In the video, the conversation between Kiana and Infinite Tower Himeko continues....

"No, it's okay..." Kiana quickly shook her head, she raised her head, pretending to be strong

"I'm glad to see Himeko-sensei again," Kiana's words were still filled with sadness.

"Really, I'm not the only one who thinks you've changed a lot!" Himeko sighed and looked at Kiana with a relieved expression.

"So you've finally defeated the Law of Voidness, right?" Himeko's words moved Kiana.

"Hmm... Thanks to everyone for their help! Kiana choked, her originally calm mood once again enveloped her sadness, making her stutter.

"Well, I believe you can do it" Himeko smiled gratifyingly, as if witnessing the graduation of the student, she turned her head to look into the distance.

The gate that symbolizes Saint Freya.

"Let's not talk about that, Kiana, do you want to go back to St. Freya?"

"Let me enjoy it a little more, the time that doesn't flow!" Kiana wiped her tears.



Ciel and Bronia Rand were also broken.

"Damn, the eyes are in the brick..." Xi'er wiped her tears, she who had been fighting and killing in the lower area for a long time was also moved by this scene in the video.

Oh, yes! If there is no Oleg, it is difficult to say whether there is a person like himself, Kiana and Himeko are like themselves and Oleg.

"yes... Everyone has to learn to grow... One day, I will face the people of Belloberg too," Bronia Rand wiped her tears.

At this time, she only hopes that her Kokolia mother will not follow the old path of Himeko in the video.

At the same time, in a certain office in the upper district of Beloberg, Kokolia Rand sneezed, who is setting up a flag for himself?


In the Q&A space, Clara has also cried into tears, although she is not similar to Kiana in any way, but she is already emotionally rich and has been completely moved by this parting of life and death.

"Clara..." Shvaro handed Clara a tissue...

"Thank you, Mr. Shvarro," Clara choked.

"Tears can't stop flowing..." Bai Lu sobbed, as early as when the last video played, she couldn't wait to rush into the video to save the venerable Himeko teacher.

"Don't cry, Lord Bai Lu..." Stop Yun wiped his tears and comforted Bai Lu on the side.

Then people continued to focus on the video

"We believe you can save more people and make the world a better place, and you did it, Kiana."


Himeko in the video encourages Kiana.

"Everything you did in Heavenly Dome City, everything you did while you were in Tai Void Mountain and everything you are doing to solve the Law of Domination."

"You've saved a lot of people, and these people will help many more."

"This is the inheritance of mankind, the eternal torch" Himeko's words made Kiana, who was originally sobbed, cheer up.


Outside the video, Jeppard, who heard this paragraph, cried even harder, just like him, as well as the usually lazy "closed eyes cloud ride" general.

For Jing Yuan, the demon body is the fate of their lineage for generations, and their mission is also passed down from generation to generation as Ji Zi mentioned the "torch" in the video.

If Master were still alive, he would definitely say the same thing to himself.

Needless to say, Himeko's motivational speech is not only hoping that his students will become talents, but also the sustenance of one warrior to another.

"That's great! Eternal fire! It's the heritage of humanity," Jeppard wept, he was completely moved.

"Uh, dude, ease your mood... The video isn't over yet," Shiluwa said, wiping her tears.

"But how can this ease me... The inheritance of mankind is an eternal torch, isn't it the silver-maned iron guard spirit that we have resisted the cold wave for generations? Touched, Jepard spoke what was in his heart.

However, in exchange for a cold field... In fact, after the previous tear explosion, people's emotions have been more or less eased.

Only Jepard and Jing Yuan, the two brothers and brothers, are still addicted to it and can't extricate themselves.

"Come on... Your silver-maned iron guard has the guardian spirit of a Molotov cocktail, and it is also worthy of being compared to that Miss Himeko? Xi'er said angrily.

"You... You don't understand anything at all! You don't deserve to be a resident of Beloberg! Jepard Landau was furious, and he raised his fist, ready to teach Xi'er a lesson.

"I can't ask for it!" Ciel also picked up the scythe and prepared to clean up Jepard.

Just when the two were about to stage a bloody Mortal Kombat, the system detected their violent behavior in time.

Two people were given a "two-minute" gag package.

So people stopped paying attention to them and continued to watch videos.

In the video, Kiana and Himeko also reach the moment of separation, and the two strolling down the slender aisle and flying towards the door to reality.

Despite all the reluctance in her heart, Kiana knew that there were still many people waiting for her in reality, waiting for her to wake up...

PS: There are five changes today, thank you very much to the readers and fathers who generously fed Xiaopu Street data just now, thank you sincerely! By the way, the problem of updates, the daily guarantee is 4 more, if there is data to encourage it, the small author will add more. Therefore, I sincerely kneel for the support of the flower tickets in the hands of all the audience masters, please!!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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