Black Tower Space Station camp.

“I’m going to be silenced, Estella, this time you make a decision,” Dark Tower gave a relieved expression.

“Well… Okay” Although Esther was a little confused at this time, she also had to recognize the reality, after all, usually, Ms. Heita is often not on the space station, and she is also responsible for the big and small things on the space station.

However, [Black Tower Space Station] does not have a black tower, is there something wrong?


Xianzhou Luofu camp.

“Rakshasa, do you have any ideas about this round” Jing Yuan looked at Rakshasa in front of him.

“I wonder if the general thinks the same as me…” Rakshasa said with a complicated expression.

“Yes, I think the answer is between A and B” Jing Yuan was already sleepy at this time.

“Reason tells me that I should choose A, but for some reason, I somehow want to choose B” Rakshasa was a little entangled.

“Option B, that is, the resurrection method of touching the tree of imaginary numbers and turning back time, is indeed unheard of” Jing Yuan thought thoughtfully.

“In that case, let’s choose B, you can have any opinions!” Jing Yuan said.

“The general’s choice is Yanqing’s choice!” Yan Qing replied without hesitation.

“Is she really resurrected?” Su Yun was a little suspicious, in fact, she wanted to choose C, but obviously it was a little inappropriate to say this situation at the moment.

Seeing that there was no objection, Jing Yuan took the lead in making a choice on behalf of the [Xianzhou Luofu] camp.

I can’t look at the other camps.

“Well… So fast? Bronia Rand exclaimed.

“I didn’t expect the camp to answer so soon.” Xi’er was also a little surprised.

“Is it a subject they are good at?” March 7 is also a little unbelievable.

At this moment, the silver wolf of the [Star Core Hunter] camp also gave the answer on behalf of his own camp.

“Surprise!” Silver Wolf smiled confidently and chose option C.

“It’s so fast, how can they all be so fast!” Alain was a little surprised.


Star Dome Train Faction

“Guys, don’t mess around, anyway, this system does not clearly stipulate the time for answering questions, carefully observe every detail before answering Pam,” Conductor Pam said unhurriedly.

“But this kind of thing, it seems that there is no need to think about it, in short, I choose A!” March Seven smiled.

Although she is usually more silly and sweet, she also knows that the power of the Abundance Star God is related to immortality, so it is most suitable to choose A if she wants to be optimistic.

“What about you? Sister Himeko…” March Seven came over curiously.

“Me?” Himeko was a little hesitant, on the one hand, she hoped that she would have a good home in the other world, but her hunch told her that these were fake.

“People have to live in reality after all” Himeko sighed and chose option C.

“Sister Himeko, why… QAQ” March Seven felt like a blow and slumped to the ground.

At this moment, the dandruff-looking Xing sister patted her and showed her choice to March Seven.

“Really? I know you’re the best! QwQ” March Seven broke into a smile and hugged the star tightly.

“C two votes, A one vote, two to one Pa, Danheng, what do you choose” Pam walked to Danheng curiously and looked at him with a curious face.

“I choose… Option C,” Danheng said silently for a long time.

“Two to two draw Pa, in that case, it’s time for Pam to make a decision!” Pam said and gave an answer to option C.

“The conductor … You QAQ” The smile on March Seven’s face disappeared again, and she could only look at Sister Xing aggrievedly.


Beloberg upper district camp.

Bronia Rand is scrutinizing every detail in the picture.

Her intuition told her that by looking closely at the information inside the picture, she would definitely be able to deduce the answer.

Before we get there, let’s ask how Hiluva is doing.

“Shiluva, what did everyone choose?” Bronia Rand said and walked over to Shiluwa on the side.

“Uh… Do you want to see, it may be a little unexpected for you…” Shiluwa smiled sheepishly.

“Jepard… A, Shiluwa, you chose A? Why? Bronia Rand was a little surprised.

Jeppard’s choice of A is understandable, but why… Shiluwa also chose A?

“Ahaha… Bronia, you know me… And…… This time I also want to go crazy with my brother… Even if you choose the wrong one,” Shiluwa’s expression flashed with a hint of sadness.

She remembered the scarred but still trying to save her students in yesterday’s video, and her eyes were full of respect.

“Well, since you’ve all decided… Then there is no point in me choosing something else,” Bronia Rand sighed.

Option A was chosen on behalf of his faction.


Black Tower Space Station camp.

“Alan, do you have an idea?” Esther said with some hesitation.

“I… I listen to you…” Alain was also a little hesitant.

“Okay, then I’ll choose at my own discretion,” and Esther chose option C.

“Why C” Alain was surprised, although he said casually, he still hoped that the female warrior in the last video would have a good ending.

“First of all, through observation, some details can be seen that the planet civilization described in the video is not developed, so it is roughly inferred that their understanding of the star god is far less than the [Fertile People] in our cognition, and option A can naturally be ruled out.”

“As for option B, I really haven’t heard of it, so I wouldn’t risk it for option B, so the answer is probably somewhere between C and D,” Esther continued.

“Although I think the D option is more reasonable, it may be because of my personal reasons, I can still see them for the last time,” said Esther feeling a little sour nose.

“I… I see,” Alain sighed.

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