"I went out to fight... and neglected to accompany Xiaobai."

Jing Liu sighed:"The only thing I'm thankful for is that I'm the envoy, so I come back quickly, and my family also left food for Xiaobai."

"The kid has grown up now. If you take him to the yard, he will know how to jump around. He is no longer a little fur ball that can’t go anywhere.

Yuanming chuckled and said,"If you lock him up in the house, you will see the house being demolished when you go back.""

"Forget it……"

Jing Liu stretched and said:"There will be a celebration banquet in the evening."

"Want to go?"

"It's not about whether I want to go or not, but I have to go."

Jingliu patted his head and said,"Go home to see Xiaobai, and go to the statue of Danfeng."

They agreed that when they return triumphantly, they must gather under the statue of Danfeng, even if they don't drink, just for an agreement, a mark. A mark that they all came back alive.

"Lie down for a while, I'll take you there directly later."

Yuanming patted her head.

"I don’t want to lie down."

Jing Liu shook his head:���I want to hug you for a while"


Yuanming chuckled:"I want to hug you too"

"I hugged him for a while, and I felt very safe.

Jing Liu smiled softly:"Especially when I just came down from the battlefield, I felt that I had someone to rely on." After returning from the battlefield, I was exhausted, and then I saw him standing there with his arms open waiting for me.

The only thought in my mind was that everything was worth it.

After closing the door, Jing Liu gently hugged Yuanming's waist.

"So this is how it feels when you hug me from behind."

Her fingers traced Yuanming's firm muscles, and she whispered softly.

"How does it feel?"

"……You know it yourself"

"I want to hear you say"

"Just... I feel at ease." She sank her whole body on his back and closed her eyes in peace.

Until Yuanming moved her hand away, turned around and hugged her in his arms.

"This makes me feel more at ease."

Yuanming buried his head in her hair again.


Jingliu responded with his eyes closed.

The two of them were still limited to such a simple hug.

But both of them were immersed in this atmosphere.

For two people who had been lonely for the first half of their lives, hugging each other for warmth was the most reassuring action for them.

Yuanming took a deep breath and let go of Jingliu:"Do you want to lie down for a while?"

"Well... I won't go."

Jingliu shook his head and turned to look behind him.

Xiaobai was lying there sleeping soundly, looking like a black and white hill.

"Why is it fat again?……"

Jingliu squatted down and poked Xiaobai's fur.

Xiaobai's fur was now thick enough that Jingliu had to go quite deep to touch its skin.

""Little Fatty."

Yuanming chuckled and reached out to curl up Jingliu's hair that fell on the ground:"Don't drag it on the ground, it's dirty."


Xiaobai didn't wake up after poking him.

Of course, the kid was still alive, but he was sleeping too deeply. Jingliu didn't use much force, so he couldn't wake him up.

Jingliu stood up and took a deep breath:"Let's go and find Bai Heng and the others first."

"Let's go."

Yuanming nodded and opened his hands to Jingliu.


Jing Liu blinked:"What for?""

"Holding Hands"


"Mirror Flow……"

Yuanming blinked

"Very good."

Jing Liu chuckled and reached out to hold his big hand:"Why are you like a child?"

"Because it's for you."

Yuanming smiled and said,"Of course I can do it for you."

"Is it okay for me?"

"Change the order, and you can"


Jingliu squeezed his hand and smiled:"Yuanming, I think I like you more."

"How much more?"

"Hmm... let me think about it."

Jing Liu tilted his head and raised his fingers and pinched them together:"So many?"

"Just this little bit?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows, but then chuckled and nodded:"Just a little bit, at least it's more."

"So easy to satisfy?"

Jing Liu smiled.

"I am naturally easily satisfied"


Jing Liu smiled and leaned towards Yuanming's shoulder:"I'm kidding you."

"Not even a little more?"

"No, more than a little bit more."

They both laughed at the same time.


""Okay, okay, you two have been experts at being late since you got together."

Bai Heng leaned against Dan Feng's statue with his arms folded.

Yuan Ming looked up.

Dan Feng's statue was tall.

A vague laugh seemed to come from his ears.

【Climb up and take a look……】

【Let's climb up and take a look.……】

"Aha, you have nothing to do, right?"

Yuanming said helplessly, as if responding to that smile.


The clear smile lasted for a while, then faded away

"Who are you talking to?"

"A certain star god who is too idle to do anything."

Yuanming held Jingliu's hand tightly and looked at Bai Heng:"You arrived too early. The two of us came on time."


Bai Heng chuckled

"Where is Ying Xing?"

"Over there, he is sparring with Dan Feng."

Bai Heng raised his hand and pointed at the Linyuan Realm behind him:"There is a fuss."

This is a common occurrence for the Five Warriors on the Cloud.

Jing Liu pinched her fingers.

She felt a little itchy.

The Wing Maker is too easy.

"That's so boring."

Yuanming grinned and said,"Bai Heng, go get ready."


Bai Heng swallowed his saliva, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Challenge the Five Warriors of the Clouds."

Yuanming raised his hand and pulled out Jingyuan, who had been trying to reduce his presence, and said,"Don't even think about hiding. Go and stop Danfeng and Yingxing."

"I... I'm not an envoy.……"

Jing Yuan said with a bitter face:"Can I watch the game?"


Jingliu smiled kindly and said,"Go and call Yingxing and Danfeng over.��

"I'll give you a chance to fight the Star God alone. I won't bully you."

Yuanming stretched and said,"Go quickly."

"Eh... OK……"

Jing Yuan ran towards Ying Xing and Dan Feng with a bitter face.

After a while, he saw Ying Xing and Dan Feng rushing towards him.

"Get ready."

Yuanming stood there loosely:"If you can touch my neck, even if you win"

"That's a bit too difficult.……"

Ying Xing's mouth twitched:"It's almost like winning if I meet you"

"That's not called sparring, that's me testing your cooperation. If I touch your neck three times, you will be eliminated. There is no punishment, but you must be serious."

Yuanming crossed his arms and said,"I have seen it. I don't need to examine your cooperation. I have high standards and strict requirements. Hurry up and prepare to discuss and think about what to do."

Yuanming blinked at Jingliu and said,"Or do the five great heroes of Yunshang Wuxiao need me, a weak star god, to give them some slack?"

"Weak Star God……"

Ying Xing's mouth twitched.

But these five people are the type who are happy to challenge the strong.

After complaining for a moment, they gathered together to discuss what to do next.

Jing Liu and Dan Feng were already rubbing their hands, and they couldn't wait to rush up.

Yuan Ming leaned aside and watched them discuss, waiting for their attack.

Jing Yuan's mouth never stopped, and his brain didn't stop either.

As the weakest of the five heroes on the cloud, he had to save his life before he could provide strategies to others.



"There are not many opportunities to fight with the Star God, but please be rational and calm."

Jing Yuan took a deep breath:"Please, everyone"


The five people looked at each other and dispersed.

"Then, let me tell you about the restrictions."

Yuan Ming smiled and said,"First, I cannot touch your necks continuously within a short distance. There must be a time interval. Second, I will only use one hand and will not use the power of destiny. Third, you have no restrictions. Now, let's start."

Everyone looked at each other.

Dan Feng and Jing Liu took the lead.

"Are you sure you don't need any weapons?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want to bully others."

Jing Liu arrived in front of him almost instantly and patted his shoulder.


Yuanming instantly appeared behind Jingliu, gently raised his hand and knocked on her head:"This is a warning."

Even without using the power of destiny, the physical body of the star god is terrifying enough.

It's enough to play this trick with Jingyuan. You dare to play it against him.

At the same time, Danfeng, who was attacking from behind, missed.

"The plan is good."

Yuanming chuckled.

Jingliu narrowed his eyes, and as he turned his feet, his right hand had already turned an angle and attacked Yuanming's neck.

"Yingxing, you made too much noise."

Yuanming grabbed Yingxing's hand and pushed him back, then dodged Jingliu's attack.

The next second, Jingliu felt a momentary tingling sensation on her neck.

She almost lost her legs.

Turning back, Yuanming touched his lips with a smile:"This is the first time"


Jingliu turned around in anger and punched Yuanming more than ten times.

"Wow... you won't……"

"You're overthinking."

Yuanming chuckled:"This is Jingliu's special treatment."

"Ah... then I feel relieved." The person who said this was Ying Xing.

"Ying Xing, do you see the stone pillar over there?"

"Ah... I saw it"

"If you don't want me to put you in, shut up."

Yuanming thought about the scene.

He kissed Yingxing's neck from behind?

Well, Yuanming was disgusted.

He took a deep breath, turned around and kissed Jingliu on the neck again.

He was disgusted, so he had to suppress it.

Jingliu lost another life inexplicably, and his ears turned blood red.


The final result does not need to be elaborated.

Yunshang Wuxiao experienced its first Waterloo


"I'm not angry."

Jing Liu puffed up his cheeks, obviously unhappy.

"Victory and defeat are common in the military.

Yuanming chuckled,"Master Swordsman,……"

"Don't call me Master Jianshou."

Jingliu curled his lips and said,"Call me Jingliu, or whatever name you want."

"Why not call him Lord Swordsman?"

"It feels very far away."

Jing Liu shook his head.


Yuanming laughed softly and turned to look at the people around him:"Why, is it like this after losing once?"

"I'm not that fragile."

Bai Heng shook his head:"I was just a little bit shocked."

"Just a little bit."

She pinched her index finger and thumb together and said with a smile

"Then find some time to try again?"


Ying Xing immediately responded:"Come on!"

"I'll wait until I have time."

Yuanming chuckled.

"What do you want?"

Ying Xing blinked.

"Communicate with Mirror Flow"


Jingliu nudged Yuanming.

Wasn't he ashamed at all?


""Master Jianshou!"

The celebration banquet looked grand, but in fact it was just a bunch of rough men from the Cloud Cavalry Army sitting there, drinking and laughing.


Teng Xiao looked at Yuanming with a smile:"I remember you"

"You can't forget it."

Jing Liu said calmly, reaching out to hold Yuanming's hand:"Let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Yuanming"

"Teng Xiao, the current general.

Jing Liu's introduction of Teng Xiao is concise.

"It's really sad, is this all you can say about me?"

Teng Xiao chuckled, turned to look at Yuan Ming, with a thoughtful look in his eyes:"Hello, I'm Teng Xiao."


Yuanming nodded.




"Teng Xiao."

Teng Xiao obviously wanted to ask something else, but when he turned around and saw Jing Liu's cold eyes, he chuckled and waved his hand:"Okay, okay... Welcome, please come in"

"He is the general of Luofu.……"

Jing Liu was a little embarrassed and wanted to explain to Yuan Ming why Teng Xiao had an excessive desire for knowledge.

"I don't mind."

Yuanming smiled and said,"Jingliu, let's go."


Jing Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no need to do this, you know me best."

Yuanming chuckled:"Are you still worried that I will be unhappy?"

"Don't worry about that.……"

Jing Liu shook her head.

She did sometimes treat Yuan Ming with the principles of a star god, and it was hard for her to adapt to this for a while.

"That's it."

Yuanming held her hand and said,"Let's go."


The bonfire was burning, and the soldiers were sitting on the parade ground, toasting their cups and celebrating their successful victory and the bravery of the Five Heroes of the Cloud.

Jingliu was usually too cold, and now he only stayed with Yuanming and a few close friends.

Yingxing and Baiheng stayed together. Neither of them was from the Cloud Cavalry Army, and in most cases, they had no chance to develop feelings with the Cloud Cavalry Army.

Danfeng was a Dragon Lord, and was equally far away from the Cloud Cavalry Army and Jingliu.

The most popular one was Jingyuan. He was originally the most promising seed in the Cloud Cavalry Army. He was in the same class as the Cloud Cavalry Army, and he immediately became one of the Five Heroes of the Cloud. He had many comrades in the same class in the Cloud Cavalry Army.

"Lord Jingyuan!"

"Don't call me that!"

Looking at Jing Yuan who was surrounded by the Yunqi Army, Jing Liu chuckled and leaned on Yuan Ming's arm:"Jing Yuan has grown up."

"He is already strong enough."

Yuanming chuckled and put his hand on the back of her hand:"He is a man who can stand on his own."


Jingliu nodded.

She had always felt this way.

Although Jingyuan was slightly lacking in martial arts talent, he had stronger talents in other aspects.

Now, Jingyuan was no longer the child he once was.

"There is always a feeling of... watching a child grow up."

Jing Liu chuckled:"For some reason, I feel a little relieved"

"You should be relieved."

Yuanming raised his eyebrows, as if he suddenly thought of something, and turned his head slightly:"A Liu"


Jingliu didn't have much reaction to Yuanming's special name. He accepted it naturally. When his brain reacted, he had already responded.

"Do you like children?"

Yuanming tilted his head.

"Well... I don't really feel anything."

Jing Liu blinked:"Do you like it?"

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