Hearing the sound of the door opening, Jingliu turned around and saw Huang An walking in with a bag of vegetables.

She didn't say anything, but Huang An looked at her and said,"Very good, it seems that I bought the comb for nothing."

Jingliu has always been too self-conscious, so naturally he would not think that he bought a comb for himself.

She lowered her head and looked at the fur ball in her arms.

Only then did she realize that the fur of the little fur ball had been smoothed out by her and flattened.

Alaska looks like a little fur ball because its fur was not that long when it was young, and it just stood up like that.

Jingliu is also capable, he actually flattened it.

"Are there any dietary restrictions?"

Huang An asked, and walked towards the kitchen.

Jing Liu shook his head:"No."


It was a very similar conversation between the two of them. Huang An walked into the kitchen, put the dishes away, and began to wash his hands.

After carefully wiping the edge of the sink, he began to cut the vegetables.

When the fragrance came out, Jing Liu sniffed.

The little guy in her arms must be hungry. When he smelled the smell, he fluttered his short legs to go down to find food.

As soon as Jing Liu let go of her hand, the little guy's short legs could not support it, and he fell directly from her legs to the sofa. The little butt trembled, and even the tail shook twice.

Funny and cute.

Jing Liu's mouth corners raised slightly.

She picked it up and put it on the ground.

"Put the dog down, wash your hands and have dinner."

Huang An came out with the dishes and saw this scene. His brows twitched and he warned:"Don't bring dog hair to the table."

Jing Liu patted the little butt in front of him and motioned it to go away.

The poor little guy didn't know that the dog food he had eaten for several days had been thrown into the trash can downstairs by his unscrupulous owner.

It could only wag its little tail and move slowly with its short legs, sniffing the ground, looking for traces of its food. Jing

Liu looked for a long time before turning around to wash his hands.

Today was the first day back, and the dishes Huang An made were relatively simple.

Originally, he wanted to buy some ribs for Jing Liu and give some to the dog, but after picking and choosing, he didn't see anything that suited his taste, so he simply gave up.

He doesn't eat meat either, and if it's too big, he won't eat it. to waste.

Jingliu couldn't eat much either.

Huang An filled half a bowl of rice to cook, thinking that Jingliu's appetite might be bigger than his.

Unexpectedly, Jingliu also had a rabbit stomach. He ate the vegetables in front of him with half a bowl of rice.

The dining table was a bit dull. Except for the occasional sound of chopsticks hitting the edge of the bowl, there was only the little guy who hadn't found food yet and was whimpering softly.

Jingliu was a warrior. There was no rule of not talking while eating or sleeping. She just didn't talk much.

Huang An was even more so.

Both of them enjoyed the quiet atmosphere so much that no one spoke.

In the end, it was Jingliu who broke the atmosphere.

"It's hungry."

Jing Liu looked at the little guy lying at his feet, thought for a moment, and said to Huang An

"Its dog food has been there all this time. It smells and is damp. It's not good. I'll throw it away. I'll buy new ones and they'll be here soon."

Huang said in a gloomy voice.

"It doesn't have a name yet"

"I don't know how to name it."

Huang An swallowed the rice in his mouth:"If you think it needs a name, then you can give it a name."

Huang An herself didn't have a name, so she didn't have any feelings for this kind of thing.

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment.

She was completely bad at naming.

Little-known fact: when Ying Xing gave her the Zhili Sword, he actually asked her to name the sword herself, saying that it would make her feel more attached to the sword.

Jing Liu stared at the Zhili Sword for a long time and uttered two words:"Black Sword?"

Ying Xing's face was so dark that ink could drip out of it.

Later, the sword was named Zhili. It was obviously flawless, but it was named Zhili. Ying Xing said that this was an alternative contrast and she didn't understand.

But this pet...

Jing Liu put down his chopsticks, blinked, thought for a long time, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly spit out the final decision that he had made after a long period of hesitation.




Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

I thought this person would laugh at my naming skills like Bai Heng did.

"What? Didn't you name him? Let's call him Xiaobai."

Huang An picked up the bowl and chopsticks and stood up:"Enjoy your meal."

He turned and walked into the kitchen and started washing the dishes.

Jing Liu blinked.


After finishing his meal, Huang An stepped over Xiao Bai on the ground and walked into the house.

He went downstairs to get dog food and supplies, and then went out to exercise. This was his job today.

Jing Liu sat on the sofa holding Xiao Bai. Seeing Huang An coming out, she asked,"Is there a place to exercise here?"

"There is a place for running.

Huang An glanced at her and said,"There is no place for sword practice."

"So how do you usually exercise?"

"Run around the neighborhood."

Huang An picked up the key card beside him and said,"I'm going downstairs to get dog food for Xiao Bai. When I come up, if you want to exercise, follow me downstairs." Jing

Liu nodded.

Huang An went downstairs.

The elevator door opened, and Huang An briefly checked the number and content of the items with the staff. Huang An thanked the staff, turned around and took the things upstairs.

When the door opened again, Jing Liu looked at Huang An with some surprise as a lot of things appeared in his hands like magic.

"This is a leash, take it with you when you run later."

Huang An put the leash aside.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows:"It can't keep up with me."

Huang An:...

I forgot that this sister is not an ordinary person.

Looking at Xiao Bai's short legs again, Huang An rubbed his forehead.

His running speed is not slow.

Forget it, let's talk about it downstairs

"We'll talk about this later. I'll put all these things in the storage room."

Huang An said as he dragged the things to the storage room and opened the door:"This is the storage room, it has a built-in refrigeration effect, and there is a refrigerator inside. If you want to find something, you can come here. Sometimes I go on missions, and dog food and other things are all here."

It's rare for Huang An to say so much, Jing Liu accepted it and nodded.

"I'm going to change my clothes and go downstairs in a while. I'll help you with your ID card and key card."

Huang An said as he walked into the house.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw the incoming call on the phone.

When it rang for the third time, Huang An picked up the phone.

"open up"


"Well, going home?"


Huang An responded

""Did you receive the little gift? Did you name it?"

Huang Ming asked with a smile.

He was really so cheerful at all times.

"Got it, named Xiaobai"

"Wow, how can the name be so simple? Naming is useless."

Huang Ming chuckled:"Are you interested in the code name of this operation?"

"not interested"

"Very much your style."

Huang Ming smiled and said:"The password is 'Wei Yue' and 'You Yang'.’"

"Didn’t you say that there won’t be any tasks for me in the short term?"

"No blood this time, it's a quest, of course, if you don't solve it well, you will still see blood"


"Want to know why I chose you?"

"……In Lian City?"


"What about time?"

"Tomorrow, it starts at 8pm and ends at 6am the day after tomorrow."

"Location, Intelligence"

"I'll send it to you later."

Huang Ming said and hung up the phone.

When did the task of gathering intelligence fall on me?

Huang An sighed, took off his shirt, and changed into sportswear.

"Let's go."

Huang An, wearing a long-sleeved sport shirt and long pants, went out to greet Jing Liu, and grabbed the leash and put it on Xiao Bai.

He had never used this thing, nor had he ever raised a dog, but he had the ability to learn.

It was not difficult to put it on, and most importantly, Xiao Bai was very obedient.

He also took out a few hard cards to take with him - these were gifts from the pet store

"What is this?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows, pointed at the hard card and asked,"What is it used for?"

"There is a rule for raising dogs here. No matter whether it is a large dog, a small dog or a medium-sized dog, the owner must bring this when going out."

Huang An shook the card in his hand:"If the dog poops outside, you have to use this to scoop it up and clean it up. If it is a puppy, just poop on it."

Jing Liu nodded:"This is a good rule."

There are few pets on the fairy boat. It may be because the lifespan of the immortal species is too long. Pets really can't accompany their owners for a long time. Not only does it increase sadness, but it is also easy to become an aid to the demon body. Therefore, not many people keep pets.

Therefore, there is no excrement or garbage on Luofu.

"Right, then let's decide one more thing."

Huang An stood up and said,"We both run very fast. If we want to walk the dog and prevent it from pooping at home, we must have someone accompany us."

"How to decide?"

"Can you play rock-paper-scissors?"


"I teach you"


"Thank you for your help.

Jing Liu nodded seriously and looked at the���An.

Huang An stared at his hands and nodded expressionlessly.

Today he finally understood what it meant to teach the apprentice to starve the master.

Jing Liu glanced at him.

This man is even colder than Dan Feng.

Dan Feng is only cold on the surface, but he is actually very cheerful and cares about friends like them.

Almost every time Ying Xing has free time, he would go to him for a drink.

But Huang An is different.

This man is just like his eyes, without any emotions.

The only time he showed emotions was probably the day when he almost killed him with a sword.

Even if he lost the game, had to slow down, walk the dog, and be responsible for shoveling shit, there was no emotion on his face, and even no emotion could be seen in his eyes.

It was like a pure robot.

To be able to give birth to such a person, the world seems to be very dark inside.

Jing Liu frowned. Huang

An looked at her:"Aren't you going to exercise? Why are you still here?"

"Well, I'm going now."

"Can you find home?"

"Even if I can't find my home, I can still find you."

Jingliu nodded, turned around and walked out the door.


Huang An looked at Jing Liu's back, then lowered his head to look at Mao Tuanzi who was following him.

"Go for a jog."

He also left the hall


How fast is Jing Liu?

Huang An watched Jing Liu walking all the time, but until he jogged out of the community, he didn't see the white-haired figure in any corner.

"It runs really fast."

Huang An whispered softly, holding the little white ball behind him.

Although he had controlled the speed, Xiaobai still couldn't keep up.

Xiaobai stuck out his tongue.

When Alaska was young, it was really a small ball and had to roll down the stairs.

Every time Huang An reached the bottom of the stairs, he had to wait for it to roll down a little bit, and then he would follow.

This journey was really a torture.

When has Huang An ever run so slowly?

It takes forty minutes to run five kilometers like this.

Turtle speed. It's uncomfortable for people and dogs to run like this - for Xiaobai, this speed is still too fast.

Huang An frowned, lowered his head and looked at Xiaobai below.

Only then did he realize that there was a long wet line following Xiaobai.

""You don't scream when you pee?"

Huang An frowned and took Xiaobai aside.

No wonder he ran and stopped along the way.

Speaking of which, I have to learn how to train this little guy to urinate and defecate at designated places when I go back.

Xiaobai walked to the street lamp and raised his short hind legs.

Well, he fell.

Huang An's mouth twitched.

Could this really happen?

He looked at the little white ball struggling on the ground, stretched out his hand to pull it up, and patted the dog's fur twice.


Huang An was jogging when a white shadow suddenly passed by.

Jing Liu?

Huang An narrowed his eyes and recognized the true identity of the white shadow.

So fast?

He was exercising, Jing Liu was sprinting.

Is it amazing to be able to send waves?

……It's quite amazing to be able to send waves.

Huang An looked at the little white ball next to her again.

Jing Liu's figure had gone far away, and she didn't pass by to say hello.���Ideas


It was half past three in the afternoon when Huang An felt the thin layer of sweat on his body and felt helpless.

It would be better not to run.

From now on, they can each walk the dog for a day, as they can't run at all.

He walked for a while to pee, walked for a while and squatted to poop, and he had to turn around to clean up the shit for this ancestor.

From a distance, Jingliu could be seen standing under the street lamp where Xiaobai fell, rubbing his shoulders and seemed to be relaxing.

Not far away, there were many people gathered, all looking at Jingliu.

In a while, someone would go up to ask for WeChat.

Huang An sighed.

Going there at this time would definitely attract unnecessary attention, as he had to go on a mission tomorrow night.

He picked up a stone from the flower bed next to him, raised his hand and threw it over, then quickly turned and walked into the corner.

Jingliu turned his head and saw Xiaobai's little butt twisting.

She raised her eyebrows and walked over.

"Why are you so slow?"

"Why don't you try walking the dog?"

Huang An glanced at her and said,"Starting tomorrow, we will each take a walk for a day."

Jing Liu nodded and said nothing.

"Let me see...about the ID card. I'll get you a key card when I get back."


Huang An handed Xiao Bai to Jing Liu:"Want to experience it in advance?"

Jing Liu raised his hand to take the leash, looked at Xiao Bai running around his feet, and blinked.

Obviously very cute, this person just doesn't like it.

Or it's hard to tell that he likes it.


Police station entrance

"There is nothing in here that can hurt you, and I won't let them hurt you, so don't get nervous, especially don't draw your sword."

Thinking of the flash of the camera, Huang An still gave Jing Liu a shot of prevention:"Just answer whatever I ask you. If you don't know how to answer, I'll answer for you. You just nod and cooperate with me."

Jing Liu nodded.


Huang An took the lead and walked towards the window


It was still the same policeman from the day. He saw a white-haired woman behind the familiar face.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw the woman's appearance, but soon returned to normal and coughed twice.

He was also a bachelor, so it was normal.

Then he coughed lightly:"Is this the one you mentioned during the day?"

"Yes, you can ask for any information you need.

Huang An asked Jing Liu to sit down, and he stood behind Jing Liu.

"Wait a moment."

The policeman stood up and went to call his colleague.

Not long after, a round-faced policeman came over with a form and sat on the other side of the glass:"What's your name?"


Jingliu replied.

"how old are you?"


Jing Liu didn't know how to answer.

She couldn't possibly tell the person in front of her that she was hundreds of years old.


Huang An answered

"What about your birthday?"


"July 11"

"Please show your birth certificate and household register."


The round-faced policeman looked up in disbelief:"You know your age and birthday, but you don't have a birth certificate and household registration booklet?"

"Uh... my girlfriend is different. She doesn't have these things. She is determined by me.��"

Huang An scratched his head, his expression a little stiff.

In fact, he was trying his best to make an expression of pity, but that expression was not easy for him to grasp.


The round-faced policeman glanced at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu still had no expression and no reaction.

"Boyfriend or girlfriend?"

The round-faced policeman's eyes flashed with sympathy, and his tone softened as he asked.


"Where did you meet?"

"I fainted on the roadside due to low blood sugar, and she was picking up trash when she passed by and saved me. That's how we met. I fell in love with her at first sight and started pursuing her. She couldn't resist my advances and agreed. Overall, it was fate for a piece of chocolate."

Jing Liu couldn't help but glance at him.

It was both reasonable and outrageous. He just said it out of his mouth?

The round-faced policeman twitched his mouth and glanced at Huang An again:"This encounter is quite wonderful"

"I think so too, so I believe that the girl rummaging through the trash can is the one destined for me in this life."

Huang An's brows twitched.

Jing Liu's brows also twitched, and his toes curled up in his boots.

This person is really not suitable to say such things.

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