It wasn't long before the second expedition of the Five Warriors of the Clouds.

Perhaps because the last attack on the Buli people was too severe, the Fengrao people also secretly did a lot of big things.

For example, this time.

The alliance between the Wing Makers and the Houyhnhnms.

The Houyhnhnms are similar to centaurs, with two arms on their upper bodies, heavy armor, and six hooves on their lower limbs.

The Houyhnhnms joined the Fengrao coalition because of the instigation of the Buli people.

They have heavy armor and speed that is unmatched, and they have strong attack power, so they often serve as the vanguard of the Fengrao coalition in wars.

Although the Fengrao coalition is vast, it is not tightly knit inside, just like different countries in one world.

The Wing Makers themselves have technological weapons and extremely high speed. If they form an alliance with the Houyhnhnms and cooperate with the alliance of the Buli people, the closeness of the Fengrao coalition will rise by more than one level.

The Fengrao Alliance already had the ability to confront the Xianzhou Alliance head-on, and now they are tightly knit together, which is definitely bad news for the Xianzhou Alliance.

Jingliu wiped the Zhili Sword clean and turned to look at Yuanming:"Do you want to go with us?"

"I will devote some of my energy to watching you, but I can't be there in person."

Yuanming shook his head and said,"I have some things to do."

"OK, then be careful."

Jingliu nodded and turned to leave.

Yuanming curled his lips.

What should I do if my girlfriend is not the clingy type?

"Mirror Flow"


"Hug me."

Jing Liu was stunned, turned around and smiled helplessly:"I will come back."

After becoming a Lingshi, the time for going on an expedition was greatly reduced.

It might have taken several months, years or even decades to plan tactics and then go to war.

Now it only takes a few days, because the Lingshi's strength is enough to push

"That will take a few days."

Yuanming opened his arms:"I can't see you every day." Jingliu smiled softly, put the Zhili Sword aside, took two steps forward, and buried himself in his arms.

"You should also pay attention to safety."

Yuanming sniffed the fragrance of her hair and whispered,"Cooperate with Yingxing and the others."


Jing Liu nodded:"You should also pay attention to safety and don't fight with other star gods"


Yuanming chuckled and let go of Jingliu:"Go ahead."

"Then I'm leaving."

Jingliu waved his hand.

Yuanming shook his fingers, and a long golden line flew out, sank into Jingliu's hair, and disappeared.

Jingliu walked away.

"Is it interesting to hide and watch?"

Yuanming looked behind him.

"Well, very interesting."

The black-haired man showed up and laughed:"Yuanming is the first Star God who is so close to the Envoy."

Yuanming did not respond to this, but asked:"What's the matter, Zhongmo?"

"I want to tell you about the future in person."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"And Fu Li, Fu Li also wants to see you."

"Memory of Fu Li?"

"Well, the memory says that he has not even seen it since the birth of Chaos."

Aha shrugged:"That's how Fu Li is. He wants to record"

"Memories belong to all living things, ahaha.

Yuanming shook his head:"I don't understand why Fu Li wants to record those memories."

"Interested in the fate of other star gods... Well, Yuanming is the first one... Oh, no, it's the second one."

Ah Ha clapped his hands and laughed:"The first one is wisdom."

"I am not interested in their fate.

Yuanming shook his head.

The only thing he was interested in was when he could see Jingliu.

"Let's go, Chaos."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"Aha will take you to find the end."


Yuanming first saw Fuli.

He was a star god who looked like an emperor sculpted out of crystal. He stood on the stars, radiating brilliant light.

Could he smash him to pieces with one punch?

Yuanming couldn't help but wonder.

Star gods, he had already seen Lan of the Hunt, the Pharmacist of Abundance, Fuli of Memory, Aha of Joy, and the Last King of the End.

There were five of them in total, and he had also had a collision with the void over the concept of destiny, although he had never seen the void.

Interestingly, the collision between the void and chaos could be considered devouring to some extent - or assimilation.

But the two star gods terminated the process at the same time.


It seemed like Fu Li was speaking, or it seemed like the stars in the universe were speaking.

Countless voices overlapped and merged into the voice of the Crystal Emperor in front of him.

Yuanming looked around, but there was nothing around.


Yuanming suddenly understood the breadth of this destiny.

All beings in the universe have memories, even the stars and star gods have memories.

Fu Li...

Yuanming frowned.

He didn't even know where the eyes of this Crystal Emperor were.

Just as he was thinking, a card emitting light appeared in front of Yuanming.

Yuanming took a look.

It was engraved with endless golden light, and in the golden light, a figure was faintly revealed.

"Recording the awakening of a star god."

It was the indistinguishable sound of countless voices overlapping each other. Yuanming looked up and saw that Fu Li had disappeared into the sea of stars.

"Fu Li has always been like this."

Ah Ha chuckled:"Star Gods are all so simple and boring, most of them."

Yuanming glanced at him

"This is a light cone."

Aha smiled and said,"Keep it. Maybe you can use it for your little Ling. It's a good thing that can improve strength. It was made by Fu Li, but it's useless for a star god."

Yuan Ming looked at the light cone and put it away.

Anyway, there is no harm. It can be used for Jing Liu.

"Hmm... where did the end go?……"

Aha looked around

"I thought you knew where he was."

"In the end, he didn't even know where he was.

Ah Ha chuckled:"He only knew to walk towards the future, and occasionally he would walk into time."

"Go into time?"

"Well, if that happens, it will be hard for the two of us to find the end."

Ah Ha chuckled:"Speaking of which, does Yuanming have any followers now?"

"If we must say, there are only four"

"Four Hunting Followers"

"Well... that's about right."

Yuanming's mouth twitched.

"Hahahaha... Yuanming, are you addicted to snatching people from hunting patrols?"

"If I had met them earlier, they would have ended up in chaos."

"It's very difficult, they don't have the prerequisites to embark on the path of chaos."

Ah Ham stroked his chin:"People who can awaken the path of joy and nothingness do have the conditions to awaken the path of chaos, but there are me and nothingness in front of them."

"It seems that becoming a Chaos Destiny Walker is really difficult."

"I guess so."

Yuanming doesn't care whether he has followers or not. In this respect, he is indeed very similar to Xuwu.

What do followers have to do with star gods?

The answer is that they have nothing to do with each other.

"Ah, I see the end."

Aha smiled and pointed to the distance:"The end!"

Yuanming looked in the direction he pointed.

The last king stood on the star, motionless, as if waiting for him and Aha.

"Joy, chaos."

When the two of them approached, the last king finally turned his head, his eyes fixed on Yuanming and Aha.

"Hi, End."

Ah Ha waved his hand and grinned:"You knew we were coming?"

"The future has been predicted."

Zhongmo said calmly.

Yuanming was relieved.

He thought he would be like Ah Ha, following Zhongmo and listening for several days.

"So, why are you here?"

He didn't even look at Ah Ha, but just stared at Yuanming.


"Chaos, you want to know the future too much"

"I just want to know the future of Luofu Fairy Boat."

Zhongmo looked at Yuanming, the purple aura around him surged, fell in an instant, and turned into nothingness.

He nodded slowly:"It's just right, I also want to tell you something"

"You speak first.

Yuanming raised his chin.

"Your envoy will face the envoy of destruction in this battle, but there will be no casualties."

The last king said calmly:"This is an inevitable correction in the future."

"What to do to fix these?"

"Joy should have revealed part of the future to you."


"According to the future trend, Bai Heng will die and turn into a beast driven by the power of abundance and lose its intelligence. Jing Liu will kill it and fall into the evil shadow, while the sword will step onto a higher level. But now this future has been changed. They have become Chaos Envoys. Bai Heng will not die, but Jing Liu's sword will still awaken to the highest level."

The last king said:"So she has to collide with the Order of Destruction and fight with an evenly matched opponent in order to comprehend a more powerful sword."

"Ah, I almost understand now."

Yuanming narrowed his eyes:"It was you who sent Jingliu to Blue Star, right?"

"The future has you.���

The last king's voice was low, like the sound of time twisting and flowing:"The future must include you in the plan, so that you will not become a limitation of the universe."

"The limits of the universe?"

"Memories...preservation...are all for the future"

"What will happen in the future?"

The last king shook his head and did not answer Yuanming's question.

After a while, he looked behind him and said,"Chaos, in the future, you and Obolos will have a battle."


Yuanming raised his eyebrows:"Who?"

"Greedy, Obolos."

Ah Ha looked at the end, then looked at Yuanming, and chuckled:"It seems that it will be an interesting future."

"Oboros once fought with Breeding. He is very interested in the fate of the powerful, and greed knows no fear."

The last king said calmly:"You should consider what to do."

"I might as well kill him now."

Yuanming narrowed his eyes.

"Chaos is too violent."

Ah Ha laughed and said,"We can't do this."

"That is a matter of the future, a very distant future.

The last king shook his head and said,"As for the rest, Ah Ha should have told you."


Yuanming didn't stay there for long - in his own opinion.

But when he found Jingliu, three days had passed.

Jingliu was confronting a man opposite in the air.

Oh, it's an old acquaintance.

Isn't this the messenger of destruction who was caught by Aha with one hand that day?

Yuanming raised his eyebrows and looked at Fenfeng who was confronting Jingliu.

Fenfeng's body was covered with sword wounds, and dark flames were burning under the wounds, and no blood was oozing out.

There were very few wounds on Jingliu's body.

But there were still some.

Yuanming narrowed his eyes.

The clouds rolled and exploded, and the violent aura locked onto Fenfeng in an instant, and dissipated in an instant.

Comprehend a higher level of swordsmanship.

I can't hinder it.

Yuanming took a deep breath.

But Fenfeng seemed to have noticed something, and he looked around in a panic.

In just such a moment, Jingliu's figure disappeared in mid-air.

Jingliu is now extremely excited.

She felt it.

She felt her own sword.

The real sword, her own sword.

The unity of man and sword... She felt it.

Jingliu put away the sword and looked at the man with flames all over his body. She seemed to see the devil star again.

Cut down the stars in the sky.

She could definitely do it.……


The flames that twisted the air dissipated into the sky, bringing with them a frightening chill.

These two temperatures were clearly contradictory, yet they appeared in the same space.

The mirror fell to the ground, and the ground around it was frozen and shattered by the chill.

She walked slowly forward, and the chill gradually faded away.

""Thank you for your hard work."

A familiar voice entered his eardrums, and Jing Liu raised his head in surprise.

"Why are you here?"

Jingliu took two steps forward subconsciously, but suddenly remembered something and stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Yuanming blinked.


Jingliu waved his hand:"My swordsmanship has reached a higher level... It will take some time to digest it.……"

"I've said it countless times."

Yuanming chuckled, strode forward, and held her in his arms:"I am the Star God, my little envoy."

Jingliu lay in his warm arms and gently closed his eyes:"Well"


Yuanming stretched out his hand and brushed Jingliu's body, and the wound healed quickly.


Jingliu opened his eyes and rubbed his head in Yuanming's arms:"Why are you unhappy?"

Although Yuanming was smiling, his brows were furrowed so tightly that he almost pinched a fly to death.

"I feel distressed, so of course I am unhappy.

Yuanming lowered his head and sniffed the fragrance from Jingliu's neck.

"……Yuanming, I am the Sword Master of the Xianzhou Cloud Cavalry, not an ordinary girl."

Jingliu gently pushed Yuanming's head away and stretched out his hand to pinch his face.

He pinched her face when he was drunk before, and now she was retaliating.

The Sword Master was of course very happy to be loved by her lover.

But she had to explain the nature of her job to Yuanming.

She was the Sword Master, and getting hurt was inevitable.

"I know, I can cure it."

Yuanming curled his lips and buried his head in Jingliu's neck again.

The fragrance in his nose made him a little agitated, and looking at the extremely white and tender skin, Yuanming couldn't help it. Jingliu was originally tilting his head to make him hold more comfortably, but suddenly there was a faint tingling in his neck.

Jingliu's body trembled


Jingliu pushed Yuanming:"What are you doing?……"

""Stamp it."

Yuanming chuckled and raised his head, looking at the teeth marks on Jingliu's neck, and nodded with satisfaction.

Jingliu's skin was originally white and tender, and this bite left a tooth mark.

Jingliu reached out and touched the tooth mark on his neck, and his ears immediately turned red:"You! Hooligan! Doing such a thing in broad daylight... You have no shame!……"

"Why should I be ashamed of being intimate with the person I like?

Yuanming chuckled:"Or I'll let you bite me back?"

Jingliu's face also turned red.

She lowered her head:"You……"

How could it be possible in public...

Lord Sword Master hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't have the courage.

"Let's go home……"

She muttered in a very low voice.

The voice was very low, but Yuanming heard it clearly.

"OK, I'll wait."

Yuanming said with a smile.

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