apologize."

Jingliu shook her head:"This is normal for us. Who knows when we will die?"

At that time, she didn't even feel sad.

Because the woman treated her so coldly.

In this way, even if the woman died, she would not feel sad.

So Jingliu also planned to treat Jingyuan like this at the beginning.

But she obviously didn't do it.

Jingyuan was not the same as she was back then.

"Come with me to see her."

Jing Liu said softly:"Come with me to see her"


The ceremony for the promulgation of the Five Heroes of the Clouds was not actually very grand.

But the people of Luofu still gave them enough face.

Yuanming stood in the audience, looking at the five people standing straight in front.

Jingliu stood in the middle.

Next to him was Danfeng.

Jianshou, Longzun, Baiye.

The hope for the future, the free and nameless guest.

In fact, Yuanming has always been quite puzzled.

Bai Heng seemed to have no title.

Jingliu said that Bai Heng didn't like those positions.

It was too cumbersome, she didn't like it - Bai Heng has always been a free and easy person.

And Bai Heng himself has a position as the deputy helmsman of the Tianbo Division.

This position is an honorary title, and the Tianbo Division does not have a deputy helmsman.

It is equivalent to Luofu's means to retain Bai Heng's reputation.

Jingyuan stood at the edge.

The Five Heroes of the Clouds, four of them returned to chaos.


Aha, if he knew it, he would definitely not be able to stop laughing.

No, there is no if.

Yuanming turned his head and glanced at the black-haired man next to him who could hardly control his smile with some helplessness:"Is it necessary to laugh like this?"

"It's very interesting, isn't it?"

Ah Ha held back his laughter and said,"If the hunters knew about this, they would probably go crazy."


Yuanming thought about the giant centaur.

Would Xunlie Lan really be angry about these things?

He might not even know who Jingliu was.

That ruthless and pure star god only had one thought in mind, revenge, and nothing else mattered to him.

"We, the Cloud Riders! Like clouds blocking the sky! Protect the Immortal Boat!"

When I came back to my senses, I heard the Cloud Riders shouting in unison.

There is really nothing to emphasize about the ceremony of the Five Warriors on the Cloud.

Because except for the people below, everyone else knows that the Five Warriors on the Cloud are going to be the first to rush to death.

Of course, the five of the Five Warriors on the Cloud don't think so.

Yuanming doesn't think so either.

The Five Warriors on the Cloud.

Yuanming inexplicably feels that everything has finally begun.


As the saying goes, geniuses are always free to do what they want.

The five geniuses on the cloud don't have a fixed gathering place. They drink wherever they want. They always do what they want.


Yuanming sat on the grass, feeling the moist breeze blowing past his ears. He raised his glass and said to the five people in front of him:"The great heroes of the Five Warriors of Yunshang?"


Bai Heng smiled foolishly:"Cheers."

The glasses clinked together.

"The Five Warriors on the Cloud……"

Ying Xing murmured:"This name sounds pretty good."

"Compared to this."

Jing Yuan propped up his face and lay on the ground, and asked,"Dan Feng, why did you suddenly think of coming here?"

"The scenery is quite good."

Dan Feng drank the wine in the glass and looked at Jianmu not far away:"I think Talasa will be our first stop."

"I say, why is the atmosphere so depressing?"

Jing Yuan curled his lips and said,"You four Chaos Envoys, Envoys!"

"Are you thinking about me?"

Yuanming looked at Jingyuan and said,"Have you ever thought about what you should do on the battlefield?"

"It's not like I haven't been on the battlefield before."

Jing Yuan curled his lips and said,"I know how to protect myself."

"You have only been on small battlefields before."

Ying Xing frowned and said,"Your brain should play a greater role."

"Of course, I know how to save my life."

Jing Yuan shook his head leisurely, and felt uncomfortable with his hands on his face, so he simply fell on Dan Feng's legs:"Hey... If those dragon masters saw what I did, they would be so angry that their noses would be crooked, right?"


Dan Feng shook his head and looked up at the moon in the sky.

"Jing Liuliu."

Bai Heng put one hand on Ying Xing's shoulder and patted the back of Jing Liu's hand with the other hand:"Are you going out tomorrow?"

"Well, let's go to Zhu Ming."

Jing Liu nodded.

"Then I will take you both there?"

Bai Heng said with a smile:"It just so happens that Ying Xing also needs to go back."

"Ying Xing is going too?"

Jing Liu looked at Ying Xing.

"Well, I'll go back to see my master."

Ying Xing nodded:"The Five Heroes of the Clouds... I plan to go back and announce the good news."

"Then you two can go back alone."

Jingliu shook his head, raised his hand and patted the star god next to him who had been silent:"I have a special pick-up."

After saying that, Jingliu blinked at Yingxing.

Yingxing's breathing stagnated, he coughed twice, and lowered his head in a panic.

What did Jingliu mean? She had urged Yingxing a long time ago. Yingxing always hesitated, always worried that she would not even be friends after being rejected by Bai Heng.

Before, there was a limit on lifespan, and Yingxing might have been braver.

But now these two people have immortality.

This is Yuanming's fault.

Jingliu turned his head to look at Yuanming.

Yuanming had a gentle smile on his face.

Seeing Jingliu looking at him, Yuanming raised his eyebrows, and his golden eyes reflected the strand of white hair.

"What's wrong?"

Yuanming tilted his head.

"It's okay."

Jingliu moved closer:"I can contact Xingcha."

She just wanted to provide Yingxing and Baiheng with a double room.

"Mirror Flow."

Yuanming whispered:"Do you have any misunderstandings about the Star God?"

"What's wrong?"

"It only takes me a moment to get you to Zhuming."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"In the blink of an eye, we are there."


Jing Liu blinked and said,"I just thought I'd better not trouble you too much.……"

"Your business is not a problem."

Yuanming smiled and took a sip from his glass.

It's a foul...

Jingliu swallowed and raised his hand to touch his earlobe.

"I can't get into the atmosphere between the two of them."

Bai Heng curled his lips and said,"It seems that there are only two of us, Xiao Yingxing"

"Bai Heng……"

Ying Xing gritted his teeth and said,"You just happened to witness what I looked like when I was a child."

"I saw that too."

Bai Heng chuckled.

Ying Xing pouted and ignored her like a child in a rage.

"You are just a kid, Ying Xing."

Bai Heng raised his hand and hooked it around Ying Xing's neck:"How old are you? Why are you turning your head away when you are angry?"


Ying Xing responded subconsciously, and turned away when he saw Bai Heng's smiling face.

She was always smiling like this.


Ying Xing covered his mouth with his hand and exhaled a breath of hot air.

It's killing me.


As the wine glasses circulated, the sky turned faint and hazy.

These five people didn't drink often, but when they did, they drank without a break.

But Jing Liu didn't get drunk this time.

"I'm using my destiny to resist my drunkenness. Isn't that a bit unfair?"

Yuanming looked at Jingliu and asked with a chuckle.

"If you want to see her, it's better not to be drunk, and……"

Jing Liu glanced at his close friends who were almost unconscious from drinking, and raised the corner of his lips slightly:"I can't always let you clean up the mess alone."

"Well, it's not a big deal."

Yuanming raised his hand and gently beckoned. The golden light fell like a firefly and attached to those people.

Jingliu saw them slowly climb up, and then walked towards home with lifeless eyes.

"What should I do if someone sees me?"

"I can't see it, this is my strength."

Yuanming shook his head and said,"If the five heroes on the cloud were drunk like this and walked on the street, it would have a bad influence."


Jingliu nodded in agreement.

"By the way...Ying Xing is going back too, right?"

Yuanming's mouth twitched:"Then why is he still drinking like this?"

"I don't know."

Jing Liu shook his head:"But with the power of destiny at the level of a messenger, he will sober up quickly."

"Well, I expected that."

Yuanming yawned:"Leave now? Or do you plan to have breakfast before leaving?"

"Let's go now."

Jingliu shook his head and stood up:"When we get to Zhuming, we'll finish the memorial service quickly and come back quickly."

The Yunshang Wuxiao had just been established, and Jingliu was worried that someone would find her for something, so she just planned to come back after seeing the master quickly.

Besides, she didn't need to eat breakfast now.

It was just a habit.


Yuanming nodded, and raised the golden aura in his hand. The space in front of him twisted and shattered, like a scene of broken crystal.

The space shattered, revealing a dark hole.

"Please come in, Master Sword Master."

Yuanming chuckled and pointed to the space crack.

"Thank you, Star God."

Jing Liu raised his lips and stepped into the space crack.

Yuan Ming followed.

The space crack looked short.

But the end led directly to Zhu Ming.


There is a big difference between Zhu Ming Xianzhou and Luofu Xianzhou.

At first glance, the housing area seems to be less than Luofu.

But Zhu Ming's technology seems to be much more advanced than Luofu.

"Zhu Ming Xian Zhou was the first Xian Zhou I arrived at after I was rescued from Cangcheng. I was treated here for several months before I left the clinic."

Jing Liu said softly:"Zhu Ming Xian Zhou's technology is more advanced than Luofu Xian Zhou. After all, Zhu Ming Xian Zhou's Gongzao Division is indeed well-deserved, and Ying Xing also studied in Zhu Ming."

The relics of the Yunqi Army of Zhu Ming Xian Zhou are in the cave next to the central cave.

There are few people here, most of them are the families of the Yunqi Army who come to pay tribute.

"This is my master."

Jingliu raised his hand and pointed to the tablet in front of him, whispering softly.

The urn was inlaid with jade.

The photo was on top.

Yuanming took a look.

It was a woman in military uniform.

Her eyebrows were filled with coldness and heroic spirit.

The whole person seemed to be wrapped in ice, expressionless, even like a robot.

"When I first came out of the clinic, my face and body were covered with scars from being cut or transformed by demons.

Jing Liu stood in front of the tablet and spoke softly, as if he was afraid of disturbing the dead soul.

"Maybe I have good talent? She didn't even say she wanted to take me in as a disciple, but took me directly to the training ground and asked me to practice sword fighting."

"I was very confused at the time, but with hatred for Feng Zao in my heart, I followed her instructions and practiced. Less than a month later, she wanted to take me to the battlefield to fight."

Jing Liu stared at the woman's face, as if recalling

【If you can kill ten Blood Eyed War Scales, I will consider you to have completed the first lesson.】

"That's what she said. At that time, I was only sixteen years old, and my height was not as high as the legs of the Blood Eyed Zhan Lin, which was a war beast that could walk away from people. But she said that there were only two results in the first lesson. Either I killed ten of them alive, or I died on the battlefield."

Jing Liu said lightly:"I don't want to die."

So she killed ten of them, killing them hard.

After that battle, she had many fractures and cracks all over her body, and her skin and flesh were torn. She went to the hospital and lay there for more than half a month.

"During the more than half a month I was in the clinic, she never came to see me, let alone sent me a message."


I walked out of the clinic, and she was waiting at the door. She said to me the only words we had spoken in more than half a month.】

"When I was at home, I never thought about going to the battlefield, I never practiced sword, and I never met such a cold person."

Jing Liu murmured:"Maybe I hated her at the beginning."

I hated her for being so cold and heartless, hated her for not caring about me, hated her for standing by and watching coldly when she saw that her neck was almost torn open by the blood-eyed Zhan Lin.

I hated the sword even more, hated this cold and sharp thing.

But she knew she had no right to

"In this world, the weak don't even have the right to hate."

Jing Liu murmured.

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