"Lawyer? Same as me? The purple-haired Void Law hesitated for a moment.

She seemed to hear the whisper of "God"....

"'God,' what do you want to tell me," the unconscious purple-haired Void Law suddenly said to himself.

Outside the video, everyone who heard the word God was a little surprised.

"What is the god that this purple-haired void lawyer mentioned? Could it be Him? Esther was a little surprised.

"I also think so, I have long heard that Walter said that there is a disaster called Honkai in his hometown, which is very similar to the description of Nanuk, the god of destruction!"

"And the birth of the lawyer is related to the core of the lawyer, and the lawyer will suffer disasters, which is not like the description of the star core." Black Tower speculated.

"Huh? Am I not the only one who thinks so? March Seven looked at the Black Tower with some surprise.

"So that's it, so it all makes sense!" Pera touched her chin and thought.

"Doesn't that mean... She's also a lawyer? March Seven looked at the crumb star curiously.

Just when the imagination of these people was out of control, Walter Young spoke.

"Ahem, don't think about it, watch the video"

So everyone's attention returned to the video again.

"Hahahahaha, so it is!" The purple-haired person in the video suddenly laughed, just like a college student who can't do high numbers suddenly learned to do high numbers.

"Haha, so it is, it seems that there was a traitor who betrayed God before me ☆"

"And you are just an imitation of that traitor, and the impostor dares to call himself a lawyer!"

"Use your life to pay for the sins of betrayal!" The purple-haired Void Lawyer laughed maniacally, her eyes full of madness.

Seeing this, Walter knew that negotiations could not be negotiated, so he shouted: "Your 'god' is just using you, it seems that you must be defeated first."

"I can talk to you properly," said Walter's sudden increase in gravity, which came from the power of the First Law. The imitation of the Star of Eden.

As the dark red gravitational field surged, countless dark red gravitational bombs also flew towards the purple-haired Sky Lawyer.

However, these gravitational bombs were blocked by invisible forces not far from the Purple Void Lawyer.

Seeing this scene outside the video, the whole fryer is full, and this is a real hammer.

"Even the ability usage is the same, these two are simply one person!" Xi'er complained.

"So what made her hair color change from purple to white," Bronia Rand thought.

"So anyone pick B?" Jepard Landau scratched his head and asked.

"Apparently not." March Seven gave him a blank look.

"No, that doesn't make sense." Jeppard Landau said as he continued to focus on the video.

In the video, the fierce battle continues to heat up.

"Useless, useless, is this tickling-like attack your full strength?" The purple-haired Void Law taunted, apparently she had completely flattened Walter Young.

"She was always surrounded by a group of imaginary barriers, which the Heart of Eden alone could not break," Walter Young thought to himself.

"In that case," Walter said, taking out the Star of Eden again

However, the purple-haired void lawyer who saw this scene not only did not feel afraid, but laughed.

"Hahaha, didn't you say that? This attack is useless at all! "Just when the purple-haired law of emptiness was proud.

only to find that Walter Young is missing!

"Wait, why is he gone?" The purple-haired void lawyer's pupils shrank.

"At this distance, you can use the power of the lawyer's core to neutralize her imaginary barrier," Walter Young thought to himself, teleporting behind the purple-haired void lawyer

Outside the video, March 7 is on fire.

"Uncle Yang! Beat her! March 7 gave Uncle Yang the act of cheering up in the video.

was fiercely despised by Danheng and Chipstar.

However, in the next second, the change in the video made March Seven's smile freeze.

"Up, dang, yo☆"

"My spears are just bait."

Two huge spatial wormholes appeared behind the purple-haired void lawyer, and two large purple hands stretched out from inside to contain Walter.

"Bye bye ~ impostor ~ you just... Let's be his food with peace of mind☆"

Amid the mockery of the purple-haired Void Lawyer, the purple big hand threw Walter into the mouth of a dragon.

"Where did that little white-haired girl run? I have to hurry up and find her! "

"After killing everyone except her, let her enjoy it well, hahaha" the purple-haired void lawyer laughed maniacally.

Not far from the dragon, a mysterious man with blond hair and a clown mask was talking to himself.

"Hehe, it's good to catch up, let's take a look at it, to what extent has the second law awakened?"

Outside the video, the March Seven people watched stupidly.

"No, Uncle Yang!" March 7 was a little afraid to look at it.

At this time, Chipstar stepped forward and patted her, signaling that Uncle Yang was still alive and well, and she eased up.

"Damn, this guy won't lose!" Xi'er couldn't help but complain.

In fact, except for the two camps of [Star Core Hunter] and [Xianzhou Luofu], no one wanted Walter Young to be swallowed by this dragon like this.

After all, these camps all chose A, and once the Void Law wins, it means that they all chose the wrong one...

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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