"Yuanming, where are you going tonight?"

"I don't know, maybe I'll go out for a walk."

Jingliu pouted. She wanted to hug Yuanming when she went to sleep.

But they had only been together for half a month, and it was a bit too shameless to think about sleeping with him now.

But she was still worried about leaving Yuanming walking alone outside at night.

Especially that day she dreamed that Yuanming was with an unknown woman.

Yuanming looked too hot. When he was on Blue Star, countless women would come to him whenever he went out.

She herself couldn't stand it, it would be strange if other women could stand it.

In the entire universe, the woman Jingliu trusted the most was Bai Heng.

Of course she believed in Yuanming.

But she didn't believe in the self-control of other women.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jingliu's expression was uncertain, Yuanming raised his eyebrows:"Why don't you say anything?"


Jingliu hesitated for a moment, but finally mustered up the courage.

There are two types of people in the world who have never been in love.

One type is the straightforward type. Although they have never been in love, they don’t understand why they are indecisive when they like someone. They think that will only let love run away - if they succeed, they will be together, if they fail, there is no hope, and if they are not brave, there will be no love.

The other type is roundabout, able to take it but unable to let it go, worrying about the consequences of failure.

People, in fact, should be more free and easy.

Master Jianshou obviously belongs to the former.

They are boyfriend and girlfriend!

They are going to spend the rest of their lives together!

If you like someone, just say it, why worry so much?

It is Yuanming’s business whether he agrees or not, and it is Jingliu’s business whether to say it or not.

"I also want to hold you when I go to sleep at night."

Jingliu gently hugged Yuanming's waist and rested his head on his chest:"I am worried about you going out alone at night."

"Ah Liu, I am a star……"

"I'm worried"


Yuanming smiled and tolerated the willfulness of his little envoy.


Jing Liu rubbed against him again and again:"I want to sleep now."

Her heart was beating fast, and the excitement swept over her.

"Then go to sleep."

Yuanming smiled softly, lowered his head and kissed Jingliu's forehead.

"I'm going to change into pajamas……"

Jingliu turned around and walked into the house quickly.

He also threw Xiaobai out of the house.

Xiaobai whimpered a little aggrievedly, ran to Yuanming, wagging his big tail and acting like a spoiled child.

"Don't make your mother unhappy."

Yuanming smiled and rubbed Xiaobai's face:"Now we are supported by her."


Jingliu's voice came:"Sleep!""

""Here it comes."

Yuanming chuckled, rubbed Xiaobai's face, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the lights in the room dimmed.

He raised his hand and patted Xiaobai's forehead gently.

Speaking of which...can I let Xiaobai become my envoy?

Yuanming turned his head and looked at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was already lying on the ground and sleeping.

Yuanming pondered for a moment, turned around and walked into the house.

The moment he opened the door, Yuanming was stunned for a few seconds.

Jingliu's pajamas were very conservative, pure white, just like her hair.

There were no extra patterns on it, and it was wrapped very tightly.

"Well...does it look good?"

"Very beautiful."

Yuanming chuckled and walked aside:"Let's go to sleep."

He smiled on his face, but he was actually very nervous in his heart.

It was the first time.

Sleeping with Jingliu.

Yuanming took a deep breath.

Jingliu was also very nervous. She quickly got into the bed and closed her eyes nervously.

She closed them for only two seconds and then opened them - it was more nervous to close your eyes.

Yuanming took a deep breath.

He wanted to smoke.

After a few seconds of silence, Yuanming snapped his fingers, and the lights in the room went out automatically.

Yuanming turned over and lay stiffly beside Jingliu.

The bed was very soft.

Jingliu took a deep breath, leaned towards Yuanming, and stretched out his hand to gently hug his neck.

When you sleep together, you can only hug your neck.

Because hugging other parts will only be pressed so that the blood can't pass.

Of course, hugging the neck will not bleed either - but at least you can enjoy a moment of peace.

But for Yuanming and Jingliu, these problems do not exist.

"Mirror Flow"


"I love you"


Jing Liu coughed twice and hugged her tighter:"I love you too."


Yuanming lowered his head and sniffed the fragrance of Jingliu's hair.

He raised his hand and gently covered Jingliu's waist.

It was soft, tender and slightly cool.

Yuanming felt that he could hug Jingliu's waist with one hand.

The slightly cold little feet were placed on his calves. The perfect arch curve and the softness and tenderness that made people feel distracted made him a little distracted.

Jingliu buried his head in Yuanming's chest and closed his eyes:"Good night, Yuanming"

"Good night, A Liu."

Yuanming chuckled:"Can I have a goodnight kiss before going to bed?"


Lord Jianshou always doted on him.

Yuanming gently lowered his head and kissed her soft lips.

Jingliu felt something wet sweeping across her lips twice.

But she didn't care.

If you can kiss with your mouth, what can't you do with your tongue?

"You have to respond next time."

Yuanming said softly.

"What's your response?"

Jingliu buried his head in Yuanming's neck, looking a little depressed.

"Open your mouth"


Jingliu opened his mouth obediently.

"I'm not asking you to open your mouth now, I'm telling you to respond the next time I kiss you."

Yuanming chuckled, feeling the little Ling in his arms stiffen his body, he smiled softly:"Sleep." Jingliu didn't say anything, just buried his head a little deeper and closed his eyes.

Smelling the scent of his lover, the sword master slept very peacefully.


Yuanming opened his eyes on time.

He didn't need to sleep in the first place, and waking up on time was not even difficult for him.

Jingliu was used to curling himself up when he slept.

Most people who sleep like this lack a sense of security.

Yuanming gently lowered his head and kissed Jingliu on the head.

I will always be with you.

""Good morning, A-liu."

He whispered softly and turned to get out of bed.

His sleeve was grabbed by that little hand.

Yuanming turned back again. Jingliu hummed twice in a daze and nestled into Yuanming's arms again.

"Don't go……"

She mumbled in a daze

"I'm going to make breakfast"

"Let's go out to eat together later……"

Jing Liu rubbed his head and said,"Sleep a little longer.……"

In his arms, she slept very peacefully.

Yuanming chuckled, lowered his head and kissed her again.

Sword Master is so cute, how can I kiss him enough?

Jingliu hummed again and slept peacefully against Yuanming.

Yuanming gently closed his eyes.

Let her be, and sleep for a while.


Jingliu opened her eyes dazedly and saw Yuanming looking at her.

"Good morning, A Liu.

Yuanming smiled.

"Good morning……"

Jing Liu yawned:"What time is it?"

"It's already eight o'clock in the morning"

"Let's go out for dinner……"

Jingliu sat up and said,"I'll go wash up first.……"

"You go out first."

Jingliu pushed Yuanming and said,"I want to change my clothes."


Yuanming raised his hand and picked up Jingliu.

Jingliu blinked dazedly, and was finally put aside by Yuanming, stepping on his slippers.

"I'll make the bed first."

Yuanming raised his hand to fold the quilt, and then smoothed the pillow and bed sheet. He turned his head to look at Jingliu, and finally focused his eyes on the pair of white and tender little feet.

He now understood that it was not that all men had a foot fetish.

It was that before the final step, the only thing they were interested in was the pair of little feet.


The sword master obviously noticed the malicious gaze of the little thief opposite her. She took a half step back, and her cute and crystal toes curled up.

"What are you...what are you going to do?"

Jing Liu took a half step back cautiously and finally leaned against the wall.

"A frank person does not speak in a roundabout way.

Yuanming smiled strangely and said,"I want to put socks on you."


Jing Liu was dumbfounded.

"Then...then I don't agree."

Jing Liu shook his head.

"I'll put on your socks and help you change your clothes."

Yuanming smiled evilly:"Two choices, A Liu, choose one."

Jing Liu swallowed his saliva:"Can I choose neither?"

Yuanming smiled evilly and took two steps closer, but finally stopped.

"Just kidding, change yourself, I'll go out and wait."

Yuanming sneered, raised his hand and patted Jingliu on the head, turned around and left.

Jingliu took a deep breath and suppressed the restlessness in her heart.

She was indeed a little panicked just now.

She had never experienced such a thing.

Jingliu took another deep breath and walked to the bed to change clothes.



Too impatient, too aggressive, not calm.

Yuanming patted his head and cursed himself for not thinking.

In fact, if it was just a joke, it could be covered up like this.

But Jingliu paid attention to these things. Her mind was not as open as that.

"Yuanming, I've changed my clothes."

Just as he was thinking, Jingliu pushed the door open and walked out.

Yuanming walked up to him and held Jingliu in his arms.

"Ah Liu, I'm sorry"


Jing Liu blinked:"What's wrong?"

"I didn't think about what I said just now."

Yuanming said in a muffled voice:"I'm sorry"

"I don't care."

Jing Liu smiled and said,"Why should I say sorry?"

"Because I can't just think about myself.

Yuanming said softly

"We two will have to face those things one day."

Jing Liu was very open-minded about these things:"I understand you. I wasn't angry just now, I was just a little panicked... because I have never experienced or learned such a thing.……"

"Don't worry about it, don't worry about it."

Jingliu smiled and touched Yuanming's head. It was great that he would think about her like this. Yuanming lowered his head and kissed Jingliu on the forehead:"Let's go out for breakfast?



Jingliu nodded.

"Can I have a good morning kiss after waking up?"

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"You are the envoy"

"……I have to brush my teeth, otherwise I can't get over it."

"Then kiss first and then brush your teeth"

"Brush your teeth before kissing"

"Kiss first, then brush your teeth"

"Kiss first... No."

Jingliu was helpless and didn't intend to continue bickering with him. She just stretched out her hand to pinch Yuanming's face and shook it, then turned and walked towards the bathroom.

Yuanming pouted and stood there waiting for her.

Jingliu came out soon.

Yuanming put his arm around her waist and lowered his head.

Jingliu closed her eyes.

Last time he said that she should respond... respond... open her mouth... a little shy.

Jingliu closed her eyes, and the moment Yuanming's lips touched hers, she tentatively opened her mouth.

Yuanming felt it, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl in front of him.

The two were very close, Jingliu closed her eyes tightly, Seems very nervous.

Yuanming sniffed, as if to express a smile.

He searched for the soft and timid little tongue, and covered it like hunting.

Jingliu suddenly opened his eyes.

She thought what opening his mouth meant...

Kissing with eyes open, the Star God and the Envoy are indeed extraordinary.

The two looked at each other, with an indescribable smile in Yuanming's eyes.

After a while, he gently tilted his head back and let his little Envoy go.

Jingliu coughed twice and touched his earlobe.

It was a little hot.

She quickly changed the subject, reached out and held Yuanming's hand:"Let's go... have breakfast……"

Yuanming chuckled:"Okay"


The breakfast shop Yuanming found that day was a great place to go in the morning.

""Master Jianshou?"

Of course the boss knew Jingliu.

"Well, let's have breakfast."

Jingliu nodded.

"Ah... OK, OK, your arrival really makes our little shop shine. Please sit down, sit down, I'll get you a menu."

The owner smiled, turned around and walked quickly into the kitchen.

""Master Jianshou~"

Yuanming also imitated the boss's flattering tone, which gave Jingliu goosebumps.

"Don’t… don’t do this."

Jing Liu’s mouth twitched, and he raised his hand and waved:"What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever you want to eat, I want to eat"


Jing Liu didn't know what he was thinking of, and raised his lips:"Then I will recommend you some old specialties of Luofu."


Yuanming tilted his head and looked at Jingliu's smile. He had a bad feeling in his heart, but he still kept his 100% trust in Jingliu.

He nodded:"Okay."


Jingliu returned the menu to the boss:"A tray of vegetarian buns and a bowl of soda bean juice."

The boss glanced at Yuanming and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, wait a moment."

Jingliu supported his chin, stretched out his other hand, and kneaded Yuanming's big hand on the table.

"Actually, I can still eat a little meat now.

Yuanming chuckled and said,"Don't think about me like that."

"I see you haven't eaten any meat before."

In the past, Jingliu always had to order some vegetarian side dishes when they were at a party.

Because she saw that Yuanming didn't eat a single bite of meat.

"You 're just being pretentious. Actually, it's edible."

Yuanming chuckled,"You forgot, I ate a small bite of the buns I made for you that day."

"I see you are in a lot of pain too."

Jingliu sighed:"Have you... have you ever drunk bean juice?"

She wanted to ask him why he didn't eat meat, but she was worried about triggering some kind of shadow in him.

Yuanming finally got to eat some meat, so she shouldn't say anything.

"……I heard it doesn't taste good"

"You can't rely on hearsay."

Jingliu chuckled and said,"Life without drinking soy milk is incomplete."

"Then why did you order just one bowl?"

"……My life is complete."

"Or just quit."

Yuanming's eyebrows twitched:"Looking at your expression, I still think an incomplete life is more beautiful."

When the slightly gray-green unknown liquid was brought up, Yuanming saw Jingliu's uncontrollable smile.

Of course, Jingliu could actually drink this thing, but she felt it was unpalatable, unlike some people who would spit it out directly after drinking it.

For example, Bai Heng and Ying Xing.

Ying Xing especially hated bean juice.

Especially the soda bean juice with a little gas added to the taste of bean juice.

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