Himeko from the Star Dome Train camp also showed a relieved expression, and for some reason, she felt the relief in the heart of the other self who had passed away at this moment.

It seems that Kiana has really grown up.

At this moment, the crisis in the video is not resolved. While Kiana Kaslana defuses Zhibao’s fierce attack.

The Law of Knowledge jumped high, and powerful black energy gathered from all directions!

The powerful energy formed a totem of a red iris above the sky, and the domineering black energy exploded violently in the eyebrows of the Law of Knowledge.

The earth also collapsed and disintegrated, and countless broken tiles were slowly lifted by the huge force along with the broken sword.

“You guys… All are losers! The Wise One roared, and with the blessing of anger, the oppressive feeling of this move was greater than ever.

In the face of terrifying coercion, Kiana felt that she was suppressed and could not move.

“This is the squad leader,” Kiana said with some difficulty.

Panic, despair, and fear filled her heart, making her a little confused.

At this moment, a feather avatar appeared behind her, with long pink hair, a familiar clothing style, and a bursting face.

The [Xianzhou Luofu] group who watched the video outside the video widened, and even the general who closed his eyes was startled.

“No, it won’t be really…” Su Xiang was shocked, she couldn’t believe it was true, originally choosing Fu Hua was just a feeling, but she didn’t expect that the more she looked at it, the more it looked like.

“No way, it should just be like! There won’t be such a coincidence,” Yan Qing also whispered.

“Ahem, Hugh is going to be cranky! Keep watching the video! Jing Yuan said seriously.

But his heart is also calm, but if this shadow is Fu Hua, it is indeed the right answer.

After all, so many fatal attacks by the Law of Knowledge had been defused by her, and what made Jing Yuan feel even more wrong was that.

Not only is that Fu Hua like a big person, but even the Law of Knowledge is a bit like, I hope it is an illusion.

At the same time, the other camps were nervous and surprised.

It’s just that compared to Fu Hua, who is interested in [Xianzhou Luofu], they are more interested in Kiana.

“What about QwQ, Kiana, can she do this?” March Seven clasped his hands and watched the video nervously.

“Such a terrible attack, can the Star Destroyer’s defense system block it,” Esther covered her heart.

“Uh… These two… Is it comparable? Or can you afford it. Shiluwa Landau showed a soybean face that was almost there.

“Well, I can really afford it, as long as I can help Kiana, let me find out where the startup key is…” said Esta and fumbled with her.

“Huh??” Together, Shiluva and Pera showed surprised expressions, as if they had seen a ghost.

“Ahem, this is normal operation.” The Black Tower made a coughing motion. Quickly signaled Esda, enough, stop quickly.

But Esther still touched out the launch key of the Star Destroyer in person.

Looking at the key with a sense of technology in front of him, Shiluwa’s eyes revealed a feverish, curious electronic circuit, and the precision of the workshop was like a work of art.

Even if this kind of thing is not the startup key of the Star Destroyer, it can be used as a very precise chip!

Is…… Tai is hot!

“Uh… Sister, it’s almost there, keep watching the video” This time Jepard showed an almost won expression.

“Alas… These siblings are identical in a way,” Pera sighed, covering her glasses.

In the video, Fu Hua is still teaching Kiana.

“Kiana, control your power and recall what I taught you.”

Hearing Fu Hua’s words, Kiana, who was originally immersed in negative emotions, immediately calmed down.

She imitated Fu Hua’s movements, her white hand swinging, and the same powerful energy gathered on her hand.

The fiery red contrasts sharply with the boundless black of the black overhead.

“God, change to the extreme, and all things are wonderful, and those who cannot do judgment are also not allowed!”

As the mind decided to meditate on the mind, the energy ball in his hand also grew bigger and bigger, and the energy was reorganized into the shape of a sword.

“Too void sword qi, Shen Yun!” Kianna suddenly opened her eyes, and her sapphire-like pupils released a brilliant light.

Kiana shouted, and the momentum around her fused, and the golden-red blazing sword qi rushed towards the Wise Law High in the sky.

In the face of a blow that seemed to melt heaven and earth, the emotions of those who knew the law became even more excited.

The powerful energy also converged into a black phoenix descending from the sky.

The moment the two collided, the terrifying energy fluctuations destroyed everything around them.

Everyone who saw this scene held their breath, and they were all paying attention to the victory or defeat of this duel without exception.

Needless to say, she even imitated the actions of the two in the video, and after a while, nothing happened.

In the video, the competition between the two is still anxious.

The strength of the two is actually comparable?

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