
"Yuanming... tried too hard……"

"Doesn’t Liu like to use too much force?"

"……I like it."

Yuanming chuckled softly, and his arm around Jingliu loosened slightly:"I can't leave Ah Liu for a moment, what should I do?"

"Then I will stay with you all the time."

Jing Liu chuckled and turned to kiss his childish Star God.

"I'm still here……"

Ying Xing raised his hands helplessly:"You two... is love really that magical?"

"Yingxing, you might as well try it yourself."

Yuanming chuckled:"After eternal life, Bai Heng may not stay in the immortal boat for long."

With plenty of time and slowed mental aging, Bai Heng's free heart may fly again at any time.


Ying Xing lay on the table.

Of course he knew that

Bai Heng liked to drink, so he took great pains to make a wine pot, but he didn't dare to give it to Bai Heng.

"Mirror Flow……"

He asked Jing Liu for help rather listlessly:"Can you help me send a gift to Bai Heng?"……"

"What's the matter with me delivering it to you?……"

Jingliu's mouth twitched, and he looked back at Yuanming.

Yuanming had a calm expression, and just hugged her quietly.

They were two really different people...

Yuanming was straightforward, but Yingxing was shy...

Was it because of the different growing environments?

"Ying Xing, be brave."

Jing Liu raised his hand and patted his shoulder:"Success or friends, these are the only two choices... I guess there will be no other man who can catch Bai Heng's eye in this life."


Ying Xing finally left.

He still hadn't made up his mind, and Jing Liu could see it.

But at least he dared to express his feelings to the people around him instead of hiding them, which was a great improvement.

"You said it directly at that time."

Jing Liu turned his head and touched Yuanming's chin.

I like you, I want to hug you, I want to kiss you, Yuanming said whatever he thought, and he didn't have the concept of hiding.

"People are different, maybe Bai Heng likes that."

Yuan Ming chuckled, lowered his head and gently bit her fair and tender face:"And you are also outspoken, my Miss Jianshou"

"My boyfriend! Can't I sleep with him in my arms?"

Sword Master defended his behavior with confidence.

Yuanming laughed:"Yes, I can."

"Your whole soul belongs to me."

Jing Liu suddenly became overbearing and hooked his hand around Yuanming's neck:"I can hug you however I want.""

"Well, they are all yours."

Yuanming said as if coaxing a child, while holding up her legs with his hands:"A Liu, I love you"

"I love you too."

Jing Liu leaned on his shoulder:"Sleep for half an hour, remember to call me."

She didn't have the habit of taking a nap before.

But in Yuanming's arms... it was too safe, and Miss Jianshou couldn't help being lazy.

""Well, go to sleep."

Yuanming patted her back.

Jingliu always liked to sit with him in the yard, but most of the time he would fall asleep while leaning against her, so Yuanming had already changed the stone bench in the yard. It would be fine for him to hold Jingliu to sleep, but Jingliu would not be comfortable, so he just changed to a small sofa.

Go to sleep, Ah Liu.

Yuanming sniffed the fragrance in his nose.

The clear moon in the sky finally fell into his arms.

It's so nice.


Jing Liu didn't need to be called at all, she woke up on her own in just over 20 minutes.


She hummed twice and raised her head:"What time is it?……"

"Less than half an hour."

Yuanming chuckled and kissed her neck gently:"You can sleep for a while longer."

"forget it……"

Miss Jianshou shook her head and overcame her laziness:"I have to go to the training ground."

"Well... let's go."

Yuanming nodded and put down Jingliu.

Jingliu stretched his body.

"Tuk Tuk——"

The gate was knocked politely.

Jingliu turned around.

Yuanming waved his hand and the gate opened.

"Well, Aha still doesn't come in."

The black-haired man stood at the door with a smile:"Yuanming, I have something to ask you."

Jingliu raised his eyebrows:"Changle Tianjun……"

Yuanming did not answer, but reached out and held Jingliu's hand, looking at her with some questioning.

Ah Ha's eyes wandered between the two of them, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then turned into understanding.

His eyes moved away from Yuanming and fell on Jingliu:"The little order of chaos makes……"

"She has a name."

Yuanming's voice came:"Her name is Jingliu."

Ah Ha raised his eyebrows:"Well, okay, Jing...Liu, can I borrow Yuanming?"


Jing Liu blinked, looking a little confused.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to fight."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"I will bring him back before nightfall."

"That's fine."

Jing Liu turned around and pinched Yuan Ming's face:"Be careful."

""Yes, I will."

Yuanming chuckled, stood up and hugged her waist.

He lowered his head and kissed her soft lips.

"I'm leaving."

He pinched Jing Liu's little face and said,"Don't miss me too much, Ah Liu."

"Well... I will still miss you very much."

Jingliu curled his lips.

Yuanming chuckled and turned away.


"You dote on your little envoy very much."

Aha looked at Yuanming

"Not pampering her.

Yuanming shook his head:"I love her"

""Okay, okay... love."

Ah Ha shrugged.

He didn't understand these things anyway.

There was only joy in his life... Thinking about it this way, his destiny seemed very narrow.

Hahaha... It's so funny

"I want to talk to you at the end, now most of the things have come to an end."

Ah Ha thought:"What time is Xianzhou now?"

"Star calendar year 7376.

Yuanming replied

"Well... that's about right."


"The Yinyue Rebellion."

Ah Ha spread his hands and said,"The Yinyue Rebellion happened in 7379, so 7376 is almost over, right?"


Yuanming frowned.

This time, he had to ask the last king about this.���What on earth is the so-called future?

The last king showed up on his own initiative this time. He just stood there, as if waiting for Yuanming to come.

"The last king."

Yuanming stepped forward and said,"I have a question for you."

"I know."

The last king said in a low voice:"I know what you want to ask. This is the future. I don't know the nature of the future, but these are all things that will happen. It's just that it will change at any time according to your and my choices. That's all."

Yuanming didn't expect that the question he wanted to ask had been answered by the end before he even asked it.

"I want to ask you what you think about the Yinyue Rebellion."

The last king looked at Yuanming and asked calmly:"What about the interpretation?"

"The last king."

Yuanming shook his head:"This is why I want to know what the future will be like."

"The future has a fixed and unfixed trajectory."

The last king said something that sounded contradictory.

"I am Star God"

"You have changed a lot of things, Yuanming."

The last king said calmly:"The normal ending is that the short-lived person named Yingxing will be given power by the abundant order that he hates the most and become an immortal, unable to live or die. Jingliu will become Moyin, which is similar to Yingxing, unable to live or die. Bai Heng will die, Danfeng will be sentenced to death and finally transformed into another identity, leaving only Jingyuan, and the Yunshang Wuxiao will fall apart."

"Countless mortals will die in the process."

The last king's eyes were indifferent.

He was just stating the facts.

Ah Ha laughed and said,"If they die, they will die."

"This is the Star God's idea, joy."

The last king glanced at him and shook his head gently:"As mortals, the five men of Yunshang Wuxiao will pay more attention to the life and death of mortals."

"Hmm... that makes sense."

Ah Ha propped up his chin and looked at Yuanming:"Yuanming will care, right?"

"The future indicates that he only cares about what Jing Liu cares about."

The last king looked at Yuanming.

Yuanming is also a star god.

In addition, in the past, he had no feelings for mortals.

He only had feelings for his few messengers.

Now with the addition of Jing Yuan

"Yuanming, if Jingliu and others do not belong to Xianzhou, will you help the Xianzhou Alliance solve the Jidu Mirage?"

Aha looked at Yuanming and raised his eyebrows.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Yuanming looked puzzled.

"I knew it."

Ah Ha chuckled:"In the end, do you need Yuanming and Xianzhou to have any contact in the future?"

"After all, the Star Gods cannot stand apart from each other."

The last king shook his head and said softly:"The future is far away, and all this comes from planning step by step."

Yuanming did not answer.

"The interpretation is to let the future grow within the scope of our control, and the substitution is that within the scope of all this, no death will happen, your little envoys will not have any problems, and Jing Yuan, who plays a vital role in the future, will also be able to grow. At that time, you will discover more abilities from the chaotic destiny, and also have the ability to remove the hidden dangers of the demon from Jing Yuan's body."

The last king said:"In other words, in the end, until the beginning of the future, no one in the Yunshang Wuxiao will be harmed, only Jing Yuan will be... deceived to a certain extent, so to speak, but it will not affect his life safety"

"I don't understand."

Yuanming shook his head:"Why do you want to hide it from Jingyuan? Isn't it better to tell him all these things?"

"I have observed such a future. If it runs according to my design, there is still a danger that Jing Yuan will discover the truth. With a clear mind, he will not grow desperately. In the set future, his wisdom is close to that of the Intellectual Envoy, and it is difficult to deceive him through deduction."

"If you don't act it out, the future will continue. It may not be the Envoy of the Order of Plenty who causes Bai Heng's death, but it may even be the Star God of Destruction. Believe me, Chaos, by then, you will have no time to act, because you and Obolos will go to war in advance. By then, not only the Five Heroes of Yunshang will disappear, but also the entire Xianzhou Alliance and this universe. They will all be destroyed because of the battle between you, Obolos and Nanook."

"I know what you are going to ask. My answer is that Jing Yuan is the guide of the future Xianzhou stage. If the other four of the Yunshang Wuxiao do not disappear, even if Jing Yuan can achieve such wisdom, his connections and his pattern will never reach the height of the future. Only by abandoning life and death can we embark on the future."The last king also shook his head and said:"Before the final destruction, everyone will go to a dead end."

"What is the final destruction?"

"It is not possible to observe such an outcome for the time being. In the future, there may be options that will prevent such destruction from happening. Everything is still unknown."

The last king said:"But, I need you to explain all this to your messengers. The result, the process, the joy and I should have told you everything, no matter how big or small."

Yuanming rubbed his eyebrows and said:"How do you want me to say this?……"

"That's your business."

The last king shook his head and said,"Of course, I want to remind you that some people who are supposed to die will still die in the future, such as the general Teng Xiao in Luofu."

"Well, let me be the one to tell all these things for now."

Yuanming looked at the last king and said,"From your perspective, explain to me why four Chaos Envoys cannot defeat one Abundance Envoy."


Jing Liu was keenly aware of the absent-mindedness of her Star God.

She kissed the corners of his lips again and again, but Yuanming's eyes were still a little distracted.

Jing Liu was not angry, but just gently rubbed his face:"What's wrong? My Star God, why are you unhappy?"

"I'm thinking about something... I still need to tell you first."

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the lips:"It's about the future."

"The future?"

Jingliu sat astride Yuanming's arms, brows raised.

Yuanming did not directly tell her about the Yinyue Rebellion, or what happened during the Yinyue Rebellion, but took the lead in telling her the way of interpretation.

Jingliu frowned as he listened:"Why is it like this?"……"

"This is the best correction for the future. I have been studying with the Star God of the End for most of the day... without the Star God of Joy."

Yuanming did not lie. Ah Ha did not participate in this discussion about the future.

"But this is too cruel to Jing Yuan... and it's unrealistic. Four Chaos Envoys were beaten like that by a Fertility Envoy.……"

"There are ways to correct that end, or maybe there is another process."

Yuanming hugged Jingliu:"I don't know how to tell them... This matter must be kept secret from Jingyuan."

"Why did you hide it from Jing Yuan?"

Jing Liu blinked.

"Well... the last king explained to me that Jingyuan was too smart. If he leaked even a little bit, Jingyuan might find out the truth."


Jing Liu did not doubt Jing Yuan's brain. She knew her little apprentice's brain very well.


"They will not be harmed.

Yuanming said softly:"I and the last king created all the scenes... The only problem is Jing Yuan."

The five people of Yunshang Wuxiao are connected.

They definitely don't want to be left with only Jing Yuan.……

"But I have to make it clear in advance."

Yuanming said:"Only the five of you will be safe, I can't guarantee the others."

Jingliu's arm froze:"What does this mean?"

"Because I don't know yet whether the last king will design all that to be a real scene or just an illusion."

Yuanming shook his head:"I need your cooperation"

"So why try to control the future at all


"In order to make the future grow within the scope we can control, and not exceed the scope we can control."

Yuanming said softly:"The future... who can predict such things?"

"Yes, that's the kind of thing that no one can predict... Let's leave Jing Yuan behind for a few hundred years.……"

Jing Liu obviously couldn't accept it.

Of course, she had already thought these things through in her mind.

Now it was friendship that held her back, preventing her from making a decision.

Jing Yuan... the youngest child.

Is it time for him to grow up?

It was hard for Jing Liu to understand, and that was normal.

After all, in their minds, the Star God was the top of the universe and the end of everything.

It was hard for mortals to imagine that there were things in this world that the Star God couldn't do, or that there were beings that were equal to the Star God.


The reward will be added in November.

Regarding the explanation of the Yinyue Rebellion, I plan to let it happen as usual. First, it extends the plot.

Second, it is what I said. The one who can lead the Luofu Immortal Boat is the Shen Ce General Jing Yuan, not Jing Yuan, the apprentice of Jing Liu.

He has to betray life and death and push himself to the brink of death to do everything he can.

It's like, if you put yourself in their shoes, if you have the protection of four Chaos Envoys and a Star God around you, you may grow, but you will lack social skills, connections, vision, and even the courage to survive in the face of death.

That's it.

The so-called Shen Ce.

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