Yue Gua finally divined again.

This time, the Dayan Qiongguan Formation only emitted a faint light.

She did not get any answer.

It was as if some existence had forcibly covered everything with a layer of fog, so that she could not even see clearly.

She wanted to divine the future of Luofu and wanted to know the fate of Luofu.

If she was not allowed to see even this, what was the life of mortals?

Yue Gua opened her palm towards the Dayan Qiongguan Formation, but the eyes between her eyebrows suddenly darkened.

Yue Gua suddenly arched her back as if something hit her abdomen and vomited a large mouthful of blood.

""Master Grand Diviner!"

The fortune teller at the side rushed over to support the shaky Yue Gua.

Yue Gua lost her spirit, and the eyes between her eyebrows dimmed.

Blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, but her eyes were still fixed on the center of the Dayan Qiongguan formation.

She was sure that for a moment, she saw that future.

The future covered in scarlet and black.

""Master Taibu... I'll take you to Dandingsi!"

The fortune teller pulled Yue Gua to leave, but was pushed away by Yue Gua.

Yue Gua staggered to the desk in the distance:"Bring paper and pen!"

She squinted her eyes, her face was pale, and her lips were tightly pursed after she finished speaking, as if she was suppressing something.

She could only express her meaning briefly, and she might fall to the ground if she said one more word.

With her blood surging, she looked at the fortune teller and repeated it again:"Bring paper and pen!"

Her voice was a little louder. The fortune teller was stunned for a second, quickly responded with"yes", turned around and hurriedly ran to get paper and pen.

At this time, the Taibu usually needs to write a message, and he will definitely not use the paper and pen on the desk used for practicing calligraphy.

Yue Gua sat at the table and began to write on the paper brought by the fortune teller

【Gen Kan trend, there are disasters and failures, it ends with Kun Kan, and it is peaceful with Zhen Zhen……】

She couldn't see any more.

Yue Gua finished writing, not even daring to breathe.

She put the pen aside, folded the paper and handed it to the fortune teller next to her, her voice still trembling:"Send it immediately to Tianchi Sidu, and send it to Yuque Xianzhou Taibu Si and Xuling Xianzhou Taibu Si via Huangzhong."


The fortune teller nodded, took the folded paper, turned around and ran out of the fortune telling office.


"Sir, the helmsman!"

"Master Siduo is not here, so I will take charge of the matter. What is it?"

Bai Heng frowned and looked at the fox man at the door.

"The fortune teller of the Taibusi sent a message, and sent this secret letter to the Taibusi of Yuque Xianzhou and the Taibusi of Xuling Xianzhou as soon as possible!"

The fox man strode over and handed the letter to Bai Heng.

Bai Heng narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to take it.


Bai Heng called out.

The Chiming clan member raised his head from his seat, responded, and ran to Bai Heng's side.

"Use the Huangzhong system to send a message to the Taibusi of Xuling Xianzhou and Yuque Xianzhou."

Bai Heng handed the letter to Chang Jing, turned to look at the fox man in front of him:"Where is the fortune teller?"

"They have already gone back, saying that Master Taibu is not in good condition."

The fox man shook his head.

Bai Heng nodded:"Thank you for your help."

Chang Jing was already using the Huangzhong system to send a message.

"Master Bai Heng, I have already notified you."

Chang Jing turned to Bai Heng and nodded,"Xu Ling Tian Bo Si asked me not to leave the Huang Zhong system for the time being. I will reply immediately after they analyze it."


Bai Heng nodded:"Show me the letter."


Chang Jing handed the letter to Bai Heng, who unfolded it and looked at it carefully.

"Master Bai Heng...what does this mean?……"

The fox man behind him looked at the letter in Bai Heng's hand and frowned:"The people in Taibusi speak strangely."

"They are written according to the hexagrams.

Bai Heng didn't really understand these things, but she could still understand a little bit.

"There are dangers ahead... Action will bring disasters, we need unity and mutual trust to remain calm in the face of danger……"

She couldn't quite understand the latter part... In fact, her translation of the former part was not accurate.

But the gist was like this.

Bai Heng frowned, folded the secret letter and placed it on the corner of the table:"Where on earth did Tianchi go?"

"Don't you know?"

The man behind him twitched his mouth and said,"I thought it was Master Tianchi who asked you to help look after it."

"I don't know. I just came to see her today because she wasn't there, so I took care of it for her. After all, I am the deputy helmsman of Tianbosi."

Bai Heng shook his head.

Tianchi was so elusive, who knew where she had gone.

Could it be that she had gone out to pursue her youthful memories and travel around Luofu in a star raft?

No... Tianchi shouldn't be that kind of person.

Now the whole Luofu is busy, Tianchi wouldn't go out to play at this time.

Bai Heng sighed.

He hadn't seen Yingxing for two days.

Yingxing was busy all the time.

The two of them could only send messages when they were free every day.

It's not good for the relationship between the newlyweds!

Bai Heng pouted.

But she understood.

After all, the situation in Luofu is like this now. It's probably difficult for Teng Xiao to wake up in a short time, not to mention returning to the position of general.

And he lost an arm and had so many hidden injuries on his body. It would be difficult for him to return to his original strength...

Bai Heng picked up the jade sign.

【Invincible Flyer: Little Yingxing, what are you doing?

Baiye: Pour me a glass of water. I'm so thirsty.

Invincible Flyer: Did you take a rest? So early today?

Baiye: No, because today's progress was very fast, so I had some time to drink some water. I have to go back soon... Are you still in Tianbosi?

Invincible Flyer: Yes, Tianchi has gone somewhere... Is it convenient for you to call?

Baiye: Wait a minute.

Baiye: It's convenient now. 】

Bai Heng raised the corner of his mouth and raised his hand to make a call.

Yingxing answered quickly:"Bai���?"

"It's me! The honorable deputy helmsman of Tianbosi!"

Bai Heng chuckled:"Did you change the place to answer the phone?"

"Well, I found a quiet place."

Ying Xing's voice was barely perceptible with fatigue:"They just created a successful weapon, so they are inevitably a little excited, so I avoided"

"Haha...you're still not used to that kind of scene, right?"


Ying Xing sighed:"As a craftsman, isn't it my duty to create weapons?"

"They are newcomers, and they will always be excited or overly happy about these things."

Bai Heng smiled and said,"These matters will be handed over to Senior Baiye to manage."

"Don't call me senior.……"

Ying Xing's voice was quite helpless.

"In short, control is control, teaching is teaching, and you can't stay up all day and all night like before. Do you understand?"

"Bai Heng...I am the envoy."

"That won't work either, it will consume your energy."

"Well... you too."

Ying Xing said and yawned:"I miss you"

"……I miss you, too."

Bai Heng said softly.

I always feel that Ying Xing has changed a lot after they were together.

Or he has improved a lot.

Many of the things he was embarrassed to say before can now be expressed smoothly.

Dan Feng will definitely be very pleased.

Bai Heng still can't help laughing when he thinks of Dan Feng's complaining at that time.

I don't know what Ying Xing did.

I heard that there is now a sign at the entrance of Linyuan Realm that says Ying Xing and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Oh, it has been removed by Ying Xing now.

Bai Heng chuckled:"I'll find you when Tianchi comes back."

As he was talking, the door over there was pushed open.

Tianchi walked in with a tired and ugly look on his face.

"Speaking of Tianchi, Tianchi is here."

Bai Heng raised his eyebrows:"Tianchi, where have you been... Why do you look so bad?"


Tian Chi sighed, took two steps forward and sat next to Bai Heng:"Remember what we talked about in private before?"


Bai Heng thought about it and nodded,"I remember."

That was a long time ago.

About a hundred years ago, a certain Lord of Extinction whose name is unknown began to be active. So far, he has destroyed nearly twenty planets with the weird method of internal division.

There are not many Lords of Extinction recorded by Xianzhou at present, at most there are only a few.

But this Lord of Extinction is different from the previous ones.

For example, Lord Fenfeng of Extinction is keen on extreme and thorough destruction, and his method of destruction is to completely burn the entire planet.

From the time he sets the target to be destroyed to the destruction of the planet, it usually takes no more than three days.

But this new Lord of Extinction is different. He seems to be keen on using internal destruction and mental torture to make people kill each other and destroy their lives before destroying the planet.

Generally speaking, this new Lord of Extinction poses a greater threat to the Xianzhou Alliance.

After all, the biggest weakness of the Xianzhou people lies in their minds.

This Lord of Extinction is...���The threat from the Xianzhou Alliance is top-level

"The planet Skalade, where Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce had recently made a deal, was destroyed by the Extinction Lord through internal division, and Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce suffered a great loss."

Tianchi shook his head:"It seems that the Extinction Lord has set his sights on Luofu."


Bai Heng frowned:"How much did Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce lose?"

"Converted to credit points is 50 million credit points"

"so much……"

In fact, for interstellar trade, this is not much.

The problem is that the Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce cannot get back the money after investing it, which is equivalent to the 50 million credit points going down the drain, and they get nothing. They also need to bear the wear and tear and fuel consumption of the starships. Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce is of course dissatisfied, but they can't do anything about the Extinction Lord. If the Extinction Lord had a conscience, he would not be called the Extinction Lord.

What's more, he is the Extinction Lord who has set his sights on the Immortal Boat Luofu.

"If this continues, Luofu will face the attention of the Lord of Extinction and the Envoy of Fertility.……"

Tian Chi's eyebrows were furrowed so tightly that they could almost pinch a fly to death:"It seems that I have to go to Yue Gua."

"Don't go there for now."


Tianchi looked at Bai Heng.

"Someone from the Taibu Division came to deliver a message, and I asked about it. Yue Gua seems to be in a bad state."

Bai Heng shook his head and handed the envelope on the table to Tian Chi:"Look at this."

Tian Chi took a look and put it aside.

She didn't know as much about these things as Bai Heng.

The Great Lord of Extinction... The Envoy of Abundance.

Did they bypass Yuque and Yaoqing to find Luofu...

Teng Xiao was injured, the position of general was vacant, and the army was uncertain.

Taibu Yue Gua was not in a good state.

Even if Jingliu could stabilize the army of the Yunqi Army, the Chiming Clan would definitely make trouble... and they had to rely on Danfeng.

But the two of them were responsible for these, so they had no experience to deal with other things.

Luofu was now in a precarious situation.

Tian Chi narrowed his eyes.

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