"Please listen to the question, what destroyed the residence of Zhuhuo Thirteen Yingjie!"

A.Furniture remodeled by Vivi

B.Herrscher of Corrosion

C.The Herrscher of Restraint

D.Fu Hua collapsed and lost control.

When the topic appeared, the ban list also followed.

"Pam from the [Stardome Train] camp who is being banned this round. [Black Tower Space Station] Camp Screwgum, [Belloberg Upper Zone] Camp Pella, [Belloberg Lower Zone] Camp Sambo"

【Star Core Hunter] camp Kafka, [Xianzhou Luofu] camp Yanqing……"

Seeing the new topic in front of them, everyone couldn't help but guess where the timeline for this issue was. Is it really before the"Story for You" video?

If so, then it should most likely be option B, Herrscher of Corrosion.

At this moment, Heita, watching this scene, couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Screw Gumu had told her.

The correct answer to this question can be found out through her simulated collapse of the universe.

Then, as long as the timeline is moved to 50,000 years ago, it should be possible to simulate a video on this issue.

Heita thought so and was about to let Esta, who was connected to the brain-computer interface, start the simulation. Suddenly Esta remembered something.

"By the way, Ms. Black Tower, before you are banned, Mr. Screwgum, I will leave this to you! Esta said and handed an envelope to Heita.

"Oh, this guy is really"four, six, seven" and boring! Heita said coldly, but from the moment he opened the envelope, she was confused.

"This is……"All I saw written on the paper was the words to adjust the timeline to after the decisive battle between Alicia and the Herrscher of Corrosion.

Seeing this, Heita frowned slightly, showing a puzzled expression.

"So this guy really knows what the topic is!"Heita thought to herself, she still felt a little unhappy.

But there was nothing she could do. Now, instead of guessing like this, it would be better to just try what he said.

Thinking of this, Heita still adjusted the timeline to just after the war..

Then, she saw the scene on the screen... This is...

At the same time, people in the [Star Train] camp are also speculating on the answer to this question.

"Destroy the residence of Thirteen Heroes of Zhuhuo? Could this be something that happened in pre-civilizations?"Walter Yang was thoughtful.

After all, as far as he knew, the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire arrived in this civilization. Only two people survived to the end.

And there is no possibility that these two people live together. So, this speculation If so, it really can only be something that happened in pre-civilizations.

"So, Uncle Yang doesn’t know the answer to this question either qwq" March 7 sighed.

"Yes, this question is a blind spot in my knowledge, but I can tell you some reference materials about pre-civilizations to give you some reference!"Walter sighed and said

"Long live Uncle Yang!^O^/"March 7th cheers

"In general, there were many relatively large-scale disasters in pre-civilizations that are worth remembering. Among them, there are two about the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire!"

"Even the tragedy of Binding, it is said that in this disaster, the Fusion Warriors were slaughtered by the Herrscher of Binding to thirteen people!"

"So, those thirteen people are the current Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire?"Dan Heng replied thoughtfully.

"That's right. The second one is the disaster of Herrscher of Corrosion. The Herrscher of Corrosion in the whole civilization has led to the only few cities of the former civilization!"

"It was also in this disaster that Sakura, one of the Thirteen Heroes of Zhuhuo, died unfortunately!"Walter Young sighed

"That's awesome, Uncle Yang, where did you see all this?"March 7 looked at him curiously.

"This is all seen in the archives of Counter-Entropy!"Walter pushed up his glasses and said

"Based on these two clues provided by Walter, it’s time for us to make a decision!"Ji Zi was no longer silent after hearing this.

The context of this question seemed to gradually become clearer.

"If it is true as Uncle Yang said, then this question should be in the disaster caused by the Herrscher of Corrosion!"

"After all, before the tragedy of restraint occurred, there were still many fusion warriors, and the thirteen of them might not have known each other!"Dan Heng touched his chin and analyzed.

"Alas, that makes sense! March 7 nodded and said

"Indeed, what Dan Heng said is exactly the answer in my heart!"Walter said, pushing up his glasses.

"So, please fill in your answers! Take a look at the voting results and then answer! Jizi said and handed over the ballot.

A moment later... Jizi frowned after collecting the ballot.

"3 votes for option B... 1 vote for option A? Ji Zi frowned slightly.

Obviously, she was not surprised about the former, but it was unbelievable that some of them chose option A.

Seeing that the name of the voter turned out to be - Hoshi, Ji Zi was a little surprised

"Why would you choose A?"Ji Zi looked at Xingdao with interest.

"In fact, there is no special reason, just pure intuition!"Sister Xing sighed. In fact, the moment she saw this question, she really wanted to choose option A.

But she couldn't refute Dan Heng's point of view, so she could only make the final struggle.

"this……"Ji Zi didn't know what to say, so she patted her on the shoulder.

After all, Star Train is a collective, and it is impossible to let one person have the final say. Even Pam has to brainstorm ideas.

Therefore, although Himeko wanted to help her, she could only answer this question from a collective perspective.

Thinking of this, Ji Zi stepped forward and made a choice.

At the same time, in the [Xianzhou Luofu] camp not far away, people are also working hard to understand this question.

"Gentlemen, feel free to speak freely this time!"Jingyuan said and sat not far away.

"But...this question doesn't seem to be easy to answer!"Su Shang sighed.

At this moment, Rakshasa spoke.

"Hey guys, I have a guess!"Rakshasa stopped talking and looked at Jingyuan aside. As a businessman, although he was counted as a member of the [Immortal Boat Luofu] camp,

"But he is still an outsider after all, and he cannot stay here forever.……"

And Jingyuan did not treat Rakshasa as an outsider, he just smiled calmly and said:"Please tell me!" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"To put it simply, I think the timeline for this question should be before the video"Stories for You"!" Rakshasa smiled and said

"Before... Rakshasa, do you think that the next video will be a prequel to Alicia's video?"Su Shang was a little surprised.

"That's right, but there seems to be no more reasonable explanation!"Rakshasa's words made Jingyuan fall into deep thought.

"What Rakshasa said makes sense. Sirs, do you have any other opinions?"Jing Yuan asked with a smile.

The others looked at each other. There is no doubt that Rakshasa's theory is the most reasonable one so far.

"The little girl has no objection!"Tingyun was the first to speak.

At this time, as Tingyun spoke, others also expressed their agreement.

"Since you have no objections, let me choose option C: The Herrscher of Corrosion for this question!"

At this time, Jingyuan handed in his answer on behalf of the Xianzhou Luofu camp.

After all the answers from the camp were finally submitted, the system also responded.

"The answers to each camp’s questions will be announced below.——"

"【Black Tower Space Station] [Belloberg Upper Area] [Belloberg Lower Area] The camp chooses the furniture modified by Velvet in item A."

"【Star Train] [Fairy Luofu] camp choose option B, Herrscher of Corrosion. [Star Core Hunter] If the camp chooses option D, Fu Hua will collapse out of control!"

"Being counted, the ban was successfully lifted, and the video will start playing below!"

At this time, as the sound of the system fell, the screen in the center of the space also slowly lit up...0

In the video, in the cold winter, snowflakes were slowly falling, falling on the thick snow on the ground. Up.

As the snowflakes fell to the ground, Alicia's voice came over.

"Have you ever thought about how life is structured?"

As Alicia's voice fell, the camera also switched to the bustling crowd. At this time, people were holding umbrellas and walking calmly on the snowy streets.

The starry sky set off a bright moon. Such an ordinary scenery, coupled with Alicia's voice, does not feel inconsistent at all.

"As the sun and moon change, mountains and rivers gather, life may be one chance encounter after another!"The voice fell again, and the scene on the screen switched to a hospital.

In the emergency department, Su took off his white coat after a busy day.

And somewhere on the street corner, Fu Hua in student uniform was carrying a shoulder bag Walking on the road back to the Golden Garden

"If you want to meet someone, you need to come to the same city at the same time!"

The camera also switched again. This time it was the scene of Kosmo and Graciu returning home loaded with things.

"At the same moment, in the same place!"Among the crowded crowd, Sakura was drinking milk tea and quietly waiting for the traffic light to pass.

And Aponya was waiting for her on the other side of the traffic light.……

"Then, wait quietly for the arrangement and combination of fate!"As soon as Alicia finished speaking, the camera switched to an empty office.

In the dark office, Kevin was working overtime alone and looking at the keyboard.

"Some ordinary life trajectories began to intertwine with each other, and the ordinary life gradually turned into a gorgeous appearance, shining!"

On Kevin's screen at the moment, the video vlog produced by Alicia is appearing on the computer in the form of a small pop-up window.

"Tomorrow is the New Year, remember to go home early tonight!"Alicia is still as usual, her voice is full of magnetism

"After all, it only comes once a year, so of course you should cherish the time you get together and convey your feelings to each other!"

Alicia's voice echoed in the empty office, and the camera in the screen also turned to the photo of Mei on Kevin's desk.

"Do you have any special activities tonight? Write a message in the comment area and tell Miss Pink Fairy." Alicia said and made a heartfelt gesture!

Seeing this, people outside the video also understood that this is a 2.1 article belonging to Fire Chaser Thirteen Ying Jie’s exclusive video.

After all, seven of the thirteen Ying Jie have appeared so far

"So this is really a story of pre-civilization, and the timeline, as Uncle Yang said, is after the tragedy of Restraint and before the disaster of Herrscher of Corrosion breaks out?"March 7 was a little curious.

"This is indeed the case!"Train conductor Pam gave a thumbs up to several people. During the period when it was banned, everyone acted very calmly.

And judging from the current situation, this choice should be right!

But Walter Still watching the video with a serious expression, he always felt that it was not that simple!

Only the perverted men in the [Xianzhou Luofu] group saw the extreme, although they chose the same option as [Star Train].

But they once thought that this was A story that happened in modern civilization, but the facts slapped them hard in the face

"What should I do! General...did we answer this question wrong?"Yanqing sighed.

"Yanqing, do you still remember what I said to you? Don’t give up until the end!"Jing Yuan said seriously

"I understand, General...but! Yanqing sighed and said

"Yanqing, watch the video first before making a comment!"Jing Yuan said sharply.

At this point, Yanqing said no more. At this time, the video of Alicia on Kevin's screen also came to an end. At this time, Kevin's phone lit up.……

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