"Yuanming... went out?"


Jingliu tightened his sword:"We have to deal with our own affairs."

She was of course worried about Yuanming, but she could only choose to trust him.

"Dan Feng.

Jing Liu turned to look at Dan Feng:"Get ready."

The tenderness of a little girl in love faded from her eyes, and coldness and determination filled her red eyes.

This is the real Luofu Sword Master.

"This is your normal self.

Dan Feng chuckled and said,"I see."

"Well, I'll leave the Chiming tribe to you."

Jingliu nodded and said,"Qinglu, notify the remaining cloud cavalry in Luofu to be on alert at all times, be ready for battle, and reduce the opening of Luofu entertainment facilities."


Qinglu straightened up.

"Bai Heng, the Tianbosi Chamber of Commerce has been relocated to Luofu, and the trade area has been reduced to the area bounded by the Yaoqing Immortal Boat. The flow of merchant ships has decreased."


Bai Heng nodded.

"Yingxing, I'll leave the work of the Industrial Manufacturing Division to you. You and Bailian will discuss and cooperate with each other."

Jingliu looked at Yingxing and said,"The apprentices should slow down their work, and the military preparations should be accelerated."

"Got it."

Ying Xing nodded.

"De Ming!"

Jing Liu raised his hand.

A tall figure walked out from the darkness behind him:"Master Jian Shou"

"Go to Taibusi to check the situation of Yue Gua."

Jingliu looked around and said,"Everyone, you should have noticed the turmoil in Luofu this morning. While the main force is on the expedition, Luofu is facing internal and external troubles, and the threat from the Lord of Extinction and the Envoy of Abundance is imminent. You should know what to do."


The uniform voice echoed in the Sword Head Palace.

"Well, now do as I say."

Jing Liu waved his hand:"Bai Heng, inform Bai Ze to come to me."

"Got it!"

Everyone turned around and left quickly.

The huge Jian Shou Mansion suddenly became empty. Jing Liu turned around and walked to the table and sat down, rubbing his eyebrows.

According to the words of the End Star God, they will all leave the Immortal Boat after the turmoil.

Before that, she has to pave the way for Jing Yuan.

First of all, they have to start with the Feng Rao believers in the Immortal Boat.

Jing Liu closed his eyes and thought.

If the Feng Rao believers were wiped out in a big way, there would be great turmoil inside.

Because not all Feng Rao believers are doing evil in the Immortal Boat under the banner of the pharmacist.

Jing Liu did have a plan in mind, but this would inevitably affect some people.

【In front of the ultimate worthy goal, it can be not. 】

Yuanming's voice echoed in his mind.

Jingliu opened his eyes.

Bai Ze had just opened the door of Jian Shou Mansion.

"I just knocked on the door, but no one answered, so I came in.

Bai Ze nodded:"I heard from Bai Heng that you wanted to see me for something."

A leader would not ask for the opinions of his subordinates at this time.

Jing Liu would not do the same.

"Bai Ze, I need you and Dan Dingsi to cooperate with me."

Jing Liu looked into Bai Ze's eyes and told him his plan.


"I don't agree!"

Bai Ze's face was grim:"This will affect ordinary people!"

"If their faith is strong enough, they will not be affected."

Jing Liu's eyes were cold:"Bai Ze, I am informing you, not negotiating with you."

Bai Ze clenched his fists, trembling slightly.

After a long time, his fists loosened weakly.

"I understand."

Bai Ze nodded.

Jing Liu didn't say anything more to him.

The Dan Ding Division's Si Ding was very close to the people, and it was difficult for Bai Ze to understand the thoughts of Jing Liu or the superiors.

In particular, Bai Ze was a pure healer, he loved the people and his patients, he certainly couldn't accept this.

But if you want to consider everything comprehensively, you can't do anything.


""Master Jianshou, Luofu has recently established an organization called 'The Secret Teachings of the King of Medicine'."

Qinglu reported with a frown.


Jingliu nodded.

"Didn't the Medicine King Secret always exist?"

Tian Chi frowned.

"This organization is different from the Medicine King Secret. This organization advocates the acquisition of longevity through the power of abundance and attempts to transform the celestial race into a demonic body. They call the demonic body a more powerful life form.……"

"So, is there any basis for all this?"

"Yes, there are indeed some people who retain their sanity after becoming demons."


Jing Liu's eyes swept across the audience.

Except for Bai Ze, who looked a little unhappy, everyone else had a solemn look on their faces.

"Check the traces. If you find that the people who have received the secret teachings of the King of Medicine have spread to the edge of Luofu, report to me."

Jing Liu looked at Qing Lu:"The next thing is"

"The Cloud Cavalry recently found a believer of destruction in Luofu. According to the Chamber of Commerce's intelligence, the unknown Lord of Extinction seems to be bringing destruction to Luofu."


"Entertainment in Luofu has been curtailed, but trade is still going on normally. So far, most people's reactions are normal.

Qinglu handed the document to Jingliu:"That's all."

"Well, thank you for your help."

Jingliu raised his head and looked around:"Where is Jingyuan?"

"Practicing swordplay at the Yunqi Military Academy"

"Tell him to come find me."

Jing Liu waved his hand and said,"If there is nothing else, we can go home."


""Master, are you looking for me?"

Qinglu was indeed very fast. Not long after everyone returned to their posts, Jingyuan pushed open the door of Jian Shoufu and walked in.

"How does the cake taste?"

Jingliu did not say what he wanted to say to him first, but asked about the taste of yesterday's cake.

"I knew it was given to me by my master."

Jing Yuan grinned and said,"It tastes good."

"As long as it tastes good, that's fine."

Jingliu waved his hand and said,"Come and sit down."

Jingyuan walked over obediently and sat opposite Jingliu.

"When Teng Xiao left, he should have told you about the general."

Jing Liu supported his chin with a faint smile on his face:"What do you think?"


Jing Yuan's little brain was working rapidly.

Master's personality shouldn't be interested in the position of general, right? And Master also said that she was not interested in the position of general.

So what did Master mean by asking this question?

"Jing Yuan...does this question take so long to think about?"

Jing Liu said calmly,"Just say what you think."

"I...actually feel a little heavy."

Jing Yuan finally decided to tell the truth to the person closest to him.

"Why is it heavy?"

"Because... maybe I'm not ready for that. After all, I've always been following you."

"Then let me ask you, if you become a general, like you are a general now, what would you most want to do?"


Jing Yuan scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly:"Protect you"


This answer was unexpected for Jingliu. She raised her eyebrows:"Protecting us?"

"You see, you have always been protecting me."

Jing Yuan coughed twice and blushed:"I think if I become a general, I will be the one protecting you." Jing Liu's eyes flashed with an inexplicable look.

This is the second time.

Jing Yuan still doesn't understand.

Jing Liu reached out and rubbed Jing Yuan's head.

"Master... I am not a child anymore."

Jing Yuan was helpless, but still followed her.

"Yes, he is not a child anymore.

Jing Liu repeated what Jing Yuan said, with a hint of bewilderment between his eyebrows.

The little kid who followed her and pulled her sleeves was taller than her.

In fact, he was about to become a general. He was no longer the kid who cried while practicing more after losing to her.

"You have grown up, but what you need to do is not to protect us."

Jing Liu shook his head and looked into Jing Yuan's eyes:"This dress is perfect for you to wear as a general."

"Master...isn't it a bit inappropriate for the two of us to do this?……"

Jing Yuan coughed twice:"The general is still alive……"


Jing Liu didn't care at all:"Jing Yuan, if you become a general, what you have to do is to protect this Luofu Immortal Boat"

"No matter who stands in your way, as long as that person is harmful to Luofu Xianzhou, you must eliminate him."

Jing Liu looked at Jing Yuan:"Even if a few of us"


Jing Yuan frowned:"Why are you saying this suddenly?"

"It's okay."

Jingliu shook his head.

He has grown up.

Jingyuan really grew up under Jingliu's watch.

"Jingyuan, you must remember.

Jingliu looked at Jingyuan and said,"If you become a general one day, remember what I said."

"I will remember Master."

Jing Yuan nodded.

"Besides, men should be strong."

Jingliu knew she shouldn't say any more.

But she just wanted to say one more thing.

Even if it was just one sentence.

"……Nothing more to do. Ying Xing should have given you the new sword, right?"

Jing Liu saw Jing Yuan's expression as if he wanted to ask something else, so he interrupted him and asked��

"Ah... um……"

Jing Yuan nodded, as if he suddenly remembered something, and a hint of pride ignited in his eyes:"Master, my original sword was broken by my own practice."

He did not expect to be praised by Jing Liu.

Jing Liu would not praise him most of the time, and Jing Yuan was used to it.

But this time was different

"Well, that's great."

Jingliu nodded:"But we need to work harder."


Jing Yuan was a little confused, he stood up and said:"Then...then I will go back?"

"Well, let's go back."

Jing Liu nodded:"Also, Jing Yuan, sometimes don't think too much about everything."

Jing Yuan didn't understand what he meant, but nodded.

He stood up with some doubts and left Jian Shoufu.

The moment he walked out of the door, he finally came to his senses and immediately took out the jade omen to send a message to Dan Feng.

【Jing Yuanyuan: Dan Feng! Dan Feng!

Jing Yuanyuan: Long Zun! Long Zun! Come out!

Jing Yuanyuan: Something is wrong with my master! Dan


Jing Yuanyuan: Something is particularly wrong with my master today!

Dan Feng:... Jing Liu is now managing Luofu on behalf of Teng Xiao, so he must be tired. It is normal that he is not in the mood to pay attention to you.

Jing Yuanyuan: No! No! I said to my master today, 'Master, I broke the sword while practicing swordplay.' Guess what the master said?

Dan Feng: What did he say?

Jing Yuanyuan: The master said I am great! The master said: Yes, great!

Dan Feng:... What kind of image do you have of

Jing Liu? Jing Yuanyuan: It's not a question of image or not! The master never praises me! Dan Feng! Do you know what's wrong with my master?

Dan Feng: I feel like you are bragging...

Dan Feng: But speaking of it... it seems that there is indeed something about Yuanming.

Jing Yuanyuan: Grandmaster? Speaking of which, I did not see the grandmaster today... It's so strange.

Dan Feng: Actually……】

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