Silence... After a long period of silence, her heart finally responded to the scenery.

"Oh, this is indeed strange!"Another Xi'er responded, her tone seemed a bit strange.

After hearing her voice, Xi'er also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, great, at least you're okay!"Xie'er said with a smile. At this time, this feeling of joy made her not even notice that there was something wrong with the other Xi'er's tone.

Outside the video, people also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the other Xi'er was safe and sound. they are relieved

""Okay, okay, okay, the other Xi'er is fine, I almost thought I was going to be fed a blade qwq" March Qi breathed a sigh of relief. She felt inexplicably relieved inside. It always felt a bit like losing something, but something different.

But she herself also Can't tell what's the difference.

However, compared to March 7, who has been worried about another Xi'er, Dan Heng is much more rational. He begins to speculate on what the next video will be like?

Based on the currently known information Look. The person who attracted Xi'er and the others to the Quantum Sea was none other than Yu Tu!

But Yu Tu wanted to liberate Hei Xi'er, and he happened to have heard about it from Uncle Yang. It is the stigmata of the Herrscher of Death!

So it can be seen from this that Yutu’s target should be Hei Xier. Considering the worst result, Yutu may not even give up the stigmatization plan at all.

After Kevin’s failure, he still Persevering in this plan.

If it is true as he speculated, then the three of Xier will be in danger. What they will face next is not Yutu who almost defeated the Herrscher of Truth! But before In the video, he has already seen the strength of Yutu.

This time 27 times, I am afraid it is really dangerous!

In the video at this time, another Xi'er corrected Xi'er's remarks

"No. Strictly speaking... I'm not in the right state either!"The other Xi'er sighed and said

"Huh? Are you feeling unwell too?"Xie'er asked in surprise. She also showed a worried expression again.

"That...that's not to say, in a sense, my current state is worse than at any other time.……"Xier sighed.

Admittedly, she did feel much better than usual, but this strange feeling also made her feel a little uneasy.

"Although this may scare Susanna - maybe she will feel more comfortable after we do this."

The other Xi'er didn't make her words clear. She believed that Xi'er already had the answer in her heart at this time.

As the other Xi'er, this was the second time she used similar abilities outside the astrology room.

Chapter 1 One time many years ago, when she faced Bronya, she was unfortunate. At that time, Xier recognized her as a devil, which led to a bizarre misunderstanding.

In the final analysis, it was a failed awakening in itself. But the situation at this time seems to be completely opposite to that of the time

"After all, in this space, we can separate as easily as we do now."

The other Xi'er said, and quietly appeared next to Xi'er and Susanna.

Seeing this scene outside the video, everyone was once again stunned. They never expected that the other Xi'er could become alone and form a new one. of individuals

"Two... Xi'er?"Bronya Rand stared blankly at the two similar but different Xi'er in the video.

Strange thoughts emerged in her heart. In fact, even she herself didn't know why. It seemed that she had come from somewhere. Since that time.

I have had different feelings for Xi'er. Maybe it's because she has a connection with her in the parallel world, or maybe she has awakened some strange hobby?

Thinking of this, Bronya's heart also became blank. She just looked straight at the screen.

The most exciting expression on her face was that of Xi'er outside the video. She saw that she was divided into two in the parallel world.

She acted a little surprised and at a loss. To be honest, she herself was also I never thought about myself, if one day I become two, what changes will happen?

But it doesn’t matter, since all this has happened, Xier is too lazy to pay attention to the essence behind this phenomenon.

Fortunately, I just let myself Take a good look at the difference between the two personalities you have in the parallel world!

At this time, in the video, Susana looked at the two Xiers in front of her with a blank expression. She felt incredible.

"Hmm...Am I too dizzy? Why does Xi'er have two?"Susana rubbed her head and said

"Well, we always have two!"However, Hei Xier did not hide this, but directly told the truth!

"The feeling of airsickness is gradually gone?"Susana said incredulously

"Nonsense, it’s just because I was able to escape from Xi’er’s body that you feel much more relaxed now!"Hei Xi'er said angrily.

"To put it simply, when the three of us exist independently, the quantum sea happens to be able to form a stable structure around us!"

"Just like a triangle, it will not be squeezed or deformed by external forces!"

"Whether it's Susanna's dizziness or Hill's previous cognitive impairment of the rift, they are all effects created by the space itself," Hei Xier explained.

"Ah, just now Gray Snake said that the influence of Yu Rabbit is beneficial to him... Actually, this is what he meant! Xi'er said in astonishment.

March Qi, who saw this scene outside the video, suddenly understood. She finally understood why the three of them were in constant chaos when they entered the quantum sea.

But to be on the safe side, it would be better to ask Uncle Yang first.

"Uncle Yang, everything said in the video is true? March 7 asked curiously.

"Yes, everything is as she said. In fact, I only discovered this theory when I was studying the Eye of the Abyss!"

"and. We did many sets of controlled experiments," Walter said, pushing up his glasses.

"Wow? Then how did she know?"March 7 was very surprised. Hei Xi'er in the video didn't look like a top student from an interstellar university.

"March 7, you have to understand that sometimes experience is not worse than knowledge!"Walter's words are sonorous and powerful.

"ah? Is that so? Yes, that makes sense! If this is the case, then in future battles, just rely on instinct!" March Qi patted her chest confidently.

This behavior made Pam next to her a little embarrassed. Pam didn't even know where March Qi had the courage to say this!

In the video, Xi'er had already understood that she was Susanna explained

"Are we all deceived by Yutu’s illusion?"Xie'er said calmly

"That is to say, these cracks themselves are trying to distinguish us!"Xie'er finally figured it out at this moment.

"Probably...although I don't understand what benefits can be gained by doing this? Hei Xier sighed and said

"After all, this is not a place to stay for a long time - at this moment, perhaps only the experience accumulated when facing the Stigma Plan can help us get out of the predicament!"

Xie'er said and got ready to set off. She had already thought about it. She would first look for worlds that she could reach and then gradually determine their coordinate relationship with the real world.

This is what Xi'er thought of at this moment. Method.

I don’t know how long they explored, but the three of them found a mutilated corpse at the end of a portal.

And this corpse - the gray snake who had played with them before.

But now he The body has been destroyed and looks like a human being, which makes people sigh.

" this?"Susanna was shocked. She didn't expect that the target they were chasing would die here.

"Why... gray snake?"Xie'er was also surprised by this.

"Huh, cleverness leads to misguided wisdom, but although its ending is quite satisfying...but things seem to be getting more troublesome!"Hei Xi'er said angrily.

Faintly, an ominous premonition filled the hearts of the three of them. They vaguely felt that something was about to chase them.

This uneasy feeling did not last long. From the teleportation A large number of Quantum Honkai Beasts appeared from all sides of the door.

They roared and roared, surrounding the three of them.

"what happened? They suddenly came out from all directions?"Susana was very surprised, and the momentary fear almost made her collapse on the ground.

Although Susana is also a battle-experienced Valkyrie, so far, she has only dealt with Destiny's tactical exercises. Mecha and a small amount of Honkaimon.

It was her first time to face these moaning, terrifying, and extremely abstract quantum Honkaimon in front of her, and it was precisely because of this.

The fear made her forget that she was the destined woman for a time. God of war!

"Susanna, don't panic, stand behind me first!"Xie'er stood up bravely, the sickle in her hand glowing slightly.

Although Xi'er is not usually a person who loves fighting, but now, in order to protect Susanna behind her, she stood bravely. Come out.

Because Xier knows that what humans are most afraid of is the unknown. For herself, the Quantum Collapse Beast may not be surprising.

But after all, this is the first time Susana has faced such an enemy, and with the Quantum Collapse Beast The Bad Beast is indeed more terrifying and abstract than the ordinary Honkai Beast. It is not surprising that ordinary people would be scared when they see it for the first time!

Compared with Xie'er's active protection of Susanna, Black Xie'er seems Much more direct

"Hehe, why are you so cowardly? They are no different from the mechas you fight during training!"

"Mechas have shells, they have shells - it's all the same!"Hei Xi'er said coldly.

In her opinion, Susanna can neither fight nor run now, with such a burden.

It will definitely add a lot of trouble to this trip, if it is only to this extent , that’s okay, but he is afraid of encountering a higher-level Quantum Honkaimon.

Therefore, it is very necessary to mobilize his enthusiasm for fighting, and before that, he must first help Susanna overcome her fear.

Outside the video, three Yue Qi couldn't help but be a little stunned. She always felt that there was something wrong with this metaphor.

But she couldn't tell what was wrong. It felt like she was being pranked by Xingxing.

"So these two are fundamentally different, right qwq" March 7 said helplessly

"Yes, although this metaphor is simple, crude, and not objective enough, but regardless of the facts, it is indeed the case!"Walter said indifferently

"Uh... 6!"Sister Xing made a sign of 6 with a look of disdain. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Listening to Hei Xi'er's words, Susana also gathered up her courage.

"You are right, Xier, there is no difference between them!"

Speaking, Susana raised the ring blade in her hand and rushed forward, waving and slashing the Quantum Honkaimon in front of her like usual tactical exercises.

However, as the number of Quantum Honkaimon increased, Susana also gradually showed signs of fatigue.

"There are really many enemies... Susanna, can you keep up?"Xier saw the fatigue on Susana's face and asked with some worry.

"It's nothing, at least if we are together... we won't be dizzy," Susana said bravely.

However, Quantum Honkaimon did not give them a chance to breathe, they swarmed in endlessly

"Xi'er, Susanna, please try harder and let me see how many there are!"Hei Xi'er said coldly.

The speed of their killing seems to be far behind the speed of Quantum Honkaimon's increase in value!.

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