Without drinking, they ate quite fast.

The main reason was that the boss was uncomfortable and they were not happy with their meal.

They didn't ask the boss to be more enthusiastic, but they were not ogres, so why did they hide so far away?

The atmosphere was not lively, so they picked a few things that they could take on the road.

"Alas... Jing Liuliu, how about we ask your Yuanming to change our appearance when we go out next time?"

Bai Heng leaned against Jing Liu and said tiredly.

"Why do you need to change your appearance?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows:"People like that boss are a minority after all. Most people are not like that."

"But I feel unhappy when I meet someone like that."

Bai Heng chuckled.

She herself is the kind of person who doesn't care about other people's identities, just like Dan Feng and Jing Liu.

Dan Feng is Dan Feng, Jing Liu is Jing Liu, there is no difference between them, so Bai Heng will not treat them any special way.

So she doesn't like those who care too much about other people's identities.

To put it bluntly, they are careless.

Bai Heng also treats Yuan Ming, the star god,���They held the same attitude, without any estrangement. If it weren't for Yuanming and Jingliu being together, she might have been flattering Yuanming.

The four men followed behind them, chatting casually.

Danfeng and Yuanming were chatting normally, just like chatting about family matters.

Yingxing and Jingyuan were different.

They would definitely quarrel when they got together.

"Ying Xing, your kind is in my hands"

"……Jingyuan, do you want a beating?"

"Hey, hurry up"

"Jing, Yuan!"

"Are you in a hurry to rescue your kind?"

Jing Yuan smiled and swallowed the pork jerky in his hand:"I ate it."

Ying Xing raised his hand to hit him, Jing Yuan ran behind Yuan Ming:"Master, save me!"

He finally understood now.

When Yuan Ming and Jing Liu got together, they always bullied him.

But when dealing with others, they still protected their own children.

Yuan Ming chuckled, raised his hand and patted Jing Yuan's head, turned around and smiled at Ying Xing.

"If you have the guts, don't hide!"

Ying Xing circled around Yuanming, as if trying to catch Jing Yuan.

""If you have the guts, knock him down!"

Jing Yuan made a face at Ying Xing and pointed at Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming looked at Dan Feng helplessly.

These two childish ghosts


"You are so good, Jingyuan! Stop right there!"

"What happened?"

Yuan Ming and Dan Feng had just come over from a distance when they saw Bai Heng chasing Jing Yuan.

He gently held his envoy's hand and asked

"Jing Yuan ate up all the limited-edition beef balls that Bai Heng had managed to snatch.

Jing Liu shrugged.

"Why not just buy her another one?"

Dan Feng looked at the small shop next to him and reached out for his wallet.

"No, it’s limited edition."

Jing Liu shook his head:"Otherwise, Bai Heng would have bought another one and chased Jing Yuan later."

"That makes sense."

Dan Feng nodded and took back his hand.

As he was talking, Bai Heng came back angrily.

Jing Liu couldn't help laughing when he saw the hair on the two pointed ears stood up. He reached out and patted her head:"Why are you fighting with him? Let's buy it together when we have time."

"I managed to get it with great difficulty.

Bai Heng pouted in grievance.

"Small problem."

Yuanming raised his hand and gently hooked it.

Jingyuan flew back like a cat being grabbed by the collar.

"I'll give you one back."

Yuanming moved his fingers, and the beef ball in Jingyuan's hand was copied out of thin air and appeared in Baiheng's hand.


Bai Heng blinked, looked up at Yuanming, then looked down at the beef balls in her hand, and then turned to look at Jingyuan.

She seemed to want to take back the portion in Jingyuan's hand.

Yuanming was still very fair.

One portion for each of the two who were most taken care of.

But Bai Heng still wouldn't let Jingyuan go. She temporarily put the beef balls in the hands of Yingxing beside her, turned around and chased Jingyuan.

Jingyuan knew Bai Heng too well and knew what kind of character Bai Heng was, so the moment he was caught, he turned around and ran without any hesitation.

"Jing Yuan! Stop!"

Bai Heng's roar could be heard faintly, but Jing Yuan's begging for mercy could no longer be heard clearly.

"Let's retreat when they come back."

Ying Xing stretched and said,"I still have to give instructions tomorrow morning... I'm tired."


Jingliu pinched Yuanming's fingers and smiled at him:"Go home."

"Well, let's go home and sleep."

Yuanming gently hugged his sword master


When Jingliu opened her eyes, she was surrounded by endless darkness.

The golden light was gone.

Jingliu looked around in panic.

What was this?

She could not feel the strength in her body, but only felt lonely and weak.

Until she struggled to identify the back of the person who was almost blended into the darkness.


She rushed forward.

Then she stopped.

She saw the tentacles all over the sky, and then she realized that the surroundings were not pitch black, but a color similar to pitch black that appeared when the scarlet reached its extreme.

There were countless fleshy giant snakes, which seemed to be made of rotten flesh, filling the entire universe and blocking the light of the stars.

Mortals would feel their hearts and minds torn apart just by staring at that existence.

Yuanming was entangled by those things.

The giant snake opened its mouth and devoured his body.

Yuanming's body gradually became transparent and his shape could not be seen clearly.


She felt as if her heart was crushed by something.

Jingliu took a step forward.

She heard the shrill laughter that disturbed her mind - it was not from the Joy Star God.

"Ah Liu... let's go……"

There was an endless golden light flashing before her eyes.

The golden light was no longer gentle, but full of boundless violence and murderous intent.

Then the golden light filled the entire���world



Jingliu opened her eyes suddenly.

The scent of the sea of stars that came to her face slightly suppressed the fear in her heart.

She hugged Yuanming tightly and sniffed his scent deeply.

After a moment, she looked up again and looked at that face.

Yuanming had woken up long ago and was looking at her quietly.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

The big hand gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes:"Did you dream about the past again?"


Jing Liu shook his head and said,"I dreamed that you fought with...something I don't know, probably a Star God."

"It seems that I didn't win in your dream"


Jing Liu's voice was muffled.

Yuan Ming could feel her arms trembling.

She couldn't bear to lose

"Dreams are always the opposite, Ah Liu."

Yuanming gently kissed her between her eyebrows and lifted her chin so that she could look him in the eye:"I am very powerful, no one can beat me"

"……Then don't fight."

Jingliu shook her head.

The Star Gods were all at that level. Jingliu felt that even if Yuanming was stronger, he couldn't reach the level of being able to solo without any damage. She could get hurt herself. She felt sorry for Yuanming getting hurt.


Yuanming smiled softly:"What does that star god look like?"

"……I didn’t see the face of the Star God, I only saw a bunch of things that looked like giant snakes… or maybe that was the real body too."

"Well... I remember it."

Yuanming hugged the girl in his arms tightly, his eyes darkening:"I will remember it."

He gently kissed the corner of the girl's mouth in his arms:"Sleep a little longer"


Jingliu closed her eyes tiredly and leaned in his arms."

Go to sleep, my sword master."

Yuanming kissed her again.


"Listening to this description, it is very similar to greed."


Yuanming narrowed his eyes

"What? You are a clone now."

Ah Ha glanced at him and said,"You don't want to use your clone to fight Tan Tao, do you?"

"Is Greedy very strong?"

"Hmm... Tan Tao is not the same as us."

Ah Ha shook his head:"Tan Tao itself is an ancient beast with strong combat power. After that, it became a star god. Its combat power has reached a higher level. It is very different from the star god. You see... Hmm... The powerful ancient beast itself has the strength to fight with Klipper. Tan Tao itself is a relatively powerful type among the ancient beasts. After becoming a star god... it is not easy to deal with."

"But I'm also weird……"

Ah Ha raised his eyebrows:"How come your little envoy suddenly dreamed of you fighting with Tan Tao?"

"Will it have something to do with the end?"

"No, Zhongmo is not that idle, he rarely interferes with mortals."

Aha shook his head:"He interfered with your little envoy before, probably to restrict you."

"I don't understand"

"Ahha doesn't understand it either, and maybe Zhongmo won't understand it either, but maybe it has happened in the future and needs to be corrected."

Aha chuckled.

Few people can truly understand what Zhongmo Star God has done.

It is even possible that Zhongmo himself can't understand it - after all, it is a future thing, and Zhongmo only needs to witness it, not understand it.

Yuanming closed his eyes and thought for a while, then he slowly said:"Aha, do me a favor"

"What help?"

Joyful Star God asked with his chin raised, quite interested.

"Follow the end and listen to when I will start the war with the greedy."

Yuanming said:"You may hear a lot of interesting topics."

Aha is not a star god who likes to help for free, but he is willing to work hard for fun.


Ah Ha smiled.

"Ah Liu has woken up."

Yuanming said, and stood up:"I'm leaving, see you next time, Ah Ha"

"That's right."

He seemed to have thought of something again, and turned his head to look at Ah Ha:"Lord Changle Tianjun, is the bean juice delicious?" The

Happy Star God still had a smile on his face, but it was much stiffer.

Yuanming chuckled and disappeared into the starry sky.


Jingliu has woken up.

Before Yuanming opened his eyes, he could already feel the little girl sneaking up on him.

Then he felt a soft touch on his lips.

Jingliu kissed the corners of his lips again and again.

Yuanming opened his eyes.

Jingliu naturally saw it, but she didn't stop.

She could kiss her boyfriend whenever she wanted!

Yuanming hugged her tightly:"Did you sleep enough?"

"I can't sleep any more.……"

Jingliu swallowed and held Yuanming's arm tighter.

"Yuanming...Can I call you the same way you call me?"

"I don't think this is a question that needs to be asked out loud."

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed her, chuckling:"Call me whatever you want. If you want, I don't mind calling me husband."


Jingliu pinched his face in shame and anger.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally it was the Sword Master who couldn't hold on any longer.

"Now... it's... too early."

Jing Liu said lightly:"I... am embarrassed to say it out loud"

"It's okay, I'm just kidding."

Yuanming wanted to lower his head and kiss the girl hard on the face.

He did so.

Jingliu hugged him and patted his back gently. In fact, she was mentally preparing herself every night when she lay in Yuanming's arms.

After all, for her, being together would definitely take a lifetime.

Spiritual love is impossible after all, and she and Yuanming will one day step into the realm of sex.

She did understand, but it would take some time to fully accept it.

"A Liu……"

Yuanming lowered his head and bit Jingliu's neck again.

Jingliu's lazy look really made people unable to control themselves. Jingliu turned his head and exposed his neck a little.

She was thinking about how to call Yuanming.

If he called him like Bai Heng...


It doesn't quite match Yuanming's image.

If he just called him Ah Ming like Yuanming did...

It's so perfunctory, and it sounds like one of the protagonists who is ready to sacrifice for the protagonist at any time...

Jingliu has read two novels after all...


Jingliu thought.

If I call him husband...


She opened her eyes suddenly, raised her hand and slapped herself in the face -

You are so shameless!

However, Yuanming's head was still buried in her neck and did not move away.

Her slap hit Yuanming directly on the head.

"A Liu……"

Yuanming raised his head, his eyes were full of resentment:"If you have any opinions, you can speak directly. We reject domestic violence."

"Sorry, but I don't commit domestic violence.……"

Jing Liu waved his hand and coughed twice:"I'm thinking of a suitable name for you. I can't always call you Yuanming Yuanming... It's too straightforward."

"Whatever you like."

Yuanming certainly would not give Jingliu any advice, he wanted to see what name his little girl could come up with.

"Ah Liu, let's go out for lunch."

"Where’s breakfast?"

"It's time for lunch now."


Jingliu scratched his face and said,"Okay."

Had he slept for so long?

"It's all your fault."

She nuzzled into Yuanming's arms again.

"Why blame me?"

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows.

"It's so comfortable in your arms, otherwise I would get up very early."

Jingliu blinked and said confidently

"Well... blame me."

Yuanming picked up Jingliu and said,"But I won't change."

Jingliu laughed softly and said,"Don't change."


Yuanming smiled and carried her to the foot of the bed, spread out the quilt and sheets, and said,"Change your clothes. I'll wait for you outside.""


Jingliu smiled as she watched him walk out.

How fast is she changing clothes now?

Not long after Yuanming came out, Jingliu followed him out.

Jingliu went straight to the bathroom and started the daily routine of brushing teeth and washing face.

Yuanming waited patiently until Jingliu came out of the bathroom.

Jingliu never wears makeup, she threw herself on Yuanming and kissed him:"Good morning kiss."

"There have been dozens of good morning kisses this morning."

"That was a kiss before getting up, and this is a good morning kiss before officially going out."

The Sword Master hugged him confidently:"Is it not possible?"

"That's great."

Yuanming grinned and said,"I hope we can have hundreds of kisses before waking up every day."

"That's not a kiss before getting up... that's me craving for sex."

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